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@AbhishekHingnikar link?
@mikedidthis Welcome back!
73cc8dad.ngrok.com/faizan @mikedidthis click any photo [after scrolling down afte 2-3 seconds]
!!> 'AbhishekHingnikar'.split('').reverse().join('')
@cↄ "rakingniHkehsihbA"
@mikedidthis actually click the first one
oh fuck sorry it won't work @mikedidthis chuck it
@AbhishekHingnikar roger that
!!> 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'.split('').reverse().join('')
@deep "suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepuS"
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is a song from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins. The song was written by the Sherman Brothers, and sung by Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. It also appears in the stage show version. Since Mary Poppins was a period piece set in 1910, songs that sounded similar to songs of the period were wanted. Origin and meaning According to Richard M. Sherman, co-writer of the song with his brother, Robert, the word was created by them in two weeks, mostly out of double-talk. The roots of the word have been defined as follows: super- "above", cali- "b...
... you watch Mary Poppins?
you watched it last night, didn't you?
I did.
Ive watched it once
watch it when you'll be older and stoned
you'll love it
Question: Assume a potion is worth $15

when you sell the potion should you get $15 Back or $12?

(Should the value of the product Decrease as soon as you buy it?)
you talking about a game?
i'd decrease it to prevent unnecessary transactions :/
and to make it more interesting
by how much?
depends. it's your game. if you want to screw over your players take 90% and they will hate you every time they miss-click or realized they just made a wrong choice when buying it
oh this mother-effin bug, I tell you guys.... ;_;
why this not getting global variables ?
@skripted its console based. they have to type in : potion.sell() to sell one
@samitha, RG_Reg_NO or threeTypeAmountReg?
@deep many games decrease it by 50% but only for things bought in the shop. other stuff found in quests can usually be sold by good prices.
fair point
console.logs values should be change after the ajax is fire @FLCL
but it's not
i want to get the bool(true) if there is not any excess amounts
Q: Google Analytics Not tracking data correctly IP-address issue?

PaperThickI have developed a small site for a client and the site has been placed inside a <iframe> at the clients site. The GA-script I'm using looks like this: <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push( ['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-2'], //My company's GA-accoun...

@samitha, lol its wrong code
success function will be called after console.log invocations
because its async
so you have 2 ways to solve this
1. add async: false to ajax request
@FLCL EEEK don't even say it's an option

2. include you after-ajax code into success function or use .done
@OctavianDamiean what node module are you using to query the couchdb server? :)
@skripted if I use both in combination I use github.com/dscape/nano
goExcessReg still undefined @FLCL
@skripted depending on the requirements I might also just use github.com/mikeal/request
@OctavianDamiean ah because of the couchdb http api
ok cool thanks
That's one of the many great things about CouchDB.
You can relax and talk to it via simple HTTP requests.
woops ho wont work
it should work now :D
i dk what on earth is wrong
@AbhishekHingnikar still denied
food time :) .. gone
@mikedidthis yeah the ... ngrok thing + my python server are enemies i guess
but of course u should do this in this way jsfiddle.net/CjwHs/4
//replace error with success and fail with done
anyone free?
this array stuff just isnt working
@deep array stuff?
The amount of potions youhave left.
@deep what?
!!> ["deep", "herp"]
@FLCL ["deep","herp"]
@Will Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
arrays work fun
you start with a potion, and in an array the following is added:

Potion X 1
this.name + " X " + this.uses

When Potion.use, potion.buy, or potion.sell are called, this.uses is changed. but in the array, its stuck at 1 permenantly
@CapricaSix That was quick! greeted me before the page had loaded!
@Will I think she likes you.
I have a question about CKeditor.

