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anyone there??
@YASHMATHUR wts the problem ?
any error
i am unable to get the data loaded into the div working
@YashMathur if you load the js after the dom's done loading it won't run as far as I know, unless it's via AJAX
no error
guys anyone knows how to do this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7038848/…
Q: Making an effect of number changing

Luis ArmandoI have a counter set like this: <ul> <li id="cenMill">0</li> <li id="decMill">0</li> <li id="uniMill">0</li> <li id="cen">3</li> <li id="de...

@LuisArmando so what do you suggest
i mean what do I do?
@yashmathur well, either load it before hand and just call it when you need it. Or ajax your way through it. I once spent like 2 weeks trying to get a js to load after the website had loaded and I basically just lost 2 weeks of work haha
there is no other way I can load it because the page that I am loading completely works on JQuery and I can't do without it
I have a seperate js file but I am not sure how to load it! :P
just use jQuery to call it via Ajax
hold on brb
yea...i'll wait
@LuisArmando Ew. What's going on now?
@LuisArmando have u ever use soap with js>
@LuisArmando are u there??
<input type="reset"/>
Didnt know that existed :\
Should I use one big CSS file or multiple files for pages?
you should use many css files aswell as many js files, separated by module/type and have a static build process which bakes all these together in one file
@jAndy thats what I'm doing
I'm wondering whether it was worthwhile
to place the style that are only used on one page
in a seperate css file
or just bake them into the master css
It's the whole cache one big thing vs cache many smaller things
I guess its somekind of best practice to keeps things strictly separated for development, sane and overview reasons
pretty disappointing not to have a String.upperCaseFirst or String.ucFirst method when there are so many other useless methods :p
You know whats frustrating about node
so much shit just does not work out of the box
or it hates me
Oh great now it works -.-
Good morning|day|night everyone !
Wait what, who pinged me :\
@Raynos Spooky ghosts.
LESS is refusing to play nicely
@Raynos Don't get sassy with it.
maybe I should just use scss
No raynos, scream at the thing until it works.
Instill the fear of Neptune into it's very bits.
Thankfully I can search npmjs
Node has pajamas now?
Q: how can i use variable of without functions (javascript)

erfanhow can i use variable of without functions: sample: var name = 'Jim'; function is_name() { alert(name); } is_name() //alert : Jim tanX

questions like this make me sad
@teresko I think he wants someone to explain what function arguments are.
you guess is as good as any
@teresko sigh
English as a second language posters must have a seriously hard time here.
If you look at the grammar structure I think he speaks Urdu or something similar.
really ? because english is my fourth language. I really fail to see that as an excuse
@Incognito English as a second language can vary alot, much that generalization doesn't make sense.
@teresko That's fine, you're accomplished, but I'd imagine you're not the average case of people who have low fluency.
@OmeidHerat Point taken.
@Incognito but the average person should not be on my stackoverflows
@Raynos why use a self-closing tag ?
@Raynos Eh, perhaps. I'd be willing to bet we're missing out on a quite a few top-notch programmers due to this tower of babble.
@Incognito probably
but anyone who wants to communicate with us on stackoverflow should speak a decent level of english
"How can I" "use" "variable" "without" "function", I'd imagine he's asking "How can I use a variable with only functions?" or some abuse of that.
@Incognito , that text was not even generated by google's translator
Maybe he's just an alcoholic
@teresko Which languages are you fluent in?
How do I make width wrap around elements?
latvian (native) , russian , german and english
English,Turkish,Urdu,Persian and Pashto here.
currently learning japanese ... and i would not call my "german" skills as "fluent" i have been out of practice for few years
I speak english & dutch :D
One more then you average english speaking native
are you sure that <form> needs a name="" ?
and i would avoid making css rules based on ID
@teresko How do you manage? Where I am I know very very few people who speak another language, I struggle to find other German speakers. I attempted to learn Hindi on my own, but every word that comes out of my mouth is unintelligible.
@teresko how else do I only style elements in that form?
@Raynos class.
@OmeidHerat that didnt do anything of value
But why use a class instead of an id
@teresko I dont think it needs a name but I added it in case my server needs it
The question was how do you get CSS to minimise the width
@Raynos class instead of name for styling.:)
But whats wrong with styling by id ?
@Incognito my goal in learning japanese is to have good read-only skills , and while pronunciation is important , it is not critical ( and i am using Rosetta Stone for that part )
@Raynos they cause specificity wars
@teresko and class doesn't ?
Oh I see class works
Yes your right
@Raynos not if done right. ID based rules become longer and longer , while class-based rules you can keep very short and utilize the cascading part of css
besides , IDs are unique
Using display: inline-block makes the width wrap around it
so does the float .. depends on what you need
Your right it does
@Raynos just saying IE6 and 7 dosn't understand 'inline-block'.
or FF2 ( though that is extremly small minority )
any expert on jquery here?
I created the following bit of code
$(document).ready(function () {

