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!! can 1+2 = 3?
@Loper324 Not at all
@rlemon are you here_
still at office \o/
new record :"D
my best record is 830pm
unless you count times spent drinking on the roof after work and then going back and checking email afterwards
Midnight here.
That was a fun week.
1 hour later…
@zhicheng Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yes :D having fun with canvas
you did that?
is anybody here that knows how to use Tamper Data?
@user972553 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@weisjohn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy UML is a great productivity tool. And by that, I mean it's a great tool to look productive without doing anything.
Doodling on a notepad > UML
!! What is UML?
@Loper324 But of course
So helpful like UML!
Who ever made the first replace in editors thank you!
Today I had an exam in the college about UML and Requirements engineering..
So it has been a funny day :D
> Ashis bounty rakh leta isme
^ Does anybody know what this means? :(
Ash has a bounty that is from me..
Lets eat lettuce.
My gibberish might be off.
What is the difference between <input type="button"/> and <button></button>
@Loper324 <button> submits by default and can have anything inside it
You can give <button> a type to make it not do that, though. It can also get a name and value if necessary.
But they can do the same things right? Why have 2 uses?
Q: <button> vs. <input type="button" />. Which to use?

Aron RotteveelWhen looking at most sites (including SO), most of them use: <input type="button" /> instead of: <button></button> What are the main differences between the two, if any? Are there valid reasons to use one instead of the other? Are there valid reasons to use combine them? Does using <button>...

I've glanced at it, but you can do the same thing with both....
Heck you can do the same thing with a <img> tag although...
That is, for an <img> versus a <button>.
If you actually have an <input type="button"> in your HTML, by the way, you’re doing something wrong.
How so?
It doesn’t do anything without JavaScript.
.... This is the javascript chat...
Here, step 1: why do you want a button? What does it do?
New question, I can't seem to get $("#Check").click(function....); to work
Well, that’s totally unhelpful
Syntax error @ ....
I'm sure that's correct jQuery/JS
It's also a input button not the normal button..
@minitech Also how is it unhelpful?
there's no way to figure out what's wrong with the information you've supplied so far
@Loper324 “I can’t seem to get insert thing that usually works to work” full stop
Did the bot just go insane?
and <input type="button" value="Mix!" name="Mix" id="Mix"/>
Is what I'm using....
And what’s happening? Nothing? Is there anything in the console?
I’d say the problem is probably having mix1 and mix2 as arguments, though. What did you expect those to be?
Weird. Changed it back to alert (I was trying to debug it) and now it works but It's giving me objects now instead of strings...
(Not using jQuery will probably help you develop faster)
event handler functions only have one argument
and that argument is an event object
I don't know what you're expecting mix1 and mix2 to be
mix1 is the .val() of text input.... and I just viewed it in the console and found out it's the jQuery object.
It’s a jQuery event object.
Did you mean $("#mix1") or something?
jQuery has zero magic involved
what's mix2?
Meh a bit easier to get the value and I'm planing more things I'm just starting off the code..
where are mix1 and mix2 defined?
Mix 2 is the same thing
One line above...
Don’t make them arguments to the function then.
mix1 = $("mix1").val();
$('#Mix').click(function(e){ $("#footer").append(mix1,mix2); });
Can't I just use it in there and it'll be global?
this is what you're trying to do, but I think your logic will not work out how you expect it
Isn't logic insane?
since the value of mix1/mix2 will be whatever their values are when the script runs
and not the values when you click the button
Do you know what the syntax of a function is?
A function literal, that is
Learn this before jQuery; it is more important.
Yeah, I think I'm just a bit too tired to be trying this..
Alright both ways I tried it are logging undefined
Alright let me rethink this...
I'm trying to get the <input type="button"/> to run a function when clicked and that function takes 2 arguments (Which may be replaced since they are global for now....) and the function does the rest.
that argument is awesome :D
I hate Shawn after his second comment and want Sandro to win
@minitech Also where did you see that?
@Esailija You like static typing more than dynamic?
it's not about what they are arguing
but sandro is trying to make logical arguments while the other is just trolling
arguing on the internet is fun
x took more time or x has done something for longer time is so ridiculous
I wasn't even programming 4 years ago
@minitech I figured it out!
hell, I couldn't even indent properly two years ago
so making the argument that you have been programming 35 years just makes me pissed
@copy I do like dynamic typing more of course
I've been programming for 14 years and I sucked for the first 8 :P
how are you counting? Because I made AI scripts for Age of Empires II when I was 12.. but I don't count that :D
@Tarun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey guys i have a javascript problem . I need to get hover index of a select box . i made this working in FF but its not working for chrome and other browser
can any expert help me out in this ???
@CapricaSix sure. and thanks for quick information
Q: lightbox and fancybox - how to use the z-index properly

MAD4RAFollowed from this question Bring the child popup(light box) above the parent popup(fancy box) I got into this and i found the css of both the lightbox and fancy box, and this code below is the css of the fancybox which always stays on the top .fancybox-wrap { position: absolute; top: 0; le...

