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I'll leave the judging to others.
!!convert 32.16C to F
@Shmiddty 89.888F
Q: What should I consider in a TV displaying call center floor statistics?

Jerry TuninWe would like to purchase a large TV to display call center statistics. My idea is to just get a 42" or so Smart TV and feed the stats through a web page that the TV has opened in it's build in browser. My only concern is what kind of Javascript support these TVs have. I'm also open to any oth...

!!gradient firebrick,red,crimson,darkred
For Using Crappy Kernel?
I just made a diff between my current version of that JS file and the one that worked. There's no difference. o_O
not even whitespace?
@Shmiddty Are you still using angular?
@JanDvorak Nope, no difference at all.
Yet one works the other one doesn't.
check other files
not even invisible whitespace?
We should have a list of common questions in JavaScript
^ sorry too good not too share.
That's awesome.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey man! You're either ignoring me or hardcore afk alot haha
I don't get it. Reverted all files to the last state but it's still broken.
I think I'll just call it a day ...
@m59 AFK a lot, really sorry.
Why the hell can't APIs just work as they're documented?
I know right?
@Shmiddty @BenjaminGruenbaum http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18049894/angularjs-directive-setting-order-for-multiple-directive-elements-not-priorit

I feel like my answer (see the comments) is much better. He is accomplishing the exact same thing (dom traversal) via much more complicated code. Should I post mine as the accepted answer, or am I incorrect?
lol @BenjaminGruenbaum your comment man...
Are you kidding?
the starred one
It works in a private session.
biggest backhanded compliment I've seen
I feel like that's a backhanded insult
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's totally all good. I'm at your mercy :)
@Loktar ?
@Loktar Ah :) Yeah, it's funny because it's true.
haha yeah
This is unreal.
var π = Math.PI, ε = 1e-6, ε2 = ε * ε, d3_radians = π / 180, d3_degrees = 180 / π; //d3 source code :)
I just cleared the cache and everything but it just won't work in a normal Firefox session. o_O
@Everyone Throw some repeating questions in SO, I want to make a list.
I already have 'how to return from an AJAX call, and the closure loop problem
@m59 not actively, but I have a modest understanding of it
I'm going to lose my mind soon.
There're 400 duplicates, users like Blender leech off them.
@Shmiddty could you check that question I pinged you with? It's easy to understand. I don't want to be a jerk and post/accept my answer if the other guy's is in fact better. I just can't justify it. Mine makes far more sense semantically, for readability, code size, and performance.
@m59 your question seems silly. Generally, you'll be specifying attributes on your elements by hand... why not just have them in the order you want them?
But, maybe I'm just being dumb.
@Shmiddty I don't think you understood the question
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haven't a clue
There's the delegation one
@OctavianDamiean datatables for grouping or just sorting?
Sorting, filtering, everything.
bcoz sorting only, I'd use sorttable
oh then..
@Shmiddty imo this should have been an angular feature to start with. It can prioritize 3 directives on one element but not 3 elements with one directive. Imagine a case where you want the page to load bottom to top (not likely) but of course display it top to bottom.
That would be the most extreme use case.
(That's the best one I found for delegation)
It annoys the living shit out of me that there is no library with a nice and clean API for that.
@Shmiddty Ever heard of Plentakill?
More likely that you want the middle content area (main content/article/blog) to load first, then all the other fancy stuff.
@Zirak do you think I should start a meta thread?
@OctavianDamiean that even pops alert when there's an error
@RyanKinal I don't think so.
@RyanKinal ahaha nice
There's just ugly beasts that do more than they should.
@Shmiddty LoL parodies of popular songs
I figured :P
Good shit. I'd recommend "Gentlemen" and "I'm Glad You're Vayne"
@OctavianDamiean for grouping you need that kind of stuff
		iGroupingColumnIndex: 1,
		bHideGroupingColumn: true,
		bExpandableGrouping: false
@BenjaminGruenbaum About the frequent js questions? Isn't that what the js tag is for?
@m59 think about it from the user's perspective. does that really make sense?
@Zirak Ah, there's a list on the tag?
I think so
So there is
@Shmiddty Depends on the layout.
@cx I don't need grouping.
bah I'd avoid datatables then :))
also, how long is this content taking to load?
Would you rather a left sidebar load up a twitter feed and other junk before displaying the article you visited the site to read?
most content should be instantly loaded...
True :)
Q: Code optimization - Network Requests Capture with CasperJS

