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what charts type? highcharts, d3, ..?
flot chart
@Dinesh I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the only different between drawVisitorsChart2/3 is the target and the data. Am I right?
@Dinesh I'm using this square.github.io/cubism currently, and find it quite meaningful
if i comment drawVisitorsChart2, drawVisitorsChart3 is calling all the time. issue is only one function is calling at the time on resize event
Getting any errors?
btw, just call $(window).resize() it does the trick often, or do you want responsive charts maybe?
yes i need responsive :)
btw, visitors don't spend their time resizing windows
just case could be landscape portait switches mobiles
actually user can view their site in tablet,pc...so i use responsive
so use 100% and handle the landscape/portait change with an event
@cx Never EVER make that kind of assumption about users. They'll fuck you over every chance they get
If users knew what they were doing, CMS's wouldn't be so god-damned complicated
those users are more testers than a nice user :)
responsive is coming like charm....i want to call functions like drawVisitorsChart2, drawVisitorsChart3 inside resize function
What does drawVisitorsChartx actually do?
If it's as simple as you make it out to be then there shouldn't be a reason why they're not both firing
well well you're right, but maybe you should not redraw at each resize but under/above some limits
2 messages moved to bin
om nom nom nom
arg, when you've touched d3 you don't want to touch those jquery chart anymore :(
!!tell Dinesh format
@Dinesh Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@CapricaSix okay, forgive me
@Dinesh No
gotta star that
I used a switch/case construct. Feel so bad. :(
You can edit your message too ... don't have to delete it all the time.
I just want to know , can we able to call more than one function inside resize function ?
Click on edit, hit Ctrl + K on the keyboard that is attached to your computer and then hit enter.
function drawVisitorsChart2(jsonData,title_tex,tip_text,render_div,color_code,gcount)
				jsonData_2 = jsonData;
				title_text_2 = title_text;
				tip_text_2 = tip_text;
				render_div_2 = render_div;
				color_code_2 = color_code;
				gcount_2 = gcount;
				options_2 = {
				  series: {
					lines: {
					  show: true,
					  lineWidth: 1,
					  fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.5 }, { opacity: 0.2 } ] }
					  show: true,
					  lineWidth: 2
Are you sure you're using the keyboard that's attached to your computer?
Alternatively click the fixed-font button.
le sigh ... better than nothing.
@Dinesh Either your resize function is well hidden or you've just posted something completely irrelevant.
drawVisitorsChart2 like this i have function drawVisitorsChart3. Here both will  draw chart. Also i calling both function on resize event like
Alright, what's the problem?
@OctavianDamiean i posted it before mins...i posted it again
if i comment drawVisitorsChart2, drawVisitorsChart3 is calling all the time. issue is only one function is calling at the time on resize event
I just want to know , can we able to call more than one function inside resize function ?
You can call as many functions as you wish. The problem might be with the library you're using.
Can't tell.
The way you are invoking them is legit.
Add a console.log call or some equivalent to the beginning of the functions, to see if they're called correctly. Your logic inside them may be faulty
@Zirak console.log is called on first time page load, when we resize it is not
debug the function
there's no magic
check vars
@Dinesh Are you sure about that? Successive logs of the same message stack up and you'll notice only a counter increasing on the same log line.
@OctavianDamiean sorry i dont get you
I am officially bankcorrupt
That is, if the message your are logging doesn't change, and there no other log event between two similar log events, then you'll not have a new log line in your console but just a counter that'll show you how often the same message has been logged.
@Darkyen Stop buying porn mate. There's a therapy for that.
@OctavianDamiean wish i had invested in porn atleast i can re-wind and watch again
but this.... this is sparta
@AnthonyLeGovic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I paid my bills
I guess i have to follow my plan B for career
@Darkyen Yea, hookers and booze don't have a replay button. :(
paid phone bills bro
Q: Program of source code to read barcode,and reduce initiated amount from it

user2682225Java barcode reader withHow can I create a barcode image in Java? I need something that will allow me to enter a number and produce the corresponding barcode

