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Because I he was hooking up with your mom
I see what you did there! (mainly because it's visible)
regardless what you're saying, I only hear angels voices all over the place
can't be mean
You know, I always thought that Zirak's the weirdest person I know ... up to this point.
I always imagined Zirak as grumpy, oldish... mastermind. Pretty much like a 50 year old Torvalds evil genius for javascript
but yesterday changed my life
now you're that innocent angel with crystal clear sharpened voice
hahah, this is so ridiculous. :D
> your voice.. it could win wars! - jAndy
@E.LDunn Amiga forever!
Loktar.... Loktar is ensign crusher
Wuddup Wes?
ensign crusher?
@jAndy haha
ensign crusher
@rlemon lol
I discovered something really cool last night. You can make stereo sound in which the left and right channel have the same amplitude, but you can clearly hear it coming from one side.
don't forget about yourself @rlemon !
if i'm going to be Q i'm going to be a classy Q
@rlemon You're going to be a hotlink alert?
those piss me off
I don't see them
Q is just such a classy sonofabitch
I can't stand the actor, never could.
@Zirak I was going to shop awesome face to look like riker.. but then I came a crossed this picture and I can't think of a better way to depict you.
I approve.
The exact same thing happened just the other day.
Well, not exactly the same. And I was asleep.
Hehe :p Its how I feel after having cut my dreads hehe :p
But if half-naked chicks are metaphors for giant butterflies chasing me, then yeah, the same.
so you were a starship first officer with a full beard and an authority complex who smokes cigars while being chased by giant butterflies?
@Zirak Are you at work?
@rlemon You know it!
I just saw that """WATER""" subwoofer video...
@SomeGuy Negative
and I couldn't help it, but I think this is what happened before
@Zirak Get on TS!
don't do that
I demote you to this guy
What was that?
...my brain. needs bleach.
I at least tried to find a pic where you can't really see anything :p
@rlemon wat
don't ask me ask jAndy
oh brother man.. I'm laughing and chuckling in the office and I earn the.. "WTF" gazes
@rlemon I love your photoshop skills
do you have a photoshop plugin to send the pic right on imgur?
and you .. Q have too much time in your hands obv
@jAndy did you brain just fart?
@FlorianMargaine nay, I upload these to stack
so the stack imgur
how is it different from i.heap.imgur?
@Zirak Get on TS!
.... brogrammer's humor.
the .. "what has been seen cannot be unseen" thing just killed me
@rlemon lol
Well, if you leave your book in i.hotel.imgur, and then break in...
@SomeGuy But...I'm eating. And then I should do some work. While watching bad TV shows.
@Zirak ... then you get to read it.
Wait, if I'm working from home, does that mean that...I'm at work?
@Zirak but you can give us colour commentary about your shows and buttered noodles.
@Zirak Kind of.
My tolerance to the strange / vile / wtf things of the internet has increased ten fold since I joined this chat room. I suppose I should thank you all.
I bet Ziraks place is like... spick and span, clean, sharp, shining
everything is at its place
Did you see pictures of my desk?
Ducks and strewn maps everywhere.
I don't want to
I want to life my illusion
Dildos all over the place
I happen to live above Dildopolis
No Zirak No, angels don't do that.
Yeah, they opened a 3rd branch
can you look here
so i use the object tx in my basic.js
@Zirak next time I have to give a city a name in a video game, I am stealing Dildopolis, I hope you don't mind.
but the object tx is defined in db.js
@mikedidthis I stole it from Community
and i have error in the console if i use the correct data into input field
@Zirak ahh right, but all the same, I shall credit you.
@Akshay Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
by the sequence is db.js first and then follows basic.js
@Dave-88 can you not pass it from one function to another? tbh I don't really know what I am doing myself
no i must to use this code guidline :(
@jAndy i.imgur.com/8m2yyaK.jpg but that was a few months back, right after I cleaned the room, it got messier
pretty awesome
LOL @Zirak !! Your desk looks like... an evil genius with clean angels voice.. planing WORLD DOMINATION
When you say it like that, it takes all the fun out of world domination.
shreds sketches for death ray
@Loktar sorry didn't mean to be rude, hells yea amiga rules!! ( or rulez if your a hip kid :) )
whimpers set phasers to "love me"...
> time to work on my flower gun
I'm curious what role ducklings will play in your NWO vision
@Zirak Where's Lamborghini Diablo the 3rd?
He hid behind the keyboard
all I have on my desk is a newt named Mr. T and a betta named 2.9
Oh yea, I can see a tiny bit of him.
and six shrimp all named shrimpy
@Zirak y unity...
@FlorianMargaine y not
The laptop was just taken out the box
unity really isn't that bad
give it 2 months
@rlemon I gave it more or less 2 months
and it's not bad indeed
it's just that awesome is on another level.
Is this a feature ?
@C5H8NNaO4 What are you talking about?
The address bar search?
No, the google search bar
Well, the search box on Google isn't there.
It's been replaced by the omnibox in Chrome.
@OctavianDamiean The google page search, i only have the address bar left to search
thanks, good to know ^^
Does anyone actually use the search bar now with Chrome?
Thanks i see, is there an about:config entry to change that behaviour `?
ever googled for "recursion" ?
Well I'm using the address bar search with DDG.
@jAndy did you mean "recursion"?
Ever googled for "number of horns on a unicorn + 3"
"speed of light in teaspoon horsepower per acre calorie"
And there's "the answer to life the universe and everything + the loneliest number"
Hello everyone. I want to rotate multiple elements seperately. Of course, I could create one variabel for every element or create a map that contains an element-id and the related rotation value but isn't there a nicer (more OO) way in JavaScript / JQuery?
I am pretty new to (OO)-javascript so I need some help from the experts :)
Who told you you need OOP to rotate elements nicely?
on a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to make a jquery plugin? lol
golden for all times :P
@Hunter 42, give or take 6 skittles
@KendallFrey haha okay.
Do I need to create a JQuery plugin? :)
!!does he?
@KendallFrey Probably
!!does he really?
@jAndy Not at all
!!are you sure?
@KendallFrey Not a chance
!!does she?
@Mr_Green Yes!
@Mr_Green Definitely
!!should he?
@jAndy But of course
!!could he?
@jAndy Not at all
!!are you sane?
@KendallFrey Certainly not
!!are you super saiyan 5?
@Mr_Green Not a chance
!!how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
@jAndy All signs point to yes
!!how the fuck do you answer a how question with yes or no?
@KendallFrey how the fuck do you answer a how question with yes
@Zirak I order you, the answer to that needs to get hardcoded to a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood :p
@OctavianDamiean @SomeGuy
question how does jquery datepicker position itself right under the input box?
@jAndy :D
@Hunter with positioning stuffs
gotcha so thats gonna be css based then
@SomeGuy kinda looks like a video game cover
almost a legit one
!!is jquery datepicker position css based?
@jAndy Not at all
Yeah. Maybe we could make it one!
GUIS I HAVE AWESOME IDEA! I already have logo and name, just need programmers for my awesome idea. Can't pay now. but stock options when we make it big!
A clientfromhell, right there.
@rlemon where do I sign
"Can't pay"
replace walter scott with jAndy
then sign on the dotted line
.. we've got a bad boy over here
I will consider it ! Probably I'll accept the job offer from the USS Galactica, but if not ..:!
Not a good fractal
I guess its a high-five annoyer
Q: Showing experts my first webapp, a simple notepad

