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are you narc?
@NagaJolokia ah thank you for.... that..
@CapricaSix Except me.
@lawm yeah
@Cygwinnian and were u disconnected again with the same message?
no im still in
@Cygwinnian huh
@Cygwinnian frickin weird
Do you see me? A purple lawm?
because my console says you left
im here and i see you
now i type in a message
and it says packed rejected
@Cygwinnian Did you see me type "HELLO"?
ah so when you updated, it exited
i dounno
but yes when i updated it exited
1 message moved to Trash can
listen to the lady
@Cygwinnian Yeah, check the repo if you want. public/js/client.js is the client and app.js is the server. The server broadcasts on line 62 where you get the packet rejected.
oh i see
@Cygwinnian Maybe I wont disconnect them, I'll be friendly and add them to the room
But what is the cause of the person being removed from the array?
im currently in the room and i see a "HELLO"
@Cygwinnian Oh.. I just said hi
@Joseph Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you understand the context?
Q: How to update real time the notifications on a web page?

ilhanI want to update a notifications on a web page using JavaScript but I have no idea where to start. May be there is a easy way to make this, such as a JavaScript Framework? So, it needs to check once in a while where there is a new message in the inbox but how I'll apply it to the HTML/DOM?

I think every single close vote I've cast since the new ones came out is "lack of minimal understanding"
Yeah, it's the most useful for sure
@Zigu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I basically set up a simple node.js to read from a index.html
seems to work fine in the Amazon webservice REPL but when I push to Heroku it comes back as fs is undefined.
app.get('/', function(request, response) {
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync('index.html');
i mean in the node REPL i didnt have to require or define it so I'm a bit confused as to why Im having this issue :S
@Zigu is your avatar a Command & Conquer reference?
I tried to google Nod, but it searched for node.
Hi folks.
@SomeKittens the picture is. I don't think the name is though but maybe?
@phenomnomnominal Aha I wonder how long it took google to figure out iPad was not a mispelling of iPod when the iPad first came out
I'm trying to get a comment thread from Facebook as JSON, and I'm having trouble. I've tried setting up their SDK, but having difficulty with that as well.
Does anyone mind answering some questions?
Everyone needs to run this now: kathack.com
In the following code, is there a reason there's no leading http: in the URL?
` $.getScript('//connect.facebook.net/en_UK/all.js', function(){`
@Moshe Two slashes means it is a "protocol relative URL" - it'll be http if you're on an HTTP site, or https if you are on an HTTPS site
Ah, thanks.
@SomeKittens What is the point of that exactly
Q: Code-Golf on Brainfuck function

Eliseo d'AnnunzioGive the tags I have on here, I don't need to explain what this function does... function b(k,a){ _="",j=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,m={},n=[],i={},o={}; for(y in k){ (k[y]=='[')?n.push(y):(k[y]==']')&&(o[i[y]=n.pop()]=y); } for(y=0;y<(s=k.length)&&j<1e5;y++,j++){ switch(k[y]){ case'>':z++;bre...

