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FAILED files["out.txt"] === "abc,def"
he never mentioned that??
"abc,def" is what you read from the passwords file
you have to use async callbacks to 1. write to hello.txt 2. then read from passwords
wtf is callback?
did you read the introduction to that test?
it explains it there
YAY! almost done
why not?
@user828584 you need to wrap those gC calls in a function, not call them right there.
fC(function() {gC(success,failure);},function() {gC(failure,failure);});
the way you have it, the params passed to fC are the result of gC, not gC itself.
oh, woops
yup, worked
although, I'm assuming I wasn't supposed to do it that way?
no, that's perfectly fine.
it just expected you to do the more verbose - and more readable - version.
That's the great thing about programming
so many ways to do so many things
2 hours later…
Q: making parallel ajax requests

loveshi have javascript code that does these things in a loop create a div element,append it to the dom and get its reference pass this reference to a function that makes an ajax post request set the response of the ajax request to the innerHTML of the passed element reference here is the code wi...

2 hours later…
@lovesh hi
anyone good at making a website look right in IE?
2 hours later…
any1 familiar with magento here ?
Q: 'ajaxurl' is undefined -- wp-includes/js/wp-lists.js

SteveMy site displays the following script error in IE8: Webpage error details Message: 'ajaxurl' is undefined Line: 1 Char: 102 Code: 0 URI: http://www.superlogical.net/wp-includes/js/wp-lists.js?ver=20110521 I can't see what is calling wp-lists.js. Any ideas?

I like netscape navigator
@FunBeans That's alright, at least it's not IE6
A: what is the solution to remove/add a class in pure javascript?

RaynosThe solution is to Shim .classList: /* * classList.js: Cross-browser full element.classList implementation. * 2011-06-15 * * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com * Public Domain. * NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. */ /*global self, document, DOMException */ /*! @sourc...

Why dont people use shims :(
@kharmato what about magento ?
hello kind people
I was in here the other day asking about OO principles in Javascript, mainly inheritance.
but I'm still sorta struggling.
I've made two classes, that are very similar and it's really obvious they need to be refactored..
Does anyone know how to determine the amount of data gotten after calling an http request function?
any chance someone can have a quick look and see what they think?
***it's a fair bit of code so understand if not.
alsoI'm quite novice in programming so please forgive me if I sound daft at times.
@user597264 what exactly are you trying to do with that code? Its not commented. Do you want us to check if its working well or soemthing like that?
ahh, sorry, will add comments and get back to you
@user597264 ok I'll wait :-)
hello again
I've added some comments to the top of that fiddle now
basically, I'm just looking for some advice on how to avoid repetition in my classes
@deztructicus cant you just count the size of the response body
@user597264 try object composition
thanks @raynos, googling now
@Raynos yeah I can. i'm using <code>req.getResponseHeader ("Content-Length")</code> to get the file size, but I need to get the amount of data that has been sent too because I want to program a loading screen
@deztructicus backticks to get code formatting, just like in the comments
@YiJiang thanks, sorry about that, this is my first time on chat...
2 messages moved to Sandbox
@deztructicus ehm. node ?
or ajax.
@Raynos ajax. I want to write it in javascript
jquery or xmlhttprequest?
Do you want to get the size of the data after its loaded or before?
@Raynos xmlhttprequest. I want to get the size loaded every 10 miliseconds or so as it is downloading. I'm trying to write a loading screen that outputs the percentage loaded and i figured i could use the file size data and the amount loaded to generate an output to show how much is loaded
Get the server to send a response header saying total size
then using the progress events
browser support is a pain though
Its simply impossible to do on some browsers
> WebSockets are now available on Firefox Mobile
FF7 Mobile has websockets \o/
<deleted />
@Raynos ok i see thanks. What you're saying is it similar to the top rated answer on this? stackoverflow.com/questions/76976/…
@deztructicus yes
Except I'm also suggesting you send custom response headers to give the browser extra information to make the loading bar more accurate
@Raynos I see thank you so much ^__^
test more test
Although I dont know whats "good practice"
on adding non standard HTTP response headers
@Raynos sorry to bother again. But when i use XHR.responseBody it returns "un-defined" i'm not sure if that is the right thing...
1 hour later…
.responseText ;)
Cmon you should be able to read the docs
Hi. You folks know of any jQuery solution which will convert html select inputs so that all options appear properly. Here is am image which shows what the problem is... i.sstatic.net/0CAW6.png
Looking for solutions which does only that i mean....
Advanced javaScript blog. A solid ECMA blog. A good read if your like me ;)
Day's already lookin' good.
Q: How can i write a custom function to disable some dates in jQuery

