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@BadgerGirl Then why did you smile when you read it?
I like being followed.
1 hour later…
@BadgerGirl I think you've got it backwards
holy cow I'm an idiot.
@SomeKittens ?
Q: New to PHP - Question about NV pairs and updating the URL after a?

ModdedLifeHi so I have a project for class that is a mix of PHP, HTML, and javascript/Ajax. One of the requirements is "Execute program.php on server passing it the N/V pairs following the "?" symbol." First off.. I don't know what NV pairs are and the reading links we were given say nothing about them.....

"JSDOM is stupid, I should just use Zombie.js, people seem to like that"
> The DOM implementation is JSDOM, which provides an emulation of DOM Level 3.
does caprica do a "down for me" check ? would save me using downforme website xD
@Dave Usually we just ask her questions:
!!are you not somewhat alive as such?
@SomeKittens No way
@Dave that doesn't seem like it belongs in the JS room
nor is asking if its alive lol but it is handy when jsfiddle went down :)
Oh, you wanted her to check if some other site was down
There are a million tools and a million websites for that
well at least some wesbite's commonly used in JS room like fiddles and pasteies
Wow, the Hunger Games is a lot more brutal than I thought it would be.
spoiler altert?
@SomeKittens Wow, the Hünger Games is a lot more brütal than I thoüght it woüld be. (source)
What the..?
@RUJordan try game of thrones.
Well, I expect a lot of gore there.. I didn't think this would be as bloody. Despite the fact 22 kids are out to kill each other.
!!s/a lot of/Al/
@whitehat101 Well, I expect Al gore there.. I didn't think this would be as bloody. Despite the fact 22 kids are out to kill each other. (source)
damn fiddle is up and down like a yoyo tonight
Does anybody own a horse mask?
If so, is it easy to see in?
I think i found an interesting bug in js/jq, not sure if it is only my code, jsfiddle is not working right so i'll test later, but just want to let you know (i asked about this here a couple of hours ago), it seems that if you try to get the img height from an img obj after calling fadein on any element, you get a wrong size
How wrong?
img.onload = functio:n() {
the first log shows something comepletely different than the second
show us what they show (the console logs i mean)
let me confirm first in jsfiddle, cuz on my website it shows 945 and then 540
functio:n() { < that a typo ?
the chat changed my code
don't blame the chat :P
yah you are right, it was a typo
my bad
console.log(this); see if its assigned to same thing both times
yep, same thing
I be a panda for halloween :3
@BadgerGirl you gonna be home tomorrow around noon my time? EST
hello to you too rlemon!
Well. 18 hour work day is finally over
time for a beer
@JanDvorak what does cv-pls mean?
close vote please
Ah, done and done.
mmm i think i found the cause.... checking on jsfiddle i see is working as it should
fiddle is still down for me atm
thats different code to what u posted in here
yah i modified for testing
i was appending the img to the wrapper outside the onLoad, so it seems that when i made visible that wrapper with the fadein, it changes the size of the object, thats why my second log was showing something diferent after the fadein
well i haven't check, but i guess it was that
Yah, it was that, it was my mystake ... like always lol
i can't seem to reproduce the bug in jsfiddle, but whatever, it works now :)
@rlemon No, I'll be home at 6 your time.
any one like maths ? got a really difficult maths issue
Is it basic addition? I gotchu
lol no
Well.. I can already say it's out of mah skill level then
even gamedev room found it a bit difficult to grasp
Out of curiosity, what's the issue?
@BadgerGirl ok so would you prefer the weekend?
The weekend is perfect :)
well, jsfiddle.net/TweMX/3 see here if you click the button im trying to calculate how long the journey would take if the spaceship is a fixed speed
which would involve knowing the distance but given the objects always move and the distance changing every frame not an easy thing to work out
