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no, no it is not
@SomeKittens gtfo
it is only good for 99 bottle of beer.
@Zeus if he left then he couldn't give you the answer
Prove me wrong.
... hahahahaha
after which there is an xml structre which is compounded in a html document on which i want to perform the match @kend
I'm assuming you're frustrated because your question is being downvoted. You can blame it on others, or try and improve.
what tag are you looking for?
req.login(user, function(err) {
if (err) { return next(err); }
return res.redirect('/users/' + req.user.username);
<accountname></accountname> I am looking for this tag in a page (I need the text between this tag )which occurs after "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^latency in nano " in a page
one of those will make you feel justified, the other will fix the problem and result in long-term happiness.
this is not a xml page . But a html page which shows this xml
var tag = context.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
var contents = tag[index].children;
@SomeKittens I'm searching high and low in the docs. Is there a page url you can point me to please?
it says: Note: passport.authenticate() middleware invokes req.login() automatically. This function is primarily used when users sign up, during which req.login() can be invoked to automatically log in the newly registered user.
that's what I'm trying to do but... no dice
3 downvotes... you guys are seriously going to get me banned
@rlemon : My xml is encoded in html its a compounded document
so would that work..?
once the xml is in a document.
@Zeus Looking at your question history, you have a habit of asking long before attempting anything yourself. You may not have done that with the question in question, but it's not recommended.
SVG knowers have a look at this: jsfiddle.net/8mTHs @KendallFrey (?)
my document is like this
Same thing, without clipPath: jsfiddle.net/8mTHs/1
Why on earth does the clipPath, which appears positioned correctly using Chrome's element inspector, block the whole image?
"I am not good at this" is never a good reason for not doing your research. It's a very good reason for not fully comprehending what you find.
@SomeKittens Suddenly, a researcher dies of carbon monoxide poisoning
etc, etc
@somekittens I've been working on this problem for hours and hours every day for a few days now. Does that qualify?
!!todo add "Create node.js fiddle"
but this data is there in multple times in a single html page I want to run regex on the xml section only after : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^latency in nano @rlemon @kendallfrey
@SomeKittens Item(s) added.
@CapricaSix your face is a people
@Shmiddty My spoon is too big!
:12625150 ohh don't remove it
:12625150 As opposed to metaphorically having a genius IQ?
I wanted to mock you for saying it later
@Shmiddty Is this a bad idea?
!!help todo
@Shmiddty todo: Your personal todo list. get [count] retrieves everything or count items. add items adds items to your todo list (make sure items with spaces are wrapped in quotes) rm items|indices removes items specified by indice or content
41 secs ago, by Zeus
@somekittens I literally have a genius IQ. So my psychiatrist tells me I need to ask people for help instead of trying to do everything myself. But thanks for your diagnosis.
Thar we go
ahh was just pulling it up
LOL wtf?
@somekittens you're experiencing what's called an expert bias. Basically you're wrong and I don't feel much like arguing on the internet.
@somekittens good day, sir
I also don't understand where I diagnosed you with anything.
Can you point out where I did that?
anyone who points out their IQ isn't very smart unfortunately.
ohh and @rahul888 look up DOMParser
var parser = new DOMParser();
var dom = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, 'text/xml');
@SimonSarris Working on it
I'm not sure what difficulties you are running into, but parsing XML via js is not that hard.
you shouldn't be using regex
!!tell OctavianDamiean todo add "grow a real beard"
@OctavianDamiean Item(s) added.
@Zeus I also am not fully comprehending where politely asking someone to RTFM is 'expert bias'
that's the point
@Zeus umm, back the fuck up a minute. He was the only person who actually tried to fucking help you and you are too butt hurt because your bad question on SO got downvoted?
!!tell OcatvianDamiean todo get
@OcatvianDamiean (0)grow a real beard
so you attempt to belittle him?
@Zeus What's the point? I'm afraid that communicating via chat loses a lot of the context that would otherwise be helpful.
rlemon, why so defensive?
(For the record, @rlemon is being offensive not defensive, but that's semantics)
because you're being a douche
@rlemon: http://jsfiddle.net/WwGjy/2/ please look at this. Can this be parsed using your method .???
@SimonSarris Your clip path was working fine, but it was off the screen
@rahul888 that puts it into a document, so you can feel free to traverse it like you would any other html documents.
@Zeus You have a genius IQ, but you can't figure it out on your own because your therapist told you to ask for help?
Smells fishy.
@rlemon : how do I put that into a document ?? from a very big document
see code
view console.
@Schmiddty you're right. I'll just figure it out on my own.
@Zeus Genius IQ, but you can't read?
@KendallFrey lets consider modifying the path string of the clip path as unacceptable
Having a high IQ is like being especially endowed - Simply possessing it does not make you a master at using it.
@KendallFrey for the sake of hating ourselves
@Shmiddty I read a book every week or two.
@SimonSarris Darn, then change your transform matrix
public class Brillant_Zeus {

lol wat?
that has to be starred
@rlemon Please tell me that's a DailyWTF reference
yes yes it is
@Zeus Do they have pictures? I love those kind.
> Look guys Im smart as hell! I read a book every week, sometimes two!
Paula Bean
lemmy go get it
@Zeus Is that supposed to be impressive?
@SimonSarris That would be a Chrome bug, I guess. It's actually off the left side
@rlemon could I talk to you on a chat client that would help me ellaborating my problem more clearly..?
@KendallFrey ah damn, well that makes it a little more annoying to develop, but I'll finagle with the matrix then, thanks
@Shmiddty That's for you to decide
@rahul888 not right now
oh wait this might just be one of those "svg allows two coordinate spaces" issues
time to hit the books
right @Zeus?
