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That'd be ma'am, smartass
Assumed a typo
A typo of u and a ?
besides me and dad digged further init :P
@SomeGuy You know what would be even funnier? Let's say we make contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life. Those creatures are humanoid to us but for them we are [their-species]-oid.Who's right? How do you establish which term you'll use to classify that form of life?
You type things with different spellings, you know
Amaans' english is pretty good. I'd trust him to write my reports for me
Religions and Festivals Chapter from nursery
It's something that bugs me about SiFi movies/series.
@Octavian I know, right?! And how would we even know if they'd be able to see? Or hear, or smell, or anything at all?
@OctavianDamiean as per einstiens relativity applied in here ... which it shouldnt be but still
both are right
@OctavianDamiean bipedic long-arms.
@rlemon You meant Amaan's :p
no, Amaans'
@OctavianDamiean Read Kuhn's book about paradigms :)
@rlemon his name is Amaan
But my name is Amaan, not Amaans!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Noted, cheers!
\o/ i ninja'd
That one:
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is a 1962 book about the history of science by Thomas S. Kuhn. Its publication was a landmark event in the history, philosophy, and sociology of scientific knowledge and triggered an ongoing worldwide assessment and reaction in—and beyond—those scholarly communities. Kuhn challenged the then prevailing view of progress in "normal science". Scientific progress had been seen primarily as "development-by-accumulation" of accepted facts and theories. Kuhn argued for an episodic model in which periods of such conceptual continuity in normal science were...
s' == ownership in this situation
On my "to buy" list.
@OctavianDamiean Better question: They clearly must have been observing us for a long time before we meet. Thus, can they see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
@rlemon I don't think it works that way.
@rlemon if you ask me how i feel .. I am rather dipressed then opressed
according to my HS english teacher this is one of the ways it works.
I'm tripressed for purity.
my girlfriend is from a lower caste and you have no clue how hard is it going to be just to get both families to talk
's would also be appropriate, but I think I would have had to restructure the sentence.
@SomeKittens I didn't specify a time frame, maybe we've established contact. :)
furthermore the blind competitive study system which was last updated as a system in 1857 [they only swapped the books... added new tech but the core of it is more or less the same, the emphasis is the same] ... Which enforces you to give up on creativity and start mugging up facts .... and over that everytime i turn news on one new rape , murder bleh i hate being stuck in here... seriously
@Darkyen as tough and hard-hearted as it sounds, if you love her and she loves you, fuck your family's opinion.
It's your life, not theirs.
@OctavianDamiean i dont give a fuck to my or her family's opinion
from her side shes softer then i am and hence i will have to get it done so that she dosnt gets kicked out of her family
Ideal Case for me : "Run out of country with her"
If you have that option, go for it.
oh btw @OctavianDamiean you know what's even worse ? Sometimes people just kill their own daughters / son's under the name of Honor Killing why ? cause they dishonered them by choosing someone
Honour killing?
Yea, I know. That's disgusting.
Honor it should be
@Anu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy the close family or same gotr is bullshit
Man, I'm really lucky I'm in Mumbai.
Blissfully unaware of this crap.
@SomeGuy indeed ... come to this side of india some day :P
Mumbai seems to be a country of its own inside of another country. :D
@OctavianDamiean it pretty much is
Mumbai , Bangalore , some part of Delhi
has educated people and a lot of western influence pretty much alienating us from them
Sorry, I tried to let it go, but didn't want to. :P
^ watch that not for the ass its just hillarious
Always wondered who sees these videos..
Gnight anyway :)
I'm off to bed too. See you guys!
anyone could test it? on my pc if I load more data up to May-April, it gets very very laggy, making sure it's not just me
well the page does'nt respond now that the graph is full
@Darkyen I read somewhere that Mumbai is so polluted that living there is the equivalent of smoking two packs of smokes a day. Reduces your life expectancy by something like seven years!
I think beautiful d3 have limits :(
@monners still is beter then rest of india
reduces ur life expectancy of dipression and what not by over 9000 years ;D
The rest won't be polluted, though. Mumbai is really crowded.
@Darkyen That... didn't make sense
Comparable to New York, I'd say.
@monners mumbai is cleaner
more socialized
you wont be murdered for money (well less likely)
more educated
I actually find Mumbai less annoying than New York, as a pedestrian. Way too many people walking in NYC.
NY is super crowded.
For cars, nothing comes close to being as bad as India.
I could never live there
Me neither. It was absolutely insane.
For cars, nothing comes close to being as expensive as Singapore
Well, some of the quieter parts were okay. But midtown Manhattan was insanely crowded.
I saw a Ferrari Enzo there. who the fuck drives a super car on an urban island state? Seriously, you'd never get it outta second gear
Oh, oh, @Loktar, @rlemon, are you guys participating in this year's JS13k competition?
It should be fun!
I'm going to have to start thinking of ideas quick, though.
!!content-editable or input?
@cx content-editable
^ @OctavianDamiean
am going to bed .. gn room
examples.getbootstrap.com/starter-template/index.html with small width the top right button to expand tab menu doesn't work, bug?
!!choose 'Live free' 'Die hard'
@monners Die hard
@somequixotic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon you around ?
!!is a lemon round?
@cx No
@socialCircus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy thinking about it
@Darkyen busy at the moment, but will be in like 35 minutes.
/me is cleaning fish tank plumbing
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you still down for checking out my code?
I'm pitiful.
he's sleeping

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