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@ayublin ECMAScript is the official name of JavaScript.
look at that
@Incognito ohhh I see, thanks!
the problem was not es5's forEach(), it was QSA
es5's forEach has the exact same speed than a for-loop
it's even a little faster for me
@jAndy That's rockstar quality there.
lol nice
For sufficiently small arrays, of course you won't see difference.
Try iterating over an array with 10,000 elements and you'll see the par
Mmmm, lunch time....
probably, but as you can see for "normal" DOM array sizes it even beats regular for-loops and its still much cleaner code
10k entrys you won't use that obv
I think you're going to notice over the next few months/years that ES5 methods are going to get speed boosts
I don't think it can ever actually be better than for/while loops, since you have to use a loop in its implementation, and it contains the function call overhead each single iteration
I can imagine it
it's highly optimized native code
thus, runs at C/C++ speed level
or even better
it's very exciting to see what you guys talking about, I never think about performance this much XD
in the age we currently live in, performance isn't huge because browsers are so fast
but it's nice to juxtapose various methods against each other
I purposely killed jQuery and swapped for vanilla JS (even though it took like 30 minutes extra) because jQuery was adding like .4 seconds to my page load time.
which boils down to personal preference in the end
@Matt: I truly believe performance does matter, like a lot.
(mostly because I was bored and felt like optimizing page load speed)
you can screw up so much, especially in javascript
@ThomasShields saving a local copy probably could mitigate that
that even highly optimized engines can't do much about bad code
@MattMcDonald at the time I didn't have caching enabled and wasn't sure how on the particular server. I figured it out later.
yes, I'd agree
I suppose the DOM is far more fragile because it's slow to begin with
A pretty simple rule: Any Javascript which runs longer than 50ms is just bad code.
(please star me and let the world know)
appreciated :o)
Star pig.
@jAndy setTimeout(foo, 51);
yeah, I think about performance, only not so deep that I consider about what to use to doing a looping, well my bad, see something just works and happy :D
Star me, I'm lonely T-T
flags (jk)
@Shaz: well, in most spots its not that easy, but it goes in the right direction
ack, working with a system that reset and cleared styles for both strong and em tags
so any recommendation to a good JS library to begin with? my friend, my senior always only recommending jQuery, maybe because it's very popular.
MooTools is neat
@Zirak thanks, I will read about it.
np, enjoy
Is there a recent list of comparables for WYSIWYG editors? With uploading functionality
okay thanks everyone, i am going to off, it's midnite here, cya..
> This room is full of people who are brilliant when it comes to DOM and events in JS.
> @MattMcDonald, @Raynos and too many others to name are all (relative) geniuses
Those are the wrong words to use. Relatively yes
Absolutely no.
I'm competent at JavaScript, MattMcDonald is competent at HTML/DOM
Both of us still have a hell of a lot to learn
More importantly we're both just normal guys ;). There's nothing special about us. We just learn a lot.
Q: which calendar to use which has data extraction API?

Jeff HodgeI am making an application that lets your phone connect and control your calendar. I was initially going to use Google calendar because of its cool Python API but quickly got discouraged after reading the downtime issues which still persist. I didnt choose the php library because it requires you ...

