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So at the moment I am using
	jQuery('.add-item').bind('click', click_additem);
But instead of having to click the button I would like to make it so when it loads it activates
I just replace click with ready
Ok so jQuery('.add-item').load('click', click_additem); kind of worked accept it doesn't stop adding the items, is there a way so that it only loads once?
@BadgerGirl thats actually pretty cool, but um, think you can help me
But I don't know javascript. :(
Thats funny
And I've heard jQuery is hard.
Serious though can you help me, please...
I'm serious. But I might write a compiler in javascript this semester so try again at the end of the year. :)
	jQuery('.add-item').bind('click', click_additem);
When someone clicks .add-item it basically opens a drop down which is click
now I did .load instead of bind but then it kept adding the drop down forever
I need to figure out a way to load it only once or some other way of loading click_additem when the page opens
function sliders_addlisteners(){
	jQuery('.add-item').bind('click', click_additem);
		placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",
		update: item_onsorted
            if(window.console){ console.info('toggles not defined'); };
the complete function is there ^ ^
@DaveChen does this make sense what I am trying to do?
@DaveRandom think you can help me out here?
1 hour later…
now this is cool: flightradar24.com
user image
that's pretty impressive.
Yay :)
@Salem Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BadgerGirl But does it run LOGO?
It will when I install linux on it.
I just realized that @copy bought me a watermelon carving kit to keep me busy when he's programming. :(
1 hour later…
@JL Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1,3,Driver Danny
1,4,Boat Tony
1,2,Manager Mike
1,1,Smith Frank
In what order are these names supposedly 'sorted' ?
do you guys see a sorted order or something ?
Q: How to get two classes to talk to eachother (javascript)

chalsellI'm a budding javaScript programmer working on an exercise where I'm trying to create two classes (Books and Shelf) and need to have a shelf know what books are on it. I'm pretty new to OOP so I know I'm missing a crucial step (or three). I probably already ran off the rails, but any point in the...

Its from an online exam :P i am giving now
python sorts it in this manner
1,4,Boat Tony
1,3,Driver Danny
1,2,Manager Mike
1,1,Smith Frank
@BadgerGirl so i am wonder what the heck kind of order is that
The guy asked 8 minutes ago and is also indian.
yeap :P
cause the pagination makes no - sense :P
Is that you? :P
nope not me (xD)
Q: Getting jQuery and AngularJS content assist / auto-complete in eclipse for standalone HTML "file"

Mahesha999I have followed the steps described here for adding the autocomplete functionality to the eclipse. In this after installing JSDT plugin, I have to create a project, then add the plugin as a JS resource. I have found two weird things: I can get autocomplete even I have included no jQuery librar...

i am trying to make myself calm down so that i dont kill them
for making the worst exam ever no good devs can win it :P
@BadgerGirl and I guess thats the way java sorts stuff
Is there any way to get such help guys?
Does instagram.com use twitter bootstrap or some other template for their design? I feel like they do, but I am not sure what they use.
Hello there...... is there anyone?
Feels pretty bad to try out angular without content assist :(
@BadgerGirl help me :'( i amma cry
@Darkyen I don't see a pattern and the question suggests it's just the department and employee id.
Records should be filtered as per the input parameters, and should be sorted by Employee Name

here is one sample output of the program
Then alphabetical order.
Beck, Bliss, Java.

