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@BadgerGirl I don't have a postcard yet either :(
@SomeGuy 2.987678999
Thanks for the postcard :-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum you were off by .000000002
@JanDvorak We thought you had given a fake address but we tried anyways. :D
@phenomnomnominal Ha I see now.
@phenomnomnominal (cc @copy) hahaha
The "hidden" sheep is awesome
@phenomnomnominal THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD
That's my pet sheep.
@Scottux tnx
what was the probl
@BadgerGirl it was correct :-) nice "statistics" :-)
@copy @BadgerGirl gotta admit, i'm upset the url wasn't copy.sh/eep
OMG you're right. :P Didn't think about that.
Why the center?
@phenomnomnominal gaaah <[^>]
@sanders - the handle option should have been left null, apparently they changed the functionality to require that it is a descendant.
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you view source?
@phenomnomnominal Ofc
Hello everyone I have an issue here
<center><img src=sheep.png>
this is the source ^
I am trying too implement a header with a few thumbs changing....You can see it in www.ipallares.com
I am experiencing weird problems with image resizing, and fadeout/fadein effects
specially in FF
<[^>] <- @BenjaminGruenbaum this is the reference
anyone tried the pirate bay browser yet?
The what now?
seems to be just a wrapper around FF
Some douche made an android app that just holds a web view to the site i work on
and is adding ads (which we have none of) and charging people to remove them!
Why douche?
Woah, FInland censors their internet? @Esailija
Because he's making money selling my work as his own? And as far as we know he could be stealing our users credit card details
58 secs ago, by phenomnomnominal
and is adding ads (which we have none of) and charging people to remove them!
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think it's just piratebay, or do you have some other news?
@prateek do window.purchaseFromAndroid = function(...){...} jsFiddle runs in a closure and your function isn't defined globally
@Esailija Naa, went to that piratebrowser site and was surprised to see Finland in the list of countries that censors internet.
lol wtf Finland
> The Ministry of Communications has commented that filtering is voluntary for ISPs as long as they do not refuse
Seems legit
> the website of the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web W3C was briefly blacklisted as childporn by mistake.
Oh yeah, standardize me hard and dirty you naughty
That's ok, the Israeli W3C site doesn't pass validation
duplicate ids..
Pretty horrible... :)
How 'official' of them.
@Esailija: Why are the misses slower than in my version?
@FelixKling mind sharing context with the others?
and the following comments
@FelixKling well first let me explain a few fundamental problems with your jsperf
putting code inside test... this means the benchmark includes JIT optimizations times so the results usually have += 2% error
jsperf mangles the code so that it is optimized from scratch for every sample
posted on August 14, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} OLD MAN WEINERSMITH SHAKES HIS FIST AT THE NEWS

I bet you don't do that for your production code, so testing that is already irrelevant
secondly, you use statics and don't make sure the compiler cannot abuse that
something like obj["prop50"] is extremely unfair
because hasOwnProperty has to consider everything dynamic
but obj["prop50"] will just be optimized as any static property read
but in production code again, we are not doing static reads but dynamic, that's why we need to force dynamic
we can do this by introducing functions
but again we have a problem... functions will be inlined and we are back to square 1
so I attached a comment which tickles v8 heuristics not to inline the functions
and now all functions have to consider the property key as dynamic
that was the idea... now the test is still broken because it gives 90 million for the others
and btw, you need to change the test separately for each engine
because the comment probably does nothing to prevent inlining in e.g. SpiderMonkey
@Esailija: I see, good job! I just assumed that property access (whether dynamic or static) is a lot more optimized than hasOwnProperty. In any case, when running benchmarks with my production code, I got much better results with the typeof approach.
I recommend building the engines and using their tools, really useful
jsperf is basically blind following blind
Am I the only one here who thinks optimizing things like hasOwnProperty in the context of that question is silly? Sending or listening to XHR events costs a lot more than hasOwnProperty..
Yeah, jsperf has recently given me some incorrect results too, even after moving the functions to the top
there is a lot more to consider than just moving code outside tests
premature optimizations
Yeah, I know :)
like in this case it is crucial to prevent inlining so that the engine doesn't cheat with static strings
because in production we will have dynamic strings
I haz banana.
in theory testing something like "hello".length might have compiled literally to the integer 5
Concatenating two strings fixes it in V8, doesn't it?
@Esailija We need volatile :P
is fucking pissed off
Generally, I tend to feel that JS compiler attributes are pretty weak, in C# you use them a lot in performance sensitive areas
@OctavianDamiean What happened? Using Ubuntu again?
@FlorianMargaine married in ten days? who is buying the croissants? your parents or hers?
We can open a main site question maybe :P
@FelixKling property access is only fast when the object is basically being a C struct
in this jsperf the object attached 100 dynamic properties... so it was hash table since 14 properties
@Esailija: Thanks for all the info, I guess I have to dig deeper.
This is the second time I can rewrite almost the entire thing because the customer didn't know how to explain what he wanted.
UPDATED showing Code in jsFiddle
Q: jQuery ColorBox Close event is not working on Safari Browser

PadysterI have problem closing the colorbox on Safari Browser. I have used below jQuery code to close the colorbox: $('#abuttonID').click(function(){ $('#cboxClose').click(); }); Also I referred to a STACKOVERFLOW Question But it doesnt seems to be helping anyway as I am already using the Jqu...