@SimonSarris jsfiddle.net/8mTHs/3 All I did was change the matrix X to 55
@SimonSarris I got a perfect book to help you!
You guys are really mean online. I hope you're more successful interacting with people in real life.
And that you find time to do so
haz helped me much
@Zeus Ill read two books even! on the subject this week
@SimonSarris Did you notice that your image is transformed -35 X?
@SomeKittens @Zeus Ill read two books on the subject this week (source)
@Zeus i'm bored of you.
anyone else bored of ZEUS?
@SomeKittens lol
@KendallFrey yeeeees you're right. The image being transformed is intentional because I want to display the middle slice of the image near the top-left of the SVG container
once they turn to "you guys are mean" phase it's beyond entertainment
@Zeus What is your purpose here? Will juvenile name-calling achieve that purpose?
@rlemon Not yet.
@SimonSarris In that case your matrices X-coords need to be the negatives of each other
-35 and 5 are not
@rlemon : how woulf i identigy that xml string from my html dump page
this is the correct end result: jsfiddle.net/8mTHs/4
@SimonSarris so just get that book, and once you understand it as well as the author come back to us and we'll be here to quiz you.
5 pixels away from the edge, middle slice
You guys are being really mean
It's not a competition
You know we should be nicer.
@rahul888 it has a root element, or you are pulling it in as a string already
@SimonSarris I'm perfectly nice to people who deserve it
But @Zeus sometimes when you come across people you percieve as ridiculous you end up giving ridiculous answers
@Zeus Some of us are, yes. You too, are being fairly aggressive.
once he started being a little snob to somekittens.. eh fuck him
@Zeus We're only mean to lazy, pompous, self-absorbed jackanapes. And also stupid people.
We should get along. We have so much in common. But you just can't seem to make that work.
Your flappable nature has upset the natives, maybe rightly so
@rlemon: could you ellaborate more. This xml changes in different scenario's btw
@rahul888 not at the moment. ask me again in 3 hours (when it's not mid day for me)
@Zeus Communication is a two-way street. A blockage indicates that both paths are to blame.
@SomeKittens or too much fiber
@SomeKittens Not true
Everyone calm your tits
24 mins ago, by Zeus
@SomeKittens gtfo
If someone refuses to talk, how is the other person to blame?
It was a figure of speech
My tits are calm. No nipple erection whatsoever.
@rlemon : can I ask you tomorrow ..? around 15 hours from now..?
@KendallFrey Semantics, dude. It's a metaphor, there's always a bit of stretching around the edges.
I stretched your mom around the edges.
@rahul888 ask me after 5pm EST
and before 10pm EST
... and hope I'm not drinking / gaming
i hope you are doing both
all the time
ok that is 2:30 am to 7:30 am..!! :((
@rahul888 sorry. if your problem requires lengthy work I can't do it atm.
"Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist" – Robert Harvey
so it seems the downvotes were justified anyways
moving on.....
I once had a performance review where I expressed concern about how I felt like those in charge were casually dismissing my suggestions. Their conclusion? I needed to work on my communication skills.
protip: Robert Harvey is a site moderator.
sooooooo..... I hate jQuery btw
just saying
I feel this drag and drop would be easier without it :/
@SomeKittens you do, add a drum ensemble to your communication skills
@SomeKittens charge of the valkyries needs to play every time you walk into their rooms from now on
@SimonSarris Will do.
@KendallFrey That weapon is so much fun
swish! swish! swishishishishishishishishishishishishishish!
Beast mode vs. Destroyer of Worlds
Also, guess what?
I'm wondering if it would be effective against creepers
Probably not too much
(I haven't got one yet)
@Shmiddty @nderscore I never figured out the 56, but I've got a 55.
I've only got Meteorite helmet and boots
I just got a tendon bow and blood butcherer
Didn't realize that full meteor armor made space gun free (mana)
gotta try that
Thinking of taking on the Brain of Cthulhu
@NagaJolokia nice
@NagaJolokia woot!
It still looks to me like they did something funky with regexps though.
Don't worry son, elephants come and elephants go.
You guys should join my skyblock island in minecraft, btw
skyblock island?
so skyblock is a survival mod for minecraft
I thought everyone here played terraria :P
you spawn on a floating island. you get a chest, a tree, and a handful of blocks. The chest has a few things that provide renewable resources.
It's fun
I only play boring games.
@nderscore The only reason I play is because it was free
right now, I've only been playing counter-strike
I only ever play Black Ops online (occasionally). And golf, of course.
golf isn't a game, it's a lifestyle)
I play that game where you move a ball towards a thing
@nderscore The next time I fill out 'religion' on a form, I'm putting Codegolf
@SomeKittens @KendallFrey right now I am using terraria.gamepedia.com/Paladin's_Hammer and terraria.gamepedia.com/Vampire_Knives
@NagaJolokia something like this? for(;;print(r))for(r=readline(),i=50;i--;)r+=[r[i]]
Yeah, along those lines.
can't think of how you deal with the center
Well, my loop body is a bit more complex.
Got a 58 <.<
@rlemon I just defeated the Eye. Give me time.
I just got my last key mold :)
took like 4 freaking days of non stop farming
It's just a matter of time then!
That's pretty much it!
You might even be able to get it below 55.
@KendallFrey @SomeKittens ^^ *fixed
this is my farm machine.
well a quick shitty explanation of it.
annnnd 55
ugh. fucking screenshot tool
Don't talk to me about wires n shit until I get into the dungeon.
Strangely I figured mine out when I was out shopping. I seem to think better when I'm nowhere near a computer.
@KendallFrey well you can do that without the timers, it just isn't as efficient.
just with lava pools they can get trapped in

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