1,3,Driver Danny
1,4,Boat Tony
1,2,Manager Mike
1,1,Smith Frank
how is that alpha betic
Maybe that's sorted by dept_id or just filtered out.
Does that say it's sorted by Employee Name?
The first order i got by sorting them on length first
and then alpha betically in page
but second one doesnt follow that
It's just databases, I don't think there's some kind of obscure pattern there.
I think their developer built a tree
That one looks like it's just filtered out by employee id 1.
and tree traversed :P for first n records
And not sorted.
1,1,Smith Frank
1,2,Manager Mike
1,3,Driver Danny
2,9,Kyte Kelly
1,4,Boat Tony
2,5,Louie Chef
2,10,Baker Sarah
2,11,Smothers Sally
2,12,Silly Sall
thats the file order ... as in untouched file... and the thing doest even folows that pattern
I mean, dept id.
What is the question?
same as u found on if you dare to answer
If I am signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement, should I have a lawyer with me?
Because you posted it. :P
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Only if you don't understand what you intend to sign
Can't share idea until company is incorporated and can't work on a similar idea for 3 years. Not sure about it :|
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Ok, do you understand the terms and agree to them? If not, run them by a lawyer.
@BadgerGirl nope
its a national level competition where they fail to write proper code themselves and we pay for their mistakes
I understand them, but this will be a first time ever, so I am scared and hesitant and don't want it to ever pose a problem in the future, especially since I am pretty young right now.
@Darkyen Did you generate the output?
@BadgerGirl yes implemented it in python
Then you should sort it yourself, alphabetically.
That's what the problem says.
"then the program should retrieve first set of 20 records for Department ID-10 sorted by employee name."
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl That doesn't really make sense. Either you adhere to the terms or you don't. If you can't, don't sign it. If you can and intend to, what's the problem?
I can. I just want to make sure it couldn't possibly create any problems for me later on.
soo that means get first 20 records and then sort then by name in the page generated ?
But I want to go to sleep! Not fix your code.
Yeah, it means that.
@BadgerGirl cant be that
Why not?
Beck is last in the input set
and comes on top in the page 0
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl There's nothing left to answer. If you violate the terms then there could be problems. So don't violate them!
That's how it should be since it's now sorted.
so when i make the department array
i sort that array on alphabetical order
already -_-
but Java cant come up
in alphabetical order
especially over Baker Sarah
I haven't programmed in Java for 3 years but I'm pretty sure it can.
I'm going to sleep.
But @SomeGuy can help you.
@BadgerGirl I KNOW how to code in java
hell i even implemented the java code... and it didnt work either
Then what's the problem?
i am giving up :P
Their own implementation is ambigious and i can't be assed to exactly meet their code
They want exactly same outputs as generated by their code... which is ambiguis as hell
But that looks easy. When is it due?
4 hours
@BadgerGirl It is easy none of thier questions are hard
all their ques are on codeproject lol
And all of them were posted recently by a guy named Abhishek. lol
Sorry I must sleep. Making turtles is exhausting.
@BadgerGirl i didnt post em and i am not solving them either.
Q: how to make my website secured

sarahi have a php code inside my website to a quotation form that has java script for making name , telephone number and email rquired fields before submiting the form and its working fine but a few day ago i found that someone is sending me alot of junk for that form and he send the form empty...

Quick question: console.log(this); gives me the required object with some properties like items set, but console.log(this.items); returns undefined on the Chrome console. They are on the consecutive lines. What may be the cause?
@ShyamK timing issue. Console works asynchronously.
@JanDvorak oh... I thought that may be the cause...
if you want to be sure, console.log(JSON.stringify(this))
so how should I get that value? the items property
it seems you have to wait, but I can't give more advice without seeing your code
k... thanks again...
@unicorn2 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Happy Independence day to all Indians (in advance)
@Mr_Green are you giving the TCS exam by chance ? or somebody you know giving it :D
its incredible stupid
what is TCS btw?
got it
ha they are stupid as fuck. if you use python you will garunteed loose
and i refuse to use java now, knowing that .
hehe k
Is using twitter's bootstrap my only real option for creating a responsive layout?
There are many but it is the best approach
@Mr_Green my ass it is the best approach
what the hell is wrong with you people ? Twitter BootStrap / Google Angular, y you pray them ? Just because they are made by google and twitter ?
I find the HTML5BP responsive layout better
bootstrap is rather a framework
ok cool
@Darkyen calm down.
I just want to use the best approach available.
@Darkyen o my god you look great :D
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl honestly responsive layout depends on you and your understanding of a mobile browser
and your understanding of what you want to deliver on it
a mobile browser has very few resources to spare , go read some articles on responsive design
and then check out some vanilla approaches before using twitter bootstrap
or H5BP Responsive
otherwise you will end up in a mess of code btw
initializr.com <-is a good place to get a boiler plate for responsive design
and always remember, nothing can be one shot solution for everything
nice one man.. I starred it.
Q: CSS "width: 100%" lagging

baruchI have a page with the following setup: ... <td> <code>...</code> <!-- At least 10,000 of these! --> </td> ... In my CSS I have code { display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; width: 100%; } The problem is that this lags terribly when loading, since it has to load all <code>...

Guys I have a question about DataView class
I mean a couple of questions
First, I am only 50% sure what it does when you set byteoffset option when you are creating one like
var view = new DataView(buffer, 1);
and when you use functions like
Does it mean it returns byte datatype value located at 2nd location of that DataView array?
and when you use
it returns a float value located at 2nd
Cool Cool
@FlorianMargaine what question?
Q: Find out who's going to buy the croissants

Florian MargaineAt our company, we have a rule: Each one of us has to buy the croissants once in a while for everybody. Last Friday, two of us bought the croissants, and some were thrown out because there were too many. I want an algorithm to decide who's going to buy the croissants next week to avoid this pr...