@SomeKittens oh haha you have to hold rightclick to control it :D
1 hour later…
hello guys. I have a question. FOr example I declare a global variable in php file as like this var date_selected = <?php echo $from; ?>;
can i use now the date_selected variable in my js file?
because its not working
It depends
depends on what?
How come a canvas with width 640px has acutally 300 px width instead of 640 px width?
Does anyone know why?
John Resig once said: The width of canvases shall be multiplied by .46875!
in order to position a block with 5 * 5 size at the edge of canvas, I need to set its x value as 300 - 5 (it's width, which is 295). However the actual width of canvas is 640px
You don't set the size of canvases using CSS
canvas.width = width;
@Ben174 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Ben174 Hi Ben
wow who knew stackoverflow had chat :) * and edit...
@copy TA
Tanks .. =P....
Tanks is asian way to say thanks
Are you from Asia?
@Loktar Why no emulator?
hi is asian way to say yes
@copy Are you from Asia?
Nope, I'm from Europe
Can we sleep on your couch for some days?
It's raining today
@copy me?
If your country is safe
@SomeKittens Yo dawg
heck yeah. Korea is the safest country in the world =D.
Which Korea?
Remember you said that Chromium is out dated on the Ubuntu repos, is it the same for Arch? @copy Maybe you'll know as well
I don't think people in North Korea have Internet, just being safe
@Gacnt Definitely not
no, you cannot meet North Koreans on Stackoverflow
Definitely don't know, or definitely not out dated
Definitely not outdated
Oh k cool :)
Do you use nvidia prop drivers by chance :)?
@copy Don't answer that until he adds me on facebook.
If copy guides me to fixing my problem with refresh rates not saving, I'll add you ;)
@O0oO0oOO0ooO So, can we sleep on your couch (next year or so)?
@Gacnt I'm using the drivers that Archlinux provides. I think they are the official ones
I pacman -S nvidia when I did my installation. But now when I set my refresh rate to 120Hz in the sudo nvidia-settings and restart my computer, it goes back to 60Hz
You have wined about that problem before
I know
And I've been googling it ever since.
Do you have that file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf and does it say something about 120Hz?
What's that mean
and yeah the string with 1920x1080_120
my emulator is so slow XD
Hmmm what's is da issue!! =D...
@Gacnt I'll go to sleep for 72 hours. Good night
See you later.
@lawm His whole OWSLA label is on Soundcloud
I am going to install a linux on this machine... suggest a distro
my personal choice of flavor is fedora but uefi
Arch Linux
@phenomnomnominal OH shit, he killed an innocent.
@Gacnt who?
@phenomnomnominal The photographer
oh yeah he done fucked up
@phenomnomnominal How can you say you're almost gonna release your webpage, and then delay it another week
How can you be that close, then so far away
@Gacnt because I actually have a job and a life?
Patience young dexhopper.
I do too, but I don't give false promises bro
I am close
s the best way to get milli secs in JS?
current system milli sec
get the date when you first load and then use performance.now
one more question, is there a way to stop JS execution in chrome or firefox?
punch it in the dick
@Gacnt You obviously don't have an actual job and a life that's why you speak unprofessionally
@O0oO0oOO0ooO fuck you
also, I can't think of a good way to do what you asked
@O0oO0oOO0ooO You make me giggle :)
Like a pre-pubescent 13 year old girl
cough insulted cough
Oh wait I'm not a girl. YAYZ :D
Chucks nobody's talking to me
@CCInc I'll talk to you buddy
Hurray :D
Hey, anyone seen that "bulk trash" script for chat?
@phenomnomnominal You like Depeche Mode?
Full of gay
@IEkillsstayawayfromit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix dont worry ...
@TechQ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Can I have multiple levels of nested cloned forms using SheepIt JQuery plugin?

jgrowlI have tried, with no avail, to create a nestedForm inside of another nestedForm using the SheepIt! plugin. Is this even possible? Extending Demo 7 on the SheepIt! website, I tried to add an additional nested form in JSFiddle But I get a indexOf error... Remove the following section to get rid...

hello any one can give a solution for this http://stackoverflow.com/q/10047937/2144270
> <div style="background-color:#E6F2FF !important">
oh never thought about putting inline !importants, but it sounds "useful" jsfiddle.net/GtVtV
fighting terrible practices with even worse practices of course
yeah, they need !important there, because otherwise an !important sheet rule would override it.
And I've finally found what I was looking for github.com/gornostal/Modific
can quickly jump between edited blocks since the last revision, check how they looked like and revert, perfect for the OCD
that was virtually the key aspect that kept me using netbeans so far, well now sublime just lacks a refactor (rename var/function inside project) but there should be a plugin for that somewhere lol
@phenomnomnominal BRO
Does anyone know why this doesn't work? Using dojo 1.7 and looking at dynamic injection of dojo itself (before the AMD stuff) : jsfiddle.net/b_long/8DHMu
@NJInamdar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok will keep that in mind :)
Hi all...
I am facing an issues regarding the conversion of pdf to html.Any converter that gives a nice html out pu will do...Uptill now i have tried pdftohtml,pdf.js,JPDF2HTML
the requirement is to create a single html page for individual pdf
>pdftohtml ->doesn't give nice look to html page.
>pdf.js->does not allow to edit html page conent.
>jpdf2html->gives nice output and allows to edit butconverts a pdf into large big folder.
as it is not feasible for large number of pdf files.
I think my next computer build will be full AMD
Why go for suckiness everywhere?
any suggestions to my dilemma
@FlorianMargaine Bro
You not an AMD fan?
It's wierd 'cause one of my good friends works at AMD and I'm an intel fan #awkward
Damn, downloading FFXIV at 22MB/s
6 gigs estimated DL time, 12 minutes
@phenomnomnominal Is joeys reporter gf the shooter
I feel like she is
@phenomnomnominal And that dude thats helping her cook thanksgiving is totally gonna bang her, FUCK THIS SHOW FUCKS MY EMOTIONS
@TusharGupta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix okay
A: How can i get the source of the image in one div to another?