udbHi here is my first webapp - I need suggestions, please take a look - http://goo.gl/wujrTC

@rlemon I'm surprised. The "new" feed /subreddit is not getting bombed like I expected it
how is that possible ? O_o
Eh, which feed did you add?
I can't see anything reddit in there.
in where
by the way.. you don't "see" anything commander
In the feeds info tab, captain.
what do you mean you can't see anything, I'm confused
On a slightly unrelated note. I'm currently at the airport watching my father take off for his sightseeing flight.
nice, where is he heading
posted on September 19, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey, I was on The Collapsed Psi talking about BAHFest. Check it out!

hah, the Octocat sticker on my notebook is attracting funny looks and smiles. :D
Mission accomplished.
@AngeloMoreira Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!s/Octocat/Hello Kitty/
@rlemon hah, the Hello Kitty sticker on my notebook is attracting funny looks and smiles. :D (source)
please I need some help here this is driving me mad: stackoverflow.com/questions/18893828/…
I haz prove!
lololol that was funny
function queryLookup(key, str) {
  return str.replace(/^\?/,'').split('&').map(function(seg) {
    var parts = seg.split('=');
    if( parts[0] === key ) {
      return parts[1];
jquery.com DOWN ??!!?
@jAndy looks fine to me
@jAndy Your world just imploded didn't it?
yea I totally expect the shockwave coming soon
starring out of the window all the time
jAndy can u pls give me some opinion about this? stackoverflow.com/questions/18893828/…
A: How can I make a redirect page in jQuery/JavaScript?

