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java script hahahaha
sorry . its typing mistake , its javascript :P
*it's ;-)
*a typing mistake
uffff bs kr ja bhai
i'm not here to learn English
k then ;-)
^ Indian
please help me
dont speke socketio, sory
@Connor how can you do it like an if statement?
and if it isn't clicked it doesn't do anything?
I feel like this might work
@BrandonGelfand no, the problem you have is that you are trying to call playMovie when it is not defined because it's in a closure
so how do I fix it?
HOW DO these people manage to even turn on their computers stackoverflow.com/q/18097505/995876
so you need to change function playMovie to window.playMovie = function() { then show me
check it
the play button shouldn't be like that
and the bar is all crazy
Q: Dealing with a library that depends on jQuery

GreesoI am about to use the pikochoose.com library with wordpress. However, this library references jQuery, and uses the short form (using $). In WordPress documentation, it states that the short form should not be used, and instead I should use the long form to use jQuery functinality and to prevent c...

@BrandonGelfand I'm not surprised you keep changing things around because you don't look for the problem. if you help then stop pinging me and at least try and help yourself
vPlayer is defined as a jquery plugin no?, so you need to do var myplayer = $.vPlayer(someoptions);
@Connor I don't know how to do js, I am trying anything and everything I can
I am working on CSS and HTML
as you said to do
@BrandonGelfand well i told you what to try first, so i recommend changing function playMovie() { to window.playMovie = function() { and let me know when your done
I did do that connor
i fell asleep :-/
nooo now i will not be able to finish it
check it @Connor
Now its broken
things get worse before they get better!
@OctavianDamiean Austria has no navy ? nvm just realized you are covered by 4 sides u don't need one
@BrandonGelfand i still see function playMovie() { on line 3571
@Connor reload it
Its tere
@BrandonGelfand do you have a issue in following instructions?
Its there
does function window.playMovie() look like window.playMovie = function() ?
ok, no we are at square one again
check it
@BrandonGelfand see this video.play();?
Parsing HTML with regex WooHoo! Zalgo here I come
it says video is undefined so try this $('video')[0].play();
@BrandonGelfand line 3589
@Connor k check it
know if coffeescript you can do {@something, @hello} = obj
is it just this / @ you can do it with?
@BrandonGelfand yeah you have that stupid jQuery conflict
try jQuery('video')[0].play();
@OctavianDamiean I booked the tickets - Arriving in Rome in the end of the 7/9, leaving Paris in the eve of the 25th.
@Zirak doesn't look like what we talked about seems very likely, sorry :/ I'm so very very stuck in code hell right now.
@Connor nothing :/
still the same
@BenjaminGruenbaum np, you've seemed extra busy lately.
Yeah :/
@AgustínDondo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Connor what now?
Which is odd, since you've finished the semester (didn't you?). Things to be shipped are in bad shape?
Hey, does anyone have any idea how I can stop this page resdemo.ergonomiq.net/en/shop from jumping when you close the hidden divs that open onclick of the little (i) icon on each CD?
@BrandonGelfand it's called debugging, put this just above console.log(jQuery('video'));
what line @Connor ?
@Zirak A lot of stuff has to get done before Finland
@alisamii you should use preventDefault on the closelink
@BrandonGelfand above the video thing 3589
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, right! When are you going? For how long?
Sep first, and for about 5 weeks
@AgustínDondo this is my script
// No conflict
(function ($) {

    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('a.flip').click(function (event) {

            // Reset all other flip divs

            // Stop execution if has class .close
            if ($(this).hasClass('close')) {

            // Just get the closest parent with class .passbook
            var $passBookElem = $(this).closest('.passbook');
I have preventDefault in there. Have I done it incorrectly?
Ok, now what @Connor ?
@BrandonGelfand now under what you just added window.setTimeout(function(){ console.log(jQuery('video'))}, 2000);
@Connor ok now what>
now remove all that code you just put in
the console.log ones
and replace this jQuery('video')[0].play();
with this jQuery(function($){ $('video')[0].play(); });
ok, now what?
@BrandonGelfand above that try this window.setTimeout(function(){ $('video')[0].play(); }, 1000);
@BrandonGelfand it works but you got some strange shit going on there
I freakin love you you @Connor !!!
!!flat cleaning or code cleaning?
@cx code cleaning
@AgustínDondo have I implemented preventDefault incorrectly?
@BrandonGelfand you should look at vimeo's addEvent and remove jQuery(function($){ $('video')[0].play(); }); <= this is useless and causes a error
@Connor when the someone uses the Vimeo embed option thats when this applys
Q: Follow button like twitter

