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@C5H8NNaO4 tru xD
Oh, it isn't implemented yet in Firefox ...
What should it have done?
Isn't it obvious?
Deconstructing assignment biatch!
@C5H8NNaO4 not really
!!> var o = [1, 2], [x, y] = o; console.log(x, y);
@nderscore "undefined" Logged: 1,2
Yea, that's not what I'm talking about.
I want it off objects not arrays.
How should it decide which value to choose for what , by keyname?
@OctavianDamiean is it supposed to work like that?
!!> var {a:x, b:y} = {a:1, b:2}; console.log(x, y);
@nderscore "undefined" Logged: 1,2
!!> var o = { x: 1, y: 2 }; for ([x, y] in Iterator(o)) console.log(x, y)
@C5H8NNaO4 "undefined" Logged: "x",1,"y",2
Damn airport wifi.
!!> var {a:x ,b:{c:y}} = {a:"X",b:{c:"Y"}};console.log (x,y)
@C5H8NNaO4 "undefined" Logged: "X","Y"
@C5H8NNaO4 "SyntaxError: missing } after property list"
@C5H8NNaO4 "undefined" Logged: "X","Y"
Could someone tell me what is wrong with this piece of code: $.fn.rotate = function(options ) {
var options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.rotate.defaults, options);

var rotationSum += options.rotation;
var rotationTransform = 'rotateZ('+ rotationSum + 'deg)";

webkitTransform: rotationTransform,
transform: rotationTransform,
return this;
$.fn.rotate.defaults = { rotation: 90};
oops markup ;)
@CapricaSix Hi
I get the following error: missing ; before statement
var rotationSum += options.rotation;
Hint: 'This is not a string"
I did not spot that one ^^
hm keep getting the error :(
@Bram why the +=?
@Bram its the var rotationSum = options.rotation
I want to call rotate(); on different elements, but if an element already rotated a bit, the value of that rotation should be added
your either declaring or adding, but not both :D
to the new rotation.
for example: element1 rotated 90 degrees, another 90 degrees would result in a rotation of 180.
JS has function scope, you declare a new rotationSum every time you enter in the rotate function there
hm okay. Sorry I am pretty new to JS so I am still finding things out
add a var rotationSum = 0; before the $.fn.rotate, and simply use rotationSum += options.rotation
@Bram pretty new to programming too, I guess.
... you should all give me money so I can quit my day job.
@RyanKinal omg omg same
no not that, I am pretty advanced in java / android just not web programming ^^
@FlorianMargaine me three.
@RyanKinal come on why isn't ST millionaire
@RyanKinal if I give you money to quit, can you give me money so I can survive? :D
@Bram what you're asking is not related to web, it's just programming generally speaking
@mikedidthis lol, fair enough
@FlorianMargaine Apparently that takes TIME or some bullshit
What would you do with said money btw?
@mikedidthis give activex compotnent for chrome on windows ?
@mikedidthis Survive, same as you?
i google this but i don't find a solution
Day job = actual salaried position
Quitting day job = no more salaried position
@RyanKinal Would you make something or just bum around etc?
@Dave-88 honestly, no idea
@Dave-88 WAT
@mikedidthis I'd work on SlickText
@FlorianMargaine i need activex component for google chrome on windows
@Dave-88 did Chrome hurt you?
@RyanKinal ahh my mistake Ryan, I thought you worked at ST.
but for example
@mikedidthis I'm a founder. We don't have enough to pay ourselves yet.
i use a applikation on my windows desktop
@RyanKinal right, that make sense.
and for this i use activex componente because my applikation works on google chrome browser
Makes sense
@Dave-88 Would it be painful to spell correctly?
how would I go about getting the location of the bottom left corner of an element?
Oh, I'm not banned. Neat
@copy Why would you banned?
Someone reported me to the Internet overlords
@copy Oh. Was it that guy yesterday that nobody liked?
Because I'm pretty sure even the mods ignored him.
@KendallFrey so i have a IE browser on my windoes
and not chrome broser
A: How does the Javascript print function work? Can I create a document using javascript and print it off?

tvanfossonPrint() is a method on the window object. If you create a document in a window using javascript, then call print on that window object, it should work. <script type="text/javascript"> var myWindow=window.open('','','width=200,height=100') myWindow.document.write("This is 'myWindow'") ...

but my app running on google chrome
> "Example modified from w3schools.com window open example."
so i can use the activex componente for chrome for my IE
in TAb
@Dave-88 My sources say no
@copy but were you banned yesterday?