@OctavianDamiean ^ Plan B for career
Goto Himalaya's Be a monk... atleast i will have peace of mind
@JanDvorak It's not a duplicate - user wants to read, "duplicate" wants to generate.
It should be closed as both a shopping question and one which doesn't portray any effort.
@Zirak then cv as a shopping question
Wait...he has two portions
...ok his question is horrible
@OctavianDamiean thanks for reply. i will check
he copy-pasted something
so unclear fits as well
the answers are crap as well.
@Zirak i missed you :P
@CapricaSix i missed u aswell
!!are you alive?
...I wasn't here for a day
@JanDvorak Indubitably
@Zirak seems like 2 days to me
but maybe timezones
And comon how can we not miss an absolute troll like you ?
...I wasn't here for two days
2 days is enough, especially when we all now talk to the bot so frequent
@Zirak Why weren't you here for 2 days?!
(oh come on, this is too easy) Your mom and I needed some alone time
well I can't work without bot, so I want a compensation for these 2 days
Bend over, my boot will give you some.
ah thx
@Zirak Can you think of ideas for games to make on the theme, "bad luck"?
Just ordered that bad boy so I can Oc my cup better
@SomeGuy Anything to do with bad luck?
@Zirak It'd be nice if you'd actually help and give ideas instead of being a smartass, by the way. :P
Me? A smartass? Never.
@Some what about a game that revolves around avoiding things like passing under ladders and mirrors which if done lowers some kind of RNG
In case you're interested yourself.
@AndréSilva Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The first idea which came to mind is a squirrel living in a tree, and you need to divert the attention from predators and lumberjacks.
Like you had the Tom & Jerry game where you threw eggs and tomatoes at him, drove around in a car to annoy him, fenced, etc
You know common 'Do this and you have bad luck for a year or 7' kinda things you hear
Add them all into a game and make it puzzler to avoid those obstacles if they fail then
Is it possible to store values in classes like this : var MyFunction = { init: function() { ... } }; ?
Like the player has to jump off a ledge without smashing the mirrored floor
give him a way to soften his landing without giving it right to him
You can also take ideas from Dumb Ways to Die
Hahaha, that video was quite amusing.
You can also implement @rlemon's boat, where you play a lemon fisherman which tries to get reeled over by sharks and tsunamis try and topple it over. The ocean offers many mini-games.
No one ? :(
As neat as that sounds I don't really think it captures the theme of bad luck as well as it could be
Ooooorrrr you can take on something like No Time to Explain, only with more background stories.
Could someone at least respond on what is that kind of class called ?
@AndréSilva That's not a class nor is it a function, that's a regular object. And you can put anything you want on a function.
Make a coin flip game tell them they have a 50% chance of heads or tails then secretly code it to have 0% chance of heads and make everybody feel like the most unlucky shithead in the world
var fun = funcion () {};
fun.key = 4;
!!> Math.max.length
@Zirak So I can var MyFunction = { var myVar = 0, init:function() {} }; ?
I want to store some information in variables so I can use it for other functions
No, you still need to obey syntax - it's just an object literal. And stop calling it MyFunction, it's not a function.
var myVar is not a key..
!!> var x= {var: "foo"}; x.var;
@cx "SyntaxError: missing variable name"
@Some I still think my idea would be cool and now I wanna see it come to life (the ladder mirror one) I picture it with like a surrealistic limbo theme
@Datsik That's a good cooler
@cx "foo"
@Datsik Yeah, but I don't think it'd be much fun to make. Not for me, at least.
@cx Wrap in parentheses, you made a block.
Hm I think I understood.
!!> ({var: "frvrv"})
@cx {"var":"frvrv"}
in 10 years days
@SomeGuy But you can take it to a psychological level, a platformer where the story is based one someone's misfortune.
@FlorianMargaine That looks so...morbid
@Zirak Maybe. Going to have to think about how I could develop these ideas more.
better have a build that strips your comments
ok so now I need a simple algorithm based on daily pivots and recent prices, to determine if the market is bearish or bullish :/
!!> var myObject = { test: 0, init: function() { myObject.test = 1; } }; myObject.init(); myObject.test;
@AndréSilva add !!>
!!> var myObject = { test: 0, init: function() { myObject.test = 1; } };
@AndréSilva You can also haz cheesburger
@AndréSilva "undefined"
@cx "undefined"
And this.test = 1 will work as well.
!!> this.sucks = 1;
@cx 1
@AndréSilva 0
!!> this.sucks
@cx "undefined"
@AndréSilva 1
it needs persistency :'
I got a question I am using json_transform to move events in the calender but sometimes the event never gets moved and if u try and try sometimes it does, how can this happen?
@AndréSilva not you nvm
@SomeGuy It could be pretty neat. Say you have to run to a room to save your mother from hanging herself, you run down the corridor, and just as you get to the door...you fall over, and she dies.
Well, "neat" from a game perspective.
Haha, yeah, it could be neat.
Might use that!
!!urban neat
@cx [Neat](http://neat.urbanup.com/2047006) 1. An expression that means something is wonderful, terrific, or cool.

