@Esailija You are absolutely correct. Nevertheless, like I said (and I don't know if this is still true), many browsers implement(ed) javascript in such a way that user triggered events (i.e. "onClick", which may or may not include timeouts) would interrupt the currently executing thread, transferring control to the event handler until it resolved. This caused significant problems when a function working with a global variable, was interrupted by an event that also modified that variable. — Benubird12 mins ago
He's just trying to save face now by lurching at the closest semi-plausible explanation, which he will now swear by even though he has nothing to back it up.
@PanagiotisGeorgeRaditsas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
LOL @ YouTube, "Oh, when I attained my bi-polar awakening and started talking to the spirits of my dead realtives, I recieved messages of love from God..."
I have the following jquery mobile + phonegap app. I'm finding when I load the app, the images in the separate pages load pretty slowly. Any advice on how to either fix this or show a showPageLoadingMsg spinner when the user clicks on a particular item item in the listview?
"If I recall correctly ... this was the only explanation I could find that fit the behaviour observed." --- a faded memory about an empiric explanation of a poorly understood phenomenon (that is not remembered by itself) is pretty feeble evidence. But, at least, we know what browser to test for thread interruption. But, if IE6 did that, I'm pretty sure I would have known by now. — Jan Dvorak35 secs ago
@FlorianMargaine ahh maybe its an English thing, but women go crazy come their wedding day. I attended one and got sent home for having the wrong shade of black shoes on.
@MohammedHâmzã Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
cheers. It still doesn't seem to work. This is for internal uses so the code just needs to work and am not worried about SQL injection at the moment. — rmaspero31 secs ago
@OctavianDamiean 2nd fact only imho. And if you're a guest, people don't usually send you back home for having the wrong shade of black. That's a different story if you're the witness though
I hope I can be able to explain my issue. I have a select element that is part of some repeatable metaboxes. I use the select element to show/hide metaboxes. It works fine as long I don't clone/duplicate the metaboxes. If I do that, the select options start interfering each other.
Here is the js...
My 2 year old went to a craft class to make puppets. She spent 45 mins looking for an oval shape to represent the boys puppets 'bits'. She gets science.
I have the following code which takes a single image and applies a specific width to it:
function Foo ( img ) {
this.image = img;
Foo.prototype._getWidth = function( ) {
return this.image.data('largest') + 'px';
Foo.prototype.applyWidth = function( ) {
this.image.css( 'width', ...
return this.image.data('largest') + 'px'; // you shouldn't assume a number, especially if that's something coming from a user. Use parseInt(number, radix)
@MarkWylde Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need to serialize this string into a multidimensional array using JSON. How would you do it?
@Neal I will do, but tbh, it makes sense. I had a similar sort of idea, but I struggled to word it or piece it together. Looking at your answer and I am like, yep, I get that.