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if so..
cloudfront + <any cloud> = happy you
@Loktar well I get X amount - more is more
if I exceed my amount on my VPS i'll got with S3
@Darkyen most of my stuff is large flash files
pay per kb
@Loktar cloudfront can take care of it :P
@Loktar check out Amazons S3
yeap if u just want storage s3 is better then ec2
S3 on top of EC2?
S3 + CloudFront : for your flash files
CloudFront has a free plan [if u dont remember]
transfer price is what I mean
just look at those prices! how can you beat that!
Up to 10 TB / month $0.120 per GB
some months I hit around 3-3.5tb
so thats over $300
@Darkyen eventually you'll begin to enter uncontrollable sessions of microsleep
@Loktar -_- did you even see cloudfront ?
sucks I was hoping cloud hosting would be a tad cheaper
no ill look now
Eeks i messed up the name :P
@Loktar what I like about S3 is you don't buy a 'package'
@Darkyen same outward price
$0.120 per gb
they adjust you depending on usage, and you only pay for the GB you use
@rlemon not having any luck. I think the corporate firewall is blocking it.
@Loktar no not cloudfront
@Shmiddty shitty
@rlemon yeah, but that would put my costs up to like $500/mo
shut down the firewall
cloud flare
I pay like $310 right now thats with 100tb of bandwidth as well
@rlemon if only.
@Darkyen hmm seems like a prepackaged thing
@Loktar basically it will cache your pages in their distribution servers
I like having my server instance that I fully control
@Loktar seems most places are 12 cents / GB
4 links now, all the same price
so your server gets hit merely once in a while
yeah sucks, thats kind of pricey but oh well
@Darkyen oh you mean in addition I see
@Loktar :P
is back and a bit calmer
@Loktar i'm sure you can find cheaper - but likely at the expense of delivery speeds
@OctavianDamiean passes some beer to you and some mini tomatoes
yeah I still think it will be a bit higher in $$ ill just have to wait it out
@Loktar nope cloudfront reduces
I have 2 servers currently, was just looking into possibly downgrading/moving
your requests like 60%
Cheers! @Darkyen
@Loktar so the maths is 0.4 * 3 TB = 1.2 TB
$146 ish
+ ec2 pricing which is like $90 or so
I guess thats cheaper
@Loktar cloudflare is free
and if you can do it :P s3 can handle a static site very well
@Darkyen I mean 1.2 tb would be around $146
Great ... Fukushima is about to contaminate the entire coast ...
pixter.in <- completely static on the top of s3
pixter.in/p/3OO <- again statics
@OctavianDamiean you're 3 years in the past?
fuck it.. we are gonna be doomed .. NO !
I stopped eating fish since deb 2011 :))
@Darkyen thanks for the info's you gave me more to look at :)
@Loktar my pleasure mate :-)
@cx I'm... so sorry. Do you need a hug?
i designed the arch of my startup... made tons of discoveries meanwhile ... and at work @Metarain
hi guys, I have a problem with execution order..here is my code
x = document.getElementById(MapXVal).value;
y = document.getElementById(MapYVal).value;
if ((x === undefined || x === null || x === "") &&
(XVal !== undefined && XVal !== null && XVal !== "")) {

x = document.getElementById(XVal).value;
y = document.getElementById(YVal).value;
point = new esri.geometry.Point(x, y, new esri.SpatialReference({ "wkt": 'PROJCS["LRS Lambert, Iowa DOT Projection - meters", GEOGCS ["NAD 83 (Continental US)", DATUM ["NAD 83 (Continental US)", SPHEROID ["GRS 80", 6378137.000000, 298.257222]], PRIMEM [ "
ops sorry for the long text here is a cleaner version
            x = document.getElementById(MapXVal).value;
            y = document.getElementById(MapYVal).value;
            if ((x === undefined || x === null || x === "") &&
                (XVal !== undefined && XVal !== null && XVal !== "")) {
                x = document.getElementById(XVal).value;
                y = document.getElementById(YVal).value;
                point = new esri.geometry.Point(x, y, new esri.SpatialReference({ "wkt": ...}));
And the problem is?
@JafarKofahi press up arrow, ctrl + a, ctrl + k [ to format your code ]
so that it looks like
well, the bug I'm trying to work on is this: On the Note, in the default Android browser, it transforms a date string (8/6/2013) in a drop down to a long-form string like (Tuesday, August 6, 2013). I don't care if it changes the display value, as long as it doesn't change the option value. Does anyone know if it does/doesn't?
good lord!
How would you bind a dynamic datatable with view and achieve two-way data binding?
@Darkyen edited thanks
np :-)
you can do it when you are posting :-)
@OctavianDamiean My problem is my inner function gsvc.Project will execute after the containing function is done executing
and I need to have the values for x and y at the time I call the function
well RIP japanese fishes
@cx and japan imported american dishes
@JonBecher Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy You will watch "Video Game High School" (search it on youtube). And you may enjoy it.
@SomeGuy why cant u name yourself
@AmaanNotChevalIamDifferentIamNotFromIndiaEither , i am sure it will not be indexed :->
Why did he change his name?
@cx you mean RIP every fishies - then everything else.
if we don't find a solution
@BadgerGirl He's afraid of your postcards.
possibly global contamination
Q: Web single player 2d top-down RPG - background image, sprites, and new level loading