2. A term for serving a spirit straight, in a glass without any ice or mixers.

3. To be clean, orderly and tidy.
sorry for my english..
Thanks guys :)
well if Ivo's physics stuff works well I'll use it to make lemons boat
and I now have a name for it
:) thanks @Zirak
no royalties.
np. My lawyers will have your panties.
sail boat I hope
I go commando after the last lawyer battle
We don't all stand in SO's street corners.
@Astuanax Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!youtube bring life back to music daft punk
I love that muted jazz sound
@Phenom ^
!!youtube best vine compilation
@Datsik Sounds good.
Q: XMLHttpRequest Not Working

Shashank ShuklaI am working with javascript cross domain ajax request. my code is working fine on chrome and other devices like android browser and android native app using phonegap. But i was facing issue with Firefox.. Firefox does not support my PUT and DELETE requests. Is there any solution for firefox to ...

Oh thats funny Oo
saltybet.com - bet your wife on video game results.
@Some the whole thing is amazing
@IvánPallarés Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi guys
@IvánPallarés Hi ;p
I am trying too implement a header with a few thumbs changing....You can see it in www.ipallares.com
I am experiencing weird problems with image resizing, and fadeout/fadein effects
specially in FF
well I'd say perfect
Any ideas?
!!google chrome extension imgur
@Datsik hey man
> goes up to 11
Hello all
@Darkyen big cs patch out today
does anyone have an Idea why in this example: jsfiddle.net/zVZFq/670 the Draggable doesn't work? It constructs the object but you can't drag it.
Silencers for guns and stuff
Fun fact, Windows Azure have a JavaScript backend service that acts exactly like Meteor
I'm very amused that it's in JavaScript... probably driven by NodeJS
(And not, let's say C#)
@Datsik you're just trollin
They have some really cool stuff in Azure, I have to admit
It feels like they're ahead of competing cloud services.
Interesting list of projects to 'pick up' : sideprojectors.com/project/home
@sanders - for one, you are targeting an id of drag and the element has a class of drag. investigating further.
@Scottux tnx. realized that already
@Padyster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: jQuery ColorBox Close event is not working on Safari Browser

PadysterI have problem closing the colorbox on Safari Browser. I have used below jQuery code to close the colorbox: $('#abuttonID').click(function(){ $('#cboxClose').click(); }); Also I referred to a STACKOVERFLOW Question But it doesnt seems to be helping anyway as I am already using the Jqu...

they see me trollin, they hatin
@BenjaminGruenbaum o nooo, not win#
c# is great though
@mikedidthis Most have a "did no marketing, so you do it"
@cx I have to admit, their stuff is pretty amazing.. I have to really resist the urge to use it because I don't want to depend on them.
there better :)
And the projects are just...mediocre.
Must... resist... urge..
Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
User commands back yay
@FlorianMargaine Pretty awesome :)
@sanders, it works in older versions of jQuery if I change a few minor things, but I haven't gotten it to work in v2 jsfiddle.net/scottux/zVZFq/672
@BadgerGirl @copy thanks for the post card :P
@rlemon pics or didn't happen
@Zirak yep, seems that way
ugh, it's in the car. remind me next time I brb/smoke
I luled at "hey @rlemon" at the top of the card
@SomeGuy when are you changing your nick back?
I'm not.
@SomeGuy Why?
@SomeGuy Your little brother has yours under his mattress.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't particularly like the idea of having my name show up on Google with the chat.
@Zirak Hahaha. I don't have a little brother, though.
@SomeGuy Why?
He's ashamed of us
Pretty much what Zirak said.
@SomeGuy Then your father is. Or your mother.
googling your name, this is still on the first page. chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/24989/2013/2/22/22-23
haha, you will never escape it!
@SomeGuy bro mine got to NZ already
@SomeGuy You mean your name Amaan Cheval who lives in India and is a programmer who does JavaScript is actually @SomeGuy in Stack Overflow chat and likes to talk dirty with people on the internet?
@BenjaminGruenbaum you're such a bully 2.9
@phenomnomnominal 2.999999- ε
google images "Amaan Cheval" gave me this
@rlemon Yay :)
Nov 14 '12 at 13:33, by Amaan Cheval
user image
@SomeGuy if I may add, I can't begin to describe how important seeing you actually enjoy coding and participate in it outside of work is important when getting a job :)
@BadgerGirl I was surprised it was a regular post card and not a fat naked dude or something
I am curious why is everybody on SO here so negative about w3school, I never used it thou so thats why the question ..
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yep. Did that a year ago or so for last day of school, time for reuse.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Gah, come on already!
@Tredged because the internet told us to be w3fools.com
@rlemon All of them are regular postcards except for @SomeGuy's

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