Boris GuéryWARNING: This answer has been provided as a possible solution. Obviously, the pure JS approach is the right one. Simply do : var url = "http://stackoverflow.com"; $(location).attr('href',url);

350 upvotes for this crap... (well, at least the guy added a warning)
wtf D
@ThiefMaster - disabled = 'disabled' is the correct syntax for xhtml, so it's possible he would have that. — Spudley 1 min ago
3k upvotes on the location answer!? WOAT?
@ThiefMaster You just don't know nothing.
Nothing. shakes head
He's the captain ... he knows stuff.
make it so !
I'm so depressed. I still gain reputation from my Android answers ... I want reputation from JavaScript answers.
reputation is reputation, it doesn't smell
It does.
I only have javascript answers. That's more depressing
@OctavianDamiean Only if it comes from socks - then it has this nasty cheesy smell.
@OctavianDamiean btw, any idea regarding d.c.s' tdop ?
!!> [5,2,10,45,4,3].sort((a,b) => b-a);
@jAndy [45,10,5,4,3,2]
Caprica understands ES6 ?
Q: Reverse effect of tab in visual studio

codin freakI'm using Visual Studio 2012, and I was wondering if there is any keyboard shortcut that does the reverse effect of tab

why does it always select a freeking answer
!!> () => (() => 2+2) + (() => 4+4)
@jAndy "() => (() => 2+2) + (() => 4+4)"
!!> var f = () => (() => 2+2) + (() => 4+4); f();
@jAndy "() => 2+2() => 4+4"
Mornin' folks
I think I forgot how to use SO in the long time I've been using only the chat. How do you guys find questions to answer? All I find is crap, buried by even more layers of crap.
There must be a trick.
@OctavianDamiean I don't. I have no desire to wade through the crap.
I was using a little script which poops out all new questions on defined tags, but.. as soon as I was promoted to captain.. who cares
I'm going to take a look at the jQuery questions and provide VanillaJS answers if there are none! :D
A: create a json like object in javascript

Erik ChristiansonJavaScript objects already are JSON objects (they were the inspiration for JSON objects). The array of the object you have already contains two JSON objects.

!!> var f = () => ((() => 2+2)() + (() => 4+4)()); f();
@jAndy 12
lol... get used to it guys
@yzT Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
parentheses heaven
Yea, except that you can have JavaScript objects that are not valid JSON. mind blown, I knowOctavian Damiean 9 secs ago
I miss Teamspeak :-(
I miss the voice :-(
I can haz friends now!
!!> () => (() => 2+2)() + (() => 4+4)()()()()()()('lol');
@jAndy "() => (() => 2+2)() + (() => 4+4)()()()()()()('lol')"
@FlorianMargaine well that escalated quickly.
@OctavianDamiean heh
is this essentially

var f = function () {
    return ((function () {
       return 2+2;
    })() + (function () {
       return 4+4;

I want reputation for wading through crap questions and fixing or closing them.
@C5H8NNaO4 congratz! you win! :p
That's pretty nifty for codegolfing
Es6 will be pro codegolfing
Nice, i gonna love ES6
@C5H8NNaO4 I thought this was the Javascript room, not the Lisp room. xD
@JohnMerlino Thanks for reminding me of EventSource, I was stuck with something, then realised I can use it.
What I love most is destructuring objects.
if I look through the questions in html/css/javascript tags on SO, I really get frustrated. It feels like the overall quality of questions decreases like a lot. Feels like people never learn and all the previous answered questions don't help a bit to increase overall coding knowledge
which leads me to the conclusion, that the system failed ! :-P
!!> var o = { x: 1, y: 2 }, [x, y] = o; console.log(x, y);
@OctavianDamiean "undefined" Logged: "undefined","undefined"
y u hate me
@Michael This room is about everything but javascript :P

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