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also, when using jQuery animate, how do I animate to "Whatever the CSS says"?
What have you done that they force you to do CSS?
Fixed all the non-CSS bugs
!!> ['hello', 'world'].join(' ')
@edi9999 "hello world"
Oh, I thought you killed someone or so
Oh many great humble bundle weekly sale
@RyanKinal agreed, GF is going to her parents tonight
moustache donkey ass ALL NIGHT LONG BABY!
@Loktar did you get the origin bundle?
Populous is an award-winning computer game designed by Peter Molyneux for Bullfrog in 1989, and is regarded by many as the first PC god game. It is the first game in the Populous series, preceding Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods and '. Gameplay The main action window in Populous is viewed from an isometric perspective, and it is set in a "tabletop" on which are set the command icons, the world map (depicted as an open book) and a slider bar that measures the level of the player's divine power or "manna". The game consists of 500 levels, and each level represents an area of ...
I already had all the games though
was added
nostalgia: check
yeah I own the physical vs of a few populus titles
I probably have it on gog.com too, fun game
I owned the physical PC and PS(1?) game
@rlemon you sure about that?
I played it on the SNES quite a bit
not that the ps version was actually named the same
maybe it was snes
I remember playing and owning it for a console.
my brother and I owned and destroyed or had stolen from us quite a few consoles in our day
(about it being on Origin)
any google cloud storage user ?
oh it was on the humble bundle @SomeKittens
like 2 bundles ago
in retrospect I think I owned this for console: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populous:_The_Beginning
and the original for PC
that cover looks familiar
also, what's X's gameplay like?
Theres a learning curve involved but man its fun
X3:Albion prelude is really the only one you need to play
Unlike stupid EVE online you control your ship(s) directly
and can do anything
you can build factories to produce goods
buy ships that will do runs for you..
buy whole fleets and kick crazy ass with them
RTS, or flight sim?
more of a flight sim
you're in the cock pit
but it has elements from other types of games
because you can control whole fleets, ect. If you are able to build an empire large enough
@SomeKittens Use "show" and "hide" as your time values
its a living breathing universe, has an active stock market thats actually affected by the goods in a sector
its a pretty crazy game. Im really excited for X Rebirth
$('selector').animate('width', 'show');
@RyanKinal it's a little more complicated...
lemme fiddle
Assuming, of course, you're animating width/height.
too bad "≥" is an illegal token :C
Q: requirejs with requestAnimFrame

user2701428I am trying to use requirejs to split my game code into modules so it is easier to expand. I am having problem with using it together with my requestAnimFrame shim... When I have something like this: define(["rAF", "sprite"], function (rAF, Sprite) { "use strict"; var Game = function...