Not sure if this is the thing that gets posted in this room if its not feel free to delete.
@deep, but there is string in array, why it should change when .uses changes?
u need to refresh it
I know it shouldn't im asking how i can change it
@Will I havent used CKEditor, but can you not call jQuery's Draggable() on it?
!!/tell will jqueryui draggable
@deep Command jqueryui does not exist. Did you mean: jquery
@OctavianDamiean 13th of december, that's actually a great date, will see if I can make it there
@GNi33 Awesome!
yeah, it's possible that I'm in Vienna anyhow around that time
@NotOcelot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
posted on October 25, 2013

It’s instructive to take a good look at some local mobile browser market stats, as always by StatCounter. Today we treat South Korea. The growth of mobile browsing in South Korea has stalled. It was 28% at the end of last year, and after a rise it has fallen back to the same level in Q3. Why? I don’t know. Maybe there is a plateau for mobile browsing market share of 3 in 10 in dev

@CapricaSix what is it?
Ok trying draggable
Q: previous and next buttons within JavaScript function

user2896649I used: var html=""; html += ''; to display the button but it doesn't work. pls how would i create previous and next buttons in JavaScript function or jQuery? Thanks.

@Gamex whats what
@deep QuirksBlog: Local mobile browser markets: South Korea
I need an algo to iterate over combinatories but in this order:
[a,b,c,d]: first [a,b,c,d], then [a,b,c], [ab,d], [a,c,d], [b,c,d]   (stops at length 3, no length 2 and 1 and 0)
[a,b,c,d,e] : [a,b,c,d,e] , [a,b,c,d], [a,b,c,e], [a,b,d,e], [a,c,d,e], .. [a,b,c], ... [c,d,e]
@Duk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/tell Gamex echo "Don't Bother Talking To me, I'm a bot"
@Gamex "Don't Bother Talking To me, I'm a bot"
@CapricaSix whatever
Is it possible to get the values from one <td> values from some other view in jquery?
@duk assign id to <td> and get innerHTML
@duke <table><tr><td id="changeme"> ... </td></tr></table>
@Duk define "value", "view"
@deep @CapricaSix Thanks guys setting the toolbar to draggable has created a solution to my problem. I was already using draggable on the same page. Not sure why it didnt cross my mind. Would one of you like to answer my question so I can mark it correct?
@duk did u got it
I'm not far, just need reverse order
@Jan you would like this
!!/tell will jquery draggable
@Will Cheers
its a bot!
@cↄ why is Combi a class?
$("input[type='text']").val(""); expect one id ?
is it possible ?
@JanDvorak because I'm recursing jsfiddle.net/7EEWn/4
to get all combinatories from its items
i mean i want to set val('') to all expect one input ?
@cↄ you can recurse without classes
the this was not working, but wait
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'expand' of undefined
(without new)
I love named immediately invoked inner functions
ah I see
@JanDvorak do you have an idea?
i mean i want to set val('') to all expect one input ?
@will There you go!
A: CKEditor inline - Aligned bottom not moving when content is added.

deep@Will, A useful solution may be to call jquery UI's .draggable method. This will Let you Drag The Editor out of the Way. E.g.: http://jqueryui.com/draggable/ To make Something draggable, You have to Get The Element, and then call the method on it. E.G.: $(function() { $( "#draggable" ).dr...

function compute(farg1, farg2, farg3){
  function recurse(rargs){...}
  return recurse(farg2,farg3)
@deep Marked as correct. Thanks for the help.
function compute(farg1, farg2, farg3){
  return (function recurse(rargs){...}(farg2, farg3))
nah.. I don't like (function .. :p, prefer even 2 lines
@PhilKeeling Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@cↄ what's wrong with IIFE?
too many ((()())()
you can use bangs instead
or plusses if you're really hipster
or just rely on the fact that return already makes it an expression (because who needs readability)
function iife(aThis, args, f){f.apply(aThis, args)}
my recuse funtion has double recursion, pretty hard to put a return statement
so don't.
My point is to use an inner function (or just plain recursion) instead of custom classes
I know, and trying to converge on it
@cↄ looks good. Maybe you should rename them, though. combinations and doCombinations, maybe?
side-effects :(
by the way it's for java so I'll need the class version :)
ah, right, the implied globals
that or the pass-by-reference
in java? hmm
mostly the pass-by-reference...
Q: How to pass by reference in Java

Prat Possible Duplicate: Is Java pass by reference? This Java code: public class XYZ { public static void main(){ int toyNumber = 5; XYZ temp = new XYZ(); temp.play(toyNumber); System.out.println("Toy number in main " + toyNumber); } ...