varahramI want to create an like button like twitter, i used from this code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.following').click(function(){ $(this).toggleClass('following follow'); if($(this).hasClass('follow')){ $(this).removeClass('btn-danger').unbind('hover').text('Follow'); } ...

Who here thinks parsing HTML with regex is a good idea?
Wait nvm
I have this <div><img></div>.
how can i make the div same width with the img?
Let say img has 200px width and div will be 200px as well, if 100px then 100px;
@vzhen <div style="display: inline-block;"><img></div>
@Connor thanks it works
@Andy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want to select parent if any child is selected because when I show the treeview its look not fine that parent are unchecked and child are checked and its also requirment
@David Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
uh, what do you mean by "select"?
mean check...
here are sample code
function OnTreeClick(Treeview, event, field) {
var src = window.event != window.undefined ? window.event.srcElement : event.target;
var nodeClick = src.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input";
if (nodeClick) {
if (field)
$("#" + field).val("1");

if (src.checked) {
$('#' + Treeview).removeClass("RequiredFieldError");
var parentTable = GetParentByTagName("table", src);
var nxtSibling = parentTable.nextSibling;
!!tell andy format
@andy Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
function OnTreeClick(Treeview, event, field) {
    var src = window.event != window.undefined ? window.event.srcElement : event.target;
    var nodeClick = src.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input";
    if (nodeClick) {
        if (field)
            $("#" + field).val("1");

