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@minitech Why would that work? timeout isn't defined anywhere
oh wait, duh-doi
Yeah I forgot what I'm doing
Do all the plugins run in that sandbox?
nah, just eval. We have no reason to distrust anything else.
What happens if a plugin has an error? Does the whole thing stop?
!!should i opensource the site i made for my love
oh really
@AbhishekHingnikar I expect so
!!/fuckable toString
@minitech This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
!!> fuckable.toString()
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@AbhishekHingnikar "ReferenceError: fuckable is not defined"
!!> new RegExp("^(\\w+[_-\\s]?)+$", "i");
!!awsm this is serious business
Ah, toLowerCase. Um.
@JanDvorak ths i srs bsnss
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: invalid range in character class"
!!>for(var i=0,s="";i<1e6;i++) s+= ".?"; "hello".replace(new RegExp(s,"g"),"l");
@AbhishekHingnikar "InternalError: regular expression too complex"
!!fuckable prototype
@minitech This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
!!fuckable constructor
@minitech Could not process input. Error: special[possibleName].random is not a function on line 4053
@minitech The error's raised, if it's as a result of direct input it'd be propagated to output (we have a try catch), and if it's not, then hopefully the error's past the time where the IO is started up, and we'd continue receiving input.
@AbhishekHingnikar MC Short for master of ceremonies or mic controller. Essentially a word for a rapper but the term is not limited to hip hop. Drum and Bass, Garage, Happy Hardcore, Ragga and old school rave all feature MCs, however with these genres, the MC generally MCs live while a DJ mixes the tunes, whereas hip hop MCs mainly do so on record
@minitech Most of them are filtered with hasOwnProperty, but I guess I was just lazy there.
@Zirak: So does return fix the bug or is it just too many messages?
Haven't tested yet, gimme a sec
As opposed to too many subscribers to the event loop or whatever
@Zirak never be lazy with anything a bunch of geeks might want to break
We can see if that's the case:
!!> postMessage({})
@Zirak "function postMessage() {\n [native code]\n}"
!!> var i =0;while(1){i++; var work = new Worker("escape.js"); }
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ReferenceError: Worker is not defined"
...I'm stupid, forgive me
OK... time to sleep
for 6 hours and 50 minutes
This is what I get for clicking on the "new pastes" list on the right
> <div id="cred"><a href="http://apice-do-delirio.tumblr.com/" title="Exclusive for my nigga">♡</a></div>
Isn’t that a bad word in Spanish
oh noes i have forgotten css :-/
Why don't I have a div named "cred" on my page :(?
Oh nose
!!> while(true) postMessage('how many?');
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because you don't have a nigga?
@Zirak its already bleeding since 3 hours :-|
street cred {font-weight:bold;font-size:100px;} /* respect */
@minitech Maximum execution time exceeded
!!> var start = new Date(); while(new Date() - start < 400) postMessage('how many?');
!!did it work?
@Zirak, I think maybe postMessage just needs to go
Why is it exposed in the first place?
@minitech Maximum execution time exceeded
@BenjaminGruenbaum But of course
Definitely. And I'll post the answer back with unicorns.
@minitech Maximum execution time exceeded
So that it can be used to post the response message
Wow, teh lag.
@BenjaminGruenbaum :-(
But the worker isn't really terminated
Actually, the better way would probably be to just handle everything with an error.
@Zirak Create a wrapper around it that calls real postMessage once and then from the second time you call it on does nothing?
Guaranteed termination if there’s a message at all.
On the other hand, then I could just
… nah, that wouldn’t be loopy, so no problems
The output can just be checked. If we don't like the format, we throw an error and terminate.
Right now I don't do any output checks at all.
Doesn’t that last one show that the problem is the messages themselves?
Anyways, if there’s only supposed to be one, use an error. It seems safe.
throw {event: 'start'}; // Not loopable, ever
The problem is also in that it throws an error before it terminates, because it received malformed input.
Huh. Really? It seemed well-formed to me…
str is answerObj.answer, which is undefined, to str.length throws an error, we never get to finish
Aagh. If only we could pass functions.
But that’s part of the genius with web workers. They’re basically the perfect sandbox.
!!> var str = new String(Array(3).join(Array(499).join("z"))); str.length = 400; postMessage(str);
@minitech "function postMessage() {\n [native code]\n}"
@minitech "SyntaxError: return not in function"
@minitech "function postMessage() {\n [native code]\n}"
!!> var str = new String(Array(3).join(Array(499).join("z"))); str.length = 400; postMessage({answer: str}); global.postMessage = function() {};
@minitech Maximum execution time exceeded
alright i gotta go back ad add firefox support
you should never make a css3 powered web-card for your girlfriend before asking her for the browser she uses :-|
What shall one do, if he/she sees a answer that is an exact copy of another answer from a different question?
