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ill be using arrays... i just like that you can do a quick lookup by key
instead of traversing the whole array
how do you know that its in the 0 index
How do you know it's in foo index?
basically you wouldnt have to use an inArray func
Well, if you knew how to locate it in the hashmap, then you can do the same thing with numbers, right?
you can do it if you use both
array to maintain ordering, and obj to maintain existence i guess (to avoid recursive calls on huge sets)
Well, you can do: var obj = {}; obj[0] = "Monkey bisquits"; obj["cake"] = "chocolate";
Combine the two
Uuhm.. this is very general question but im wondering ..is there "best practices" in jquery to code so that if you have multiple different functions that affect multiple elements it would not slow down the browser. Basically so that broser would apply the code fast rather than stalling.
@Lollero Event delegation. I'm relatively new to it however.
@Zirak i ended up just using an array and giving it a hashset prop that stores an object of indexes
Actually, I just had a thought. You can use what you intended to do before, and store an array in that object, called callbacks or something like that - each array item will reference the correct item in the hashmap, and it'll be in order. Every time you add a new hashmap item, push a reference to the array.
@Lollero Yeah something like that. If you bind a function to 'click' on every element the thing gets slow, and unexpected events happen when bubbling.
Look into event bubbling also, it will help you out knowing about it before you get into it.
If you don't use delegation, get ready for nightmares of trying to hack togeter .stopeventpropegation and return false;.
Just use one single click event listener on the`document`, then find out what the target is and then go from there
Why wouldn't I be able to read .scrollHeight off an element?
Check that it's not a jQuery object.
Epic win.
Easy way to return the element from the object?
.get() IS EVIL
Neither of them work :(
Oh, wait, not what you're talking about
@Incognito Really? What they return?
Well, I'm trying all of these:
Don't forget the " "
With quotes around the blah.
Yeah sorry. I meant to put that in there.
Well, is there a match?
try logging some of the calls in the console
..and then call back to ask why he called?
These log undefined.
how about the selector?
That logs 220 (correct).
The selector's #someID .class
$(document).click(function(event) {
    console.log("You clicked " + event.target.id);
.get() will get you an array in this case
so your first two are likely an array
.get()[0] works.
Try .get(0)
@Shaz Why is there a firebug tab in the bottom? o.o
I just enabled it
man, CSS dropdowns are cool
Eh, it works, but I'm back at my oringal problem, I can't detect this thing correctly... would making this a Q be too localized?
too bad lists of more than two dimensions won't work in IE < 7
got the new websocket protocol working
@Matt hmmn... i wouldnt be too sure about that.. then again i have never tried
they use the direct child selector
@IvoWetzel Put a sock in it
which is IE >= 7
not necessarily
Another thing about jquery .css.. Should i preferrably use .addClass over that?
@IvoWetzel you seen the oscon slide?
here's the list if you want to play with it: jsbin.com/otasuv
@Raynos I suppose I haven't
Optimization for try catch?
My patience with people who don't explain problems well is woefully thin. :(
Okay, this is what I'm trying to do. I'll be making it into a question in just a moment...
@ThomasShields wont. work. fix. now.
@Shaz lol yeah
or when they keep changing their actual quesiton
Let's say I want to do some dirty client-server side hacking
And want to make a framework that allows me to just write code that magically works and abstracts the client-server system
See example : jsfiddle.net/VUC2B
You shouldn't care where the code runs (client) or (server). (it's a node.js framework). But how the hell do I serialize and persist closure state
without you know, f'ing it up
am I out of line or are all tickets already sold for jsconf/berlin ?
@jAndy they have been for a month
I'm waiting for tickets to open
Q: [JavaScript] Maintain scroll position for a div based on scroll bar position

IncognitoI've got the following code written here: http://jsfiddle.net/qSx3M/ What I'm trying to do is, detect if the scroll bar is at the bottom of the window, and if it is, apend the new data into the div, then scroll back down to the bottom. In the event that the scroll isn't already at the bottom, d...