@eazimmerman If you like having a hard time typing, maybe you should take up APL.
@KendallFrey is that some kindA programming language?
!!wiki apl (programming language)
APL is an abbreviation, acronym, or initialism that may refer to: Organizations *Advanced Production and Loading, a Norwegian marine engineering company formed in 1993. *Party of Labour of Albania, the sole legal political party in Albania during communist rule (1946–1991) *Alliance for Progress and Freedom, Alliance pour le Progrès et la Liberté, a political party in Burkina Faso, a country in West Africa *Amateur Poker League, a U.S. based amateur poker league that feeds into the World Poker Tour *American President Lines, a container transportation and shipping company *American Protec...
APL (named after the book A Programming Language) is an interactive array-oriented language and integrated development environment, which is available from a number of commercial and noncommercial vendors and for most computer platforms. It is based on a mathematical notation developed by Kenneth E. Iverson and associates that features special attributes for the design and specifications of digital computing systems, both computer hardware and software. APL has a combination of unique and relatively uncommon features that appeal to programmers and make it a productive programming langua...
you missed my joke
shame on you
> @KendallFrey is that some kind[insert mental space here]A programming language?
in C#, 1 hour ago, by Kendall Frey
My jokes are loved by psychic people worldwide.
Apparently they like yours too.
I'm surprised my depressed comment on that answer didn't get more votes, I guess people are used to me being grumpy :P
Beer was good btw
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o
hi to you too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is there like a pub around the corner or something?
that seems like a quick outing for a beer
Yeah, just around the corner actually. I'm in downtown Helsinki right now.
nice, I have a liquor store in walking distance :P
never too drunk to get more
Hi benjamin :-)
@rlemon I have one attached to my apartment building
If anybody was following my questions and stuff earlier i found a solution of how to use angular with that problem , simply instead of getting content from XHR i inline it when i render the pseudo static page
I have one in my apartment
I have one in my body
Nice one
@copy one what ?
One beer, please
oh liquour.
i peed one out a lil while ago (x xD
@OctavianDamiean looks like the ts android client allows me to talk but there's no sound
the android audio out is VERY weak for TS
I had to use headphones
Oh didn't try witv a headset
are we teamspeaking already ?
Oh wait the media soind was off...
what server is everyone on?
where are you?!
i cant make it tonught
Thought channels
@FlorianMargaine switch tabs at the bottom
Yeah im on it
tabs for the chat?
Which tab?
ohh, nvm. it showed up
Oh yeah dont worry I know ts, used to be a gamer.
the android client doesnt have textuel chat support though it seems
yes it does.
let me get on and take a pic of that
I see the chat now
you should join us later. last night we told jokes until the wee hours of the mornin
Has anybody here used WebStorm? Any opinions on it?
@Esailija Is having variables that can be boolean or number a bad idea?
!!google time series filtering
@RyanKinal yeah dabbled with it, not much to say about it
I hate making graphs in GIMP
@FlorianMargaine Not great, but not bad either?
ahhhh.... cannot believe chrome not support sticky position.
@jmalais Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ExWei Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!mdn sticky position
not exist my friend
@cc try it on ios 6 or 7
what is !!mdn?
!!mdn help
is sticky like flexbox?
!!mdn flexbox
@RyanKinal yeah nothing special about it
Fair enough
@cc not.. it is like when you on instagram. you scroll to top. Each Feed Header will stick on top
position: fixed?
ah I see
it exist on Sencha
I have no idea why this work on my ipad chrome but not desktop chrome.
Doesn't this is related to browser not OS ?
for sencha I liked the pull/scroll and refresh, but this framework looks a bit abondonned now, not intuitive coding
@vzhen Chrome on iOS is just the Safari for iOS engine with a different UI.
So if you're testing for iOS browsers, anything iOS Safari supports, all other iOS browsers will support
@SomeGuy Ic, but why don't they use back their own engine ?
@RintzeZelle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy ok, just checked it. 'All browser are required to use apple browser engine in iOS'
Hey guys.
I got a page with a youtube chromless player... it waits for //Wait for Youtube to fire
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
console.log("Youtube iframe is ready");
but it doesn't consistently fire
quick question, my brain kinda went into standby ... how is that mechanism called when you drag and let go and the map doesn't stop right away but rather moves on and smoothly stops the drag ... is there are term for this?
@Farhad ....and that's YouTube for you.
so strange I used this kind of code before and it fired. I think its because its set to autoplay?
@skripted inertia?
yeah i think inertial scrolling?
@Cheejyg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
A: Crockfords Top Down Operator Precedence

PalecAssignment (e. g. var t; t = 1;) is conceptually different from initialization (e. g. var t = 1;), although both result in memory state change. Using the same piece of code to implement both is not desirable as one could change independently of the other in a future version of the language. The ...

> Assignment (e. g. var t; t = 1;) is conceptually different from initialization (e. g. var t = 1;), although both result in memory state change.
Is this correct?

Looking at the specs, [§12.2](http://es5.github.io/#x12.2) and [§11.13.1](http://es5.github.io/#x11.13.1) don't seem to be that different except for the SyntaxError part.
@C5H8NNaO4 one includes declaration
@JanDvorak @Farhad yep, that's it! thanks!
This is so weird. If I hard refresh. Youtube On Iframe ready doesn't fire.
If i select the url bar and press enter... it fires... i think because it's preloaded...
Or does it fire but my large ass JS file isn't loaded all the way to grab the event? But DOM ready fires pretty quickly and YOutubeOnIframe ready always fires later
@JanDvorak Obviously, the part of interest for me is if the assignment part of t=1 works the same way in var t=1 and var t;t=1
@Farhad is your script loaded asynchronously?
@C5H8NNaO4 seems legit
        var tag = document.createElement('script');
        tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api";
        var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
@Farhad then chances are it's loaded later than the video frame
@AbhishekHingnikar Abhishek
@JanDvorak Thanks =) then i still need another answer to my question =/
@JanDvorak Yes I think that might be it... Let me move the code up higher.
Its at the end of my JS file...
@Farhad that won't affect the loading time much. You still have a race condition
@JanDvorak Maybe... since this video is autoplaying
I can just use normal YT embed code and autoplay it... then control it via JS events...
Maybe loading the chromeless one is the issue... but man ripping all that code... and it was another dude who wrote it :/
@Farhad add a ready state tracker that is loaded synchronously. When you replace it, check if it has noticed the event.
Can you clarify? Its like midnight here sorry lol
anyone here good with networking troubleshooting?
I mean, you need to determine manually if the ready state change event has already fired, and if so, call the handler immediately. You can track this if you add a small script watching the event before the main script loads.
like why do some computers on the network take 10-20 times longer to access nodes than others?
Q: "Stack exchange page visits" alike implementation

Alex90StackExchange page views works like this: Link The objective is to increment the page visits by one. User should not be able to this by refreshing. Number of visits can be incremented only if users last visit was later than 10 minutes. Please improve if required. //Is data storage availabl...