LokeshI am trying to build one automated suite to test the Google Analytics Network resource requests calls on page load and also on specific anchor links click event. Any thoughts to improve and optimize the code would be helpful for me to get approval from project managers. Would really appreciate a...

I'd skip tables and the entire project but that's how it is.
tables have their place
@OctavianDamiean What're you working on?
@Shmiddty at this point, I just wanted to know in case I need it. The question is there. I might as well answer it
and are useful
@m59 honestly, I don't care. If any content takes more than a few seconds to load, I will be frustrated
@Zirak A customer-turnover table thing which should be mobile friendly too.
beer!stat Octavian Damiean
@Zirak Octavian Damiean has 16912 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 407 answers.
Of course it needs to be sortable, there needs to be per-column filtering and so on.
well dernit.
@Zirak Octavian Damiean has 16912 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 407 answers. avg. rep/post: 41.04. Badges: 11g 53s 72b
ok, /stat has extended by default.
beer!echo beer
@Shmiddty That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Yea, it is.
@Zirak are you in the sandbox? I want to play with you. ;););)
!!stat Ryan Kinal
@Zirak Ryan Kinal has 7308 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 10 questions, gave 242 answers. avg. rep/post: 29. Badges: 1g 11s 34b
Now, about the ratios. What should the Q/A ratio look like?
Anyway, all that doesn't explain why a cold load in a normal Firefox session doesn't do shit while it does in private session.
@Zirak cool, added to the tag wiki
!!Give up on software development and become a gardener or Keep doing that annoying shit
@OctavianDamiean Both!
I hate you everyone.
I'm out.
@Neal Neal has 57252 reputation, earned 8 rep today, asked 91 questions, gave 2453 answers. avg. rep/post: 22.5. Badges: 10g 77s 134b
has anyone ever used 'rickshaw.js' before?
Haven't even heard of it, but that's an interesting name.
!!define rickshaw
@cx rickshaw A two-wheeled carriage pulled along by a person
does it mean this library isn't fast? :)
@SomeGuy LIAR! that's not pulled along by a person
Motor rickshaws :p
It was fucking Apache that screwed up, don't ask me how though.
I knew why I never liked Apache.
i liek2backbone
backbone is inferior
I wanted to go with angular
is coffeescript dead yet?
@Incognito o/
i almost forgot u :->
@Incognito If it is, add necrophilia to @phenomnomnominal's pet peeves list.
gah, brain no work, but you got my point...
I haven't touched JS in months
coffeescript is dumb.
Anyone excited for the new FxOS?
I'm getting my developer preview phone soon :D
real men use vanilla js
I was looking at OkCupid's job listings. They want you to use CoffeeScript
I was like: Nope.
@Shmiddty their backend is all c++
wonder if I could port fxos to work on my s3
:-> sounds nasty!
Anybody wanna write a small video calling app with me ?
@Adil I think that's a supported device, but not 100% works.
@Incognito That's... awful.
node.js with rtc :-> , using no fallback ofc.... well maybe a C++ based plugin as fallback but i assume you people will find it ugly
Someone just cropdusted the general vicinity of my cube.
@Shmiddty ...
whats so bad about coffeescript ?
I mean its just a god-damned language
@Adil Not listed but the S2 is a tier-3 device.
atleast its not as bad as java!
@Darkyen It's not a language... It's an interface to a language.
!!spec some
that way you can say C++ is not a language [ perhaps any compiled language is just an interface to a language ]
1 message moved to Trash can
@Incognito seen that :-(
u know whats worse ?
@Shmiddty Imagine how I feel about javascript when I write x86 ;).
back to work, cheers all!
@Incognito .. i feel your view, when i write v8 bindings in C++
feels like javascript is just an interface to libv8 ;-) [ and libuv in node.js ]
@Incognito Hahahhaa