@copy hi cutie
I'm such a lightweight.
@MAD4RA what you tried for debug ?
the site admin keeps updating his anti-adblock code every time I update this userscript. I was waiting to drop this version of my counter-code on him lol.
@nderscore yo dawg...
overwrites document.getElementById with a function that if there's no existing element, it returns a newly created div element with the id that was requested and a random 4 digit number inside it, and overwrite document.write so that it doesn't work once his footer links exist XD
> Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id
Thanks, Ruby.
@SomeKittens Can Ruby also find the superego of nil?
@SomeKittens *buh
Can't we all just acknowledge that JS is superior and use it already?
xkcd in gif are rly spoiled
@FlorianMargaine you must wait in onopen that the ws is set
ws.onopen = ( _ => ws.send('fuck') )
I am in complete shock guys.
ws.onclose = ( _ => ws = new Web.. )
I was able to explain to an Indian how my project will go in only an hour.
It usually takes days! Lol
@JorisLindhout Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JorisLindhout FYI @CapricaSix is a bot, it took me a while before someone told me she wasn't a person...
!!mustache Joris lindhout
@cc User -1 was not found (if the user is not in room 17, pass a user-id instead of a username).
Lmao @cc
Internal server error
How you people find this stuff I will never know...
hello all
i have a sample code but not able to run it.
simple html file
getting values from local php file
but it is not bale to shoe can anyone plz have alook at it plz.
@sam1888 *able, *show?
1 message moved to Trash can
no unformatted code please
@xoemab Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@sam1888 here's a paste service I've found for you: pastie.org
too late to edit now. not formatted. deleting. Please use a copy/paste service
Hello guys.. in one of my jquery function I have this $("#result").html(data); that print me the result that I want.. I just want instead of overriding everything in div with id result, to put it in next line keeping the previous result too
43 messages moved to Trash can
I'm not reading unformatted code
just got back home
@JanDvorak add me to room owners ps ?
and meh 24 hours workday \o/
!!/mute sam1888 30m
@JanDvorak Please give mute duration, see /help mute
@JanDvorak Muted user 1300712 for 30m
anyone can suggest me anything?
what is this ayr
@xoemab append ?
someone is asking help
@xoemab try append
and u guys are using mute detetion and all stuff
to get him out
no liking it:(
@sam1888 Read the rules and stop begging. Act like if you had some dignity.
@sam1888 begging for help is not tolerated. Not cooperating is neither.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@sam1888 begging is not the correct response when one asks for a pastie
@dystroy @JanDvorak thank you guys it worked
@dystroy should I hive Sam a chance to apologise? We can remute anytime
@JanDvorak As you want. But only once, then.
30 minutes is short enough, though
!!unmute sam1888
@JanDvorak Unmuted user 1300712
remute will be appropriately longer, though
@JanDvorak It's about 10^-6 life
Wow. 80 years is shorter than I thought. I can totally understand atheists are so depressed.
Yes. It's interesting to compute the value of the time you lose on stupid tasks.
My father told me when I was very young the share of his life he lost to the convention a manager should shave. It's terrifying.
Steve Jobs also used to tell his developers how many lives they saved each time they made one feature execute in one second less time.
is it normal that a spam post survives more than a minute on meta? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/196858
Of course, it might not be so relevant when the feature is the displaying of a "kikoo lol".
@JanDvorak I didn't have time to flag it.
Q: Function chmod in windows os no like in linux

Zen ThắngPHP: when I chmod 777 file in windows, it translates into 33060. i want to create function convert 33060 to 777. Like this function convertperm($num) { //do something } and use: echo convertperm(33060); //return 777 Can you help me. Thank you!

There's a chmod in windows ?
hey friends
i have a problem
someone can help me ?
!!/welcome Dave-88
@Dave-88 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy have you time ?
help pls
Q: jQuery fadeIn effect not working its Flicker which apply on 2 divs, but show/hide works perfect need to change bg image with fading effect

Satinder singhJS FIDDLE I have 4 bg images and want to change the background img when ever mouse enter over menus .ie. (flying stars in my demo) and on mouseout it will show default background image. On menuone & on star1 - background image one display On menutwo & on star2 - background image two d...