@jAndy jQuery is great. The average skills of a developer using jQuery are horrible
@Raynos I said relative
fun ahead!
@Raynos I completely understand that; I was just pointing out who relatively were the "experts"
so you have to take over a backend in php
Sack the Script.aculo.us Oatmeal from the TableKit, and you'll get more than just a Bytefx. I hear Raphaël will dragtable your arse across and jsLoad it into the Livepipe.
If for every @ in front of a function, for every hard coded filter and every hard coded path and every config file a kitten had to die
kittens would be extinct :(
in other words: rm -rf server && rewrite
There's nothing wrong with jQuery. There are big problems with the average codebase written using jQuery
Everything is wrong with PHP. There are even bigger problems with the average codebase written using PHP
@Zirak false. It's slower, using a for loop is a micro optimisation. You shouldnt care about it
@Incognito Most of the web is ES5. only IE8 and Opera are behind
@Raynos You should if you're writing data-heavy applications, especially now that js is moving toward the big-boys zone of handling stuff Java used to do
@IvoWetzel can you do that?
Can you get away with saying "f this, rewrite"
when reading up on OOP PHP yesterday, I read about autoloading classes
Or does management get in the way?
what a silly idea
@Raynos Management would only get in the way when we would rewrite it with someting other than PHP
Other teams might get in the way
but I spend ONE freaking day tracking down a bunch of CSS files not getting included after minimal refactoring (changing the structure of some asset folders)
It is by definition impossible to continue work with this codebase
it's way beyond the unmaintainable state
it's a clutter of crap
$files = $tmp;
return $files;
sounds like my experience with vBulletin
broken HTML, broken CSS, broken JS
f(strlen($file) - strpos($file,'.'.$ftype) == 3 || strlen($file) - strpos($file,'.'.$ftype) == 4) {
@Zirak thats not how performance works
and other ingenious code
Performance is easy, you have performance targets. You benchmark your code, you profile it. You either hit or dont hit the targets
the css concetenator script inserted CONSOLE.LOG (!) in case it could not find the file
If you dont hit the targets you hand optimise bottlenecks that were identified by benchmarks and profiles
You never optimise prematurely
It is the devil
Oh and if anyone is a genius look at @IvoWetzel
@Raynos Except you work where I work where you need to get a freakig 200% of performance out of an android device -.-
@IvoWetzel you cant rewrite it in node?
Just put apache in front of node
yeah, because changing forEach to ` for` loop because I know I have to loop over a big-ass array is the devil
@IvoWetzel that's different
@Raynos Nope. CTO of the company has decided that we're PHP only on the backend
for in over array is instant fire
@IvoWetzel you dont do any node?
I thought you had lots of node back ends
I need a code highlighter that doesn't kill the freakin DOM!
It's roughly a factor of 2 slower. I say so what
@ThomasShields markdown?
Oh wait thats not a high lighter :D
Every syntax highlighter I try messes up my site in some way, whether it be DOM, speed, size, crappy highlighting, etc
just use the one SO uses
...which is?
Read the source
I tried prettify but I didn't like it.
I really like SyntaxHighlighter but it's a hog
I'll just use prettify, i suppose.
How'd the kool cids add the title tag?
I finally convinced a co-worker to download VIM
one hour later he was converted
@IvoWetzel cool. (i think?)
@ThomasShields Given that he used textmate before, yeah, cool
I'm still working my way through buffers
@IvoWetzel ultra-duper-internet-hi-five
but I'm opening most files through the command line now
@IvoWetzel ah cool. lol
@Zirak clap
Having someone who you can just ask how to do something in VIM seems to be a great starter help
How'd you teach him VIM in an hour?
I also gave him a decent .vimrc with useful plugins and a mappings
Tried using Emacs for a few weeks, but Vim is just so...pure awesome
I never liked emacs,
After finding out there was indeed a butterfly command, it was downhill from there.
Q: Why doesn't my AJAX work?

joonI'm trying some code I found on the page: 'AJAX in Plugins'. However I can't get it to work, and I Don't really know where to start looking. I have a Javascript file that looks ike this: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#createremotesafe").click(function(){ alert ('test'); ...