plus its not straight lines
its cool. but would be cooler if it didn't use three.js
i didnt write that version
i wrote a vanilla version if i can find the fiddle
@Dave ok well in a nutshell. you know the distance and angle and trajectory of all objects in the equation. so you can model their paths and watch for intersects. once you find the intersect you then know how long the trajectory took.
you know every variable.
i dont know the distance tho if u fire the ship the planet's distance is ever changing...
on a fixed known path
so you do know the distance
in the model
That's cool, I should learn how to draw things in JS but I can't even seem to make a basic data-toggle work without cheating
@RUJordan canvas is great.
do i need to know the distance at the moment of launch or every time i move the ship's position
at the moment of launch you calculate the future positions and see where they intersect.
ah i see
the update speed should be constant and known, so calculating the time for the distance traveled is easily possible.
once you have the point of intersect.
glad i dont work for nasa xD
My chromecast is acting all screwy. :( I just wanna watch a movie and go through this canvas tutorial before bed but NOOOOOO
html5 rocks has some good introduction to canvas
my latest canvas work.
haha thats awesome
guna be able to make custom hair cuts if it can cut portions rather than the entire thing
sure can.
not programmed in, but you can easily add it
just set hairs[i].l = 1; where i is the index for the hairs you want cut
they are placed in a grid, you can see from the generation code.
ill bookmark it and toy with it after my space attempts
it uses an image mask to find the hairs.
where did u get the idea of doing that lol
so random
there was a pen posted about some hair. so I tried to emulate it. I can show you the progression that led to this. 1 sec.
ok jsfiddle is being a bitch, so you can't see my initial attempts with learning the line functions
yeh fiddle is being a pain tonight
just saw this on codepen under popular catergory: codepen.io/unmeshpro/pen/sDmjc awesome CSS
ohh yea that was pretty cool
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/KyDgh this is my most popular css submission
that is pretty cool!
however the stupidest, but most enjoyable css I have ever written is completely useless in production.
i'm not a front end developer, so I just like trying to do things I think would be a fun accomplishment.
not sure why bieber and rebecca black are in that catergory
@rlemon what kind of developing do you normally do
depends on the day :P
but normally interface design/development for embedded systems and desktop software. recently remote management software
it isn't as exciting as it sounds
well i'm going to write another demo, if you're up in 30 minutes maybe it'll be done ;)
Haha it's ok, I'm a junior coldfusion/jquery developer. Not as exciting as I'd hoped.
you developed jQuery :O
eww, coldfusion
..JSFiddle just converted my js into.. ZnVuY3Rpb24gZHJhdygpIHsKICAgIHZhciBjYW52YXMgPSBkb2N1bWVudC5nZXRFbGVtZW50QnlJZCg‌​iZGVycCIpOwogICAgdmFyIGN0eCA9IGNhbnZhcy5nZXRDb250ZXh0KCIyRCIpOwp9CgpkcmF3KCk7
The hell..?
lol No Dave..
who still uses CF?
Non-profit companies apparently
non-profit + commercial backend/server technology doesn't really go hand in hand don't you think?
Yeah me and the other developer don't quite understand that move. But I'm only 2 months fresh, so I have no room to complain lol
ugh, it's the little things that make you feel like you are getting old. i've been awake 21 hours and i'm fucking wiped out. a few years ago I could have done this no problem
well I was going to make animated trees. but it's late and i'm tired. jsbin.com/IjOsoSO/2/edit you can finish if you like.
you're only 2 years old than me!
im still managing late nights xD
your guna end up making a procedural 2d side scroller the way your going with animated trees and grass
a JS temple run almost
@SiddharthTrikha Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
2 hours later…
Q: Is there a simpler way of copying and pasting one inputs value into other input with the sam name