@Pinocchio Flag.
Either the answer is wrong, or the question is a duplicate, or if it's neither, leave a comment/flag.
Also… link?
@Pinocchio Merci
Has anybody worked with yeomen web-app on windows ?
It fucking crashes if i save the link twice quickly :-/
throw err;
Error: socket hang up
!!> "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".replace(/./g,x=>String.fromCharCode((x=x.charCodeAt()+2)&16?‌​‌​x-15:x+11))
@Zirak "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
ok, about to test the worker fixes
I'm kind of frustrated :P
also many thank for the favicon explanation. — zishan 52 secs ago
> issue still persist
Yeah... that's the one I meant to link to
"issue still persist" is not elaborating on why
while(issue.still persist) !(accept);
Link him to a course on how to debug?
@copy or to the book Debug It!
Which is a good book by the way.
!!go sleep or keep staring your screen being all bored and grumpy for no reason
@OctavianDamiean keep staring your screen being all bored and grumpy for no reason
Should be good and tidy now.
(at least better and tidier)
Has anybody known of a way to use background-clip:text in firefox ?
in a performant way :-/
!!> while(true) postMessage({ answer: true, log: true });
@minitech Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contactZirak
@minitech true
@minitech Stop trying to tamper with my internals ... at least invite me on a coffee first. Dick!
it ruins my effect
… contactZirak?
yeah yeah I forgot a space, on it
(playing dumb) How does the --> (goes to) operator work in JavaScript? E.g. while (x --> 0) ….
Same way the fireworks operator works: x --=> 0
@Zirak That one stopped working in Firefox (now that it has arrow functions)
Well, that's one more reason to not introduce these shorthand functions.
They're killing our beloved fireworks operator! (I wrote that as "belobed" at first. weird.)
@ŠimeVidas Since when is -- a valid argument?
!!> var x = 10; while(x --=> 0) console.log(x);
@minitech Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
Uh, @Zirak…
!!> var x = 10; while(x --=> 0) console.log(x); true;
@minitech Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
yeah, pure errors aren't respected
@AbhishekHingnikar !!nailcolor
Because it threw an error. I'll fix it...
Wait, why would it throw an error?
!!> what is love?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
> SyntaxError: invalid arrow-function arguments (parentheses around the arrow-function may help)
@BadgerGirl what ?
Is --=> treated as --()=>???
That’s dumb
@CapricaSix Love is just malformed output from web worker :(
Haddaway had it wrong all along.
Although they did have...a way.
I think this should be a native part of the DOM api.
Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
Why are you so obsessed with slidepoop? Does it bring back childhood memories?
If we have stupid shit like .bold no reason to not have that
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
Why would that be an error -_-?
...I didn't quite test that out thoroughly
@BenjaminGruenbaum .bold() doesn’t exist?
In the Worker context
It does, I'm just stupid
@minitech Why wouldn't it?
@minitech That's a bold statement.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because it is stupid
@minitech touche.
!!> "hello"
@minitech Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
Yo bro, I'm on it
Chillax bro
You chillaxed?
@minitech That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!> "Zirak, wth!?"
@OctavianDamiean Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
well, have to get some sleep. Gnight people
@Loktar :P .... god i wanna pray you and @rlemon now :-|
!!> throw new Error('');
@Zirak Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
how u so pro on canvas!
They're handled in different places
"waat" is handled in different places?
Regular output and errors
huh, I guess I relied on it throwing another error when trying to parse the regular output?
beer!> '@BenjaminGruenbaum'.replace('BenjminGruenbaum', 'minitech').bold()
@Zirak "<b>@BenjaminGruenbaum</b>"
...good enough
It might be the first time I misspelled "Benjamin"
beer! echo I love you.
@OctavianDamiean That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
beer!> '@minitech'.replace('@', '').sup()
@Zirak "<sup>minitech</sup>"
!!> var x = 10; while(x --=> 0) console.log(x);
@Zirak "SyntaxError: invalid arrow-function arguments (parentheses around the arrow-function may help)"
There we go.
can anybody add depth in wards ?
like a drop-shadow inside :3 pls! --- i fail so bad on photoshop
@BishoyHanna Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar you're pro on canvas too man
your heart was a pick
pretty cool
nah u guys get insane performance ... literally insane :-/ when i try that i get 1fps or even low

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