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@Pinocchio @JanDvorak I downvoted it
Q: How to moderate questions which are about basic programming logic/syntax errors?

Jayapal ChandranI see many questions asked for the following equal to (=) instead of == in if statements. Missing single or double quotes and getting errors Basic beginner html errors like not closing script tags not have understood basics and post their entire code for solving a simple syntax error etc... and...

Already got a dupe lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you seen the examples? Check the 2nd one here: ojjs.org/learn.html#creating-js
Mornin, folks. I think I have a language barrier or technical barrier in answering this question. I did the best I could, but OP comes back with the same question again. Mind taking a look? stackoverflow.com/questions/18798013/…
@Zirak What about it?
@JoeFrambach You get a downvote for suggesting jQuery without it being mentioned.
Sorry, but imo that kind of ruins the answer, please consider fixing it and I'll revert it.
The question is not language specific
Oh. I must've imagined that you said something like "I like that you don't need to query the DOM"
@Zirak That's them being bad in their example
@Zirak You don't... they just have a bad example.
@BenjaminGruenbaum jquery removed, but I'm not writing it out longhand for my image
Maybe. They just feel weird.
meh, you're right
@JoeFrambach Already reverted the downvote, I just dislike encouraging people to add 80kb of foreign code.
@Zirak He could have just used a variable for status
@Pinocchio answered.
javascript: new SomeFuntionName();
try {
	Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(wname);
	Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor();
	return  ctor.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
uh, not quite
@Zirak wait, I have no idea how to get a back reference.
@cc I don't get the comparison, in Java that's reflection, in JS just new
Usually in Java you'd also have Whatever a = new Whatever() (what you'd really want is to use var but for whatever reason they can do it but won't)
hmm, reflection in js, how is it done?
You don't need to have reflection in js
!!> function foo(){return 0;}; var name = "foo"; eval(name)();
@cc for.. in
@Zirak Yep, I have no idea how to get a backreference to status
You've got that moral authority part wrong. The SE network is a peer reviewed and peer maintained network, if enough people think that it's useless, then it's just useless. — Octavian Damiean 8 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum for names in an object, oh ok
I have used eval before... not even once
@JanDvorak me neither just wondering
Although I'll admit usually what people are looking for is the Function constructor
@BenjaminGruenbaum use case?
@BenjaminGruenbaum never used that either
@JanDvorak Plenty of use cases for invoking the JS compiler, be it optimizations of code through generating code on the fly, doing templating, parsing JSON before they had native support and so on.
Pretty much anything I'd want to use the compiler for... heck, the console is a form of eval
@BenjaminGruenbaum how can eval be faster?
I'm using that reflection in java to create a dynamic websocket object from the multiple availbale
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you mean `return eval("{+key+": '"+value"'}")?
@JanDvorak Hmm, the simplest example I can think of is what the node-mysql guy wrote about. Let's say you're querying the DB and you have a structure for a row.
@cc I feel so sorry for you mate. Want a hug?
If you do a loop, it's slower than building a function that deserializes an object once, and then calling it multiple times on each row
@BenjaminGruenbaum what about json.parse?
@JanDvorak What do you mean?
Let's say you have a db table row that goes like: "userid","username","hash","email"
You want to query 1000 users from your database in JavaScript
The easiest thing is to get the table structure once, and then do a for loop
function getUser(cursor){
    var ret = {};
    for(var i=0;i<fields.length;i++){
        ret[fields[i]] = cursor[fields[i]];
However, for 1000 results that's pretty slow, an optimization could be to generate a function on runtime that does:
function getUser(cursor){
    return {
        userid : cursor["userid"],
        username : cursor["username"],
V8 loves these sort of functions, and this gets converted to something similar to a struct initialization in C
You had to call new Function once when creating the code, but once you did it fetching a user is much faster.
got it, thanks
what about eval?
@OctavianDamiean yes thx
seriously I need some java in the cv.. that unfortunately works
eval messes up scoping pretty bad, I only used it when JSON.parse was not available and I needed to parse JSON from a trusted source. I think I used it once more but honestly I don't remember
@Zirak Yep, no back reference of created elements, oj is stupid.
You have to query your dom
Well, you can avoid it, but you'd need to use a view model each time
@cc Eh, depends ...
You can't generalize.
It works if you are dumb enough to agree on a job that requires Java.
@AbhishekHingnikar You're as stupid as a pile of bricks.
Most of the time I'm all like "What are you even talking about?" and when I understand what you say I'm like "Oh my gosh ... kill me now!"
You're being harsh
He's entitled to his opinion
No, I can't stand this fanboyism.
It's tiresome.
<masochism> yes be harsh
Worst part is that at one point he is totally pro something and the next week or so he's totally anti the very same thing he was pro for and vice versa.
I should probably just stop reading backlogs ... less frustration.
How could I live without a tablet up till now
What are you using it for?
@copy ^
For now not much, I just bought it.
but some apps are being installed such as an ssh client to connect on some server with vim and tmux or emacs
@FlorianMargaine What form factor?
Wait a week, you'll only use it to play Sudoku while sitting on the can
s/tablet/toilet :p
@FlorianMargaine ah, the infamous "I traded my computer for Linode"
How can you...live like that? The desktop is so much fun.
@Zirak we'll see. I'm more a fan of crossed words currently though
@Certs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak I don't find the desktop so much fun tbh
People are weird.
Anyway, off to cinema.
@OctavianDamiean what's form factor?
@FlorianMargaine Size.
Ah. Galaxy tab 2 10.1
Yea, then let's talk again in two or three months. ;)
Yep we'll see. At least I tried :p
We'll put that on your tombstone
"At least he tried"
Keyboard connected
way better
Why would you like it better than your laptop or desktop then?
I find tablets good for a few games here and there
But otherwise, they're kind of useless
I like the tactile
and I like how lightweiht it is
Why are you groping your computer?
I'm sorry, "groping your computer"?
!!tell Florian define grope
@Florian grope (obsolete) To feel with or use the hands; to handle.
usually in a sexual manner
It usully comes with a sexual connotation.
oh. Because I like it. And he likes it.
wife does the same with her computer
we're both ok with this
You have a strange marriage.
every marriage is strange, but don't tell anybody.
Q: Jetpack Infinite Scroll breaks other ajax scripts

