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always using double quotes for string literals seems like a sensible convention. It prevents you from having to escape single quotes
always using single quotes for string literals seems like a sensible convention. It prevents you from having to escape double quotes.
single quotes seem much more likely in a string literal.
"You can't always get what you want." vs 'You can\'t always get what you want'
double quotes require a extra button too
But double quotes require twice the space of single quotes!
Better: Use two single quotes: ''you can''t always get what you want.''
Twice the space!? That's nearly doubling it!
I've usually seen single quotes defined as the prefered way to delimit strings in JS. But maybe it's because back in old times many JS strings did contain HTML where attributes delimiters were frequent.
'he said "You can\'t always get what you want"' vs "he said \"you can't always get what you want.\""
you can delimit HTML arguments with single quotes
lol is there a way other than ignoring to deal with such people stackoverflow.com/posts/comments/26585421?noredirect=1
single quotes are quicker to use, i find
@Esailija point out his own logical fallacies, including ad-hominem?
@Esailija He's totally right, though! How can several people be wrong!?
That's practically unheard of
I try and help on the site and sigh.....
@Esailija Laugh at his pathetic attempts to make SO Reddit
heh I think I have commented once or twice on reddit and got such a person to respond to them on both times
"I got an A on X" is somekind of magic speak for "I don't know shit when it comes to X"
like why would you bring that up if you knew anything at all
I've got plenty of A's for things other than internalizing the many uses of the material.
I got straight As in horse grooming.
Why aren't we horse grooming?
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 $("#CheckUserFormSubmit").click(function (event) {

      var data = $("#CheckUserForm").serialize();


          url: "CheckUserController.php",
          type: "GET",
          data:  data,
          dataType : "JSON",
 	  success: function(response){
        var objJSON = JSON.parse(response);