@BenjaminGruenbaum when obj.prop is mov ebx, [eax+0b] instead of hash table access
@Esailija Yeah, I just didn't like using the term C structs, memory access by offsets sounded more reasonable to me (C structs being value types and all)
hash table or megamorphic access is an order of magnitude slower at least codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/28344/…
@rlemon that looks horribly misplaced
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah I don't know what is an accessible term for it
Yeah, I guess me neither... I'd say they're closer to C++ classes than C structs though
Then again C++ classes doesn't quite match it either
but it is amazing that in V8 the userland properties just literally sit next to the internal properties
Yeah, no argument there :)
I have to say, they really improved non-monomorphic performance in these last 2 years though.
Interesting discussion
I have a benchmark from early Node days comparing a function accepting an int to a function accepting sometimes int and sometimes string... in old Node the function accepting an int all the time decimated the other one
Btw since Strings are immutable
Recently, they performed almost identically
having the length just a memory offset sounds damn reasonable :P
@Darkyen Strings aren't just immutable, strings are value types - that's stronger
can the size change ?
a few days ago @IvoWetzel was screwed by the fact that the engine eagerly tries to use ints
then ... ?
Changing the string "Hello" to something different is like changing the number 5 to be something different.
It's a stronger notion. "Hello" is a value, just like the number 5.
like he had a function that worked on floats.. and sometimes they were by coincidence integers.. and that caused deopts
@Esailija Don't remind me of that... at least I'm doing performance insensible stuff right now :P
Alright, what the fuck? If I subtract two integers, how the hell can it result in a weird irrational number!?
which reminds me .. shouldn't we make an issue that function should just assume floats when they can be ints or floats
@OctavianDamiean Impossible, integers are closed under subtraction.
like it shouldn't try to keep using ints
@Esailija If you can create an isolated case definitely report it
@IvoWetzel since you have worked the most with iPhones or atleast testing in here ... I have a question
did you ever got the problem of iOS's fucked up position:fixed and overflow:scroll ?
in a performance friendly way ?
@Esailija Ping twitter.com/mraleph he's one of the compiler guys working on V8 irrc
I think he is working on dart now
I want to implement a header but when it scrolls it doesnt updates the fixed element until unless scrolling is complete, any ideas on fixing that ? @IvoWetzel
@BenjaminGruenbaum Never mind ... I should double check that I'm subtracting what I think I'm subtracting ...
@Darkyen Go ahead
I asked..
did you ever got the problem of iOS's fucked up position:fixed and overflow:scroll ?
in a performance friendly way ?
Yep, dart, we talked to him
hingnikar.com/3W/unibar.html @IvoWetzel [ open on mobile and see the messup effect, truely pisses me off ]
@Darkyen This hurts me :
     hobbies:['Writing loads of css only stuff',
              'Helping others',
              'Playing Soccer'
Please fix your profile.
I intentionally didn't fixed it, open array means i have more but... err i guess i should fix it
@Darkyen I should slap you really hard.
@OctavianDamiean eh ?
I agree with Octavian. Use ellipsis in that case. But CLOSE your brackets.
Reading your profile lets our parsing engine in a bad state, ill at ease...
var me = Human.get('/abhishekhingnikar');
     hobbies:['writing code',
              'reading code',
              'compiling code',
              'debugging code']
} */
LEARNING should be a constant
Personally at least, I'm constantly learning.
good question how does node.js deals with const , & logs them
ok I finally nailed it jsperf.com/hasownproperty-vs-in/3
the problem was that the success functions were optimized under the assumption that the read always succeeded
@Esailija /*ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
keyboard spasm
the comment increases the function text size -> makes it not inlineable
@FlorianMargaine you are getting married in 9 days!
almost 10 days to be exact
It's 9 for India.
You forgot to convert the time.
Unless the script isn't yours.
it's mine.
@SomeGuy It's not though. He has a counter. Just because I'm waking up tomorrow at 10 AM doesn't mean in India I'm waking up at 10 AM also
but I don't care, it's for french people anyway
Where's the script ?
@Jeremy Exactly.
The script uses local time for everyone.
I confirm the script works fine :)
Which means the time remaining should be in his local time.
@SomeGuy It's counting the absolute time, isn't it?
Not from what I can tell.
endDate = new Date('August 24, 2013 16:15:00'),
if (diff > 0) {
    countdown = "It's over!"
my wife's gonna love that
it's using current time until a specific endDate
Ah okay.
and currentTime is different for people around the world
@GNi33 yeah I should add UTC or something to the new Date
You could make a UTC string : new Date('August 24, 2013 14:15:00 UTC')
let's try that
And don't forget to frequently check it works on your smartphone just before, while, and just after the wedding.
should be fine now
@SomeGuy check?
It's alright now.
@dystroy totally
Fuck it ...
"Do you accept..." "wait, lemme check my phone"
user image
such an awesome community we have here!
I <3 you guys! (and gals)
Q: Clean, Modular Code vs MV* Frameworks

