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@Gacnt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal What do you use for fan control when you're in bootcamp, I find my macbook would rather meltdown than spin up
@rlemon Is that a bear or a big cat?
The white lion is a rare colour mutation of the Kruger subspecies of lion (Panthera leo krugeri) found in some wildlife reserves in South Africa and in zoos around the world. White lions are not a separate subspecies and are thought to be indigenous to the Timbavati region of South Africa for centuries, although the earliest recorded sighting in this region was in 1938. Regarded as divine by locals, white lions first came to public attention in the 1970s in Chris McBride's book The White Lions of Timbavati. Up until 2009, when the first pride of white lions was reintroduced to th...
1 hour later…
Hey guys
Is it possible to send a method to the jQuery click event
like within an object
@Datsik i'm pretty much never in bootcamp
@Cygwinnian 'this' in this instance will refer to the object being clicked. To call another object's method you'd have to refer to the base object itself, i.e., ' Obj.method'
@monners nope
@phenomnomnominal What part of that was wrong? Within a jQuery method call, the object is the jquery object, not an object in a higher scope
Wait... Unless it traverses up the scope tree until it finds a matching method....
when the event is triggered, the element will be the context that is passed to this.handler. As long as this.handler is defined when you pass it to click this.handler will be the event handler. If you want to trigger a "click" event and pass this.handler as data, you can do $(thing).trigger('click', this.handler)
Yeah, you're right. Disregard everything I've ever said or ever will say.
@monners nope that's wrong as well
see above
@phenomnomnominal But I thought visual studios was your main squeeze
@kjt15 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does anyone know asp.net javascript
regarding iframes
im trying to do a button postback within an iframe through a button on my main page
via javascript but its not working'
Hello guys!
how to get real javascript from this script
script type="text/javascript" id="scruu">

var _0x98bd=["\x3C\x73\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x20\x73\x72\x63\x3D\x22\x6A\x73\x2F\x4E\x31\x39\x53\x38\x37\x4E\x39\x4E\x41\x39\x38\x37\x31\x58\x39\x38\x37\x5A\x5A\x58\x2E\x73\x77\x66\x22\x3E\x3C\x2F\x73\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x3E","\x77\x72\x69\x74\x65"];document[_0x98bd[1]](_0x98bd[0]);


I dont understand whats going on in this script so how can i decode this script
Where'd you find that script?
I saw this script on one website!
document['write']('<script src="js/N19S87N9NA9871X987ZZX.swf"></script>');

