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jsfiddle.net/JJDQM/10 a nice horizonic graph
1 point per pixel, so I'm a bit restricted on the time range there ..
@copy using a single loop?
@Shmiddty Yeah.
@Shmiddty Yeah.
@purplecircles Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@zxQuIcKSCoPeZ420xzz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey, I have a php/ajax contact form, but whenever I click on the submit button, it directs me to the actual PHP page ("www.mysite.com/php/function/validation.php"). How do I run the PHP in the background and let ajax keep the user on the same page?
@zxQuIcKSCoPeZ420xzz you get any errors in console?
The console?
Um I don't think so
You're talking about the one that shows all my ftp uploads right?
No, the Javascript console in the browser
i have no idea what that is. ;_;
Just opened it up and all it shows is "Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://stats.hosting24.com/count.php". "
@copy I've got 65 chars in a one-looper
Now reduce it by 5
@Shmiddty I can tell you how to do it. :)
I'm gonna work on something else for a bit then come back to it
just dropping by to present you this little jewel
1 hour later…
@Topicus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens moving my funny jokes to the Really Funny Jokes Room? Ain't nobody got time for that!
@ivowetzel thats badass man :)
I need to try out JSDoc, thats what you're using right?
Nice JSDoc
how do you generate Documentations later? do you do it on an IDE?
me? Umm Im just lazy
and dont gen documentation based on the code
I need to stop that :p
I'm reading that this isn't supposed to work, and yet it is.
if (array1 !== array2) {
Anyone know how?? or why it shouldn't work?
@m59 what?
everything I can find online suggests that you can't compare arrays like that ^
yet it is working perfectly.
they must be a reference to the same array
then how could the be different?
it is in fact, the same array, but one is changed.
well obviously if they're different they're going to be different??
@m59 what?
well this is perplexing.
Because they are different objects
you can't test equality like that, because unless you have 2 variables that are references to the same array, they will ALWAYS Be inequal
if you want to desparetly want to compare each other's elements, just turn those arrays into a string then compare
Angular is watching my array an calling a function when it changes, passing the old valye and new value (old array, new array)
like array.toString
so array1 !== array2 will always be true unless array1 is array2
It is absolutely working when they are the same, and when they change.
that must be it.
yeah, that's why.
!!> [1, 2, 3, 4] !== [1, 2, 3, 4]
@phenomnomnominal true
because they are different objects
The first time it runs, it uses the same array for both (newVal, oldVal)
they are different from there on out.
!!> var arr1 = [1, 2, 3,4]; var arr2 = arr1; arr1 === arr2;
@phenomnomnominal true
@CapricaSix Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
!!> [1,2,3].toString() === [1,2,3].toString()
@O0oO0oOO0ooO true
@O0oO0oOO0ooO that's stupid
how come?
Yeah, so it must be that newVal is my actual array and oldVal is a copied one, except for the very first time it runs.
!!> [{ hello: 'fuck'}].toString() === [{bye: 'you'}].toString()
@phenomnomnominal true
@CapricaSix Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
Which still means it works perfectly, lol, since it is watching the values and only fires when they change (after the first time)
man, that was confusing the heck out of me. Thanks a ton.
!!> [{hello: 'fuck'}].toString()
@O0oO0oOO0ooO "[object Object]"
!!> [1,2,3].toString()
@O0oO0oOO0ooO "1,2,3"
I'm pretty sure the problem is minor or im missing something
but can someone help with
Q: malsup ajaxForm not accessing showResponse function

KillrawrOkay so I've been trying to run the malsup ajaxForm library, for a synchronous form request. Currently my beforeSubmit, works as intended. But for some reason I think the success (showResponse) is not being called. Because the console.log("@showResponse"); is not being invoked, after a request ha...