I like when you get banned :(
That's so nice of you
Women and bad boys, amirite?
copy's getting an SO-ban by the SO
@mikedidthis aw yeah, I'm a rebel. Got an SO chat ban.
@BadgerGirl lol?
is this are the solution
> Neptune is a 100% Netscape-compatible plug-in
No. This is not a solution.
@Zirak yep. Like scares.
One of the most confusing things in the world to me is that somehow PDF.js is still a thing, even though it's a worthless counter-productive plugin that ruined online PDF viewing. They haven't even improved it hardly at all.
It's like they said "Well that somewhat works, I guess, if you squint your eyes right anyway. Let's just stop here."
does firefox still use it by default?
So +-30% of our 1,600 daily users can't view our PDFs online because FF literally rapes them to pieces.
@Jhawins It works perfectly fine, no idea what you're talking about
It's even relatively fast by now
@Jhawins Literally, huh?
For anything but text (even most text) it doesn't.
@KendallFrey Literally. All of a sudden bloody semen-soaked pieces of my PDFs shoot out of my iMac's cooling slit.
If you create overly complex PDF files with Dreamweaver, it's your own fault
But no, I've seen hundreds of people complaining about how terrible it is at rendering PDFs. And ours are always screwed up sometimes beyond any legibility
Wait, iMacs have a single cooling slit?
Nothing like a small hole to offer great airflow.
Wait, PDFs created with Dreamweaver?
@naddame Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mikedidthis PDFs created in InDesign...
@Jhawins that is the way to create and edit them.
@KendallFrey I think that's what the random slit across the entire top of my iMac is? It feels warm.
@mikedidthis yes?
I'm sure the problems have something to do with the way we build PDFs. But we have advertisers sending in their own PDFs of ads ad such all the time and we can't redo their ads to make them compatible. Plus Mozilla doesn't seem to have documented what exactly PDF.js has problems rendering. It just seems to happen sometimes, and sometimes not.
You know you can just force the download of pdf files if you hate pdf.js so much
But I shouldn't have to. Mozilla shouldn't have forced this plugin on everyone.
I love it
I did end up forcing the download if the user is in FF.
I think it's a great idea. And I love that it does actually work. But it still needs work. I couldn't believe it when they released it and set it to default because it would render maybe 3/10 PDFs correctly. At least it's better now.
Honestly though if I pull up Chrome and FF and try to view the same PDF online I'm sure FF is way slower. Worth trying right now actually.
You're just randomly hating on things
I'm only hating on pdf.js
I just used this pdf as a benchmark. 21 seconds in FF (rendered incorrectly). 4 seconds in Chrome.
Looks to me like you're creating bloated pdfs
!!Should I buy Gunpoint now?
@SomeGuy Impossible
That file could just be a jpg anyways
It could. But that isn't what we're debating. PDF.js just took 5 times as much time to do the same job as Chrome.
the MS surface runs almost the same software as the desktop win8?
can anyone confirm?
@yogesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon depends which model I believe
@copy It's the last page in a 28 page weekly paper. The other pages full of features/stories need to be PDFs so why change just one.
It's very cool that your desktop pdf viewer is so fast, but considering that I can open a 3000 page pdf in less than 1 second in Firefox, there has to be something wrong with your pdf file
but i see chrome supported this not now
some one mute him please.
@mikedidthis do you know of which model I should get to have the best chance for our software (which does run on windows8 desktop) to run
and I imagine I will have to have some tweak to get touch working :/
@mikedidthis Me?
@Jhawins no no, Dave
@rlemon you want the Pro.
He did have a terrible idea.
if you stayed room owner.... you know....
@copy A PDF comprised of mostly text?
Simple text. Not a magazine. That's my guess? Also I'd love to see FF open a 3000 page PDF of any content in 1 second.
@rlemon always the case. Yeah its the Pro you want, the RT is pish.
is there anything less than the pro (cost) but still capable?
@rlemon no, they got you by the balls.
who needs PDF's anyway? just use SVG :P
I think I have at least a little room to bitch because of what you see above. If anyone knows what's wrong with my PDFs though I'd be happy to know. I just think it's ridiculous that every other viewer can open it perfectly fine in a fraction of the time. Why should Mozilla be allowed to force this step in the wrong direction.
@mikedidthis so pretty much anything not RT (ads windows 8) should be ok?
I hate to be that guy, but PDFs aren't for web browsers, they are for PDF viewers.