DorababuIs it possible to write a function in jQuery/Javascript of our own so that it should disable US Holidays and Week ends. Can any one give me an idea to write the function and how to call that function as per my need

@deostroll :1069120 That's a CSS problem.
Off-topic, but cool trick :) jsfiddle.net/GA8uX/1
Q: Can IE interpret both JScript and JavaScript?

RaynosThe window.setTimeout reference for IE states that setTimeout has an optional third parameter defining the language. The possible languages are JScript, VBScript and JavaScript. I already know IE can parse VBScript but How does IE parse JavaScript differently from JScript? Personally I thoug...

What do you think "JavaScript" means in those docs?
Q: Does IE10 use JScript 10.0

Raynos@if (@_jscript_version == 10) document.write("You are using IE10"); According to Wikipedia IE10 will use JScript 10. JScript 10 seems to have a whole bunch of new propietory extensions to EcmaScript 5. Is the version of the EcmaScript engine (10) in IE10 related to JScript 10.0 ?

JScript 10.0 makes me sad :(
if microsoft is pulling this on on us I will rage.
Q: When and when not to use a CDN

I'm working on a web-application that loads a couple of small gif images onto the screen. I'm using a relative path, which means they are loaded from the same web server that serves the php page. The operation is instantaneous, and I'm on a different continent than the web server. I just tested ...

What do you guys think of this?
this is very weird....im using google chrome and running my javascript. I get the error unexpected token ) at the line }); but when I remove the ) I get unexpected end of input..Why is this>??
@JeffHodge Jeff, what does the rest of that function look like?
@Incognito dont know ;)
My initial question is what does it bring that backbone/spine/knockout dont
@Incognito a brief read of the tests shows it has potential
Does anyone understand what this guys asking for? lol > stackoverflow.com/questions/6790444/…
No I dont
@Mac He want's a "remote control"
@JeffHodge What happens when you run it through some lint?
oh i figured it out
@Mac He wants to be able to use some links in box A to click on and it opens one accordion tab over in box B
it was window.load's bracket that i kept missing because it was halfway up the screen so i couldnt tell even with indentation who the brackets belonged to
Instead of clicking on the accordion tabs proper.
@jeff jsHint.com
@Incognito i have js+php+html
Q: Does a matter whether a value is primitive or boxed

RaynosOne can use typeof to determine whether a value is primitive or boxed. Consider: typeof "foo"; // "string" typeof new String("foo"); // "object" In combination with Object.prototype.toString we could define the following two functions var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var is_primit...