        if (src.checked) {
            $('#' + Treeview).removeClass("RequiredFieldError");
        var parentTable = GetParentByTagName("table", src);
sorry for previous ...
We should add in this bot message the precision that instead of reposting it's better to edit last post.
today my first post so please ignore as a 1st mistake
@Andy There's no problem.
@Andy please post that via jsfiddle.net, along with HTML
@Darkyen Do you sleep well ?
Actually i am using treeview in asp.net and populate that using Vb and using javascript for check uncheck so please tell me how can I upload all files....
Is there are anyone for help....
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do
sigh The entire window is composed of two things: A player screen, and under it, a giant button with "Record" written all over it. And I got asked "how can I record?"
@FlorianMargaine Me too, it's the best
@Zirak maybe it was too big...
what was it...
@FlorianMargaine it were self-closing tags
I'm talking about the easter egg :)
does anyone know how to detect changes on all attributes of a element with angular?
@FlorianMargaine so am I
that's enough^
please help me
Inspect Eggs.Cthulu
last time I read it, it was minified
and I'm too lazy
so? If the compiler can read that, so can you
function (g){Eggs.Cthulu.running=!1;if(-1!=g.search(/<[^>]*\[\^[^\]]*>.*\]/))
well, I guess that wasn't hard to read.
PHP is the bogosort of language implementations, literally everything uses the easiest to implement but worst performance and memory use algorithms.
@Esailija nice one
@Esailija what does it use for sorting?
reference counting for GC, unions for dynamic values
ref... what???
@JanDvorak that's part of the standard library, not the language
but let's just for fun see how sort is implemented
@JanDvorak please review my code
@alisamii sorry man was away
@Andy first off, the <script> tags don't belong to the jsfiddle javascript window. Second, capital S, seriously? Third, if you're going to use onclick, set jsfiddle to no-wrap
@alisamii do this
@JanDvorak you are loosing grammar :D
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a.flip').click(function (event) {
@rlemon @SomeGuy is right. s' is only used if the noun ends with an "s" - "The bird's beak" is singular, the beak belongs to the bird; "the birds' prey" is plural, the prey belongs to the birds.
@Mr_Green wtah?
@JanDvorak actually I am using in asp.net + javascript thats why I asked you how can I upload all file
@Andy href="javascript: and onclick??? Seriously? You should be using neither with jquery
and you should never use the former
Since the noun is "Amaan", which doesn't end with s, the correct form is "Amaan's". If his name was Agnes, you'd write "Agnes'"
@JanDvorak my code is working perfect just only want to tri state treeview using javascript
@Andy <div onclick="return false; -- wat?
@Zirak I believe agnes's is correct here
both are correct
I read it somewhere
"agnes" is singular
Yep, both would be.
@JanDvorak please visit this stackoverflow.com/questions/18094769/…
@Andy may I give up reviewing the HTML? Tables within tables with inline styles and huge inline event handlers ... horrible
alt="Expand &lt;div onclick='return false;' class='TreeviewNodeItem'&gt;&lt;div class='NodeIcon'&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class='NodeText'&gt;Quality Department&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" --- WTF IS THIS???
@JanDvorak do u know about asp.net?
@Andy if asp.net forces you to write horrible HTML I don't want to use it
it's win-specific, so it's not too unexpected
@JanDvorak actually there are a control treeview in asp.net you can bind a list and when page is render it generates HTML
@Andy you are using jQuery. Stick to jQuery for event handling. You won't have to write things like var src = window.event != window.undefined ? window.event.srcElement : event.target;
That HTML it generates is disgusting.
@AgustínDondo actually, I solved it like this
            // Stop execution if has class .close
            if ($(this).hasClass('close')) {
                return false;
@AgustínDondo but maybe my way is not the best way to do it
not to mention window.undefined itself is horrible. Either use undefined, or if you're afraid of shadowing use void 0
@JanDvorak you just modified my code as if I check parent all child of parent is checked but when i check child, child is checked and parent is also checked
but don't be afraid of using undefined.
@Andy $("#" + field).val("1"); -- since you're not fully sticking to jquery anyways, I suggest document.getElementById(field).value = '1'
@Andy no, I didn't.
please I am in deep trouble
@FlorianMargaine what is being called from the global function sort is zend_qsort
which is iterative quicksort
@Esailija how do you find this?
I started with $ grep -rn "PHP_FUNCTION(sort" .
@Andy you said "review", not "fix". I need to understand (and thus read) to have any chance of fixing it.
and then followed the trail
(not that I will anyways)
ah, started to try that too
@JanDvorak please help me
but I did grep -rns "PHP_FUNCTION\(sort\)" .
also since arrays are always hash tables, even when you use them like C arrays, it first copies the hash table elements to an array
then it sorts that array
@Andy unbraced if bodies on a separate line are a bad practice. They are susceptible to copy&paste errors
why is there 2 of them?
after that it reordes the hash table
you are not even consistent in braced/unbraced one-line ifs
@FlorianMargaine that file is some kind of forward declaration only or something
I mean the php_array.h
the real deal is in the array.c
there you find zend_hash_sort
which copies the hash table to a real array, sorts that through iterative quicksort, and then reorders the hash table pointers according to the sorted temporary array :D
> var isAllSiblingsChecked = AreAllSiblingsChecked(srcChild);