echo json_encode($gotUser); $gotUser is an array .but #roorDiv not getting anythin now?? @Zirak
@Zirak lol
@Esailija He undeleted it
@AnthonyHildoer plover.net/~bonds/bdksucks.html You've committed the fallacy fallacy. — SomeKittens 6 mins ago
The Fallacy Fallacy: Claiming that you're right because you can claim someone else made a fallacy.
Because I can't spell out your name, I refuse to even look at what you write.
Also, randomly pinging me hurts my horses
@SomeKittens That's an interesting read so far
It's a little politicized, but I appreciate the rhetoric of "Fallacies are overused and misapplied"
@ఠ_ఠ and you obvously need better url
more absolute
It is very annoying that people assume your argument is invalid, not because this cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake, but because in the flow of speech/writing you made an insignificant blunder.
didn't get it @cx
!!google absolute url
very stupid question again; I can't seem to get an <a href="path/to/stuff" download="stuff"> to download a file on my server. It's a zip file. What should I do?
Anchors have a download attribute?
Holy shit, it does
@Crowz Browser support looks a bit flaky, and it looks like ff 20 only respects same-origin files. So more info is needed.
hm I just want to download this zip file but it seems to complain a lot. Is it because I am using flask?
flask, the python stuff?
Can you download it by directly going to the link?
For all intensive purposes, your right, but is they're really any need to go over things with a fine toothcomb? As me and everybody else seems to feel, the point hear is mute, and I'm sure yourself agrees. Its clear enough what was meaned.
@Zirak ^ You might appreciate this.
!!google 'meaned or meant'
that spam detection system needs a markov chain :)
Awesome, it works tinker.io/a2da5
Is that a subtle reference to my blog? I'm flattered.
@SomeKittens me? yes
tinker versioning got fucked, Zir version is forever lost :)
@cx claps hands gleefuly
@SomeKittens Oh yeah...you used that picture somewhere. I think that was your confusing post.
I remember you wrote something about...something you made. But you never really said what it does.
hmmm I have no idea what I am doing with this: jtricks.com/bits/content_disposition.html
Yeah don't do that...
Yep. One of the posts I've been working on is a parody of "Dark Patterns" called "Dork Patterns" - things us geeks do that just don't work, like poorly written READMEs or assuming the code speaks for itself.
@Zirak it doesn't seem to work. I don't get why though
10 mins ago, by Zirak
Can you download it by directly going to the link?
Try wgeting it. See if it's your server.
Sorry I am very unfamiliar with javascript
GNU Wget (or just Wget, formerly Geturl) is a computer program that retrieves content from web servers, and is part of the GNU Project. Its name is derived from World Wide Web and get. It supports downloading via HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols. Its features include recursive download, conversion of links for offline viewing of local HTML, and support for proxies. It appeared in 1996, coinciding with the boom of popularity of the Web, causing its wide use among Unix users and distribution with most major Linux distributions. Written in portable C, Wget can be easily installed on any Uni...
In other words...try downloading it without involving js/html.
You could also try curling it. Or netcatting
alas, I don't think I have wget
Then don't! Just try to download it.
Navigate to it with your browser, use whatever the hell you use for downloading things, summon a genie, buy me pizza.
I'd prefer the last option, frankly.
So, the genius I am, I went to the race track to watch GT3 cars in their free practice session but I forgot to take my hearing protection with me ...
Now I'm half deaf.
in that case cut two of your fingers and put them in your ears
@cx Well, I did when I could but it wasn't always possible.
Like when I drank, or ate or took photographs.
@Zirak it's 404ing when I navigate to it
@Crowz so you've your answer
Anyway, tomorrow I won't forget them anymore. :D
Do I need to set up an approute?
@Crowz you're asking a flask question here?
My flask knowledge is absolutely zil. Dig into docs, google, and when all else fails, ask on SO.
what do you think about that question?
I suppose it seems odd initially, but after I think about it more it feels like the operations are working correctly, even with alpha applied
Hey guys
is it possible to make an mmorpg with sockets?
It'll be very difficult to make one without sockets
check out Browser Quest by Mozilla
oh cool
a great example of an "HTML5" mmo
I'm working on one right now.
Didn't @IvoWetzel make a turn-based MMO?
hmm idk about an MMO
I know he made one similiar to galcon
which was an MP game
I'd love to see a Galaga-inspired MMO build with @Loktar's generated ships
I thought about doing a game like starcontrol
but theres already the MMO asteroids thats pretty good
I started working on one for a bit but I just don't have the time in the day.
idk what my game would really add
@cx so it would seem
with webRTC there are possibilities for mmorpg I think
@Crowz just asking because you're in a js room
@user2607456 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i think my mmo will feature octocats as player races
@Zirak Well I did some prototypes for the server client communication, but it never got any further lost interest after I figured out the mechanisms. Also, building all the boring stuff around it (lobby, chat, UI) is... well boring
@Cygwinnian That'd be pretty neat, but make sure to get GitHub's permission
For the racing fans in there, a few smartphone camera shots. imgur.com/a/EQsHT#0
I'll take more tomorrow.
!!todo add "Buy a decent camera"
@OctavianDamiean Item(s) added.
!!undo ~2
I love the bot.
@OctavianDamiean (0)Write, (1)a, (2)userscript, (3)that, (4)completely, (5)removes, (6)ignored, (7)users, (8)from, (9)the, (10)user, (11)list., (12)Buy a decent camera
@SomeKittens (0)Learn Sublime Text 2, (1)Get/learn ST2
@OctavianDamiean (0)Buy a decent camera
Anyway, those shots ain't the greatest but you can see a Corvette Z06.R GT3, a Lamborghini Gallardo FL2 and a BMW Z4 GT3 (which is probably the loudest car I've ever heard, and I had Formula 2 and Formula 3000 cars race by ~3 meters from me).
Oh yea and two pit shots.
@SomeKittens That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!help karma
@SomeKittens Command karma does not exist.
The problem with working from a café is that, in order to feel like I'm not taking advantage of their free wifi and service, I keep drinking coffee
I'm a liiiiiitle strung out on caffeine right now
haha, excellent
scripts inserted with document.write are loaded... asynchronously?
@Loktar you're totally correct
A: Canvas globalCompositeOperation is not working correctly

LoktarIts working exactly how it should in your example. Take a look at this which was taken directly from the spec the source image, A, is the shape or image being rendered, and the destination image, B, is the current state of the bitmap. Display the source image wherever both the source ima...

