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@Zeus when we need it
@RyanKinal I need to finish reading GEB too. I'm stuck on Figure and Ground.
when there is constant data stream going both up and down direction
Like if you were making a notepad app, would you use it?
that you wanted to work like a regular mobile app
depends on the feature set
except on a website
Log In/Sign Up, Add New Note, Delete, Search notes
pretty much it
using Node.JS
SO MANY Mosquitoes in the room what is this INDIA ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Is that a rhetorical question?
@Zeus Whenever I want constant communication between the client and server (i.e. chat)
i am under a heavy attack of mosquitoes
@AaditMShah I got a little obsessed with Sherlock Holmes before I got more than a chapter into GEB.
I live near a forest. Hence I need to shut the windows at night lest incests populate my bed.
i have successfully killed 40 of them so far
@AaditMShah Have you heard of screens?
but they are on a constant invasion
Would you want constant communication when you make a new note? Because... the page isn't reloading
nah mean?
@AaditMShah Incest populates your bed? Ew....
@Zeus you can get it using
you click plus and wa-cha! new note page
@RyanKinal lmfao
sessioning... errr...
he meant bugs
@SomeKittens Screens spoil the amazing view I get of the forest. There are lovebirds and kites and kingfishers and parakeets and cuckoo birds where I live.
@Zeus basically update when their is a change
Or perhaps... insects ;-)
and socket.io should be better for anything realtime
@AaditMShah if you want to contribute to the prototypical inheritance world take something like "Learning JavaScript design patterns" and extend it to include real life use case - solutions.
so socket.io is go?
use it in this appski?
@AaditMShah show people how to solve real problems with prototypical inheritance :)
I have no clue
@RyanKinal OMG. Pathetic typo. That would be really embarrassing if it were true.
Abhishek, I'll give you a million dollars if you help me code this simple note app
@Gaurav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AaditMShah :-)
in Zeus dollars
@Zeus Are you a Nigerian prince?
that comes out to about 10 USD
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will do. Every time I talk to you I get to learn something new. =)
@AaditMShah That's a big complement :) Thanks. If you want constant interesting reading material join the es-discuss mailing list. I find it really useful + people who are really smart actually talk to and interact with you.
Some is just noobs not knowing JS but a lot is really interesting stuff
he comes...
@AaditMShah This is interesting and at work if you're looking for a fun place to start: esdiscuss.org/topic/… and this is where it originated from: esdiscuss.org/topic/scoped-binding-of-a-method-to-an-object , there are lots of interesting topics. My suggestion is to just read for a while.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sounds like a lot of fun. Plus with ES-Harmony scheduled to ship in December I assume it'll be teeming with a lot of interesting information.
Q: How to replace plain URLs with links, in javascript?

Mike MestnikI've nearly got this working. I wanted to know if there is a much better way. One problem is that no matter what there will be cases where a URL is incorrectly identified and as such the end result will be dependent on requirements. My requirements are lackadaisy, I just want something that wo...