CuriosityI've been hearing a-lot about the "new" MV* frameworks. I've tinkered with KnockoutJS, creating an invoicing application, but I much prefer to write clean, modular code in raw JavaScript - leveraging utility APIs and other libraries when necessary. Given a methodical/structured/SOLID approach to...

@rlemon Hahaha, nice!
awesome! :D
hahaha their postcard rocks
I hope I never get my postcard.
I know right!
can't wait for mine.
Feedom, Liberty, Equality ? That's almost french...
@BadgerGirl Why couldn't I just get a normal one?!
@rlemon rofl
@copy y u no golf sex :(
@ton.yeung If they're using the same CDN, and it's a popular CDN, chances are that b won't need to.
@SomeGuy The text on yours is pretty normal.
This card is awesome. The immortal memory of internet will keep the strangest things for the next generation...
You can't be sure, because people may tell their browsers not to cache resources, or could be browsing incognito, or using a different browser, or something along those lines.
@dystroy best postcard i've ever gotten
@ton.yeung nothing shocking, he just should learn about http caching
btw sometimes I feel like cdn's can be good, if everyone use them
oops sorry didn't see posts above :)
I wish mine reaches me :-( before i Move out to bangalore xD
@FlorianMargaine i am sure you modularize it ;D
@Darkyen I don't think she sent you one. She hates you.
@SomeGuy did your reach ?
phew if that
@BadgerGirl :'( y u hate me ?
@Darkyen I don't.
you talkable ?
I'm at work.
laters maybe ?
@OctavianDamiean 4 days remaining on cod4**
room topic changed to JavaScript: Want to learn JavaScript? We do too! | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [ecmascript] [javascript] [personal-flotation-device]
@rlemon LOL
morning ladies
@Shmiddty morning
good evening :)
oh i fucking hate this room
i almost forgot :-| PING x 3000 with chrome on
@Darkyen wut?
@Darkyen you have ping issues?
@Darkyen you hate the chat?
@Darkyen PING
heh you guys see codepen
I didn't even tweet that one out, because it was so simple
You got featured again?
its super simple though
DNA strand?
Looks pretty good!
Q: How can I create a graphic canvas with 2D objects animated in 3D space?

Fillip PeytonI came across this site and fell in love with the background animation, particularly the points connected to each other, animating in a 3D space. (The element in question is: <canvas id="bg" width="1920" height="995"></canvas>) I am new to canvas animation, and from the research I've done so far,...

@SomeGuy thanks :)
I did it for that
I was bored last night, and honestly Im surprised his question didn't get closed. But I figured id have a go at it
he seems to be asking "GIVE ME TEH CODES"
Haha, yeah. But sometimes, I do it anyway, because it's fun!
yeah exactly
@BadgerGirl I forgot to take a picture of the postcard again!
@Shmiddty You shouldn't, unless you want to be murdered.
@BadgerGirl I didnt get mine yet btw
Ill keep lookin! :P
I was gonna block out stuff!
@Loktar The demo looks so much better on CodePen than on JSFiddle for some reason.
Probably the darker theme that CodePen has.
@Loktar That's weird :( I hope it didn't get lost.
@SomeGuy yeah
thats why I posted the codepen link too
@BadgerGirl yeah I hope I didnt just not notice it and toss it by accident
or my dad or someone (he gets the mail too, he lives in my basement)
@Loktar like I care for the actual answer, the demo deserves a lot of upvotes on it's own
heh thanks, I think its too simple though to be a pick
I didnt even tweet it out or anything was trying to fly under the radar with it
It's actually quite decent.
woah when did Paul Irish join Codepen?
stop flying under the radar dude, stop
I don't get why he's using querySelector instead of getElementById
it's shorter to write and works for anything
recently there was optimizatin in queryselector in webkit to recognize such simple selectors
@SomeGuy jQuery programmer
I remember reading about it 1-2 weeks ago
@Esailija Oh, really?
@Shmiddty Yeah, that was what I was hoping wasn't true.
Oh, well.
not saying it's true

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