Tushar GuptaUse lightbox2 for the best effect all the documentation has been shown in the link below and how to use it too. http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/

this using fullscreen.js
can anyone help
Well, when there is proof that you were trusted by the biggest company in your domain during a whole decade, you only can be faaaaaaaar
Q: Why does "new Date().toString()" work given Javascript operator precedence?

Alex LopatinMDN states that there are two operators in Javscript that share the highest precedence: The left-associative member operator: foo.bar The right-associative new operator: new Foo() I usually explicitly separate the two: (new Date()).toString() But I frequently see both of them combined: new Da...

I think I know but don't know how to phrase it :(
oh damn
I got an upvote on an old question
to which I answered myself...
A: Node.js - Session doesn't persist through res.redirect()

Florian MargaineAlright, I found the solution. The problem is that the time in maxAge was added to the current date. So, in the browser side, the cookie was set to expire at the GMT time shown. The problem was the following : I use a virtual machine to test node.js, and, you know... sometimes, you suspend your ...

I hate the answer
Well, it's an answer and it's clear.
yeah... it's just... fuck it, you know?
This happens. It doesn't make a good question or answer but when this happens, of course you can't make it glorious but your duty is to make it as clear and clean as possible.
hey guys, can i ask some advice
@FlorianMargaine Was a flag really necessary for that ?
Any chance you guys could grow up and quit flagging? Thanks
@KirstyHarris The rule here is that you can ask.
@KirstyHarris Since when do you ask to ask ?
@dystroy What was flagged ?
@dystroy heh...
@dievardump last Florian's sentence. I don't know who flagged that and why...
That's the word
ive done a jquery gallery
It's automatically flagged I think.
but the transition looks a bit choppy
I got muted several times for saying that
any ideas how i can improve it?
Apparently a lot of people give a lot of fucks about every single word of fuck written here even if it makes no fucking sense at all to flag it.
I don't like when people come and ask to stop flagging like that.
@dievardump trust me, we would love nothing more than to go away forever if people didn't keep flagging the most childish and petty things
Q: Taking password letters not whole one

AhsanI found a site which is taking password letters from their users not the whole password. Is this secure? or do they have saved password in salted hash (MD5)?

@jalf We agree. But there is no way to know who does that, is there ?
nope, but given that it was flagged by someone here, the odds are fairly good that by saying "don't do it" here, the person who did it will see the message ;)
also, for the flagger: when you flag something, it is not a request for moderators to do something. It simply informs every high-rep user on the chat that "someone flagged something". And given that high-rep users tend to be cynical bastards with fairly thick skin, they really really don't give a fuck about people who use bad language. So don't flag people just for saying a word you don't like. It's a waste of your time and ours
And it annoys everyone else in the chat room who have to suffer us coming here and bitching about flags ;)
Anyway, have fun you guys. I'll crawl back to the hellish pit from whence I came :)
@ThiefMaster any way to find out who's always flagging every single f word ?
@Gacnt pretty epic right
anyone? :)
@IvoWetzel This is stupid and unpractical in so many ways... indeed
@Esailija instructing answer, but both solutions have properties in the same order, no?
whether it's Blerg or Blerg2
blerg2 doesn't have any properties
blerg2 will add properties to objects after the fact
I didn't even mentioned that properties added outside constructor or object literal are not stored directly on object
so there is that too
I need to add ASM syntax highlighting somehow
@exizt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Esailija nice answer
@Esailija why is blerg2 faster then? jsperf.com/blergs/2
I'm not sure why that benchmark is relevant to anything
because it benchmarks the two cases?
it benchmarks object construction speed
Can you cause mouse clicks by typing in dev console?
one makes object with 4 properties, one makes object with 0 properties
the prototypes are irrelevant completely
well, they're supposed to be used only once
supposedly, you have one prototype that's reused by all the instantiated objects
this is what you are basically benchmarking jsperf.com/blergs/4
doesn't make any sense
any object with any difference in the properties regards to another object have different classes
and when you pass those 2 objects to one function that function will have to generate code that will essentially be equivalent to Java instanceof checks
and then the limit is at 5 different classes after which you get the generic property lookup code
Q: javascript game level inheritance

JoshI'm rewriting a game I've designed in Flash/AS3.0 to javascript and am having trouble wrapping my head around prototypes, having learned classes. I've read a ton of info about it and am still not quite sure how I apply it to this scenario. So... In my AS3.0 project I had a level class, which had...

lol. Answer are telling him: Do it the same way you're already doing it. Even if that's not what you want.
You will need jquery — bottleboot 3 mins ago
TIL something really stupid
    function t() { alert('one'); }
doesn't work ^
@FlorianMargaine I didn't knew that. The reason isn't 100% clear to me.
the browser executes script after script
It would work with scripts as files, no ?
So hoisting doesn't put the function declaration assignation at the top in multiple scripts ? This might have implications in minification...
doesn't work either
So concatenating multiple files doesn't do the same than having separate files.
@dystroy yeah it looks like so. I was quite surprised tbh.
@dystroy indeed
it's way better to concatenate files it seems
No we must find where's this limit is specified...
Can I make a SO question ? Or do you make one ?
anybody here got experience with underscore templates?
@dystroy please make one :)
I found nothing in ES5 spec
html5 spec doesn't mention it either
@IvoWetzel nope, sorry
Q: How many JavaScript programs are executed for a single web-page in the browser?