tonechildUsing Wordpress 3.6.1, latest Jetpack and latest jQuery as well My website uses ajax to update post reviews and inline comments on pages of posts(archive, front page, etc) Infinite Scroll works, but when it loads the next page, the js for the newly loaded posts does not work. I am thinking it ...

How did I get CoD: Black Ops?
@Zirak Origin Bundle?
I don't remember registering it, and I didn't get a gift notification
Origin screwing with you?
You play video games you must play CoD!
It's on my Steam library
They've infiltrated that far? NOOOOOOO
Anyone here has any experience getting Angular to play nice with windows 8 apps?
@Zirak Free week
Or a free weekend
Whenever a game goes free for a timed period, it shows up in your Steam library
The entire week is for free!? I usually have to pay a safety fee so Steam won't murder me.
Well, Steam likes to give its slaves some breathing room every now and then
I can't even get Steam to work on Linux.
it used to, and then they changed something.
Works fine for me
Are you in the beta or something?
I'm reinstalling it, let's see if that works.
Ah, there we go
All sorts of little weird things since I upgraded my graphics card.
ah yeah, I've had loads and loads of problems related to GPUs on Linux.
Yep. The only thing is that my monitor settings get reset on reboot. Any ideas?
I managed to completely forget what that command was called. If you're using an nvidia card, propably called nvidia-config or nvidia-settings
(the archlinux wiki of course also has stuff that have nothing to do with arch)
I think he has the AMD 6870 or something like that
Poke around xorg- commands, try seeing what's under it, continue with googling promising candidates.
@SomeGuy that's bordering on @BadgerGirl creepy level.
Hahaha, but you mentioned it right here on the chat!
I just remembered it.
ok, NOW we're getting weird
> No command 'xorg' found, did you mean:
24 hours ago, by SomeKittens
Just bought a 6870, which put a dent in the budget.
oh, it was that recent?
Try autocompeting xorg- to see what programs you've got under it
@Zirak nothing
Capital X?
xrandr is a thing
That's used for multiple-monitor layouts
@Zirak Yeah, I have to use it to set my primary monitor
How about running X -configure, and then moving it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?
Your distro is weird
@BijoyMeethal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can i use js to connect to mysql? is ther any framework I can use along with knockout.js
@BijoyMeethal not if the database is well secured
@JanDvorak: i did not follow
@BijoyMeethal simply put: mysql runs on the server, while javascript runs on the client
Front end JS should not be able to connect directly to MySQL
I don't know about your server, but my server runs JavaScript
@BijoyMeethal unless you mean node.js, of course
I wish I could design a webapp to store some user details by using js
I'm basically a java guy .. new to js, I understand js is client based and cannot talk directly to server, but that is the challenge I'm looking for
I heard lot about node.js, but never used it before, can I used node.js?
JS can "Talk" to the server with AJAX, just not the database.
var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection") ;