@phenomnomnominal depending on situations, I think it's fine
@O0oO0oOO0ooO if you know it will never have an object in it
!!> {hello: 'fuck'}
@O0oO0oOO0ooO "fuck"
!!> {hello: 'fuck', bye: "ain't nobody got time for that!"}
@O0oO0oOO0ooO "SyntaxError: invalid label"
!!> {=![[]|[]][[]|[]]+![[]|[]][[]|[]]}{[_<<_<<][[]|[]]+[<<][[]|[]]+_}
@minitech "SyntaxError: syntax error"
!!> {$=![[]|[]][[]|[]]+![[]|[]][[]|[]]}{[$<<$<<$][[]|[]]+[$<<$][[]|[]]+$}
@minitech "SyntaxError: syntax error"
@minitech 42
2 hours later…
var foo = element.html(); //returning the correct html string, but wrapped in whitespace
var bar = $(foo); //breaks because of the whitespace
that sounds gross
Anyone experienced that? What's the cleanest way of fixing that? I could trim the whitespace, but it seems like I could just get it without the whitespace..
Oh, the example is ridiculous, lol.
why can't you just use var bar = $(element); or var bar = $(element).clone();
I need the string for several reasons.
the most understandable is caching
I can't store a dom element in localStorage :)
jquery also has a trim function
yeah, it just seems odd that it's giving me the whitespace like that to begin with.
nm, I guess I get why.
This is a really cool behavior I'm adding in for my templating, but now that I think of it, I've never used jquery like this, so that explains why the whitespace is confusing.
I'm pulling a little sub-template out of my main site template and using it for plugins. It's cool if you actually see how it works and what it can do.
@neonstalwart Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Terrornado Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
can someone help with my problem in here, stackoverflow.com/questions/18159309/…
Holy fuck that was the most annoying bug ever
@phenomnomnominal Now I'm curious. Tell me everything :P
@phenomnomnominal Love you.
So, Safari on iOS 7 silently fails if you try to launch webgl
I know we don't talk as much as we used to, but I think about you daily :(
But at the moment i'm building a mobile version of my site that doesn't need WebGL
so all my scripts are joined together, and the Rendering module gets created before the Twitter module
none of my tweets were showing up
on chrome on my laptop everything was good, window.Twitter was defined
Then on iOS, window.Twitter was undefined
so I installed weinre
and finally worked it out
but just fuck
waste of an hour
oh motherfuck!
and to top it off, Modernizr.webgl returns true, but canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl') breaks like crazy
Ahoy hoy
hey everyone, is it possible to use a OR operator in an object literal?
FUCK! The Modernizr test for WebGL is !!window.WebGLRenderingContext;
Which is true in iOS
i've been trying something like 'jpeg' || 'png':'image' but getting syntax errors
that won't work
you can't do it in the key
and that will always be true anyway
!!> 'jpeg' || 'png'
@phenomnomnominal "jpeg"
how would you recommend to check multiple extensions and then map them to, let's say 'image'
Not sure what you mean, so you want to assign 'image' to multiple keys?
i want to test a file's extension and then match it to a string, like jpeg,png could match 'image', mp3 might match 'audio'
what does it have to do with an object literal? or is this a seperate question?
i might be mistaking the terms since my 1st language isn't english, here's how i've been checking but i think there should be a better way to do it:
fileFormats ={
so you want to create that without writing the whole thing out? Or you have something like that and want to check again it?
i want to define something like 'png' || 'jpeg' || 'bmp' : 'image'
assign the same value to multiple keys without repeating so much
fileFormats = {};
['png', 'jpeg', 'bmp'].forEach(function (key) { fileFormats[key] = 'image'; });
So I just signed up for a dwtf account and I've got a story to submit, but I can't figure out where I'm supposed to put it. Forums?
@monners Is it the one about your interview?
And I have no idea.
It's seriously tdwtf-worthy, and I wanna share it, but I can't figure out where to put the story!
I mean, this is a story about meeting an employer that is ver-batum that coked up asshole from the movie "Horrible Bosses"
Excellent read on optimizing for Node/v8: floitsch.blogspot.de/2012/03/…
Man I feel sorry for some developers. What if that was your first job? You'd be working for a meglo-maniac and have no idea that things were better on the other side
The Tech Lead in this interview only got one sentence out before the biz owner jumped right back in. I felt sorry for the guy
Can anyone know error of this ?
I'm making a line charts using google charts API
@à° _à°  The URL is wrong.
Well, JSFiddle isn't hosting the Google Charts API.
This is my data from the PHP
after json_encode the array
@IvoWetzel ready to fix this then programmers.stackexchange.com/a/206141/43298 ? :P
@Esailija As soon as I figured out why the hell this de-optimized a quadrillion times on a mul-i :P
    getMassSum: function(a, b, rax, ray, rbx, rby) {
        var raCrossN = rax * this.normal.y - ray * this.normal.x,
            rbCrossN = rbx * this.normal.y - rby * this.normal.x;