I was just talking about side-effects, not whether it's possible to pass by reference in Java.
Ah, right. @cↄ the caller shouldn't have to pass an accumulator/buffer
you're not using the argument at all
that said, if it works, just use it as is.
@cↄ What is this gobbledygook!?
no i can't understand. how can do one page to another page?
<a href="another-page.html">click to go to another page!</a>
@Duk You flip the page.
Some people like to lick their fingers first.
in initial page, i have 3 types of amounts and related buttons. when click the button it redirect to another page, in that page, if i click to order the amount means it should populate the what user select the amount.. it s like payment options..
if u have any idea on this tell me
@Praveen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Duk There are perhaps not literally a thousand ways to do this, but almost
You're going to have to be more specific
You could pass the value as a page parameter, and that would do what you ask, but it wouldn't be persistent information
> I am software Engineer. I want to become a Project Manager.
quick, become it.
A: previous and next buttons within JavaScript function

palaѕнUsing jQuery, you can do this: var $html = $( '<input type="button" value ="Next" />' ); $( 'body' ).append( $html ); Demo: Fiddle

this guy has over 18k rep ._.
jesus, skype should totally fix their file release bug. every time i do a file transfer it doesn't let go of the file afterwards until i kill skype.
i can't even remove it
@ThiefMaster @copy is there any real way to have closure scope in Python 2.7?
iirc the python way is to have classes though
@BenjaminGruenbaum: No, you need python3 to use nonlocal; in Python2 you can only use the trick with mutable objects (e.g. a single-element list)
@rlemon I awoke on Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:15:47 GMT (that's about 13 seconds ago), learned 190 commands, teleported 93 goats
@ThiefMaster Thanks.
python's weird
>>> def outer():
       x = 1
       def inner():
           x = 2
           print("inner:", x)
       print("outer:", x)
damn poppy seeds
I wouldn't expect x to be redeclared
always stuck in my teeth
@FlorianMargaine, there is a keyword for local vars, as I remember
@Zirak Thanks!
@FLCL no, by default it's a local var
@BadgerGirl Happy birthday stalker!
@FlorianMargaine Thanks :)
yea happy actual birthday
@FlorianMargaine is there a way to make inner a closure over x?
in my time zone at least
Yeah, in my timezone too. :)
@JanDvorak starting python 3, looks like you can use nonlocal to declare a variable as using the outer one
A: Python nonlocal statement

AnonCompare this, without using nonlocal: >>> def outer(): x = 1 def inner(): x = 2 print("inner:", x) inner() print("outer:", x) >>> outer() inner: 2 outer: 1 To this, using nonlocal: >>> def outer(): x = 1 def inner(): ...