@Incognito Good question he was really fast at grapsing the concepts behind the commands after some help also the cheat sheet here is great programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/61841/…
plus: having split windows on a 27" kills it
But yeah, he's a hacker guy
doing kernel stuff
linux at home
I love vim, but I keep ending up using notepad++ for some reason.
and now he even uses something you can call text editor
It's not as powerful, but I think I'm okay with it because I know key commands most people don't realize have been there all along.
windows alone is horrible as a dev environment imo
hell, even max osx is horrible
For instance, you can step words native to most text editors in almost every modern OS.
installing anything that runs on your servers with ease is PAIN
@IvoWetzel At home I run a bunch of terminals on ubuntu, at work I run all my servers as linux but have my windows computer because I have to support IE8 stuff :(.
I use a mix of the two between some abuses of SSH into linux and windows.
iHello World<esc>bcwSOChat<esc>a!<esc>
knowing VIM is a great help with our servers
we're in germany... company data center is at the west coast
oh... and there's a VPN in between
dir listing takes 30 seconds
Der* listing ;).
I feel comfortable with most stuff on windows for editing because it supports the keys I use to jump between words.
IE, CTRL+left or ctrl+right, combine it with shift for selecting
page up, page down, home, end.
ctrl+c, ctrl+v.
osx has more combinations
or, at least that I know of
command for beginning/end of line
alt for beginning/end of word
home/end does beginning/end of line, no?
It's almost like emacs' little brother in a sense.
I'm really proficient with those keys.
Also, something a lot of people don't know about.. shift+insert is paste.
It's way easier than ctrl+v.
dunno, insert is really far away from the homerow
also re-mapping in VIM helps with non US keyboard layouts a lot
there are many "garbage" characters
which can be turned into useful shortcuts
e.g. [ on a german layout is alt-gr 9
äöü are where [] would be on a US layout
@IvoWetzel If you use the keys on windows it's faster, if you're in vim, use your normal yank/put.
I've never seen a german keyboard, what's so special?
Ah I see.
now... a germany mac keyboard is the worst
[ is on alt-gr 5(!)
needs more umlauts
\ is shift+alt 7
@MattMcDonald Yeah...
@IvoWetzel Wo ist der ß?
on mac? That's placed like on a normal quertz
I remapped it to {
of course writing german text is impossible inside my vim
At least hjkl still makes sense (well, as much as it does in english)
makes sense on a old old terminal:D
BRB, painting arrows back on my keyboard with whiteout, and prying off my neighbor's F12-F24 keys to super glue above mine.
ha, I remember switching keys around in high school
that was fun
@MattMcDonald ಠ_ಠ people like you.
I was writing a programming contest on one of those besmirched keyboards.
Q: Is there a book for learning Javascript -> DOM -> jQuery?

I would like to learn Javascript, the DOM model and jQuery. I've found many recommendations for books for each subject, but I wonder if there is a single book which teaches the three subjects in order and how they relate to each other. Thanks for any advice.

Made it to regional on a f'd up keyboard. Not fun. 3 hours 4 programs, not a damn clue what any of this was, clueless team didn't know what arrays were.
I love problems, but that stuff scares me
Get to regional, keyboard's still messed up. Came in like 60th/200 teams, not good enough to goto provincial.
going to throw out a wild guess that some u of waterloo folk won
@MattMcDonald This contest was for highscool students.
30k a year to study compsci there :(
Boot to gecko seems awesome
ie, I was 17 years old, in grade 12.
@MattMcDonald I have a bunch of friends at UoW, it's really what you make of it. Lots of RIM fanatics.
I was in a provincial skills comp in grade 11, placed middle of the pack for graphic design
(didn't start programming until 3 years ago)
I've been programming since I was 7, but I've never had anyone that could show me the light, I've always been poking around in various corners for thigns, sometimes running into ancient things -- when I was learning PHP, first few things I saw were all about using PHP's mysql_exec().
My background was really in things like C, x86, C++, etc, but now I'm all web-ish and haven't touched those things in years, I'm evens starting to forget significant chunks and it takes me a while to remember.
Like, I ran into this a long time ago. easy400.net/js2/ClientGuide/start.htm
Excellent book, but it's old.
This stuff was written when I just bought my copy of "Java for Dummies" back around 1997, which raved all about applets being the future.
@MattMcDonald I'd suggest going through those contents. I started them when I was 15, you have to do all 4 problems in 3 hours.
It was fun.
I've been helping a friend with their compsci homework from the u of toronto
pretty interesting stuff
A lot of it is algos rooted in theory, so you see the application of it coming from a practical background.
it's cs 101, so it's just applied programming
Students don't see any of it, just memorize and talk about it with enthusiasm, but don't know how to apply it.
Students :(
I used to be a student
I used to be shit
I'm now just mediocre instead :D It's a big improvement
@Raynos It's all relative, if you keep thinking you're mediocre you see where you need to improve.
Yes its all relative
I just have bloody high standards
If you're someone like channel9.msdn.com/Niners/SpectateSwamp you'll be bad forever.
Too high. I cant hit them :\
What are your standards and what's in your way?
Meh, dont fancy this discussion right now
I just lead me to rant :P
Eh, you're obviously one of the more knowledgeable people on the site in terms of JS, and that's saying quite a bit.
ack, jsfiddle does not handle unconventional for loop params well
it's also been very slow for me the last few hours :()
@MattMcDonald What you say? Main jsfiddle turn on.
@Incognito that's because the real experts aren't very active here ;)
Speaking of real JS experts, Yegge just left google.
fractorial :)
it kind of chokes if you try to get 22 since it's essentially an endless loop
@MattMcDonald The it uses break as a goto frightens me.
yeah, looks like I can just strip the labels and return it
I just like using labels since they're more descriptive
They're more terrifying too.
@MattMcDonald ...
You use those things
Hitler and the Fall Of Silverlight
somewhat funny about
Microsoft surrender Silverlight to HTML5