use jsbeautifier.org to unescape strings
in this file its showing blank :O
@MalikUsman It looks like it's been deliberately set up to avoid people decoding it. Why should we help you?
well i want to hack this script because i need it
Refresh the page while watching your dev tools' Network tab, it'll show what has been served from that request
@MalikUsman Need it for what?
well need for my own website!
So you need someone else's script for your website? Why don't you write it for yourself?
because i am not javascript writer
I dont know this language
so once I'll see the script I can easily edit it and make changes but i cant write on my self
Hmm. Sounds like your time would be better spent learning the language instead of stealing other's work.
anyone knows of a service/api/anything that inserts the lacking semi-colons in a JS file/string? JSHint shows where there are lacking semi-colons but I can't find any service that would insert the damn semi-colons instead of just pointing out their lack
so i cant get any help from here:
I know they're optional due to ASI, I just want to automate this for lazyness and consistency
@MalikUsman Yeah, we'll help you learn JS but you'll have a bit more difficulty getting us to teach you how to steal it.
besides, if you're making your own website, you should probably know JS
@FabrícioMatté You want to insert them into your source code?
well i'll not use it for my webssite i just want to know what script it is
@Datsik nope only at work. I just use text mate
I have semi-colon'd JS files. I just miss 3-4 semi-colons every ~800 lines of JS, I'd like to automate their insertion. ;) Even if it is an API, online service or ST2 plugin or anything
@MalikUsman riiiiiiight.
I'm thinking about writing a ST2 plugin using the JSHint python library but yeah
@FabrícioMatté You might want to look into ESLint
I can't really believe that no one ever attempted automating JS semicolon insertion
will you please tell me how to check deliberately set up file
What do you mean by that?
i want to see the script
how can i do that its in swf format js file
@SomeKittens the GH repo's readme doesn't really tell much about what it does but I'll give it a try, thanks
...I think we've already covered this.
@FabrícioMatté Yeah, it's still very new, but ambitious.
499 problems in one of my modules lol
99% of them 'cause I use single quotes for string literals
and the remaining for if statements without braces
@Frank Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'l read the pluggable stuff's docs then
We'll be switching to it when it makes it to beta
"we" = the company I work at
nice :P it looks pretty decent on alpha so far, let's see if i can disable all rules except the semi colon one
Can someone tell me whats the security problem with Java Deployment Toolkit add-on for Firefox? Everytime Java releases a new update, Firefox disables it within a couple of days or so. It seems like Java has a lot of security issues!
wondering how i disable rules on it
@Frank This is the Java script room, you're as likely to get Java answers here as you are in the "Monkey Flailing Death March" room.
I thought Javascript was what browsers run?
@SomeKittens do I pass the rules options on command line or block comment in top of the js file or anything?
I found the rules github.com/nzakas/eslint/tree/master/docs/rules but I can't find how to set them rofl
@Frank Browsers do run JS, however Java and JavaScript are two entirely different languages.
We like to say "Java is to Javascript as Car is to Carpet"
@SomeKittens oh I can override the whole rules config by specifying my own config file, this is really useful
guess i'll attempt to write a ST2 plugin using ESLint as the analysis tool this weekend then
@itanex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
@SR Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
where can i find a complete list all javascript event listener types ?
... that a browser fires, you mean?
@Dave Considering you can create custom events, this regex should suffice: /.*/ig
heck is that lol
help.dottoro.com has a nice list
oh nice ! thanks
@Darkyen lol, bought a new account, this is after one competitive game
7 KD 35 kills
hello guys
Is there any good reason to name a function after you've declared it as a method of an object? For instance...
var someObj = {
    someMethod: function shouldThisHasAName() {}
helps debugging
How so?
try logging someObj.someMethod
after moving it to a variable
what is the benefit to do so?
at the very least, shouldThisHasAName appears in the stack trace. someObj.someMethod probably won't
logging someMethod (when it has no return value) just executes the method and returns undefined
then you are logging someMethod(), not someMethod
Ooooh. right.
Good Morning felas
@Darkyen My right eye is infected.
@Zirak how come ?
@Darkyen Infection fairies maybe.
I'll go see a doctor in about half an hour
@Zirak get welll soon
how bad is it [symptoms] ? / hope you don't get glasses :->
eh, nothing much, just annoying secretions sealing my eye shut and making it difficult to see things. And I've already got glasses, not sure how effective it is to put glasses on other glasses.
Maybe it'll give me laser vision
If you had laser vision, you could walk up to people on the street and say "hey, I have laser vision". And they'll go "uh, cool". And you'll say "yeah" and walk away, to never see them again.
@Zirak Strangely enough, about 20 years ago, I had a problem at one eye which gave me a very precise vision for about 5 or 6 hours. I could read car number plates at 100 meters while normally 10 m is about the max for me. I assume the irritation changed the shape of my cornea.
That's pretty cool
I was sent for examination to a military doctor but it was unfortunately too late : the miracle had ceased.
Military doctor? They were trying to make Captain America France?
I was doing my military service
Oh.... did I see leaving the room an old Netscape icon from the good times of the 4.x versions ?
can I ask you a question
I figured it out
Ok my question is
Let's say you have 2 32 bits integer
called a, b
And you multiply these two numbers and get 64 bits integer
I need to find out most significant 32 bits and least sig 32 bits from this value
and some source code do this by
most sig 32 bits = a * b / 0x100000000;
and what does divide by 0x100000000 exactly do?
and how would you figure out least sig 32 bits?
I know I can simply use this code but I just want to understand =D...
that code won't work @O0oO0oOO0ooO
(in javascript)
@O0oO0oOO0ooO In javascript ?
@JanDvorak yeah
@dystroy yes in JS
there's no such thing like a 64bits integer in js
can you guys help me? please?~
I know
why is it needed?
I suggest working with 26bit integers
or one bit, it's simpler
or 2.9bit
yes, we <3 those
@Samy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Wes Are you really
That's fabulous
congrats man
ha. finally the troll worked
you're the first @dystroy xD congratulations xD
You two should marry
Hey, we barely know each others
I'm not good enough at google-fu. I can't find to what version of Netscape this icon refers
when you come to a starbucks, 98% people are studying English
What ? I thought this was about expensive and barely drinkable coffee...
By the way, this actually works
var a = 4026531842;
    var b = 2;
    var high = ((a * b) / 0x100000000) | 0;
@O0oO0oOO0ooO only most of the time
| 0 is a trick i learned from
it will overshoot by one for some large multiplicands
@JanDvorak what do you mean?
(1<<30 + 1)*(1<<30 - 1)
the multiplicand will be rounded up by one
room topic changed to JavaScript: Want to learn JavaScript ? We even have w3schools certified programmers here ! | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [ecmascript] [javascript]
making its high bits off by one
I'm sort of in progress of writing a prototype in JS and probably port code into AS3
due to these limitations
which makes thing difficult
you can split to two 16-bit numbers
hmm right
that should work in AS3 too when I port it over
Do you mean making values of a, b into 4 16 bits?
@JanDvorak Thanks for your help, I will note this down somewhere and when problem occurs with multiplication, then implement your methodology
don't forget to not lose precision when recombining 4x32 bits into 4x16 bits
@dystroy in english, ? and ! don't have a space before them
@FlorianMargaine The didn't. Until I decided otherwise.
jsfiddle.net/m6cgR how can I get past that issue: (Refused to execute script from 'https://raw.github.com/square/cubism/master/cubism.v1.min.js' because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.)
I love W3School, why do people hate it because they make a great use of document.write?
@cx disable strict mime type checking or send the right mime type
are people jealous?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO srsly?
@FlorianMargaine conspiracy, how do I fix it stackoverflow.com/questions/449273/…
@O0oO0oOO0ooO We all love w3schools
@O0oO0oOO0ooO ikr? Getting certified by w3schools was my best career move.
@JanDvorak hmm dat's github, I'll host it myself
Whenever I go clubbin', I bring those certs. "hey babe, I'm w3school certified in PHP and MySQL".
@cx then disable mime type checking
d00d, having a w3schools cert is like having a Justin Bieber autogram
@Esailija Maybe you should write an article on how to properly deal with jsperf unoptimization, clear enough so that noobs like me get it (or did you already?)
@dystroy make each test case a global function inside a <ascript> tag
do not use setup for that
this, I got. Is that enough ?
well I like to add the if check
it calls die()
which is undefined function and would fail if the check ever failed
and I also like to add warm-up code in the global script
just call 1e5 times all the test cases in global
depends on how heavy they are though, you don't want to freeze the page startup
And how do you check it works ? Just on speed improvements ?
check what works?
How do you check the code isn't unoptimized by jsperf somehow
because they are global functions in ad hoc script tag
do you think there is code in JSPerf that scans the global object for functions
and then somehow manages to decompile them, mangle them, and recompile back, without losing closure context?
I didn't look at jsperf code, contrary to you. So I don't think anything.
it was rhetorical question, of course it doesn't do anything about that
I know it was rhetorical, but I'm very cautious before discarding such manipulations are impossible or even improbable... That's why I ask the guy who checked the code.
ah ok :D
after reflexion I dont think horizon graph are so relevant for currency pairs (EURUSD,..), those are often periodic and bounded, and you want to see small variations
but if anyone has a view on it, I'd be pleased
and currencies don't have a notion of performance, unlike stocks
What are you graphing ? The variation of a single number like 1.34 ? What duration for the graph ?
variable, also I wanted to make use of cubism.js to combine multiple pairs
Oh, look at this tiny beautiful little Nexus 4 in my hands. I think I'm purring.
Yeah, nice choice
@cx As someone who renders time series in canvas (plant survey, nothing financial), I found that it's hard to beat the standard representations regarding readability
posted on August 09, 2013 by Mateusz Charytoniuk