Å ime VidasJavaScript programs consist of statements and function declarations. When a JavaScript program is executed, these two steps occur: the code is scanned for function declarations, and every func. declaration is "executed" (by creating a function object) and a named reference to that function is c...

ah, nice...
> Each SCRIPT block contains global code. Executing each SCRIPT block creates a new execution context. Therefore, each SCRIPT block has its own execution context, but all those execution contexts share the same Global object.
Still no real specification, though.
But I guess a similar question specifically asking for clarification based on a spec wouldn't be gently handled...
closest I can get is this: w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/…
where it doesn't explicitly say it, but the script elements are executed sequentially
once the script is loaded, you execute it
Are there devices that do not support local storage?
is there somewhere a list on the web that defines them?
Im searching for it but Can't find :/
Anyone suggetings how to achieve this?
I have 4 quarters of images
can I do that with css only?
How to close this ?
Q: Evaluating expression strangely

guckoguckoWhen I evaluate this expression (double) ( ( (3 - 1) * 4 ) + 7 ) / 3 I get 5 instead of 4.33. Why? Shouldn't be (double) 13/3? which is 4.33. Sorry my mistake! It should be 15/3! Java is correct, I'm sleepy!

@dystroy it's java, let it rot
could I only use CSS to achieve my result?
Saw this at the top of a script:
/*global $ */
Is that so you don't have to do $(document).ready(function() { in jQ?
that is for JSHint
@Esailija Ah, cheers
Q: Give Span ID (ONE BY ONE) using Javascript

user2340767i have many span list like <span id="current"> hello </span> <span> is </span> <span> anyone </span> <span> here</span> i am performing an action using JavaScript eg document.onkeypress = function(evt) { }; and i want that my span id="current" vanish and next element i.e is gets an id="...

@user2340767 1) don't change the id, change the class. 2) changing element class is easy, google should answer that
but i have used id to get the value of the element
@Saravanan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Javascript Prototypes that represent HTML elements

SemI've been thinking about making Javascript Prototypes that represent HTML elements. For example a form prototype with build in ajax requests and form element prototypes. Or a list with list item prototypes. I think that the biggest benefit of this approach is that it reduces repetitive code to ...

has anyone here ever worked with chrome.contextMenus?
whats is wrong with the following?

bumpMap: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('http://deepschool.kd.io/images/bumpmap.png')
The last feed link is disturbing. OP says he has a solution to "reduce repetitive code to a minimum" and dumps a big example of verbosity...
@dystroy i noticed that
wouldn't that be better in the code review thing?
oh, it is
i thought it was programmers, scrap that
I don't really wan't to ask a **Question** about this on the site so here it is.

I am getting a error with my chrome extension
chrome.contextMenus is not available: You do not have permission to access this API. Ensure that the required permission or manifest property is included in your manifest.json.
and this is what i have in my manifest.json
  "permissions": [
@Zirak At least he didn't tag it angular :P
@deep what do you think that bump map is going to do?
@rlemon you can have my sandwiches
only if it is pastrami on rye
I find pastrami to be one of the more sensual of the deli meats.
What do I eat? You tell me.
or don't, whatever. I do what I want
man, shit is cold here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you ever had to do SSH stuff in c#? If so, were the libraries acceptable? (the java options are horrible)
@phenomnomnominal Must've been a while since it was laid
@Zirak I did stuff over SSH in C#, I don't know you use case though.
@Zirak, yeah it's certainly not fresh out the oven.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Connecting to something over ssh, running some commands, then doing some SCP
Yo ! Anyone know how to create a custon tween with jQuery ?
Like using jQuery internal Tween system to 'animate' a function = call the function with the tween elapsed time/percentage as parameters ?
@Zirak System.exec ('ssh')
The code is just insane.
@FlorianMargaine The fact I'm considering c# as an alternative says what platform this'll be on
ah, true, windows sucks.
Lemtastic easing is all the new rage
Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast on grooveshark.com/#!/mesabjorn/broadcast . It's a decent station. Mostly.

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