@Shmiddty Check network tab. I think so.
@SomeKittens so <body onload="somefunction()"> that function may be called before the scripts are loaded
room topic changed to JavaScript: Want to learn JavaScript? We even have W3Schools certified programmers here! | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [ecmascript] [equinescript] [horse-grooming] [javascript]
@Loktar here you have it, alpha channels are mutliplied: dev.w3.org/fxtf/compositing-1/…
^ Watch that to gain +10 manliness.
Also the most misleading thumbnail ever.
@Loktar can you add that to your answer?
That specification is the one that the Canvas specificaiton refers to for compositing rules
@SimonSarris yeah sorry was afk
@Loktar the nuances in the spec are found in other referenced specs
that one came from:
> Returns the current composition operation, from the values defined in the Compositing and Blending specification. [COMPOSITE].
that composite link linked to the W3 compositing spec, which shows that the alphas must be multiplied
Hey @SimonSarris Do you know how I can properly scale a canvas so that quality is not lost?
heh crazy buried pretty deep
@Cygwinnian don;t use CSS scale, use canvas.width/height
!!> a=[1,2,3]; --a;
@Shmiddty "NaN"
!!> a=[]; --a;
@Shmiddty -1
!!>typeof NaN
@eazimmerman "number"
/head explodes
!!> a=[3]; --a; // 2
@copy there's a new golf problem that totally sucks and isn't worth doing at all ever
@Shmiddty I see. Could you point me to it, so I can laugh
That one sucks
... what just happened?
I am currently not writing down the problem on a piece of paper with the intention to solve it in JavaScript in less than 74 characters
I don't have a solution that is 70 characters but only succeeding for the first problem
I understand what is going on
@RyanKinal we aren't doing nothing
And I'm not unsure that something not perfectly normal isn't not going on here.
@RyanKinal who
you don't say?
^ fix'd
@copy Do you need a safe word?
Is everything okay?
He's fine, he hates code golf.
> Succeed is such a strong word for what Lindows does
Where's that from?
A friend of mine just posted it
Another friend was lamenting her hatred for both Linux and Windows. He suggested Lindows, and she asked whether it succeeds in what it tries to do.
I feel like that phrase could be used for so many different things, though
> Succeed is such a strong word for what jQuery does
> Succeed is such a strong word for what PHP does
Hey (ladies' - BadgerGirl)
1 hour ago, by Octavian Damiean
Anyway, those shots ain't the greatest but you can see a Corvette Z06.R GT3, a Lamborghini Gallardo FL2 and a BMW Z4 GT3 (which is probably the loudest car I've ever heard, and I had Formula 2 and Formula 3000 cars race by ~3 meters from me).
Might interest you. :)
NOW .... i feel inferior (XD)
@OctavianDamiean can you come on steam for a while ?
Does anyone have the gf / bf code problem meme?
@mikedidthis yeap
@Darkyen can I haz it? I need to show the woman.
RESTfulness: Would sending a rating be PUT or POST?
@SomeKittens PUT
dang that's not it.
you would put a vote in the poll
@Darkyen Thanks, that's what I thought.
got my CREE XP-G leds in the mail today
ermaghad light!
Its the one with the wife thinking there is something wrong with the husband, but he just has a problem with his code.
But found this:
Backstory: When they got married, he said "GLHF"
@mikedidthis ^ ?
@RyanKinal after their first child he gave up on the game because there was no achievement reward.
Wrong markup but that holds very well :->
@Darkyen sadly not. It was recent. She is racking her brain about what could be wrong with her husband. He is just thinking, my code is broke. Its a pretty long meme.
valid xml
@rlemon lossy though :-(
but valid
it lost the details :-|
true :-(
makes me sad
it's probably the room. sometimes the room makes me sad too. lets go for a walk
since they are so visible in the picture <nipple> tag must be used
@Darkyen molment
i ripped it off internets son
liar. the internet has built-in spellcheck.
This one is amusing :->
Hey room what is the most minimalist framework to make js apps ?
vanilla.js is pretty minimalistic
vanilla.js probably
damn it...
^ that one
@JanDvorak , @Zirak ^ guy i dont wanna write in vanilla.js
nvm found it Backbone.js ^-dont +don't
Oh yes, very minimalistic
Backbone is very compact and concise
@Zirak no fun, its atleast not as bad as sencha

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