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@Zirak do you know where in MDN it is?
!!> var x=0; 0 <-- x --> 0
@cx false
oh I see
@cx "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@Connor No idea, but also search for the "fireworks operator" i --=> 0
your taking the piss
aren't you
!!> var x=0; x --<> 0
@cx "SyntaxError: syntax error"
!!xkcd 1237
no it wouldn"t work since it's a reflexion, not the real image
@cx TWO MIRRORS! (or rather, 2n mirrors)
ok then :)
If in doubt, add a mirror.
I did use the plural form, did I not?
Shazbat! I need a HDMI cable ...
Of course I always figure past 18:00 when all the shops are closed.
your stores close at 6pm?
Well, some close at 7pm but most close at 6pm.
'cept on Saturdays when all close at 6pm.
that's annoying
And none opens on Sundays.
How do people who work ever buy anything?
They have to hurry.
I think my best buy is open until 10pm
There are certain shops that close at 10pm, but there's not many of them.
I hate banks
they always close at like 5 pm
I don't go into a bank if I don't have to :)
neither do I
but when I do need to, it's a pain because they're closed when I'm not working.
Luckily - my bank has a branch in a grocery store that is open late and even on Sunday's for a few hours
@OctavianDamiean what about liquor stores?
My bank is BoA because I'm a horrible person and enjoy watching babies cry.
LOL - I have Wells Fargo because I apparently make so much money I can afford fees for breathing in the direction of one of their branches
better than suntrust
@jbolanos For all the bad things about Wells Fargo, they are pretty convenient.
if you live in their service area :)
when I go to Oklahoma it might as well be the Bank of the Middle East
Q: Learning .prototype

goneI still can't get my head around what the .prototype property in Javascript is. Is it simply a reference to another object? Or is it a reference to a pointer to another object? I come from C/C++/x86 and just can't see how it works. Let's look at some examples of how I currently see things; it'd h...

@BenjaminGruenbaum si
Found a domain that has a dir listing on the root. In this dir listing is a zipped version of one of the websites apparently hosted through them. MySQL info is all there.
What's worse is that on the host they use (HawkHost) uses the cPanel login info for MySQL. So that means I have the cPanel info too...
I'm not going to do anything with it. But it's kinda funny.
I'm sure you aren't the only one to find it :)
Exactly. Someone else will do something with it haha.
@Jhawinsss my, aren't you such a 1337 HaXX0R
@Shmiddty There's no such thing as a liquor store down here.
@Shmiddty 4pm here.
@OctavianDamiean but where do people go to drown their depression in a cost effective manner?
@beta0x64 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon The best part about that message is that the first two words can be taken literally.
@Shmiddty They get liquor before the normal shops close.
@OctavianDamiean is liquor sold everywhere or something?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I stand by my answer... Neither of you are giving me correct answer.
@Shmiddty Yea, pretty much.
@BenjaminGruenbaum There is no reason for a screenshot.
God dammit. I just thought it was funny. Every single time someone has some stupid smartass shit like "aren't you such a 1337 HaXX0R."
@Neal Dude, read a JavaScript book, or the answer I linked to
@Neal Not to mention you know it's a duplicate, prototype holds prototypical properties on the prototype chain
@BenjaminGruenbaum That is what I wrote
No, you wrote:
> prototype holds all of the properties of an object.
@Shmiddty Actually, they're sold everywhere.
@cr0 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neal That shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the JavaScript language and its prototypical inheritance system.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok
A: How to you revert a staged file with changes, preserving the changes to when it was staged?

SomeKittensYou can't do this. Git can only revert files to a previous commit, not previous staged version. This is because the file won't be entered into git's repository until you make the commit. Perhaps you can apply judicious use of the undo button?