didn't they anounce to sell more tickets on last sunday ?
did you look at the timestamp
22nd june
But when those tickets open let me know
man this sucks
the only problem is it will override the scroll
92% tourists around there who steal my ticket :p
and this guitar is killing me, grrrr burn all chords!
@MattMcDonald About your dropdown menu.. i cant really find the problem in it
the problem is IE 6 doesn't support the direct child (>) selector
right.. hang on..
The brighton conference is sold out :(
@jAndy We're stiill looking for two more engineers :P Should be easy for us to get another ticket ;D
@IvoWetzel: no kidding, get me in there, get me get me :p
@jAndy you have to sell your soul to @IvoWetzel
@jAndy I have a feeling the next batch is soon
@MattMcDonald jsbin.com/iratos i dont know if this will work in ie6 but if it doesnt.. i say.. burn it BURN IT ALL!!
I just wrote an email to my special contact over there, lets see what he can do for me. If he fails, I'm coming back to Mr. Wetzel :p
I live in Finland.. im not going to your silly conferences.. and i dont even want to.. :'(
I'm buying a stackoverflow sweater and print jAndy - REPWHORE on it
"You're MY bitch" - Best, Nick
or.. probably
"I'm doing anything for rep"
and at the end put some fake phonenumber with really small font size
my new fav smiley
ah damn mac keyboard
whats that? fly eating flower or what ever they are?
love it
look.. hes trying to raise up your comment box
@Lollero Spider :p
wait.. a spider?
im not seeing it..
its a guy who says "NO CLUE BUDDY"
my all time favorite is ^___^ cause you can express many different states of happiness by adding more underscores ^_______^
@jAndy to me it looks a lot like "idk" or bodybuilder
@Zirak im just not seeing What ever it is that youre trying to make.. :D
It's abstract art
probably slightly better
It's whatever you think it should be.
well.. it was a good try anyways
@jAndy yea, better.. thought if you wanna think it this way.. dont bodybuilders do that sort of pose ?
man did you ever leave home?
My favourite command of all times: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
if this is a bodybuilder, I'm a russian cosmonaut
Well, ive never talked to cosmonaut.. who said internet isnt exciting..
Q: Reading a javascript script, why so many $ (dollar signs)?

bitbitbotI am trying to decipher a .js script and I am finding it filled with $ throughout? Is there any reason to use this? I'm pretty new to JavaScript.