@FlorianMargaine also check out what kind of beast arraysort is in V8 code.google.com/p/v8/source/browse/trunk/src/array.js#844
almost 300 lines
@Esailija yeah, I saw that one already
but v8's sort uses insertion sort first if needed
if it's faster
while (parent.tagName.toLowerCase() != parentTagName.toLowerCase()) -- because it would be unreasonable to force yourself to pass lowercase arguments, right?
also ridiculous to keep calling it in a loop... I mean just have some professional pride
yeah, if you're caching a nodeList length, cache toLowerCase() as well
@JanDvorak do you understand what I am doing....
Hi, how can I register a stackexchange.com account associated with my other accounts?
When I try to log in using my Google OpenID, it says it's new.
@Andy frankly? No.
ok I tell you
do u know about treeview
in ASP? No.
yup in asp
I didn't create one on stackexchange.com yet.
then associate your google login with your se login where you have the account
Actually, I just had to create a "new account" on stackexchange.com with my Google OpenID and it worked.
@cept0 I also have silver badges on three sites
@Andy why are you pinging me repeatedly?
@JanDvorak Since names are ambiguous, both forms are accepted.
for help :)
@Zirak I can see you are not impressed :-)
I just got out of one of the most bizarre job interviews. I mean it was worthy of thedailywtf.com
@monners explain :)
Too long to go into detail, but the parting line was classic
@monners please do post on tdwtf
Me: "Thanks for your time. Good luck"
Owner: "I don't need your luck"
This guy grilled be for a solid 15 minutes trying to get proprietary info about my current employer's corporate structure, expansion strategy, client list. I mean he was a slime ball. Ten minutes in I knew it wasn't going to happen. He gets his technical lead in to go over my code examples and all he got to say was "Your code's pretty decent" before it was back to the grilling.
He was like the coked up asshole from that movie Horrible Bosses
The other two interviews today went really REALLY well. got an offer and a callback. What went wrong with the third? Was it me? Am I not pretty enough!?!?!
maybe they just wanted your proprietary info
Fuck that. I ain't no criminal!
@dystroy for about 7 hours
Well... my ping was totally ineffective in preventing you from sleeping...
< Available for work again.
@dystroy ha i passed out :-(
so meh
but well i learnt some proper sql :->
@dystroy besides postgres array's are supposed to be FAST [i am wondering] if i should use the Array element to store list of users connected to a post
for the simple advantage that it will not require me to do 2 queries
and wait till postgres implement FK constrains on elements ?
@Zirak Cool, cool cool cool. Let me know when you'll be going to Venice.
@monners Are those decent jobs or like, you know, really sucky jobs?
@Darkyen I'm really not the guy to ping when you have a postgres question, sorry.
My boss is a PostgreSQL crack.
@OctavianDamiean can you pass on ?
according to brianc postgres arrays are supposed to be insane fast
because thats how postgres stores tables under the hood
Can someone tell me how to fix something on my site?
fucking pop out elements
they move out of the 3d space where the over event is triggered, so the out event is triggered.
hmm when you do some js..or other language, you write somestring == otherstring in c# and java and you don't understand why it fails
.Equals shit
@phenomnomnominal either way
1. you can have a 2d overlay which never moves to trigger
2. U can do some 3d maths to find out where you are pointing
2 is what i'm doing
@phenomnomnominal can we see ?
and 1 makes it pointless to even have a 3d event system
you might have computed something wrong
the link is pinned
I haven't
I'm just doing a ray intersection with a block in 3d space
which triggers an animation that causes the block to go out of the intersection space, so the mouse is no longer over the block
so the out event fires
which makes the block go back into the intersection space
so the over event fires
rinse and repeat
i like that
about 3d, are 3d svg a good stuff?
got a funny jumping "CV" - link on your site right now
@phenomnomnominal maybe use something else ?
i mean maybe use a pipe instead of a ray ?
@GNi33 yeah this is what i want to get rid of haha
or or or simpler option ?
@Darkyen that's still not a generalised solution
store the original position of your elements into an array ?
which is called 'triggering - pos'
@phenomnomnominal :P
I just won't add the out even until a mouse move happens
or that too
!!> (1,2) === 2
@cx true
Q: How to implement jQuery to PHP

jave.webjQuery has some awsome methods, that I could really use while working with external htmls is there a way to somehow transform it into a PHP framework ?

!!google phpquery
unprefixed requestAnimationFrame in ff 23
@Darkyen Why?
college shit
ps on my app #id < 10000 will be reserved for this room :-> @SomeGuy i want to finish 0.0.1 version of my app and put it online
I don't think you'll need 10k IDs for the room, to be honest.
But that's pretty cool. Best of luck!
10k basically ensures i can have good ones like 9999 :P aswell
@SomeGuy and i am not going to be user #1 lol
Hahaha, well, all other users will be serially ordered, right? So you can just give us all the numbers we want, and let the ID assigner skip over the ones that have already been assigned manually.
LinkedIn is creepy as fuck. I receive every weeks connection requests from people who seem fine but who are totally unknown to me.
harsh.. since the baby can be damaged
hah awesome.
I disapprove of C&H
!!define pry
@cx pry To look where one is not welcome; to be nosey.
I am having extreme trouble retriving a return array object from a nested function
I need help
anyone up for it?
@vimes1984 are you trying to cheat the time?

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