        return a.im + b.im + Math.pow(raCrossN, 2) * a.iI
                           + Math.pow(rbCrossN, 2) * b.iI;
Seems innocents, but v8 doesn't like it at all
v8 sucks with floating point
especially if a function is not optimized, unoptimized code cannot store floating point directly
works fine for most cases though, but here it tries to over optimized. And then disables it after ~70 re-compilations
but well, moving it out kept the rest of the code fast :)
@njallam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what are you doing to cause a deoptimization?
you can see the deoptimization hooks in the disassembly
seems to be dependent on the floats value
yes changing types changes the assumptions the code was optimized under and causes deoptimization
for example it might optimize under the assumption that a and b are always floats
but then you pass in integer
gist.github.com/BonsaiDen/… (behold 40k line dump)
it should all be floats/doubles, I never round these values or do anything special with them
actually this is the start of the assembly: gist.github.com/BonsaiDen/…
the bailout comes from integer multiplication overflow
as well as
basically the problem is that
you seem to be overflowing integer multiplication into > 53bit
can you use Math.imul
instead of *
hm, the numbers are all really small. although I guess that might be the problem as it cannot represent 0.0000000000000001 in any better way and has to de-opt
@Shaun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Esailija doesn't seem to be in v8 yet, at least not in the version that node 10.x is using
weird, it has been even in Chrome for a while
also, that would not be very helpful here since I need the doubles after all.
mdn lists chrome 28 and FX 20 for support
I see
you can see the optimizations assume some parameters will be integers
is it possible for the parameters to be integers?
ah, I see why, hmmm maybe I can fix it
[optimizing: Manifold.getMassSum / b671fa81 - took 2.713 ms]
**** DEOPT: Manifold.getMassSum at bailout #11, address 0x0, frame size 4
            ;;; @62: mul-i.
[deoptimizing: begin 0xb671fa81 Manifold.getMassSum @11]
  translating Manifold.getMassSum => node=3, height=8
    0xbfc2014c: [top + 48] <- 0xb67528d5 ; [esp + 44] 0xb67528d5 <a Manifold>
    0xbfc20148: [top + 44] <- 0xb6723ed9 ; [esp + 40] 0xb6723ed9 <an AABB>
    0xbfc20144: [top + 40] <- 0xb67221f1 ; [esp + 36] 0xb67221f1 <an AABB>
it's coming from the contact point information
does Math.pow(raCrossN, 2) get optimised out to raCrossN * raCrossN?
most likely, although that was just a test too, haven't looked into that call specifically.
@phenomnomnominal yes
are you passing some kind of array there
I see what's happening... stupid v8
do the links on the bottom of this page show up in dark blue for anyone else?
nope green
for me it works fine in chrome but in firefox they turn blue after a short moment - but firebug displays the correct (non-blue) color
ok, very odd...
especially since there's absolutely nothing in the CSS that could cause this color ...
I have some nicely aligned AABB boxes in the physics test, the are at 0.0, 0.0 with a size of 20.0, 20.0
adding 0.00000000000000001 in there fixes all the de-opts
You can also use float64 array
then all the vector code will look.... ugh :D
but then code is ugly yea
it will eagerly treat anything as integer if it's possible
and there is no other way to say I don't want you to do that other than float64 array
I'd be great if 20.0 would explicitly mark it as float :(
I can test that, but the problem is that is for literals only
@IvoWetzel yea 20.0 is not treated as float :<
(function benchmark() {