@rlemon check their load
network load you mean?
@JanDvorak Ah I understand now thank you... I will try this.
also, @JanDvorak is this you plus.google.com/113244610009247519559/auto
@rlemon yep
@rlemon I'd say the first thing is a tracert.
@rlemon nope. Not even close.
@rlemon duuude, even if those asses were tempting, it was about 3am over here :-P
is http polling on localhost nothing bad like I think, (I mean is it purely fast, with a 20ms interval) or is it a bad idea?
@jp_inc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It's because it's a bit hard to make a real tcp socket from a sucky terminal pseudo language
I might poll a file size otherwise
if it's not 0, then I open it and parse the things to do
@JanDvorak I have no idea who this is and he is on my twitter and g+
@KendallFrey @JanDvorak no abnormal network traffic and tracert is <1ms for all pc's
@rlemon check for crappy commercial antiviruses
@rlemon You mean ping time is good, but real traffic is slow?
@KendallFrey tracert and ping are <1ms
real traffic is slow as shit
on some computers in the office.
nothing to do with competing hardware either.
an antivirus could be the cause
If I had wanted to measure ping time, I would have told you to do a ping.
a specific firewall stuff
commercial antivirus web shields just suck.
I'm thinking some switches/routers may be overloaded.
!!ping www.google.fr
@cc That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
You were right... It fires way before my JS code with the YT player is ready...

Youtube iframe is ready === 1 /final/:370
Uncaught ReferenceError: app is not defined
That's right after the YT code on my HTML
@KendallFrey well all computers go through the same switch :P and only some are being slow
I think Jan is smack on with the anti virus
some of the people in the office use Trend Micro anti-virus
and they are the ones seeing the slow down .
@rlemon That eliminates one possibility. Good job!
@rlemon kill it with fire, then
yea I never liked it to begin with, but I do not control what software people run
more exactly, disable only the web shield and measure again. Then kill with fire.
maybe I should....
@rlemon It's a cough "trend"
had the same problem with mcaffee
hey everyone, is localStorage browser specific? (only the browser that set it can read it) ?
@user2204158 Yes.
It's much like cookies
uhh.. gmail is gspam now
Q: Pipelining asynchronous functions with promises

Trevor SeniorBackground I've been heavily using async for my projects, but wanted to give promises a go using the q library and/or the when library. Explanation I am attempting to pass the result of one asynchronous function to the next and end up with a final result. The goal is to handle this with promis...

!!will google still exist in 100 years?
@cc Indubitably
!!will facebook too?
@cc That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@cc Of course not
sup guys
dang .. my love for unicorn just suffered a bit
Anyone wanna help me with some s**t that's been driving me craaaaazy?!?!!
!!user 2414206
My sources say no
dr.eval, The Evil Bins
106 3
@cc are you kidding.. I'm jAndy Luc Picard, captain of the ECMAprise
yes got it wrong sry :)
@jAndy ...excuse me, I'm going to change my pants. These have an...uh...mysterious stain on them.
@Zirak I knew you'd love that unicornguy
@copy Will you ever join us on TS?
no game no pain
My sources say maybe
I lost the game
Using jQuery, I'm inside an event method and trying to find a sibling of its parent... Using $(this).closest('.elname') I can get to the parent which has the element I'm looking for. I tried $(this).closest('.elname').find('.childname') which does not work! .elname is found using closest though, but .find does not find :(
your second word is bad
It's lovely
@Colandus if its a sibling, use .siblings() instead of .find() ?
jquery.find make a google search before giving you the results
after reading api.jquery.com:
Well, I've tried .closest and all! I'm pretty sure it should work...
oh there's so much worse, like that shit I'm into
Why so much hate for jQuery? :P
I didn't hate
no just some quick jTrolling don't worry
I indeed love it, you can ask everybody. I think about jQuery like it is my personal whore
Whores can be useful at times
still in gallery? didn't the troll leave?
except me, there doesn't seem to have any
Q: Extracting Javascript functions

steve_gallagherI have this jQuery click handler function that has three jobs: Set the time interval for the refresh rate Change the color on the clicked refresh rate selection Callback the tablesort functions to resort the newly loaded data I'd like to pull out the separate functionality into named function...