had to share it somewhere :)
Labels scare me too
I mean, I'm all for Linus wanting to use them in his kernel, but... that's linus, he does what he wants.
I think I'm actually more afraid of a GOTO than I am horror movies.
sorry, I just found out about gotos last night
(this is what you get for not learning C)
@Incognito I used goto in sql :D
Back to my story earlier about the programmer for RBC that wrote code in MS Word and used IIS locally-- he used GOTO all over the place.
I used goto when I wrote x86, but that's because loops and selection statements don't exist.
@MattMcDonald I take it back, you should use GOTO anywhere you want, as long as you absolutely do not have a better option.
Here's the history on the goto debate:

JavaScript question: What's the best way to make a div always scrolled to the bottom, even as I append text to the inside?
@Incognito jQuery scrollTo :-P
Seriously, though, elem.scrollBy might work. I don't know about it's crossbrowser-ness, though.
@RyanKinal Thanks I'll check that one out. I haven't really needed to play with it before, my main concern is CSS goofing the thing up royally.
Yes scroll is a cross browser shit
The best way is position:fixed
@Raynos I don't think that will work in his case
the case is a little ambiguous
I'm appending text, much like is happening in this chat.
Actually, the whole thing's quite like this chat.
and you want something like the text input area to "stick" to the bottom?
Actually, I just want the scroll bar to stay at the bottom, unless a user changes the scroll height (which I'll deal with later).
This chat room seems to be doing this:

if (ma && eb() > 0) $.scrollTo($("#bottom"), k ? 0 : fb)
fragment navigation can work as well
So, basically, the new text will always be visible.
which it seems to be using
@RyanKinal That's basically what I'm after.
// Completely untested, but seems right
var elem = document.getElementById('scroller'),
	newDiv = document.createElement('div'),
	newText = document.createTextNode('newText');

Assuming, of course, that the div is already scrolled to the bottom
I just came to the realization that definition lists are perfect for drop-down navigation
How so?
@MattMcDonald Aren't they already used as such?
<dt> for the link text/hover, <dd> for the nested list if any
Ahh I'm out of it. I saw drop-down and thought of the <select> tag.
plus you don't have to muck around with list-style-type to lose the bullets
quick question
do objects retain the order things are added ?
you sure?
var o = {};
o.a = true;
Why does it matter?
o.b = true;
o.c = true;
@ChadScira Different browsers have different orders.
for (var i in o) console.log(i);
this is a common misconception thanks to browsers
it's supposed to be random
It's not like an array in which things have to be in order.
@ChadScira And the specification makes absolutely no guarantee as to what the order is
Why do you want them to be in order?
@MattMcDonald random? sorting stuff randomly would just be needless complexity. :P
not alphabetical...
john resig opened a ticket with chromium on this a few years ago
it was an example
Yeah, realized that after a second. Why do you want that?
@MattMcDonald On the fact that they had a radically different order to everyone else at the time?
prolly lol
people can abuse the order now
Time #4: Why do you want them in order?
(It is likely that ES6 will mandate some order for property enumeration, however.)
non async que, with the ability to see if there are dupes
ill just use arrays
If there are dupes, they'll be dupes by value, because of overwrites.
So I still don't see how order matters.
na so when you add to the object it checks if it exists first
if it does it throws an error
Once again, why does order matter?
it shouldn't
@MattMcDonald There's an even bigger bug of that. code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=164
because some jobs may need to be done in the order they are added
and you may want something asyc
right, I was just referencing what I was alluding to
you can kill two birds with one stone if you could abuse the obj like that
But if you're just checking, not executing, why does it matter?
And async === timing shouldn't matter to you
im giving you a simple example, its loading things
async is an option
@ChadScira What exactly are you trying to use the object for? What are the property names, and what are the values?
In short, if you want in order, array; if you want manly beef, raw objects

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