XecureI am trying to write something that will copy the current <input>s value and enter it into any <input> that start with the same name. <input> names will follow this pattern: price-0, price-1, price-2, upc-0, upc-1, upc-2. So if a user enters a value in <input name="price-0"> and hits copy the v...

!!/welcome Appu
@Appu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi guys
!!Do you Feel Better now?
@deep Indeed
@deep That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: sandbox, catbox
You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
@alsid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/help catbox
@whitehat101 catbox: User-taught command: <>http://i.imgur.com/9dsqpEH.jpg
@whitehat101 if i wanted to do a "world clock" in js, would i use the DOM or a Canvas?
target audience? how sexy?
1) Users of my age, in my school ~13-15

2)As Much as Possible.
@NewtonSheikh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks
anyone having exp in writing js api/plugin??
@deep Well, DOM would be most compatible, if you want them to view it at school, and you're using school computers then DOM would work the best
There is always someone that thinks Internet Explorer is a web browser

Can I remove the BG from this? or can you find one without a BG
Color to Alpha would do the trick
or that magic wand tool even
sup y'all
@Zirak I already told you, nobody cares.
Well that's good to know
@BadgerGirl Happy birthday!
@Zirak! Where Have You been?
I've been knitting eyepatches for one-eyed cats
One-eyed cats? Cats usually have two eyes, and if for some reason (be it a sharp stick or sharp claw), they have one eye, they need to cover it with something.
But Why Knitting?
Why Are You Writing Like This?
And Do You Know Of Any Other Way To Make Clothing?
Well, Sewing, But, Yeah...
Oh. Ok. Im guessing this is volunatry work, and I Write Like This Because Of camelCase .
    var texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "textures/water.jpg" );
    texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
    texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
    texture.repeat.set( 4, 4 );

Could you set `texture` to the content of a canvas?

Is this what im looking for?
hey @Zirak
how was the hurricane
A little windy maybe
@deep What is that even doing?
You paint the canvas and use the canvas output to draw the cube face?
Its using the content of a canvas as a texture.
@FlorianMargaine I was blown away
Ah, so it gives you the advantage of doing all the things you could do with a canvas
Could you do something like that and put it on a rotating cube?
Probably so.. not sure if it would look good though

Put 25 into the Zoom box. Now you can draw. I want to be able to dynamically paint to the cube, im making a minecraft texture pack maker
You'd probably have to use a hidden canvas
You could do it with a spining cube
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well that's certainly not good.
@SomeGuy About now
@deep If there was a library like that, I might use it
@Retsam oh. lulz
Seems like something that would make a good edition to Three.js
Also, your draw demo isn't working for me
Maybe it simply doesn't work in chrome
!!afk brb
@Neil Why are you leaving me!?
Damn I'm missing so many "Badge of the Day" on kongregate
And so many PizzaHut coupons!
@OctavianDamiean This is for you cheezburger.com/7856811264
@Zirak fixed since then
@user1386906 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neil Welcome back!
And so it's come down to this... *dramatic stare*

How do i change the DOMELEMENT ?
@deep In what sense?
How do i make the cube appear inside a specific canvas element
32 mins ago, by deep

Put 25 into the Zoom box. Now you can draw. I want to be able to dynamically paint to the cube, im making a minecraft texture pack maker
I have set up two canvases, but the canvas isnt showing a cube
@Zirak YAAAY Zirak!
i would set up the one to just show a cube, without doing anything particularly fancy
then once that works and you can draw in the other canvas, i would try to make them work together

Ive managed to add the cube in, but its being a bit weird - try the link
@Izzey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak I'd like to know your opinion on this. github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/104#issuecomment-26657414
Personally I don't like the idea Benjamin proposed, however if you have convincing arguments for that, I'm all ears.
I like benji's idea
it's plain simple
I said convincing arguments, plain simple is no argument, besides I don't see the simplicity behind it.
    var pctx = p.getContext('webgl');
    renderer.domElement = pctx;

Why is this invalid?
@deep pctx isn't a dom element
context is an object with drawing functions
But it is coming along
don't worry too much about the triangle edges
you can fix that fairly easily later
Another question. assume you have an item in an array, how do you update that item?
myarray[itemIndex] = updatedItem;
I probably don't know what you mean
var items = [];

items.push(this.name + " X " + this.uses);

I want the item to be updated when this.use() is called
That sounds completely backwards
you usually only ever need to access something with an integer or a string, but not both
You should put 'this' in the array
if you want to access with a number, you do items[items.length] = newItem;
Ctrl + Shift + J
then try:

Although you have used your potion, the array still shows that you have 1 potion left
if you want to access with a string, you do items["prop"] = newItem
if you want to do both, you hold an array within a map
you trying to hold undo information?
@deep var items = []; function use(something) { items[items.length] = something; }?
why items.length
@deep Because it is always the proper index for appending a new value
But i dont want to append, i want to edit
ok, then you will need to know the object's index
1. indexOf element, 2. use index to access element
Oh hello there!
today i had to check my social media profile to get my current age
strange things are happening
@skripted doesn't sound strange to me.
Without my SO profile I sometimes would have to guess whether I'm 23, 24 or 25. :D
I know it is within that range.
exactly! .. phew i'm so relieved
Oh hey, I just remembered, I'll be in Vienna for four days in mid December.
ah, cool
never used couchdb so far :/
You should check it out one day.
It's not only a DB but also a web server, so you server not only raw data out of it but also website if you wish to do so. :)
var maxLevel = 30;

function level(i) {
    this.maxHP = i*15;
    this.attackPower = i * 10;
    this.defenseValue = i * 7;
    this.mana = i*5;

Can i use a for loop to generate levels upto maxlevel ?
im not sure how i would define them
would i use an array
huh .. a web server? sounds interesting. hm i'm unsatisfied with all my tools anyway. php is upsetting me and node.js seems so unfinished, i even tried some ruby a few weeks ago.
@skripted I'm a Python / Node.js / CouchDB guy.
"Heck, you can come if you would like to chill out with passionate tech people." - sounds great :D
@Zaps Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
"Or even those who just want to learn a little about CouchDB." - sounds good to me
!!/welcome Caprica Six
@CapricaSix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@skripted Yup, you should definitely join us.
i'll give u a beep if i decide to go there too
@Gamex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@deep ok, imagine me laugh like that youtube.com/…
huh? c6 is back? .. oh man i should totally come here a little more often
last time there was some weird dr.eval :D
wow, that's just terrific
Visual Studio 2010 adds a new toolbar button icon when I attempt to remove it
... because it is so ingenious.
How could I not understand that until now?
It has been rumored that it is the best thing since the bread slicing machine.
At least by certain individuals that could be called Microsoft fanboys.
@Jonathan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
    var maxLevel = 30;

    var levels = [];

    function level(i) {
        this.maxHP = i*15;
        this.attackPower = i * 10;
        this.defenseValue = i * 7;
        this.mana = i*5;

    for (var x = 1; x < maxLevel+1; x++) {


I have set up the for loop and the array, but im unsure as to how to define the levels

would i do:

var maxLevel = 30;

var levels = [];

function level(i) {
    this.maxHP = i*15;
    this.attackPower = i * 10;
    this.defenseValue = i * 7;
I won't be calling names ... cou-Benjamin-gh-Gruenbaum
It's not even like there is reasonable doubt on this one
"Remove" on the context menu of the toolbar icon doesn't remove it, but rather creates a new button. What a piece of shit.
Visual Studio 2010: changing the way we program one bug at a time
!!/welcome FLCL
@GNi33 \o
@FLCL Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OctavianDamiean that Andriod - canvas bug is still giving me headaches btw
whtas \o and o/?
@skripted why's your website not working? i wanted to stalk the hell out of you
@GNi33 because i'm design-retarded. i've been working on like 4 different templates i wanted to use and none of them made it through the third day
it's like i'm waking up and all of a sudden its totally ugly
that sounds strangely familiar :(
@deep greeting arms in the air, i guess
@GNi33 it's a curse
yeah, I'll need to get this "never get shit done" - curse off of me, it's starting to piss me off
maybe it's an illness all Austrians suffer from?
I'm totally the same.
All people
Oh, I see why VS 2010 was acting strangely
I was removing a placeholder for a new icon
logically, when you want to remove the placeholder, you obviously want to create a new icon
I have a weird issue
i have a container which has a list inside it
the container has overflow-y set to scroll
on chrome the behavior is expected
but on firefox the page height goes 100 % :-/
Change Browser.
!!summon 29074
@deep i am sure you won't get a job :P
@mikedidthis any clue how to fix that ?
@AbhishekHingnikar mikedidthis is afk.
jsfiddle it

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