GrowlerI'm making a web single player 2D top-down rpg using JavaScript (create js library) and have a couple questions. For the background image, I've currently loaded a 1000x1000 bitmap to represent the background for my rpg world (per level). It's drawn in relation to the camera (aka the canvas - 500...

> "There's a lot of material between us and Japan. No matter what happens in Fukushima, it's not going to be a problem over here."
this comment scares me.
because it is debatable how bad it will / can get
@rlemon yes, I cant believe other countries can't help also
Debate : "Those who fail on basics should find a different hobby programming ain't no fruit for em"
@Darkyen Those who fail on basics should try again. Emphasis on try
@Darkyen a lot of times once the basics "make sense" to the individual they will rapidly evolve into a much more competent programmer
sometimes it takes people a while to grasp a new concept.
from basics i mean after reading a nice 4 semester in computer science
not being able to write hello world in any language
doesn't matter.
@Darkyen Heavily disagree
!!convert 1 USD JPY
You can fail for many, many reasons.
@cx That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: convert
@cx 98.4058JPY
I was shit in school with languages (not computer) until I got out of school and someone finally taught me in a way that was accepting of my way of learning.
now I know a lot more (which is to say I knew nothing before hand)
hey, I found a 50 Yen coin the other day:
!!convert 50¥ $
@Zirak 0.5081USD
Awesome. Now I can waste it all on a piece of gum.
@Darkyen look - I read like 15 articles on DiamondSquare and was totally not understanding it- with a few tips from you and Loktar i was able to move forward.
thats a point there
but my point is i have seen people who write hello world in C++ like this :P
ns311381.ovh.net:8888/#forex usdjpy should sadly rise I think
if the person is passionate about it - often the problem lies in how it is being explained to them. If you figure out the most receptive way to get the concept into their head then i'm sure it will stick.
#<include> iostream
     cout("hello world");
i know their syntax shows attemp :P
@Darkyen my first question to them would be: Why did you write it this way?
they would likely answer "I dunno?" - then press them to really question each statement
often they will answer their own questions trying to answer yours
no one has forced them to think before.
Or show them a tangent problem, solve it for writing "Hello, my name is Bob"
:( any tips or hints
@Darkyen looks actually better than the >> things :p
@Zirak is there a way to !!learn triggers like "stop"?
@darkyen nudge no sleeping!
Say I want to make something similar to the hammertime feature.
@KendallFrey Currently no. That's planned when the bot's moved to node. Which is planned to happen within our lifetime, possibly.
simple solution: download Jellybean 4.1.1 and run from Oracle VM
conflate all the things
@cx cx << operator looks better to me ;-)
!!mustache 365814
@cx User -1 was not found (if the user is not in room 17, pass a user-id instead of a username).
@cx User 365814 was not found (if the user is not in room 17, pass a user-id instead of a username).
Teahupoo waves will also be radioactive then :(
@Shmiddty I know, I've still got a lot to do. media queries etc. I think it's safe to assume that anything less than that res doesn't have webgl, so it'll be a completely different site
I hate this weather ... I want rain showers.
Fuck the sun.
@OctavianDamiean Literally?
Yea, at the risk of burning my dick ...
@straker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ha! tbh, I am glad we had a few days of rain. 6 weeks of sun is insane, we aren't built for it here in the UK. Like all weather conditions other than rain.
I am having an impossible time with jQuery UI's dialog and position...
I can't get it to center in the window, even running it from the console.
I have dynamically loaded data, but the dialog is made and opened after the load
one word: jsfiddle
fuuuu that is going to take forever
I can't believe how awesome ArmA 3 looks.
Speaking of ArmA 3, have you heard about the two developers that got arrested in Greece? They were accused of espionage.
Developing games is serious business.
!!> "Why am I a " + typeof + ""
@rlemon "Why am I a number"
The first + is string concatenation, the second + is the unary +. You have:
^ that
var t = typeof +"";
"Why am I a " + t
Or, to disambiguate with parens: "Why am I a " + typeof(+"")
@OctavianDamiean Sergey Aleynikov, that's all I can say.
Function.name is read only non standard property. FYI
!!> var func = function bar(){}; func.name = 'foo'; func.name;
@rlemon "bar"
everyone make note of this: it is an edge case some might actually run into
@CharlieBrown you're a liar. You're red.
I'm trying to step through the $.position calls to figure out how the hell jquery ui's position works...
@beta0x64 You should probably try to read the source code first.
@OctavianDamiean he's just blushing is all
@beta0x64 doesn't UI use a name space? I think you can get the figures under the DOM tab on firebug
!!> typeof + ""
@Jhawinsss "number"
@OctavianDamiean step into, I guess
@mikedidthis It does, but I need to know how it is calculated because I am getting bad values
what method?
@rlemon Stop posting pics of me!
!!eval "Why am I a " + typeof(this)
@Jhawinsss "Why am I a object"
@beta0x64 No, I meant get the unminified version of the module you're interested in and read the source code. :)
!!eval "Women are not " + typeof(this) + "s"
@FlorianMargaine "Women are not objects"
Oh awesome, Firefox 23 has been released.
@OctavianDamiean I am