Is there any command line code formatting tool that allows controlling whitespace INSIDE control structures like this? // one space inside control structure if ( 2 === 3 ) { // ... do something …

@dystroy which standard are you using?
possibly also I can draw indicators
and horizon chart, even if I increase height, would not make it clear
Standard ? I mean I mainly use simple charts which are easier to understand. Here's one screenshot (no time serie for this one because I can't show them but it's similar)
@dystroy yes of course, just chose to 'area' the main line chart, to highlight it vs indicators, but I'm still unsure of that idea :)
dispersion in blue?
in blue the usual values histogram
s/dispersion/total, yes my case is more for vizualing, before doing anyhting more, combination of pairs, cubism has something built up for serie1.multiply(serie2) or .add, .substract, but I think I will do it myself, point by point
I'd plot something like
1 * 2 / 3 for checking it does 1 :)
but also 1 + k*2
Is it for people who will read them all day or passing visitors ? My experience is that people are bad at interpreting complex graphs, scales or indicators
not for visitors, more for traders
for visitors they want simple account/strategy performance
@Adil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Darkyen nope
@Darkyen Hahaha, probably because I've played such few games, and a significant amount of them included bots.
@SomeGuy it doesnt count bots
@dystroy do you use something like graphite?
or else i would be over @Datsik by far [ i usually dont die in any bot game anymore ]
Q: Createjs html5 web app is not working in laptop PC

user2667249I've written a small html5 module use createjs library. My app is working fine in my desktop PC but it's not run in any laptop PCs. Does anyone know how to solve this?