I've been looking into go & clojure, go seems like a breath of fresh air so far
@Incognito ^ , had to bear that statement for a month
you're hating on java's swag :(
@Adil dude i like languages being minimalistic
Do anyone know any UI way to be able to zoom separately x and y coordinates of a graph? usually mouse-wheel scale both, but I'd like to zoom x with y in same scale and the opposite
that is nightmarish
1 message moved to recycle bin
exactly, java is nightmarish
but it has swag
an important component to succeeding in life
we use a full js stack at work
@Adil that sounds nice
@Adil go is nice, especially when you go in goroutines and everything works so well
^ true that , i gave go a go it felt i should let it go
it's built on spidermonkey
which is odd
why is that odd?
@Adil what is?
the internal stuff here is not what I expected
whitebeam.org this is it
you talking about spidermonkey implementation or the libs you are using ?
the stuff we're using
arkham city awaits
didn't know that.
@digao_mb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GNi33 Aaaand there goes my day
@RyanKinal same
haha, yeah
my co-workers are already looking at me because of all the giggling
only low-prio tickets left, YES
@FlorianMargaine Heh
>For your consideration shortfin.io via HN
SO can be a bag of dicks
Hey, good luck with programming! It's a lot of fun, don't take the downvotes too seriously or personally - it means people disagree with your lack of research effort. The book @Sven suggested Learning Python the Hard Way is really good in getting started! Have a great time and welcome to StackOverflow. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
!!s/can be/is/
@Darkyen SO is a bag of dicks (source)
@BenjaminGruenbaum He was given a book as his 13th birthday?
Yeah, that sucks.
@Zirak Lame, I know
@SomeKittens \o hey man good morning
@rlemon i will be needing your vps most likely from tomorrow for 2-3 days.
and every body here is requested to help via beta-testing it
some big announcement?
yeap :P
@SomeKittens i am launching mine ;-)
not with full feature stack i planned but i'd say i will add as i go
That's the way to go
Comments/suggestions welcome
I'm starting work on a small library that does reverse templating. That is takes DOM and builds a backing model from it.
@SomeKittens .. do you allow guests ?
Like, finds all non-standard attributes and data attributes, and creates lists and objects out of them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum :-> sounds like a great idea
Thanks, I'm just starting, I expect a beta sometime next month :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sounds cool. Use case?
@vimes1984 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello All :D
@SomeKittens You have a page you have to serve static but want to make a web app or interactive, you still want to do data separation correctly.
@Darkyen Not at this point, but it's an outstanding question.
For example, you have a table, and you want to manipulate it.
@SomeKittens you guys are funny xD
Guns kill people , cant think of an example ... wtf xD
I'm not sure if this is a bit blunt but,,
I have a angularJS problem is anyone up for it?
!!>importScripts("http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"); d3.range(0, 2);
@Zirak That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@Zirak "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
Damn it brain...
@Zirak Maximum execution time exceeded
Yeah, that was to be expected
The service Booking is available in the function parameters so you dont need to use scope.Booking, i have updated the answer — Chandermani 18 mins ago
bad paste :
Q: AngularJS nested functions in services and dependency injection?

vimes1984Ok I have two modules which depend upon each other both modules have services, directives, ctrl's etc, now my question is how do i get values assigned in the nested function of the second module's service in the controller of the first service, I have added the dependencies to the first controlle...