^^ Yes
Why should I have to modify the way our paper is produced to make sure my PDFs work with a sub-par PDF viewer that wasn't even originally meant to be used as a browser plugin like this.
@mikedidthis You're completely right
@rlemon I am not 100% I believe its the same issue as a pc, ie, will the tablet spec run the software.
@Jhawins exactly. So make your PDF > HTML and win?
Although I do think it's pretty cool that PDfs can be rendered with any reliability at all through JS.
@mikedidthis Every single Wednesday. 28 (usually 32 or 36) pages to convert to HTML pages.
I have enough on my plate here.
can you force the pdf's to be downloaded instead of rendered in browser by setting a mime-type?
@nderscore You can provide an output file name, but that's like a suggestion, not a rule
@Jhawins I appreciate that, but your moaning that the end experience is broken, when in theory the delivery is broken.
@copy be on Skype. I want to talk.
@mikedidthis no, it's not. Firefox is broken.
pdf.js is a fun idea, but it definitely shouldn't be widely deployed when it's not competent enough to cope with most PDFs.
I don't agree. In my eyes what I'm doing has always worked. It still works in PDF viewers. It still works in Chrome's PDF viewer. The only time these aren't rendered correctly is when rendered through FF. Which makes me think that FF is the problem, because nothing else causes a problem.
@mikedidthis well the software was designed to run in XP SP2
runs in 7 and 8 desktop however
@FlorianMargaine I agreed. But I also think a pdf newsletter is wrong if the intent is to view it online.
and there is no real device support other than a virtualized serial
@rlemon hmmm maybe borrow one? I honestly don't know.
just bought that one I linked
hopefully it works out
@mikedidthis not really, it should work.
if not i'll buy the pro :/
best part about shopping for work is it isn't my money
Does that make sense? I'm not sure how well I worded it. Basically, why should I have to change the way I produce PDFs just because Mozilla decided they alone would change the way they're rendered. Mozilla can do whatever the fuck they want, but they can't just up and change the way everyone in the world delivering PDFs to FF users works. Really, that's what they did.
but i'm the one who gets to play with all the devices we bring in
@FlorianMargaine it should work, but the delivery is still wrong imho. Like flash for a website navigation.
Everyone in the world delivering to this audience has to be conscious of this change and make sure they conform to Mozilla's new standard. Just search around and you'll see plenty of people having this problem. When a pdf is mostly text it works fine, but when it's mostly text does it really need to be a PDF in the first place? Our PDFs need to be PDFs.
just make it a big image. interactivity is handled with image maps.
done and done
@Jhawins mikedidthis has a point in the sense that you're delivering PDF files on a platform made for HTML files
@Jhawins or they build it in a language that works on the program the user is viewing it on, ie HTML.
@Jhawins It's the same kind of crap Microsoft tried to pull with Internet Explorer before firefox was popular
ping attack
@Jhawins sup?
@Jhawins Hi honey
@Neil THIS! Exactly.
@Jhawins I suppose it's the old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I kinda feel bad that I just ordered a surface.
@FlorianMargaine I can see your point as well. I think we both raise valid points though. I think you're right, but I also kind of have grounds to be angry. I don't think there's any denying that Mozilla forcing PDF.js as default is bullshit.
like, ashamed? is that the right word
I guess we shouldn't be surprised that firefox is acting any different
@Zirak You wanna come over tonight blabey?
@Jhawins yup.
now that you have both arguments in your head, take a decision.
@Jhawins Sure. And we can have the same thing as before, but this time it'll be hot, steamy, covered in whipped cream and melted chocolate.
Your cocoas are the best.
makes decision to continue being angry and go smoke a cigarette before deciding what to do
Join me!
@Zirak Can't wait!
May I just have the "being angry" part?
!!join rlemon
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@rlemon I tried
I'm writing code, and I'm not angry. It's just not right.
/me buys ms product.... Goes outside to kill self slowly.
@Jhawins sorry man, I wasn't trying to be a dick, I see why your angry and agree FF fucked up.
Every windows license I buy...a small part of me dies.
@mikedidthis It's not that I'm really angry. It's just frustrating to me that they made this decision and then seem to have dropped PDF.js. They enforced a new standard among millions of FF users and then they didn't even finish it. That's what I don't understand.
@Jhawins yeah it makes sense.
Sweet. Look at that, we all used our words and the JS room isn't just one big pissing match this afternoon :)
@Jhawins it will come, just wait for it .
Well... I was in a meeting.