@cx no. I don't even know what that is. I use vanilla js with a hint of jquery
@JanDvorak hey
@Zhegan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!! friday
Q: Add onClick to <a> in a page

Pepozzoi'm writing a page that contains some custom code. I've developed a player and i'm including its JS file and CSS using script tag and link tag. I know it is not the better way, but it works. The problem is that i've a code like this one: <div id="modello1" style="float:left"><a href="#" class=...

every body
Who is here?
I am (that is, maybe)
You have worked with kendoui library?
@JanDvorak and persepolis is here too. That makes 2 users in the room.
there (assuming you are present)
@perspolis no
@Barnab Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh ok
Its so fun when chrome bugs on simple rendering :D ha
@ZeroCool Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Darkyen what OS ?
I have an object that contains elements with dynamic class names [li.row-0, li.row-1, li.row-1] is it possible to create a new object containing only elements with the same class name? such as [li.row-0] and [li.row-1, li.row-1]
@mikedidthis I don't understand your question but the answer is yes.
@dystroy :D
I currently have this array `[li.row-0, li.row-1, li.row-1, li.row-2, li.row-3, li.row-3, li.row-3]'.
It looks like an array
@dystroy sorry my mistake
I need to do something for each element with the same class name.
But as the class names are dynamic, row- is the only constant part, I am not sure how to filter or create a new array of elements with the same class name.
you may create a map with value the class and value an array of the items
ahh I shall try that. Thank you.
for fun, you can use a single statement with reduce
var map = arr.reduce...
@dystroy that looks pretty clever, thanks.
@mikedidthis If you want to filter, you always have array.filter
Or if you want to partition, then reduce with some simple logic will do
@Zirak you're a little late, aren't you ? :)
I was expecting to give birth 10 months ago. So very late
@Zirak yeah it seems like reduce will be perfect, thanks guys.
Does somebody know this ?
@SomeKittens Warframe is pretty fun, but the level design is simply horrible
@dystroy no
You're thrown into a chrome labyrinth, with possible upgrades behind every corner and hidden vents and whatnot. If you take a wrong turn, your teammates will have already killed most of everything in the next room by the time you get back, and there's no way you can explore most of the areas.
@JanDvorak They just contacted me because they seem to think I could be an instructor
@dystroy They seem to promise everything with pizza and unicorn fries on the side. I don't trust them.
Sounds like a "learn C in 21 days"
It looks like a doable plant, though.Especially with this :
> We only accept students who we think have good background and can cope up with long hours
They might be honest, or not, but that looks like an interesting approach
basically, an elite death march?
Their php web-dev class's icon is the WP logo
@JanDvorak I'd rather say an intensive immersion for people who look able to cope (nerds ?) with elite instructors (I mean... they thought about me...)
And they call "JSon" a database
> Advance Web Technologies: JQuery, CoffeeScript, AJAX
> Front End Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Java Scripts
Well... not everybody know that JSON is an object
I hope whoever wrote the front page isn't teaching
Say "java script" again, and I will wrap your body in a car pet.
ah, but it's "java scripts", the plural!
> Framework: Responsive Web Design
@JanDvorak Oh my dog... I hadn't seen the "Java Scripts"... This... is... bad...
Say "java scripts" again, and I will wrap your body in car pets.
I didn't know responsive design is a php framework
So much to learn
thats the good thing about C
there's no C script ?
@dystroy They look like the regular hacks which're everywhere, promising you fame and glory and babes in bikinis in exchange for your wallet.
well, they promise me only the wallet...
you got me as soon as babes in bikinis were mentioned
And since you value yourself, you'll first tell them you want to sit through a class, then you can laugh at their faces and decline?
Their css theme is very clean though: aitlearning.com/wp-content/themes/Tharsis/style.css
@Zirak I think I'll rather decline because I can't spend 8 weeks far from home
<p></div> AGH
wth are you talking about
@Zirak oh yes... how concise...
@jAndy start to read at 12h35
@Grievoushead Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
14 mins ago, by dystroy
from nobody to rockstar ? and also babes ? what are we waiting for
oh yes, they certainly know their java scripts: aitlearning.com/wp-content/themes/Tharsis/js/…
lol.. not really ?
that is horrible
my eyes are bleeding, what did you do to me
that was absolutely my face expression
I'm not kidding... I would buy the code snippet if is meant to be like "How you should NOT do it"
using jQuery.. fine, why not. But what they are doing there and how they are doing it, is a crime to humanity
@dystroy Can you please tell them they suck?
That might be a better opportunity. "I'm sorry not to be able to come to your distant town and give those intensive lessons to your students but, keeping at home, maybe I could take your wallet and fix your website in order to save you from embarrassment ?"
At least their page
Maybe they're wonderful, intelligent people who just don't give a shit how their frontpage looks, so they hired one of their dropouts out of pity.
I won't tell them they suck. I'd rather think about a way to grab their wallet without leaving my comfortable house.
@Zirak Or maybe the site is meant as an exercise for students ? "You have 5 minutes. List 100 things that suck in this site"
Maybe it's an entry test?
Can someone just confirm what this code does please?

    document.getElementById('s') && document.getElementById('s').focus();

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