$(".groupHeader").each(function () {

if ($(this).next().hasClass("group")) {


are you looking for jquery.javscript-5.0.2.js plugin ?
@OmeidHerat thats cool I dont care
it works, but I am looking of how to improve it#
any ideas?
@Raynos nice if you don't care about IE then all is good quirksmode.org/css/display.html
How do I horizontally center it
shoot your current jsfiddle, some auto margin should do the trick.
@Raynos text-align:centre
auto margin doesnt do the trick
any idea of how to improve the code?
@Amra get rid of jquery ?
@teresko thanks
@teresko why?
because something like this should be done while generating html
and if you want to enable/disable such effect , it should be done by adding a class to some container
I cant, the html is generated on server
and is dynamic
Change the server :D
@Amra that is the point, be kind to your clients. change your server output.
@Amra that i one stupid excuse
Cant change html, not ideal but thats the way it is...
then stop changing it with javascript
@teresko ok, Ill see what I can do
@Amra CSS3 selectors maybe.
They are complete enough to do what you want w3.org/TR/css3-selectors
the compatibility is the issue.
cant, has to be compatible with ie7 and 8
15 hours ago, by teresko
@Neal , maybe it is not too late to change your hobby
Wow. Completely uncalled for.
anyone use testswarm?
@Amra You sir want to have your cake and eat it.
@teresko hey, long time no see. How are you?
@SkippyChalmers isnt that project dieing?
@teresko I have something you'll probably not like, but would appreciate feedback on anyway... github.com/skippychalmers/xa.js
@Raynos yes think so :P
@Raynos any good alternatives? there's that google one too, just want something fairly light
I would recommend browserling
and hosted unit tests
hmm.. want to actually write tests not do cross browser stuff... (veering away from testswarm's ideas just now)
@SkippyChalmers tests in what for what?
I use vows for node
and ive used qunit for the browser
nevermind :P
tests for that application you were looking at earlier... xa.js
its not important :)
well. testing is.
you know what i mean.
Well your tests were kind of ugly
kind of really ugly
Since its browser agnostic I'd use vows to rewrite those tests
haha :P
Anyone out there?
@gath yes
Guys, tried running this code on my chrome console but am getting a SyntaxError, JSON.parse("[{"name":"gath","age":10}]");
@Raynos you made it into the source code comments dude, you have your very own mention in my framework.... github.com/skippychalmers/xa.js/blob/master/test/assets/js/init/…
@gath quotes
@SkippyChalmers remove the quotes and the thing still throws SyntaxError ...
no use ' instead of "
@gath JSON.parse("[{\"name\":\"gath\",\"age\":10}]");
You need to escape the quotes, otherwise it'd be treated as string terminators.
@Zirak, thanks, replaced the external quotes with single quotes and it worked like a charm! thanks guys.
@SkippyChalmers the tests suck ass
redo them
@Raynos you redo them... :P
@Raynos something is better than nothing at all. I agree though, they're horrible. They cover the basics though don't they?
well.. they will
What are the downsides to making my entire server HTTPS
@SkippyChalmers ... They cover what?
You can make an App :D
@Raynos oh man... dude... you need to tone it down a little! Calm it, I'm still writing them....
this framework is meant to be useful, not perfect :)
I am reading eloquentjavascript.net, there said pure function never have side effects, what is side effects means here?
@SkippyChalmers thanks
Link buttons
I have a command "add new post"
that I think should be a button. But its a link to a page
should it be styled as a button or link
@Raynos style is subjective :D
but if you want it as a button and you have other buttons and you want it to look like them I will say go with a button unless your buttons are deeply styled with CSS and you have a good reset sheet.
But I want it to be a link
so it should be an <a>
if you want a link yes, but if you want a button you need a bit of javascript.
@Neal easy
@Raynos go for it then ^_^
I already did
@OmeidHerat -.-
@Raynos O.o ?
thanks captain obvouis
Whats that css property to change the rendering
"change the rendering"?
like this <style>a#button { renederAs:button; } </style>
All CSS properites change appearance. That's the point
@RyanKinal no appearance
it works in webkit
@Raynos that is apperance, CSS can only change the way browser is rendering appearance of an element or document.
I want a link to look like a button
is this bad?
I just don't see why you can't set a few properties.
Yes, its not cross-browser and that is bad.
@RyanKinal because he wants the native look.
use a css3 shim
@Zirak have you seen what that looks like?
and calm!
@SkippyChalmers NO U
@Raynos Raynos, why don't you use the button that I send you.
@Raynos And you're saying that natively-styled buttons don't look like shit?
Because that requires javascript :\
@RyanKinal yes
fair enough.
Yeah, they made the basic styling. It looks like shit, but that can be fixed.
@Zirak but I think @Raynos wants to keep the native look so css styling really wouldn't help that much.
People. language please?
@Raynos But natively-styled links do look like crap?
@SkippyChalmers stop complaining :\
@SkippyChalmers Sorry
@RyanKinal Thanks :)
Also, why not: <a href="shit"><button>Bloop</button></a>
@RyanKinal I dont think they look bad
@Raynos I have a really really hackish bad idea, its that bad that I don't dare to post it !
Some of us are in work... or have family about?
hahaham @Zirak did it.
@SkippyChalmers I sometimes forget that not all work environments are as relaxed as my own.
@RyanKinal he wants a button like link.
@RyanKinal :P oh well... it's not a biggie, we've always tried to keep it SFW in here though
@Zirak That is so hackish and you really don't know how the browser will treat that like.
Well... erm... mostly.
@SkippyChalmers hehe, indeed
@Raynos is an angry wee developer today...
i think i ticked him off with xa.js
@OmeidHerat What's hackish about odd nesting?
@SkippyChalmers im not angry :\
I just swear casually
@Raynos lol!
<a> <button> </a> isnt that bad tbh
Gonna test it in IE
Which I'm actually going to do a shout out about now again, Guys / Gals, it's not perfect but it needs your attention, and can be pretty darn useful: github.com/skippychalmers/xa.js A javascript framework that @Raynos hates ! :P
@Raynos I have to wonder if that will validate.
@Zirak odd ? nesting has condition you can't nest whatever inside whatever.
Woopsies, validator complains: The element button must not appear as a descendant of the a element.
@Zirak Figured
I wonder if the other way around works?
@Zirak Linke inside a button ?!
I'm felling CRAZY today
Still an error :P
@Zirak Figured
@Zirak first of all why would you do that !? second how would you expect the browser to treat that like ?
Button, with a link inside it. What's so bizarre?
nothing, what is so bizarre about icecream on top of BBQ.
Mmm, BBQ a la mode.
Above the grill or above the meat?
ah my bored friday
need to get pyramid working for the layout
icecream on the top of the meat sir.
...that's actually good in some cases.
@Zirak Yeah cases.
@OmeidHerat Those are the best cases
In fact, I had some of those cases last night.
@RyanKinal As long as you don't wake up next to a sheep, indeed you're right! high-five over the internet
@Zirak high-five over the internet
Hmmm. Sometimes I feel like a degenerate lush. This seems to be one of those times.
@Zirak your code should be stable and future proof as much as it can be. and not-sober cases dosn't last long.
Why do some programmers think they don't need to understand programming to program? The audacity!
A: PHP Regular Expressions - Cannot get my head around