@vimes1984 You can edit a message by pressing the up arrow (See?)
@SomeKittens thank you I'm not much for chat rooms usually
@SomeKittens so is anyone else active in here
I'm usually dead
@vimes1984 I'm here, but sitting mostly. I'm not in the room when I'm active.
@SomeKittens Macaulay Culkin is on the show? That's cool.
@SomeKittens ahh the joys of pedantic grammar :D
I'm completly lost in angularJS
@vimes1984 like, can't even get something working?
Not that lost... I have a module with dependencies on a service that is attached to another module and I'm trying to retrive variables from a function nested inside of the service attached to module two and bind it to another property
in a nut shell I have an xml file with dates prices etc and in the other hand i have a datesheet/calandar
I need to put one into two
it's driving me mad
I managed to get the prices for the dates of the current month to append to the dom elements
!!/google FloRida Club Can't Handle Me Original
oh christ you was talking to the bot!
The bot is better then googling yourself
there stuff is defiantly better then you'res.
hrm. "then => than" suggestions can probably be part of the bot.
excuse me while I clean up my own vomit
was => were
It's a bit more difficult to detect plural, but "better then" and "lesser then" etc can be detected. We just need a corpus of common mistakes.
@Room dont let me sleep for next 36 hours... keep pinging me every 1-2 hours
does anyone know if this is a valid jQuery selector? '[action] *'
it should be, yeah
hmm. ok cheers
is there another option to inherit from object instead of Object.create(objName)?
something like: var newObj = {}; newObj.__proto__ = ?.
!!tell darkyen nudge 60 no sleeping!
@darkyen Nudge registered.
So I've got a mobile device and a web server on a VM. Anyone know how I might be able to expose that web server so the mobile device can reach it?
@Shmiddty Port forwarding? What exactly do you mean?
@AnupAgrawal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've got a web server on a virtual machine on a corporate network. I also have a mobile device that probably uses whatever "public" network. Is there any possible way of having the device connect to that web server?
I only have control of my machine and the VM (and the mobile device). I can't change any settings on the corporate network
@SomeKittens you are so nice :-)
@Darkyen ok.
@SomeKittens he meant VPS
As in, use a VPN to tunnel through the network
you mean make my laptop a server and make a vpn ?
ahh, i'm in a different conversation it seems
@Shmiddty what is the mobile device?
samsung galaxy note 3
because my android will allow me to connect to network computers and smb/sftp servers
ASTRO file explorer
put samba on the VM
put it on the network. BAM you are in
if it is on the network and you just need to move file airdroid might work (web based)
The VM is a web server. I just need to reach a website hosted on it
is there a way to load and unload a certain highchart from a specified div?
@Shmiddty so you want to know how to forward port 80 on your machine to the VM's webserver?
!!tell crowz google is there a way to load and unload a certain highchart from a specified div?
don't sass me you sassy bot
CREATE TABLE app.posts(
    id integer DEFAULT nextval('app.posts_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
    type AS ENUM('image','video','text','link') DEFAULT 'text' NOT NULL,
    owner integer NOT NULL,
    streams integer ARRAY,
    tags integer ARRAY,
    payload text
that looks good ^ ?
wtf no highlight @phenomnomnominal
@rlemon do you pay extra for bandwidth on your vps
I was looking at using windows azure or ecs, and damn the bandwidth would kill me..
like $320 a month on some of my higher months
@IvoWetzel nice, book marked
@Loktar you know you can get hosts with $5 that support terrabytes of bandwidth
but then you cant use azure or anything
@Darkyen I cant use a small host
I already have a dedicated server, im looking to move it to the cloud for better reliability
@Loktar hmm then try something like heroku ... if it is an option
I havent had any issues yet, but id like to mitigate future potential issues
amazon is a bitch :P -- My day job was cloud architect
eh i cant use heroku either I need a standard apache/php/mysql setup
@Loktar yes
recompiling :P
bleh oh well guess im stuck with dedicated for now
@rlemon damn thats crazy
@Loktar are your requests cacheable ?

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