@rlemon Who do you think would win in a fight between Zalgo and Cthulhu?
Anyway I'm off. TTYL
Bye. Take care.
@AaditMShah Superman
he comes
Kendall is that your O face?
@AaditMShah Zalgo is Cthulhu, no?
they are not the same
oh, darn
Cthulhu === lovecraft
Zalgo === some interwebs geek
@KendallFrey Not unless HP Lovecraft was born in the 20th century.
Just pushed a big feature live.
I'm super nervous
I want to hear someone pronounce Cthulhu the real way.
@RyanKinal I like the way you put the :g and the p: into :gulp:
@AaditMShah I'm confused
java allows some weird stuff
@KendallFrey Ker-thoo-loo (with a silent r)
public static enum FunctionTest{
        protected double y(double x){
            return (2*Math.random()+2) * Math.sin(x*Math.PI/10.0);
        protected double y(double x){
            return -0.02*x*x +0.6*x - 0.8;
	abstract protected double y(double x);
@RyanKinal It's mutual then.
Not kathooloo, and not chahuluhulu. But ˈχɬʊl.ɬuː
Should we sue people for posting Java code here?
be tolerant dude
it's not php at least
PHP > Java
All > PHP
All > Java
At least PHP is easy
To learn, that is
In my books PHP, Java and Basic are all on the same page: the page at the very end after the appendices.
What book are you reading?
^ Revised roommate agreement for the ex
@KendallFrey Who pronounces Cthulhu as Chahuluhulu? Did you go to Hawaii for a vacation?
@AaditMShah Robbaz
@Shmiddty sounds fair
@KendallFrey robbaz kicks ass man
He's Swedish Viking, and doesn't give a shit.
@Loktar The bonus is, I'm pretty sure she can't afford 1/3 of the total cost
@Loktar So true.
@Shmiddty haha
@AaditMShah Now I'm imagining Cthulhu in a lei and grass skirt
III.  Female Occupants
        A. All female occupants of said shared living arrangement must pose naked upon male occupants request.
@rahul888 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^ now it's perfect.
@SomeKittens And so it's decided. You'll be the first offering to the great Cthulhu when he brings decadence unto the world.
Let it be known, @AaditMShah supports live sacrifices of kittens.
how I imagine it going down
And God said, "let there be live sacrifices" and it was good.
@rlemon I remember this picture captioned with "Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten."
@rlemon Ah, Roger Snufflkins. One of our best agents. He will be missed (at least until his clone finally regrows).
!!define decadence
@RyanKinal decadence A state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration; decay
Fair enough
damn, I made a futurama reference above and everyone missed it
@Shea From now on, I shall masturbate to the thought of dying kittens.
so I googled it to find out what the actual appy was.... big mistake
@Shmiddty dafuq
electricity is not a utility?
it was the ones where planet express is broke and they turn it into an air liner, but for a while the girls were going to pose nude in a calendar.
!!urban appy
@SomeKittens appy An appy is a gorjuz, hot, beautiful, sexy girl that lives in warrnambool and looks perfect in someones eyes everyday.
DO NOT! I repeat.... DO NOT! google "futurama girls pose nude" while at work.
@rlemon I had to read your statement three times to confirm that you weren't talking about the three projections of Dr. Futamura.
Yeah... I can see how that would be a bad idea.
!!urban adit
@AaditMShah [Adit](http://adit.urbanup.com/4290002) if you do an Adit you say something really funny and then pat yourself on the back and say 'good one adit'
this is followed by a mass hummus consuming sesh.
!!urban maniator
@rlemon It got quiet, because everyone went to go Google that
@rlemon maniator One who blows through men like a machine.
yes, it updated!
!!urban blue waffle
@Loktar [Blue waffle](http://blue-waffle.urbanup.com/4713451) Go to Google.com type in "Blue waffle" and then click the "I'm feeling lucky" button.
Then you'll know what the fuck it means >.<
nsfw of course
not sure if anyone did it
nsfl imo
@Loktar I did. but it took me to urban :/
hah nice
!!tell SomeKittens urban maniator
@SomeKittens maniator One who blows through men like a machine.
@Loktar I'm going to throw up. BTW there are some kids on this forum as well.
did you see it?! did you see it?!
@RyanKinal @SomeKittens maniator One who blows men like a machine. (source)
I'm not sure whether that sounded right.
:sings: He's a maniator, maniator...
@KendallFrey @RyanKinal @SomeKittens maniator One who blows me like a machine. (source) (source)
@ryan The "One" could be a guy.
@AaditMShah WHAT!?! REALLY!?!?
Now the horror that follows.
ok it's like my google knows
I'm trying to search for it but I just keep getting pictures like this or descriptions of what I should be seeing
Meme sites ruined it
ok, well I give up.
I think I'm going to go to bed now. Good night.
guyz any 1 would please look at this problem I am facing I have done a bit of home work too.. : stackoverflow.com/questions/19534945/…
I am beginner so some help would be appreciated
@SimonSarris The bills are separate
!!afk lunch
@Shmiddty Apricots are people too!
@rlemon lol nice
so much blue waffle!
I assumed everyone knew what it was, I was just curious what urban said about it
I know what it is.
sooo bf4 :)
who's all going to play it
"rated M for mature" I'm immature. fart teehee
@rlemon Yes! I'm famous now.
We should buy @Neal a mug
Hello everyone
Q: Login and Sign Up works. How do I log the user in after signing up?