It's not helping
@beta0x64 again, what are you doing that is causing the issue? From experience the setup is very delicate.
@beta0x64 Try to create a program flow diagram.
@Darkyen why can't you go to sleep?
@mikedidthis regarding what we were talking about earlier - fml - I just realized i'm doing this in a "WebKit View"
so a ui framework is pointless
responsiveness is nice, but i'm sure I can find a specific framework for that
@OctavianDamiean here it is tinyurl.com/d9jtbc6 @mikedidthis I am trying to load a dataTables instance, and two jQuery UI dialogs. one of the dialogs is its own widget, so technically a dialog started up in a widget. The issue is that it's never at center ... It's calculating it all wrong. And I am setting the click callback for the containing widget of the second dialog in fnInitComplete of dataTables
@beta0x64 touché.
@rlemon :(
no :(, that makes it easier
I only have to concern myself with webkit
Oh right, so you can use a framework.
@beta0x64 and both the dialogues aren't dynamic. I mean, the content for the dialogues is full loaded before the dialogue call.
I dont wanna turn like that again :P thats why >_<
@Darkyen All messed up?
That's quite easy.
@mikedidthis Correct. One day I'd like the second one to be dynamically loaded. But yes.
@Darkyen What's that??
@Jhawinsss some crazy indian tooth powder
Lol what?
its Ayurveda helps your teeths but fucks up your smile
@mikedidthis wait. ... actually I have an object that I use to populate it with in lieu of an ajax call. But that doesn't explain why stopping dataTables from loading centers it
@beta0x64 and are both dialogues on screen at the same time, or not?
anyways some teachers have been bitching about me not going to college for almost a month with no notice or shit.
so... i dont want to hear their bull crap [ and shit like 'he doesnt come because he has no intrest in cs || he fails at writing code hence hes not showing up' ]
@mikedidthis No, the first one is not on screen necessarily.
Haha are you enrolled? You're just not going?
@Jhawinsss well i am just not going
@beta0x64 UI is a fucktard if more than one dialogue is on screen.
they teach 25 year old things that can be better learnt from wikipedia :P
@mikedidthis somehow they neglected to mention that in the docs "more than one dialogue results in fucktarded behavior"
@beta0x64 they have collision detection, so try disabling that
I have two options 1. Impress them as hell , 2. Quit college altogether
for both i need my project finished ... so pushing limits { @Jhawinsss now understand ? }[execute];
@beta0x64 tbh, personally, more than one dialogue is fucktard UX.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How many downvotes/upvotes are on that?? He got 33 rep from it, so must've been a lot.
@Darkyen Interesting...
@Jhawinsss if i impress them nicely they will give me privilages
but for that i have to explain them DUDE I DO BETTER SHIT then mugging up boooks
@mikedidthis yeah tell that to your window manager. look I don't want more than one modal (not dialogue) on the screen at a time, and that shouldn't happen.
a few of my friends told me that :P
Lol alright then.
yeah, I've learned more from SO and on my own then I ever learned in college
worse is our college shifted to an e-learning platform (after like 10 years) and i am not enrolled in any subjcts >_> that will also be solved
@beta0x64 my window manager has panes, not dialogues.
@Jhawinsss He got 10 uv, 9 dv
Anyway... I would start with getting one in the center. That isn't dynamic.
Ah, not that much I guess.
@mikedidthis what's your WM? Yeah I got the first one in the center. I guess I can bring this to another page, but that is seriously admitting defeat. I ought to be able to have two centered modals (not at the same time) on the same page if I damn well please
This went unnoticed for the most part. But's it's definitely a bug that should be fixed.
he got inspired!
@beta0x64 so as soon as you add the second, shit goes cray?
@BenjaminGruenbaum i guess you are his inspiration :P
I think there's nothing more embarrassing for a race driver than to have a great pit stop and then stall the car.
Its windows 7, but I use Window Manager to lock my windows as panes.
@kkkkk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mikedidthis ah okay that's nice
I was hoping you used a tiling wm :(
ugh it hurts...
I spent so much time making this work for a dialog
alright time to rip it all out and put it into its own page, build a controller and everything for it wtf
@beta0x64 anyway, UX aside, $(this).dialog('option', 'position', 'center');
@Darkyen Still awake?
you can call that on either dialogue to get it to recalc its position.
@RyanKinal up and functional :-)
Wait my chat bug got a downvote? Haha. No explanation, 5 upvotes, it's obviously a problem and someone downvotes. SO is a bag of dicks sometimes.
@mikedidthis That doesn't work. Even running it from the console.
How would running that from the console work?
You need the right context.
@beta0x64 that wouldn't work from console like that
do I have to spell everything out? I am using the chrome debugger, and I wouldn't use $(this) I specified the selector for my div
so I set a debugger; line in my code, then I can easily call things from the console to see what happens
@beta0x64 you know what, keep your issue and your attitude.
I'm sorry
For anyone else who isn't a dick, humble bundle seems good: humblebundle.com
I've been messing with this all morning. But I will keep the issue
Behold my incredible (and quite minimal ~500 lines AABB physics engine): dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2332843/box/index.html
-- RELATION App.Streams;