otherwise the only way is to use a mutable object like a one-item list (chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12575564#12575564)
@FlorianMargaine thanks. SO it's the semantic opposite of var?
Hey crew, I'm just stopping by to tell you one important thing...
@JanDvorak yep
@FlorianMargaine looks good
@JanDvorak which is weird
hell yeah friday party!@
The kitten can stay
Rebecca needs to stay too
@jAndy I'll wait until you leave, then rebin
especially on fridays
@Loktar yay yay
@JanDvorak Hahaha
unless it manages to get 10 stars in the mean time
thats tough for a video with >1.mio youtube downvotes
bin is it, then
it's already at 5 stars...
we're half way tho !
three to go
come on guys, some love for Rebecca
@Baris Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
she's so ugly...
@jAndy no
1 sec
anyway, she's staying.
OK, I won't bin her. Blame @FlorianMargaine
@OctavianDamiean Done
being temporarily removed from the room owner list feels like a death threat
Can any one help me with json
I have json od thid kin
There are ointments which fix that
I want to make it without index
@NikhilAgrawal That's not JSON, and it looks a bit like an array
My json had thid kin as well. Rub AJAX on its back twice a day, good as new.
@NikhilAgrawal did you mean [{},{}]?
Ya thats what
thid kin is pretty ugly disease
O I love empty pings
Thats what How I want to modify it
O I love empty pings which are not even related to me
@jandy it is for Jan
@NikhilAgrawal so use @janDvorak
@NikhilAgrawal otherwise we both get the ping
we have a situation here.. @JanDvorak felt so much love for me that he decided to give himself the same first four letters like his big idol... ME
Okkk @JanDvorak Can we Convert this arry into the json
so you should full qualify the name :P
@jAndy uh, what? It's the other way around
sorry @jAndy
@JanDvorak what do you mean
Please tell me the solution if you know
@NikhilAgrawal It's not an array, or at least doesn't appear to be
@NikhilAgrawal what does JSON.stringify(obj) produce?
it produces
Jan Dvorak member for 2 years, 11 months
jAndy member for 3 years, 7 months
there is no second opinion :P
{0:{para1:value, para2:value},1:{para1:value, para2:value} }
like that
[0:{para1:value, para2:value},1:{para1:value, para2:value} ]
@NikhilAgrawal like that, or exactly that? I'm pretty sure not
But I want [{para1:value, para2:value},{para1:value, para2:value}]
No no exactly
@NikhilAgrawal That's not valid JSON, it doesn't look like that
@FLCL Firebug is weird
100% like this
just use an JS Array then
@NikhilAgrawal did you actually pass this to JSON.stringify? JSON stringify does not produce that kind of output, even if you try
to list those object literals
Ya I have
@NikhilAgrawal can you reproduce that in jsfiddle.net?
!!> JSON.stringify({0:'a', 1:'b'})
@Zirak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Zirak "{\"0\":\"a\",\"1\":\"b\"}"
yeah it should be
[{para1:value, para2:value},{para1:value, para2:value} ]
Now it has been changed
Nevermind that, the keys should be quoted.
@Zirak cheers!
yep. JSON.stringify never produces unquoted keys. That would be invalid JSON
I have saved there the result I am getting after JSON.stringify
@CapricaSix Now it is coming like that with ////
$5 says this'll come out at the end as a console error, and we'll all be a bit angry
So I'm going to eat pez.
Zirak! How's things?
All limbs are still attached. That's always a good sign/
Yes! Quite good.
How're your limbs and loins? Still in place?
Indeed they are
I have a story, actually. About buying a mandolin, and typical American hick culture.
A man with a story...
So, I decided a couple weeks ago I decided I wanted to buy a mandolin, and learn to play it. So, obviously, I started looking on Craigslist for a used one.
@Zirak o/
@rlemon breaks your arm off Don't interrupt Ryan's story
It's rude
I found one at a decent price, emailed the owner, and set up a time to go see it. The house was in the middle of nowhere, and in severe disrepair.
his story is lame
he isn't, but his story is
I walked up to the side door, as it was the only one I could see, and was greeted by a rather large man. Walking inside, I could smell nothing but cat. It was horrible.
At the kitchen table, his daughter was doing homework. As I was looking at the instrument, she pushed a folder over to her dad, and asked "What do you think of my English folder?"
He answered with "Better now that that book thing is gone"
On the folder, there was a half-covered sticker reading "I love..."
I can only assume the other half read "books"
This made me very sad.
Did you get the Mandolin?
Now that that book thing is gone
@Zirak I did!
And for cheaper than advertised
Awesome! He must be happy now that that mandolin thing is gone.
Must be! He claimed he couldn't learn to play due to carpal tunnel. I don't believe him.
Otherwise you'll just have to hang him with the strings. It's the law.
brb, quick meeting

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