ZeusI'm combining login and sign up. If the user doesn't exist, add them to the database. This is working. If I enter a username that's not in the database and hit submit, the username is added to the database. Then a page loads that says OK I want it to log me in instead of going to the page th...

Anyone good at SVG?
I am trying to display only the middle slice of an image using a clip path
that is my generalized answer. just like no one is good at regular expressions
if they claim to be, they are either too stupid to understand that they are not. or they actually do understand them in which case they are insane and we don't want to listen to them anyways.
like Kendall..
well either I will be an SVG expert or go insane shortly
since transforms work differently in that world
@SimonSarris What do you mean, middle slice?
!!urban licbo
@rlemon [licbo](http://licbo.urbanup.com/5172857) pronounciation: lick-bow (as one word)

in Ontario, Canada, all liquor is sold at a government run chain of stores called the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario).
Licbo is used in conversation as it is shorter to say and is a phonetic pronunciation of the abbreviation
I can't believe it is in there
!!urban duck bite
Does anyone else feel like they're taking crazy pills? Someone down-voted my question for no reason.
@Loktar No definition found for duck bite
!!urban swamp ass
@Loktar [swamp ass](http://swamp-ass.urbanup.com/1369422) A common condition in which the ass crack and crotch becomes overly moist, sweaty, and stinky from one or all of the following:
- sweating on a hot day
- not bathing enough
- long day of work, sports, play
- incomplete wipe due to rush or laziness

The crack will often feel squishy, wet, unpleasant, and itchy. It is recommended to take a bath with soap to sanitize the condition.
!!urban sticky sacitis
@rlemon No definition found for sticky sacitis
^ the last sentence is the most truthful thing Ive read on the internet
"incomplete wipe due to rush or laziness" < the worst
I always wipe thoroughly. Even if it means my ass needs to bleed.
I shower
after every poop
That's not a substitute.
Dude, now 2 people downvoted my question
I wipe first you tool
shower is just to be safe.
@rlemon dude honestly if I dont have the time to sit and wipe for 20 mins Ill shower
You could combine the two.
@Zeus protip: if you bitch about downvotes people will probably downvote you out of spite
!!urban bidet
@KendallFrey bidet A Polish drinking fountain.
like if I have to get somewhere Im like damnit, shower time
hah wow!
/me is polish
I just don't feel clean.
and thirsty.
gf asked why?
regex guys need help
any1 here..?
> Have you ever tried to clean peanut butter out of a shag rug?
I forgot that everyone on the internet has antisocial personality disorder
have her stick her finger in a jar of jelly and then wipe it clean with a piece of paper
Is this about the peanut butter and shag carpet?... Yep
@rlemon yes exactly!
@rahul888 I am king of regex
@Zeus DONT TALK TO ME! FUCK OFF! GET AWAY!!!! :cries in a corner:
@Zeus "He who cannot dance places his blame on the floor"
@Zeus thats not true, many have a god complex
/me looks at ZEUS
@KendallFrey : how do I execute a regex match only if a certain text occurs in html
define "execute"
.match(/that text/g)
don't get that :(
pretty noobish at that
What are you trying to do?
!!> "I'm a little teapot".match(/little/g)
@rlemon ["little"]
Downvote this and don't answer it please stackoverflow.com/questions/19642481/…
I am trying to do this ..!!
I'm good at regex, but not answering questions.
@Zeus Another good reason for downvotes is spamming your question
If you can give the specs, I can write the regex.
regex isn't good for parsing html
@KendallFrey See I encounter a text of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^latency in nano time :
@Zeus what you're asking is literally answered in the Passport docs.
@rlemon But Regex is

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