    function receiver(fl) {
        return fl + 1.0;

    var fl = 20.0;
    var fl2 = 23.0;

is same as writing everything without .0
guess I'll add 0.000000000000000000001 somewhere then :(
ok look looks like I was wrong about float64array.. at least this code doesn't make any difference
    var a = new Float64Array(2);

    a[0] = 20;
    a[1] = 23;
what works is passing the float64array and dereferencing it inside the function
so the conclusion is same as I said before: v8 sucks with floats :P
but it should be better than firefox on integers and generally better on 32 bit systems
since firefox always needs 64 bits
!!> 1/undefined
@cx "NaN"
@IvoWetzel btw you have out-of-object properties.. are you adding props dynamically?
(outside constructor function)
I seal object at the end of constructor and run strict mode so that adding props outside constructor (or deleting props in general) causes visible error :P
ok, spam detection on main. The current filters are: (1)not an owner; (2)has less than 1k rep; (3)is me.
Fuck, forgot about message length
so i can spam as much as I want?
can i ?
so i can spam as much as I want?
can i ?
!!> 1
@phenomnomnominal 1
@phenomnomnominal 1
!!google 'subtract or substract'
@Esailija Shouldn't, but let me seal it
Q: Javascript function being repeated. Need to clean it up

user537137I've managed to hack together this code for my Facebook app and it is obviously very convoluted. How could this code be cleaned up so that it is more 'DRY'. I'm having a hard time working out the best way to achieve this. Thanks var pathname = window.location.href; function iPlayedIt() { FB....