CREATE TABLE app.streams(
    id integer DEFAULT nextval('app.streams_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
    creator integer NOT NULL,
    members integer Array,
    name integer varchar(255)

-- primary key
ALTER TABLE ONLY app.streams
    ADD CONSTRAINT app_stream_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- indexes
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX streams_via_creators ON app.streams USING btree(creator);

-- foriegn keys
ALTER TABLE ONLY app.streams
    ADD CONSTRAINT app_stream_id_user_id_fk FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES app.authorization(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
@mikedidthis it's literally driving me crazy
SQL gurus ? any words on my approach ?
name integer varchar(255) ?
@beta0x64 I'm fairly certain it's figuratively driving you crazy.
@Zirak I'm snapping on people in SO chat, so I'm not so certain
also I messed up my fk constraint
@IvoWetzel good job
@beta0x64 Thanks, took me a few nights of reading to finally grasp all the concepts... of course now it's dead easy...
Q: Changing jQuery Div Hover Area

DyckI have a jquery code that works like so... When you hover over a block, a new div slides up and a red block div fades out, then when you leave the hover area the div then slides back down and the red block div fades back in. Everything works fine, here is the jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Gsghr/...

anyways, in case anybody wants to take a look (code should be relatively easy to read) you can check out the gist
huh? No more oneboxing for gists, now when did that change?
I think I've been looking at the same jquery ui dialog for 4 hours now
@IvoWetzel it comes and goes
tbh I'm not sure what is up
few weeks ago it worked.
@rlemon That's like a guzillion trillion multibillion years in terms of software :D
@beta0x64 I can't seem to replicate any issues: jsbin.com/asuqah/1/edit
@IvoWetzel 531 lines is simple ?
My advice is get a stripped down case where you replicate the issue without all your code.
@Darkyen If you take a look at Box2D or Chipmunk. Yes, that IS simple. Also, it doesn't use any of the vector stuff at the top. So you can strip of another 80 lines :)
@mikedidthis that is good advice. you don't have to continue looking at it. the issue has something to do with the other dynamically loaded parts of the page and ui.position's calculation of where the center of the window is. thank you though
makes sense :->
anyways back to my sql
your sql? or MySQL
I'll add more comments along the way to it's easier to follow, also it's just one file so your mind has less issues following all the code paths :)
Should be really helpful for beginners to get a grasp of how the stuff works (Box2D / Chipmunk code is horrible to follow if you have no idea how stuff works >_> )
one of the best explanations
ill check out your code as well
I want to implement collisions in my verlet engine I've been messing with
@Ultimater Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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