wow. It's at two close votes again
@Mr_Green :-)
is that drama really still going on?
@StackExchange http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17807531/find-out-whos-going-to-buy-the-croissants #SaveTheCroissants
Morning everybody ;-)
There are so much people here like WOW
an obvious fake
@Etty Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Caprica Six is back :-)
@CapricaSix Sup
The boat is back! YAY!
Anyone who knows about a good JavaScript library for creating slide out menu, like that in the Facebook app?
@FlorianMargaine What are you going to do with that question ? If you can't accept any answer, that might mean there's a problem with the question.
@LuckyLuke your more likely only need a function for that not a library
And what did you decide in your company for that ?
@Connor Oh, I looked at Sidr.js for instance, but that requires jQuery...which I don't need
@LuckyLuke ill make you a demo, hold on
@OctavianDamiean Thanks once again for yesterday ;)
@LuckyLuke you just wan't a menu that slides out when you hover/click?
uhhh java we get concurrent modification exceptions just by reading a list from another thread
not modifying it
@LuckyLuke Haven't got all day mate?
I should make a copy of the list before iterating it ..
@LuckyLuke hover or click?
@BadgerGirl You have mail
I hate you.
You never send me emails.
When I have something to email you, I'll email you. And you never send me anything as well!
Alright, I'll send you kittens next time.
@Zirak we should reopen it because there is a difference
@Connor sweet, thanks
ok no wait there isn't
I compared side-by-side
though my test definitely wasn't conclusive
Jesus I'm talented ... and humble.
Hello everyone
Damn you, coupons! I just got an awesome pizza discount coupon from pizza hut's subscription thing. Tiny letters say it only applies when you buy 2 or more pizzas.
Hi Dr. Nick!
Q: How to improve PHP script performance?

ExwolfHere is my simple ticketing system <?php session_start(); session_id(); ob_start(); require("../configuration/config.php"); $GetTickets = $con->query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE open='true'"); if(!$_SESSION['Admin']) { header('Location: l...

@OctavianDamiean You have mail
@dystroy we still haven't decided anything in my company for that, the topic hasn't been brought up yet.
wrt the question, I'm probably not going to accept anything
@Zirak Should I be worried if I find that a little hot?
is worried
I want mail too :(
I sent him a picture of a girl about to french a goat.
Do you still want mail?
that's nice
@ketanitaliya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
In my defense, the girl is kinda hot.
@caprica thanks..
there's r34 of everyone in this chat room
@capricasix your answers luking hot......same as you....
@ketanitaliya You're two messages in, and you already hit on our bot. A bit fast, aren't you?
To be fair, several hit on it on their 1st message.
hitting on bots?
that's a new one
yesss..sry for thatt
@Zirak I do.
!!convert 1 NZD NOK
@cx 4.6804NOK
@DarkHorse Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Brilliant. The idea to have Tricia as our bot's avatar was good.
Carmen Electra next?
in France, there is an expression: "As fast as a rabbit", denoting someone being too quick in bed. Is there an english equivalent?
There's "as fast as a rabbit", which is close in meaning.
@Zirak she's too well-known.
Caprica isn't really recognized by most people.
@Zirak ... meh.
googling "fast rabbit" gives this image
I don't know what to think.
!!convert 1 EUR USD
@cx 1.3272USD
@FlorianMargaine I don't quite know what image you've expected but for sure it wouldn't have been safe for work. :D
that's stale values..
@FlorianMargaine their hole is not on their back
oho just saw his left hand now, makes sense
Oh god ...
Dude, I'm such a pro ... it's almost unbearable.
!!define procrastination
@cx My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
@cx procrastination The act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially habitually or intentionally.
@OctavianDamiean Finished 1st?
@Zirak Like a bauce I did.
Been hammering keys on my keyboard all morning. Feel like a real developer.
oh, so not racing related.
I was actually productive! :D
I gave my employer notice today
teehee The new exocomic is funny.
!!define bearish
@cx bearish Resembling or likened to a bear, typically in being rough, surly, or clumsy.
> But your second favourite Shoelace
Q: Getting started with spring data hadoop with hadoop 1.0.4 on ubuntu?

Romantic ElectronI have a single node cluster of hadoop 1.0.4 running on Ubuntu 11.04.I am relatively new to hadoop(I also plan to install HBase) and spring.I want to develop a simple web application with spring data hadoop.I am unsure about how to set up and install SHDP and configure it as the appendices with S...

Alone at the office for a couple of hours. Time to jam.
@Zirak In early or late?
Nah, people had to go to tangent meetings and other things.
People. Pffft...
Fuck, I hate it when customers don't actually know what they want until they see the finished result just so that they can say they wanted it different.
@monners Your co-workers are mainly espresso machines?
@OctavianDamiean Welcome to the wonderful world of enterprise-level development
@Zirak I wish. More like overly-friendly baristas
The worst part is that my project manager has an assistant project manager. So everything I want to tell my project manager (who isn't technically inclined) has to be communicated through his assistant project manager (who is even less technically inclined. I mean damn, works at a web design company and doesn't know how to install Firefox or Chrome).
le sigh
a blonde?
@Anish Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi I have function which i need to call on resize like this jQuery(window).resize(function(){
here only drawVisitorsChart2 calls when resize, but not drawVisitorsChart3. Kindly advice on this

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