@MikeDraper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(trying to keep rep above 5k while still downvoting)
Not to be confused with Prototype.js
@SomeKittens That sounds correct +1, how would GIT know if a file changed if it was not committed?
Most decent editors have inner source control that lets you undo for as much as possible
Wow, went from +1 to +4 really fast.
The downside of TFS: sometimes permissions get borked for some reason.
Yeah, that's what I suggested (though the example uses echo, so no undo)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, as I was editing it, the ticker was jumping. Extra internet points makes me happy.
Is it better to maintain a table of values and edit them directly or maintain an array of stored values and rebuild the table to reflect changes to the array?
@Neal You're completely wrong.
@Jhawinsss cool
@jbolanos Array. Separation of concerns.
@Shmiddty We switched from TFS very early on, might switch back now that it supports git and stuff.
@SomeKittens Yeah - that's what I was thinking - just trying to keep from crossing the streams (sp?)
It helped me understand prototypes anyway. I came in here and asked @BenjaminGruenbaum just a few weeks ago actually because I had no idea what they were.
I like the point @Bergi raised though. @Neal having a gold badge and not knowing prototypes :) Shows what rep means :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum it does
!!buy a SSD tomorrow or wait until next month
@OctavianDamiean wait until next month
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think there's anything stupid or wrong about not knowing. You can't know everything and no one expects you to. Why are we bashing him?
@OctavianDamiean Wait, I changed my mind! buy a SSD tomorrow
Holy crap!
@Jhawinsss There is something wrong with purporting to be an authority and not knowing your stuff.
@Jhawinsss He doesn't have to know everything, but he answered a question with misinformation. I can very easily live with not knowing, there's a shit ton of stuff I don't know. The problem is not knowing that you don't know... that's scary. To answer such a downright wrong answer with such confidence in SO - that's spreading misinformation right there.
@OctavianDamiean Its always going to be cheaper in a month or 2 - so you should wait
@SomeKittens What I don't know amazing nobody
@SomeKittens Yes.
@Jhawinsss Now let's say I tell my students "If you have a question first check SO" and they check SO and see his horrible, incorrect answer - that puts me in a problematic position.
I seem to have misunderstood the situation. Nevermind.
@jbolanos but if it's the last in the shop and they won't order it again?
@f233d0m Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OctavianDamiean newegg.com
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do your students not have critical thinking skills?
@OctavianDamiean Then at some point you balls up and make the purchase and live with the consequences - if by consequences the price/value vs. future price/value is a concern
@Jhawinsss Thank you.
@Shmiddty Does every person in the world have critical thinking skills which they apply all the time?
Is this an acceptable place to try to solicit help from the community?
@f233d0m Go for it.
@f233d0m Is it about a jQuery plugin we never heard about?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok. but bashing a "wrong" answer without saying why it is wrong and just going "wtf" and wth" is completely useless
@f233d0m shoot.
I just want to add "attribute" : "value" to a JSON object using a function
Most people's critical thinking skills get tested when asked... Do you want cheese on that
@f233d0m JSON is a data serialization format. It's a string. If you want to convert it to a JS object you can use JSON.parse(yourJSON)
@Neal Did you fix the answer?
maybe it's just a non Json object then?
@f233d0m JSON is only an object as far as String is an object. (because JSON is a string)
@f233d0m Then, you can add a field to it using parseResult["attribute"] = value like a normal JavaScript object.
@jbolanos I found another option, a better option! Before I go buy some crap I read what I missed in the last four to six months.
@Jhawinsss #1 they never told me what to fix. #2 someone else gave a "sudo-correct" answer, so there is no point in mine anymore
@f233d0m Yeah, that's a common confusion point. JavaScript object literals aren't JSON, they just use similar notation (how JSON got its name actually);.
Then I find out that I missed a whole new generation of SSDs.
@f233d0m yourobject.attribute = value; JavaScript sports monkey patching, you can add properties to objects just like that.
ahhh I see
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks for the clarification
yeah, I've been able to add those properties, but not with a function
Also, that the new generation of SSDs is cheaper too.
You're welcome. If I may, I suggest the fourth chapter of "Eloquent JavaScript" which is a free online JavaScript book. It covers JS objects pretty nicely.
@Neal I wanted to see the question.... Where is it?
Q: Learning .prototype

goneI still can't get my head around what the .prototype property in Javascript is. Is it simply a reference to another object? Or is it a reference to a pointer to another object? I come from C/C++/x86 and just can't see how it works. Let's look at some examples of how I currently see things; it'd h...

@BenjaminGruenbaum for instance, I've been able to add to my object miObjecto thusly: miObjecto['07-18-2013'] = "<p>My Birthday</p>"
@OctavianDamiean I'm still debating if buying the Seagate Momentus 750 gb hybrid drive was worth it since I haven't noticed much difference on my mac mini
@Jhawinsss deleted (the answer)
@f233d0m Yes, that works.
but if I simply wrap that inside of a function, it doesn't work
so if I trigger the function on window.onload, it won't add that information to the object
@jbolanos Welp, you have two problems. First, you bought a hybrid drive, not a pure SSD and second, you have a Mac Mini.
@f233d0m You can use jsfiddle.net to create reduced test cases, which would allow us to easily help you. You can create the problematic code in a reduced test case and show it to us.
that's a great idea
Thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum
@OctavianDamiean haha - I like my Mac Mini - and I wanted more storage than a pure SSD without relying on my NAS - but I'm beginning to rethink that strategy
hum - I need a good name for an array that will be used to store plot lines temporarily until emptied when the chart is finally built...
I'm in a slightly different position. I need a fast system drive, and already have two 10k RPM (WD Velociraptor) data disks.

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