var connectionstring="Data Source=<server>;Initial Catalog=<catalog>;User ID=<user>;Password=<password>;Provider=SQLOLEDB";

var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");

rs.Open("SELECT * FROM table", connection);

Do you guys think the above code won't work?
active x is WTF
a WTF that only works in IE
hmm, so its not recommended
"not recommended" is an understatement.
drinking four beers a day is not recommended. ActiveX is BAD
gets back from phone call, sees the above, calls someone else
so no equivalent to WTF in FF and Chrome?
wtf = worse than failure
Run a server, learn about XMLHttpRequest
Then, from the server of your choosing, handle those http requests which you send with js, and talk to the db.
@zirak : is node.js a better guy?
If you don't buy the more logical route of why it's bad, here's the business end of it: If the client-side js can talk to the db, that means the client can talk to the db. You're screwed.
@BijoyMeethal It's one option for a server. Choose whichever you like.
@Zirak: sounds better
I see most of the examples internet provides connects back to PHP, but I dont like to have php, ,net.. I want to have example where I can run tomcat and test.. any site suggestions?
@BijoyMeethal you have to choose a language
No, because I steer clear of tomcat (and any other thing related to java). But it can't be hard to find - a quick google search led me to this
@OctavianDamiean benchmark Nexus [whatever phone you have using android] with same powered iOS device :->
@Bijoy: if you don't have to use j2ee, don't use it. really.
@Zirak thank you for reminding me to play Fez
@ThiefMaster: so no js + tomcat also?
JS is JavaScript. completely unrelated to Tomcat/Java
(like "pen" and "penis")
!!will you do my laundry for me?
@SomeKittens But of course
nodejs is fine. so are most python frameworks for example. depending on which language you prefer etc.
@SomeKittens It feels weird that people know what I'm playing
j2ee is complex and usually requires big frameworks and lots of bloat. you'll likely spend hours getting everything running at the beginning while you can do the same thing within minutes when using nodejs or some nice python framework (like flask)
yeah, but i heard some java frameworks are actually pretty ok (if you ignore the fact it's java)
"play framework" iirc
!!s/if you/if you can/
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah, but i heard some java frameworks are actually pretty ok (if you can ignore the fact it's java) (source)
and indeed Play is nice
long way for me to go, I will try using JS as front end, java as backend
Jul 5 at 16:30, by Darkyen
i like java now
I'd like to try Ruby on Rails
@luckyamit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak Don't you already do Ruby?
Ruby != Ruby on Rails
I want to launch my website, any idea
@luckyamit as in, into space?
@JanDvorak This is filed under "Things I'm aware of"
@luckyamit Remember, the amount of fuel goes up as the square of the payload size. This is why people don't like Java.
I want to launch my own website so that I can earn money daily, any idea which kind of website I should make?
Porn or dating.
@luckyamit if I knew, I would
Maybe a combination of the two.
I'm just surprised that a Rubyist hasn't tried Rails
@luckyamit Some sort of social-networking thing. Those seem to be popular.
@SomeKittens okay I will
!!google earn money daily with website
I'm actually taking this weekend to learn Rails, among other things
Any idea to make new type of social networking website that could be popular in a little time @SomeKittens
@luckyamit if I had, I would
@luckyamit What if you made Twitter, but for photos.
"It's gonna be the next facebook!"
I have an idea for the current facebook
Yes what?
@HariDahal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@luckyamit If we did, would we tell you? :P
Its already in market
I want a website which makes me coffee. From the floppy disk drive.
@Zirak I'm afraid you'll need a new hardware
first particle system that reset particles instead of re-creating
@rlemon nice one
stupid codepen
Idea for new kind of social networking sit?
Yeah, social network which enables people to stab other people in the face via the internet.

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