IncognitoSimple, you use the search function on stackoverflow.com Then you find out that all of these things have been asked before: What is the best regular expression for validating email addresses? Php regex date validation Regular expression to match hostname or IP Address? Then you don't have to...

"Hey, I don't understand how to use regex or standards, but how can I build something with them?"
ha, someone presented that concept at a flash conference here last year
"whiskey and the workplace"
`Oops! Your answer couldn't be submitted because:

body must be at least 30 characters; you entered 29`
lol, just paste a zero-width space character in there
Anyone know why 10.1/100 in JavaScript returns 0.10099999999999999?
Because it uses floating-point numbers which are the suckeh in Math
0.1 + 0.2 === 0.30000000000000004
And somehow parseInt(10.1/100) returns 0. O.o
Let's just say JS never got past 8th grade in Math.
8th? I knew how to use a Calculator and could do that calculation long before that
5th, then. I didn't want to sound too harsh.
@AmaanCheval Failblog, NAOW
Just saw it on Twitter.
changes made to xa.js "unit" testing...
all your feedback was taken into account. thanks @Raynos and others :)
Q: How to organize Javascript and AJAX with PHP?

egidraMy javascript is getting out of hand for my PHP application. I have 20 tags that link to various javascript files in a javascript folder. Each javascript file basically controls one element on the DOM. And, if the javascript file uses AJAX, then it will have a corresponding PHP file that the AJA...

@RyanKinal whoa. awesome. I tried that... without much success.
@RyanKinal I don't know whether to get excited or mad
@ThomasShields Yeah, I have no idea
I'm still kind of processing what exactly that means.
Sure, it's only Chrome, and only Chrome 14 Beta, but still
Yo dawg, I heard you like operating systems, so we put one inside your browser.
@RyanKinal yeah. ;?
lol @Incognito
@Incognito vs. Chrome OS, which is more "Yo dawg, I heard you like browsers, so we made one your operating system"
@RyanKinal what could possibly go wrong? :|
@RyanKinal rofl
I think Google is kind of saying "Huh. We rule the internet. Let's try to make everywhere into the internet."
@RyanKinal pretty much.
come on, let's play monopoly...
Man, can I make a web browser inside my web browser?

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