Should I ever care whether a particular object is a primitive or boxed string? As long as it is a string
@JeffHodge What do you mean?
@Raynos What about the whole pass-by-value and pass-by-reference between objects and other primitives?
@Incognito yes, that was mentioned
k, this test must be biased: jsperf.com/string-split-or-array
@Zirak clearly chrome is god
two things: 1. functional overhead, 2. object wrapping
see version 2
hmm, still lots better.
Then why is string.split so popular?
because it's extremely useful
Preferred over using standard arrays
calling slice on the array cuts the margin down to 85% from 97%
calling join cuts it down significantly
It seems like pure Javascript has been falling out of practice in favor of more robust frameworks like jQuery.
I see people use jQuery to do simple things like binding single onclick events and stuff.
Any thoughts?
beaten to death
then ripped to shreds
then beaten again
@tskuzzy people dont know what there doing
personally I say use javascript & DOM
Basically my take is
it's a personal preference and I think it's best to leave it at it
there are too many "jQuery developers"
Who dont know a thing about javascript
because knowing jquery "is cool"
@Raynos LOL. That's too funny.
@tskuzzy Know javascript, when you want fast and lazy use a framework
Yeah. I understand how great jQuery can be when you're writing hundreds or thousands of lines of Javascript.
But it pains my heart to see people (on SO too) use jQuery for the simplest tasks.
@Raynos I think "developer" is unfair in this case
"implementer" is more descriptive
@tskuzzy its mainly about lack of verbosity
and to preemptively defend against those that say "Ah but what about this IE6 bug. -1"
I always want fast and lazy.
I've also learned that it's lazier to adopt technologies with vibrant ongoing community support.
Which is why I tear out Scriptaculo.us in my old stuff and replace it with jQuery.
scriptaculous had terrible docs
Also... step #3 or #6 or something always seems to be "aw crap, use jQuery after all, because they've worked this out for IE", and once you've linked to it, why not use it everywhere? Why not start with it in the first place?
CoffeScript sounds like a Ruby to JavaScript compiler
It kind of is ;)
@Nathan then use node
tear out PHP and replace it with node
eat food for food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine'] :P
@Nathan , "use jQuery" means "just give up and write crap"
@MattMcDonald , well.. you could try to give some counter-arguments , but more then 99% of jQuery users are hopeless
you could be a lot more personable when making those points
"personable" ?
@Raynos You'll enjoy this, Eich talks about JS not being a success by "dumb luck" news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2783759
eich <3
@teresko He means not be an asshole
i try
I don't see the use of jQuery as that bad, yeah it might not lead to well written code, but it leads to a lot of cool products.
but it it's hard , when it comes to jquery users who do not even have basic skills in javascripts
you paint with an extremely wide brush
I use jQuery a lot, but I have an alright understanding of how it all comes together.
There's a lot of really complex jQuery out there that isn't entirely useless, just look at all the quality plugins out there.
@MattMcDonald , i do , because prefer good surprises over bad ones
DataTables, jeditable, jQueryUI, jQuery Tools (an alternative UI), jQuery BBQ
it's much better to expect the worst and to be proven wrong
@Incognito we are talking about internal API , while you think about canned solutions
@teresko You ignore opportunities with that mindset.
Sure, the internal API bugs me.
But you're talking about jQuery users just a moment ago being hopeless.
I'm using canned solutions to show there's a lot of people using jQuery that are able to write great canned solutions with it, and thus implies they understand JS well enough to make usable products.
I been writin' Javascript since before people felt there was any point in turnin' it on son.
@Incognito How many "quality plugins" were written, by how many users, out of the overall user base?
There are magnificent programs written in Fortran as well
@Zirak You can't say water is garbage because most of the water in the world is undrinkable.
"water crisis" ?
I don't. That's not a correct metaphor.
How so?
i guess it does not ring any bells for him
I say that lobsters suck people most people throw up all over the place after eating them. Sure, there are good lobster eaters, but those people can make good stuff out of the trash bin.
Right, so.... how did you prove that lobsers(jQuery) sucks?
Pick one and show me how it relates
Yeah, I'm not gonna go through a giant list, read it one by one and choose to simply say "From experience"
jquery sucks , because the internal API is horrible, community is full of crappy code
@Zirak You shouldn't have to read through a list. I'm asking you to explain how it's not a logical fallacy to say that jQuery developers are bad and there's a lot of bad code written in jQuery.
There's a lot of bad C and C++ code out there too. I've seen awful C# code too.
And a staggering amount of bad developers in those languages.
isn't always the same?
The easier something to use, the more people are using it
You're forgetting that C is a language, jQuery is hardly a framework
@Incognito if you call yourself "jquery programmer" then im really sorry
= more people that are bad at using it
Besides, it's a lot harder to suck at C than it is to suck at jQuery, because jQuery is hardly a bitch on your stupid mistakes