It'd only get better if Deep showed up and I got to watch the pissing match but not be part of it...
ok hand drawn MS paint time
pissing contest shall come!
@Zirak I think I'd have a pretty good shot at the whole hot companion dealio. But I don't think I'd actually do much for the bot... I will, however, give you a flux capacitor if you ask.
is there an event I can check for in jquery when the value in an input changes?
Ok real smoke time.
the input isn't getting change by leaving foucs so no to "change" and im not typing it in so no to "keyup"
@Hunter .change()
when's fake smoke time?
@Jhawins Will it help me to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow?
All the time
@mikedidthis change fires on losing focus right?
@Zirak No Pertwee, it won't.
@Hunter it fires when a change has been made. I presume on text inputs that change isn't confirm until you click 'out'
this work for you?
@mikedidthis you know of an event when the text changes without leaving focus or typing in that input
@rlemon M-rated for nudity.
@Hunter sadly not.
thanks for the NSFW warning @rlemon :P
ok if you people think that is NSFW you need to get off the computer now.
any know an event thats fired when the text in an input changes without leaving focus or typing in that input
and possibly reassess your lives
also, I have to mention, that is one badass ms paint drawing.
:pats own back:
Aaand, back to work.
reminds me of a joke - many years ago the family was on a road trip and my brother says "mom can we stop, I'm thirsty", my uncle (who was living with us at the time) without missing a beat says "well I have to take a piss, wanna cut a deal?"
@rlemon tell that to the CEO
@nderscore sure, get him in here. i'll call him a tool for you
@rlemon Your edit makes much more sense.
@KendallFrey lol yea, kinda bad way to screw up the story
_.says('You are a tool', employees['CEO']);
@BenjaminGruenbaum $route.current.locals.id is there any better way to find it ?
nvm found it
@mdk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Nice.
75% of americans were getting murdered in 2006?
That's kind of a hard percentage to keep up, isn't it?
I am using magicsuggest for a webui, everything works fine, except that it posts data to my application as [["apple" , "mango" , "papaya" ]]. I understand that it is possibly due to the json data format, but I really wish to get the POSTDATA as apple,mango,papaya
My web-server is very basic unlike Apache, and is meant for only providing users with some interaction with my application.
I therefore cannot use PHP or anything like that, must do it in before the POSTDATA is actually sent from the browser to my application.
And again 75% in 2007
I think you missread the graph :P
murders on the left, % IE market share on the right
With all those Americans getting murdered, no wonder there were only 17k IE users.
That means 93.75% of americans were wiped out by 2008
But each year the number of murdered people dropped quite a bit.
not enough population to maintain that murder rate
If there were 1m people in 2006, by 2007 with a 74% murder rate, there're only 260k people.
thats why they invaded afghanistan and stuff... now it all makes sense...
they needed moar ppl to feed the murderers
So if 2007->2008 was an ~73%, only 7020 of the population remained.
the chart actually plots the US crow population
the guy with orange cap... has balls of steel
even if he might had realized that the car won't hit him.. he clearly forgot about the bad influence that barrier will have on him if the car crashes throw :p
reddit has me :/
hotlink failure (
Did you guys not hear of the great murder wars in the US?
2007 and 2008 were rough
Why do you think so many of us own guns!
no but seriously does anyone know where I can enter into the samsung smart app contest?
Someone find me the "how do I do this thing" fake SO question
They paid me to ask on the chat
not spam of course
the challenge basically is, "create something cool with our SDK and we steal it afterwards" ?
come on, help people, at least where is the site with all the SO gifs
Marketing folks need to stay in the domain they understand
@BenjaminGruenbaum There are SO animated gifs?
@Zirak VGA is outdated.
@SomeKittens It's the only video output (besides hdmi) my laptop has.
I even have a spare DVI cable
Same here.
@Zirak didn't you just get a new laptop?
@SomeKittens Affirmative
Huh. I'm not up to date on laptop 1337ness, but I would have thought there'd be something more than VGA
Bastion has some pretty neat soundtracks
He said he has HDMI too!
Ended up playing Awesomenauts instead of Bastion last night
    opacity:0 !important;
    visibility:hidden !important;
    display:none !important;
Was in rank two, got summarily squashed.
not sure if you've ever seen those
I haven't!
I usually buy them though.. have a huge collection of game music now lol
I've gotten most of mine form Humble Bundle
@SomeKittens y u never talky in TS?
@AbhishekHingnikar What's so !important

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