I should have made that an aswer
rep explosion!
Like you need any more :)
sometimes it feels pretty embarrasing.. to give an answer to a totally trivial question
I'm getting this strange bug when I try to fade in ordered list items. It only seems to happen in IE (7 and 8 have been tested, albeit on slower machines). Expected result is a normal ordered list (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Actual result is bad numbering (1, 1, 1, 1, etc.).
insert lame analogy bashing jQuery here
Yea, Sharing is caring = give me some of those points.
If any of you could test this in IE, that would be very helpful: jsfiddle.net/eHZxt
@jAndy would you now... about that...
(Yes, it uses jQuery. No, that's not going to change)
@RyanKinal consider it done...assuming IE loads...
@ThomasShields: about what?
@jAndy killing for rep.
didn't you know, I'm the guy in this room who as no clue about anything
hoping and guessing
@RyanKinai well it works in ipad :)
@jAndy ...never mind. :)
@Lollero rofl, um... thanks
@jAndy Indeed, I always feel embarrassed too when I answer people the question to life
@jAndy That was Nick, I thought
@IvoWetzel: nop, Nick is only guessing
@RyanKinal oh FAIL i had JS off.
but I'm hoping too!
@ThomasShields lol
No wonder it didnt load
which is great skill
@ThomasShields Win
@Lollero er, thanks?
@jAndy I see!
didnt he mention that he got somekind of highlight even if hes not in here?
@RyanKinal so far so good IE8+, checking 7
summoning @NickCraver
...and IE7 plays the part.
@jAndy Don't say the name of He Who Shall Not Be Named, or he will appear!
yeah, you get the notification regardless of presence
@ThomasShields "Plays the part?"
@RyanKinal i.e, fails.
So, the numbering is messed up?
It makes each list item number 1
damn I can't do it, my black magic is not strong enough
wtf. I don't even know how to fix that.
lets summon @NickCraver
bling blang bling bling blang :p
@RyanKinal i think i might know, i'll play with it a bit
summoning @NickCraver
this game is fun
yaaayy thats the spirit !
There's about a 20 minute delay
youll anger him
until he gets the ping
wow.. latency to hell is that long ?
summoning @NickCraver
spam him! spam him! spam him!
we probably need some kind of... hmm dunno.. lets create a REP-TRAP
LOL yeah.
designed to catch the craver
like what?
ask impossible question? Like: "what color was napoleons white horse?"
what's the speed of an unladen swallow!
> How to sum two variables? This no work! "1" + "2"
200k in a box. He would not be able to resist.. outclass Jon Skeet
@jAndy Your'e already lookin for the box yourself arent you?
@jAndy Skeet's like light you can't have more rep than him, and approaching his rep requires more and more energy
I would take a bath in reputation if I find it
@IvoWetzel: lol
I've got it: Write a program that writes a program that writes itself in 1 line; in 1 line
I just confused myself. O_o
@ThomasShields But ; counts as a line break
Would it be bad form to summon jon skeet?
I would love to see chuck norris as Stackoverflow user
@IvoWetzel exactly! it's impossible but he'd have to keep trying!
in how many different ways would he beat jon skeet ?
thats even a ryhme !
@RyanKinal this is the oddest IE prob i've ever seen
chuck norris is so good
@jAndy ..i wonder if Chuck's answer ..however bad it would be win over Perfect answer..
(_ = (_ = [][(f = !! (_ = '') + )[3] + (b = ({} + _)[(I = -~ (z = _ - _))]) + ($ = (c = (d = ! + _)[I]) + d[z])])())[f[I] + 'l' + (a = d[3]) + $]("H" + a + 'll' + b + ' W' + b + c + 'ld') output
I can't tell if I like this because it's cool, or if it's because it's got a flashy graphic, or if it's because there's lots of boxes and arrows.
Now that's an interesting way of saying "Hello World"...
can't convert undefined to object
Line 18
@MattMcDonald Are you suggesting that, perhaps, using list-style instead of list-style-type might solve things?
@Shaz Based on an old XSS found somewhere.
@MattMcDonald Not sure why it's giving you that but try using Chrome?
@RyanKinal you may have issues with decimal, but from my own experience, list-style is the way to go
@MattMcDonald I will keep that in mind.
No luck :-(
This is some crazy stuff.
@RyanKinal I was just trying random combinations and this works, no idea why
the numbers still jump in instead of fading, but they're not all 1
@MattMcDonald It's bad invocation of a constructor of nothing.
@ThomasShields That's good enough, I'd say
@RyanKinal no problem. Now I gotta find out why it works. ;)
@ThomasShields hehe
Check out the alignment of list item 3: jsfiddle.net/DdZfA
(The long one)
I don't know why that happens either
Ah, i think I see. It's the display:list-item - when jQuery hides it at first, it overrides the default styling of the browser (list-item) and sets it to none. When it's reshown, it has to start over, I guess. Setting it to list-item kinda...i dunno, tells it from the start or something.
Ooh, that makes sense
@RyanKinal add vertical-align:top jsfiddle.net/DdZfA/1
it depends on .show() I think
display: list-item only works for IE 6+, but that's likely what you want anyways
+((function() { return 0.1+0.2; }()).toString().split(/.*?/).pop())*11-2;
there you have it...
its just the ultimate truth
"Once you .pop() you can't stop."
pop() is slow
rebuilt the thing with a linked list
I prefer .soda();
Does anyone else not like the new +"5" syntax?
It's new? Wasn't it in ES3?
+"5" + +"4"
no syntax
just type coercion
+"5" + +++"4"
l === +l
Thanks guys, huge help :-)
Great, now the language looks like bf.
I optimized it
+((2+(function() { return 0.1+0.2; }()).toString().split(/.*?/).pop()).split(/.*?/).reverse().join(''));
@jAndy Some real optimization gist.github.com/1088087
@IvoWetzel That's like, all good code design I've sworn to keep, all breached in one page.
@IvoWetzel: and here is how every js dev is doing his job in 5 years, github.com/jAndreas/BarFoos :p
I'm so proud of the name
BarFoos :D
unfortunatly, only Germans get that really
Can not... UNREAD!
Try reading it backwards
maybe it works like download and upload you know..
reading from left to right downloads it and reading it backwards uploads it back

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