@Dave-88 Read the post before yours or you'll get banned
hmm my syntax is wrong?
because the console says wrong token
someone idea?
@Dave-88 dot before left parenthesis is never valid
(outside string and regex literals)
you should leave it out
ahh okay mom
why are you not using $ for jQuery?
it's works
is better ?
it's shorter
but legibility is a valid argument
for the handling or for the performance too
no difference in performance
but i see the problem
for example
i habe a another framework
this is working on $ too
that's a valid reason
I was just curious
need help
Q: jQuery fadeIn effect not working its Flicker which apply on 2 divs, but show/hide works perfect need to change bg image with fading effect

Satinder singhJS FIDDLE I have 4 bg images and want to change the background img when ever mouse enter over menus .ie. (flying stars in my demo) and on mouseout it will show default background image. On menuone & on star1 - background image one display On menutwo & on star2 - background image two d...

@Jan Dvorak
i have a question
forget it i find my bug ^^
@jolly.exe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: JQuery: Iterate through an array by using on('click')

PeterI am trying to get into JQuery but am struggling a bit around. What I'm trying to do is go through an array one click at a time so that each time I click on the "next" button a new item is presented. Let's take a look at the following code: $(document).ready(function(){ var stuff =["hous...

^^^^^ how to iterate eliments with previous link ?????
how to disable recycle
@jolly.exe I can't see any link five messages back. Did you mean ^ ?
@jolly.exe if you mean "how to not use the first element after the last one" - then you need to define what happens instead.
besides, you should always understand the code you're using
!!google 'javascript copy paste area'
Why so gallery?
we had a vamp
ban over, will ungallery
Oh yeah, fair enough
A long term solution would be much better
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
longer ban, you mean?
30 minutes as a first warning isn't too short, IMO
No I mean a non-gallery hack solution
30 mins as a first ban is fine, I just wish we didn't have to scare off everyone by being in gallery
Android is gallery, too
Yeah, it just seems that there should be some mechanism below admin level for handling it
If you want some fun reading, check the trash can: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/11766939#11766939
Morning Folks
@ChetanShirke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jan jeepers.
I need to perform some actions when a user clicks on anchor tag..i.e before page is navigated
@udaysagar cancel navigation, do your stuff, navigate when done
"how" to which part?
canceling navigation and doing our stuff
in the click event
how to navigate when done?
location.href =
location.navigateTo(...) exists too IIRC
thanks @JanDvorak
@JanDvorak I need to save the state of select box after page refresh
@udaysagar localStorage
or sessionStorage
Does calling .click() to trigger an anchor tag not work when using a mobile device?
@udaysagar determining which load is a refresh might be a bit tricky, but you can determine which load is a fresh load if the server cooperates
@Four_lo why wouldn't it?
@Jan I don't know. I can't make any sense of it but it works on my computer but not my phone.
and your jquery's version is? and have you tried trigger instead of bindJai 26 mins ago
just pasted the wrong thing
@Andy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GNi33 I think you'll like this - listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=5JvmqRYZ56Y
(Convenient link, eh? :P)
Also, where have you been? Haven't seen you around in a long time.
(be back in a few, Zirak needs to reflash the BIOS)
(if I won't be back, send Zirak money, he'll need it)
(because he screwed something up and will cry over his broken computer)
@Zirak i flashed a wrong bios one time, i could just order a new bios chip for $10, and had a spare one
Doing all this so you can play Borderland 2 just to find out that you don't like it.
why wouldn't you like it ?
Because it's not cool.
(reflashing successful, but Zirak did nearly have a heart attack when he forgot to take out the USB stick and the computer failed to boot from it, throwing errors)
Zirak should get his ass on TS.
(success! can now play Borderlands 2 (cc @SomeGuy))
@Loktar Rogue LEgacy has full controller support - I think this will make it much better because the keybindings are super crazy to get used to
Q: A train is heading west at 50 miles per hour. (velocity and speed) in MATLAB

Konrad NowakA train is heading west at 50 miles per hour. A car approaches the track crossing at 35 miles per hour on a road that makes a 60 degree angle with the track. Use MATLAB to answer the following questions: What is the velocity of the train relative to the car What is the speed of the train relati...

@OctavianDamiean Sorry, but your wrong. Borderlands is cool with friends.
It's ~30€, that won't happen with Battlefield 4 being just around the corner.
@OctavianDamiean oh I snagged it in the sale.
Its still super fun and a wonderful game.
@rlemon Hahaha
yessssssss jsfuck.com
> alert("THE GAME") - 257732 chars
@OctavianDamiean ( stacksocial.com/sales/borderlands-2-for-mac , not just for Mac)
@rlemon Yeah, but it works.
Just think of it as Dart.
I try not to think about Dart

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