Okay fine, there's bad code written in QT as well, does that make QT bad?
If such a thing as "sucking at jQuery" exists, since jQuery is just suger-javascript
problem is not so much jQuery itself
it's good for what it is
(well, they could drop some IE6 support if they had balls.. but they more going the PHP route it seems...)
the problem is
but it's only good at dom manipulation
I mean, stuff like this is just stupid, epicapp.com/jquery.math but it's not because of the API design that it happened.
new guy here at work started work on a CMS thingadong for animations
he got one animation running using jQuery
...and using 100% CPU :)
@IvoWetzel jQuery isn't good at dom manipulation, it just makes it easy to type.
I wouldn't hire someone who can't at least talk 15 minutes straight about why jQuery would suck for the job he's applying for
@IvoWetzel that's tongue in cheek right?
@Incognito Depends on the exact use case, but yeah most of it is horrible over-engineered
@Raynos What?
jQuery has one purpose
One big problem with jQuery is that it eats away errors -.-
cross browser DOM implementation
If you need cross browser DOM usage then jQuery is a choice
same goes for Qunit...
personally I wouldnt choose it
does not display the original line where the error occured
@Raynos What do you use for cross-browser anyway?
@Incognito dom-shim
I'm going to write one
The DOM is my framework
I'm actually porting the DOM to the server
What cross browser issues do you run into that you have to use a shim?
I'd imagine a handful of things in IE6?
@Incognito HTML5
html5 history
web sql
when I say DOM I mean "HTML5"
So none of the old/core stuff is a huge deal I take it?
argh history... why do theyx fire popstate on load -.-
Ah I see.
@IvoWetzel they do?
@Incognito the core is messy in IE
IE7< ?
Or all of IE?
@Raynos yeah it's borken -.-
IE9 is ok
Don't care about IE < 9
@IvoWetzel broken by design or broken?
If popstate fires onload then thats great for my framework
at least all current implementations have this "behavior"
I cant drop IE8 support. Cant justify it
@IvoWetzel does W3C state it?
@Raynos Who cares about what W3C says :/
Apps don't work by parsing the spec
@IvoWetzel the W3C says determines what is a "bug" and what is "bad design"
can anyone help. or explain?
time to wrap up the tests for my string formatter and put it on the hubs
@Neal Can't copy the code from the site (nice work by the author to fail at this...) so I don't really care, also nobody in real life writes such code, unless you have unlimited CPU speed and Zero time GC
@IvoWetzel or a compiler;)
@IvoWetzel rrrrg but im stuck on the last Q
I did this:
var bothC = function (fC, gC, success, failure) {
    var f_success;
    f_success = function () {
but it fails twice
PASSED bothC(S, S, A, B) === undefined
PASSED output === "SSA"
PASSED bothC(S, F, A, B) === undefined
PASSED output === "SSASFB"
PASSED bothC(F, S, A, B) === undefined
PASSED bothC(F, F, A, B) === undefined
Thats wrong
f and g are always supposed to be called
if f fails g never gets called
so add f_failure
f_failure = function() {
  gC(failure, failure);
@Raynos ahhhhh ok. got it ^_^
you need functions for both f and g
webstorm is frustrating :\
>> One big problem with jQuery is that it eats away errors -.-
Hi, can anyone help me with some jquery json encoding?
@IvoWetzel: agreed. I don't like that design decision either. I guess they wanted to create a major sandbox, don't expose anything to the user which could possibly destroy the experience
It's especially very annoying if you write an outerlaying framework.. and you can't catch an error because of a try-catch block the jQuery core calls with a dead-end
Big Blackberry Dev Contest going on - great opportunity to build an app with jQuery Mobile, works great on Blackberry! http://t.co/RSp5y3B
@Neal did you get it?
once you get it, condense it to a single line.
You finished the series! Kick back and bask in the glory of your own magnificence. You are a total stud. - that just made my day.
var window;(window || exports).foo = ...
evil wrapper for node.js / browser scripts
so window is protected
self isn't in chrome, although top is
firefox only protects window
hi can u help with this
Q: what is the context of an anonymous function

loveshi have code like this function demo() { this.val=5; function() { this.val=7; }(); } now when i give execute this code in the firefox or chrome console it gives a syntax error. i dont understand why this is an error because i have read that javascript functions are objects s...

Help with this questions as well please. stackoverflow.com/questions/6796471/…
@shendz sorry no experience with fb apps
you don't need to know about fb apps. it's pure javascript stuffs
basically it's about inline form submission without ajax, i think
@shendz you can do it without ajax with an iframe
that is by setting target right?
but that is not the case. I don't see target attribute at the form element
Believe so. never done it myself; but a simple Google search should show you.
Q: How do you post to an Iframe?

Murtaza MandviHow do you post data to an iframe?

@IvoWetzel use AMD ¬_¬
@Raynos great, you're here :)
batten down your code, gents, @Raynos has arrived.
@Raynos I was thinking about lisp today and... I'm curious - is there any other reason for macros instead of changing syntax?
because "if" could be implemented even without macros (common example for needs for macros)
@Raynos Too many bytes :P
@KamilTomšík meta programming
You realise macros can be created at run-time
@IvoWetzel do you use vows?
@Raynos so? lambdas are meta too

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