@Esailija Hm, doesn't throw anywhere
@Esailija That's the full code btw: gist.github.com/BonsaiDen/deb9b3c17a17694bd524
Using the output from hydrogen you can actually see the whole float / int debacle a lot better (t means tagged value):
0 1 i48 Change t20 t to i range[-2147483648,2147483647,m0=0]
0 1 i49 Change t24 t to i range[-2147483648,2147483647,m0=0]
0 1 i26 Sub i48 i49 ! range[-2147483648,2147483647,m0=0]
0 1 i47 Change t18 t to i -0? range[-2147483648,2147483647,m0=0]
0 1 i27 Mul i47 i26 ! -0?
0 1 d46 Change t16 t to d
0 1 d50 Change i27 i to d
0 2 d28 Add d46 d50 !
@Esailija I can see why, I just don't create enough AABB's and Vector2 to trigger hidden classes :(
Scratch that, seems to work fine either ways. No idea why it does that then.
@ton.yeung You need a service for sure. On another note - you almost always want to avoid singletons for this sort of thing.
(Amusingly, the guy who wrote the most famous piece on why is also the guy who created Angular :P )
Clientside MV* is a lot more powerful and meaningful than server side in these regards, you simply can not allow yourself to mix up presentation logic (in Angular) with your actual business logic. Anything that isn't view related should not be in an Angular controller but in some sort of adapter - like a service.
Angular services are singletons, however - I almost never use them myself (one service instance per app)
Consider a factory for instance
but where to put the image in a public server??
@Esailija I'm in Helsinki from Sep 1st eve to Sep 28th. [This] is my calendar (check sep) - I think the first weekend sounds good (Sep 7th ?) for a beer, does that work for you?
@MirkoCianfarani Articulate your thoughts properly or no one will be able to help you
where can I post a photo on the public server?
@MirkoCianfarani imgur
@Alexander Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
now I go...
becuase I put the image in a server MEGA but this need that you have to update the browser with plugin's MEGA
@ton.yeung Also, don't mind the guys here - most of them don't do a lot of SPAs
yo mama's so big you can't even single-ton her
hi,i want to find some javascript program to learn,where can i find?appreciate for your suggestiion
    Exception: too big.
but you should define what field/context because it's vast
with a redirection though
@cx yeah i don't have a server :->
so i am redirecting it to blog for now
Time to make a sexy loader and put the app's first beta up :->
your blog whines about Viewport argument value "device-width;" for key "width" is invalid, and has been ignored. Note that ';' is not a separator in viewport values. The list should be comma-separated.
@cx will re-do the whole page someday
right now i have a very good challenge on my mind
man, fucking media queries
@Darkyen which is
@cx you will see :-> make an app in 1 day
for mobile & desktop :D
using backbone.js
!!define killer app
@cx No definition found.
@cx killer app (computing) A killer application.
@cx not killer but the RestFul server is complete so backbone whines about how its just a drop in solution for every issue u have when u write 1 page app lets see ..
don't use backbone
@phenomnomnominal why ?
I wanted to do things like that but all by websockets, like synrc.com/framework/web a guy using erlang also
it makes things look senseful
no it doesn't
it just produces mucky code
and doesn't do MVC very well
@phenomnomnominal so what do you suggest ?
angular bro
when you have a persistent connection for each user, it's maybe heavy for the server, but all goes fast for client, but I see you're talking of cleint frameworks, so I'm not on the right side :)
@phenomnomnominal Angular looks a lil bit too agressive
for me it's less a pain to do a bit more work on server, and less code on client
much like jQuery thou shall do things my way
is there router support for ze 1 page app ?
@Darkyen it's so easy to make
bootstrap does it
true but bootstrap :-/ makes me puke
okay going with angular
@Darkyen if you want lightweight, just use router.js
use that for your routing and just do the rest as normal
nah i am going with angular or backbone dont confuse me
i dont wanna write tons of code, for this and want to keep it readable and managable
it's about 5 lines of js
I can do all vanilla but it will take a MONTH
make some #foobar links in the page, and intercept them with click events
  /* do logic */
  return false;
you mean that ?
@Darkyen yes or just $('a.yourbuttonclass').click(..)
@cx wont work for dynamic a.yourbuttonclass
+ it will assign tons of event listeners which will eat tons of memory aswell [compared to just one listening to the parent of all ]
add the event for new buttons.. (but don't you send all content initially?)
oh well maybe you're right
@phenomnomnominal you know what i dont like about angular.js ?
nope, do tell!
it has its own implementation of templates because of that i will have to write templates 2x, once in jade and again in angular
Jade's compiled templates whoop the arse out of any other implementations so far soo ... is there a way to use jade with angular ?
52 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Angular services are singletons, however - I almost never use them myself (one service instance per app)
@Darkyen but the templates in angular are just javascript
@phenomnomnominal i am talking about these
Nothing here {{'yet' + '!'}}
Yeah they're awesome
Because you can go
{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].join(' ') }}
@RohanPujari Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal NO THEY ARE not
you cant have a static page that loads angular.js on the fly
and render 10k of them
use caching
you will have to load angular.js before anything for its 2way data binding to work :P
`p There are {{posts.length}} posts
div(ng-repeat='post in posts')
  h3 {{post.title}}
  div {{post.text}}
  a(href='readPost/{{post.id}}') More
  |  -
  a(href='editPost/{{post.id}}') Edit
  |  -
  a(href='deletePost/{{post.id}}') Delete`
so i have to do something like this.
@phenomnomnominal your move .
why could you not use jade with angular though?
My architecture :P
Since i want hyperfast loading of pages [ if they are direct linked ] i Load the content first and the chrome lazily
for instance i take a picture and link it to you
the page will immediately serve you prepared html with the photo and caption
the comments will be loaded next
and finally the rest of app's chrome will be rendered
but the first time the static page is built [ its obvious its never gonna change ] and hence its cacheable and so i cache it for 8 hours in /tmp and serve it from there [using cloud flare ]
can i do this with angular ?
top annoyance are the website loader things

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