WARF is too hard, and data is too easy. Who should I go for next
To whoever updated my comment, thanks :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum 2372006
I muted deep for 30 minutes like 4 hours ago
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
Room has been calmer since
Hello everyone
Hi Dr. Nick!
@rlemon this has not been updated for a while (from what I can tell)
I need something to do, can I work on it for you?
I just bought www.ufooker.com - suggestions on what to do with it are appreciated i.imgur.com/a0Q0qwG.png
I need to how to github
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have www.lobby.ws, I was thinking a chatroom
@BenjaminGruenbaum loads your webcam and shows you with a big caption above saying "YOU FUCKER!"
Nooooooooooooooo what happend to nooooooooooooooo.com??
Gotta go feed the horses
!!urban fooker
@cc fooker The nice way to call someone a [fucker].
@BenjaminGruenbaum UFO OKer - because your ufo is ok.
I know this might seem like a really basic question, and likely makes me look like an idiot, but I swear I know what I am doing and I really have been stuck on this for over two hours now.... It's really a lot more tricky than it looks (I think) and any help would be greatly appreciated!
Q: How can I restructure HTML to remove nested spans using JavaScript?

JoshI need to use JavaScript to reformat input HTML so that the resulting output HTML is always a sequence of <p> nodes containing only one or more <span> nodes and each <span> node should contain exactly one #text node. To provide an example, I'd like to convert HTML which looks like this: <p styl...

@Shea You did it wrong ... it's feeding the ponies ...
Someone who can help me with this question? I need to call $(document) in a function so that the whole script works, but everything I tried, doesn't work and I don't know if that's the best solution to my problem.

@rafig Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
...I think I might be making my life more difficult by using recursion and I should possibly try to rework my algorithm to use loops for this goal...
@ThiefMaster around?
yesterday, by codin freak
I was banned 7 or 8 times dear
hi bestie
doesn't a user admitting to circumventing a ban result in a new ban?
Was he just trying to "impress us", or is he really that stupid?
(well, they're not contradicting states, they complement, but...)
I think it applies the same as the age. once you claim to it, it is you duty to prove otherwise.
@rlemon: Hard to say.. maybe he was talking about timed chat bans, timed suspensions etc. (even though I doubt someone with 8 suspensions would still have an usable account)
no read on
meta bans and such
i'm not sure why, but anyways. I thought you might want to be informed.
this is clearly a new account (look at age)
he'd certainly deserve being investigated for being a dick in chat. on the other hand... as long as he doesn't start dumping crap on the site that's probably time which can be spent on more useful things
well.... that is debatable.
all of his questions are work orders basically, and move in a progression to finish his project.
but that might not be bad SO mojo :/
/me checks
seems common practice.
if he's dumping crap on the site that'd be a reason to deal with him
they are mediocre.. i've seen worse
ahh well, either way. now you know about him.
!!> ' '.length
@cc 1
@VVV Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey can anyone suggest a good book to learn javascript? I want to learn it with respect to web development. I don't want to specifically learn for loops, arrays etc. as I can learn that on the fly. I want to learn with respect to DOM.
I am already comfortable with C++, Java and C#
!!amazon html5 unleashed
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Fuck you boat!
!!learn amazon '<>http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?field-keywords=$encode($0)'
@rlemon Command amazon learned
!!amazon html5 unleashed
!!forget amazon
@rlemon Command amazon forgotten.
@rlemon Command amazon learned
!!amazon html5 unleashed
!!tell VVV amazon html5 unleashed
@PatrickDevins Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But this book is for HTML 5. Is it good for javascript as well then?
OMG! your ear lobes line up with your nipples!
@VVV yes
also "the good parts" and "the definitive guide (6th ed) "
lol that is a true fact indeed ! they do line up !
cept with fat people
or the overly broad
so congrats! you are neither!
lol no i am not - i am 1.95 meters and 80 kgs :-)
This guy's claiming he took down jsFiddle: twitter.com/thisisroyal/status/380726994176315392. Whoa!
It's that easy?
With a single script?
@rlemon your javascript skills are top notch ! nice !
they are?! awesome :)
@rlemon - I saw your "multiple pictures" answer. Pretty cool :-)
ahh, hehe I was just telling a friend how bad my top rated answers are :P
they gave you +550 :-) for that. Cool.
if you look closely I mock the OP pretty bad
me with html5 unleashed
good book, wouldn't recommend it otherwise
Oh right ! Ok so you are god of web development then :-)
more of a priestess
Ya you gave the entire code in jsfiddle lol !
or a monk
maybe like a hobo with gym shorts
"maybe like a hobo with gym shorts" lol
worst week
talk to me girlfriend

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