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damn that was a killer game
The only game my parents ever took from me :/
@mikedidthis I'm in Croatia 'till next weekend but maybe next week.
@rlemon I use the same technique here: fiddle.jshell.net/FTMCv/28/show/light
I want to build something that will change the world. Any idea?
The World Changer
Changes the world with a click of the button
@FlorianMargaine Doomsday device
He totally stole my idea
@FlorianMargaine Terraforming machine.
Built on Node.js.
it is pretty sweet.
@Zirak learn lisp
Terraforming machine built in lisp: Trees are all curved
@FlorianMargaine That's what yo mama said last night
* * *
 * *
@Zirak learn lisp
I can't believe that's real.
@FlorianMargaine t'll Iry
@Zirak you would like practical common lisp, it's a nice read
Vermont makes better Maple Syrup. I said it.
This is a sickness
People should not be allowed near large sources of random information
What would be an "official" documentation source for Javascript. Much like PHP.net. If I were to link to a setInterval function docs, would this be it? developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.setInterval
@azrosen92 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@brasofilo There's no official documentation, but there's the language spec (official pdf, nicer html version)
MDN comes closest to be the official documentation
W3.org is as official as you can get, but it's a spec, not doc
Well, I'm looking for function docs. I'll check resources you provided. thx
!!/spec setInterval
@Zirak setInterval not found in spec
lol what??
oh yeah, it's part of w3c spec, not js. Sorry about that
@Zirak setInterval is not defined by the ES5 spec
what's the relation between w3.org and whatwg?
The WHATWG was founded by individuals of Apple, the Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software in 2004, after a W3C workshop.
Seems legit :)
IIRC, after w3c's decision to move on to xhtml 2, a bunch of browser vendors said "no" and branched out to WHATWG
posted on July 08, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

Javapocalypse, un trailer humorístico sobre Java Star Trek Continues, a fan-produced web series This Student Project Could Kill Digital Ad Targeting

almost peed a little
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am adding some autorun properties to my Queue class. It is fun to play with jsfiddle.net/maniator/dUVGX/7
But I think both have the same man-on-top, Ian Hixen or something like that
But whatwg's main point is to move discussions faster. Releases are rolled more often, and w3c takes the big changes on longer intervals.
You know <object data="something"> how would you do that in jQuery like this $('<object>', {data:'something'}) doesn't work?
@Zirak Did you get a chance to test it?
@Zirak man-on-top?
@Connor super easy.
@Gacnt Definitely. Only I don't know what "it" is.
@rlemon ok...
@Connor I don't think data is a valid attribute
@ShotgunNinja uh, the big-dog, guy in charge, supervisor, supreme ruler of the universe.
@Gacnt ah, nope, didn't have time today.
@JanDvorak yeah, it is
var obj = document.createElement('object');
obj.setAttribute('data', 'someAttributeValue');
var $obj = $(obj); // because now it is pimped out
@Zirak Oh, I thought you meant a category of porn.
Man-on-top (58734 videos).
@rlemon yeah well i do know that, i was just wondering why it didn't work like that
@rlemon ew DOM API
hehe yeah, "man at the top" was what I intended to say
@Connor short answer is: jQuery doesn't see data as a valid attribute
so it ignores it
@rlemon but it is valid
but jQuery doesn't give a shit
@rlemon yeah i gathered
short answer: don't use jQuery for this
I hate the taste of blood
Stop drinking it, then
@OctavianDamiean ermergherd people like my thingy lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2013-July/…
hey! it made picks. cool
@Neal cool beans :)
@Shmiddty I am adding stuff as I think of it. What else can I add?
@Loktar just a thought (and i'll remind you later as well) maybe we should go through codepen and update the broken github dependencies for our pens. Both yours and my 'showcase' pens are busted :P
single tear ... beautiful... just beautiful. codepen.io/noeldelgado/pen/pGwFx sniff sniff
@rlemon cool beans :)
@rlemon cooooooool
seriously sexy hover effect. now where can I use it :P
Anyone play Rift?
Nevermind, different game.
@rlemon spoilers
@Jhawinsss por que?
@phenomnomnominal myinstants.com/instant/daybreak :D
I'm surprised no one had made this one yet.
The Beastie Boys just came up on my Die Antwoord radio
@rlemon There's a bug in it, when hovering over one and using the scrollwheel down, it comes in from the left instead of from the top.
@jAndy haha It just so happens I purchased FF7 recently as it was released to steam
I've been listening to this all weekend
@Shmiddty shudders
only sometimes for me
@ShotgunNinja at the beastie boys or die antwoord?
down seems to always work, up on the topmost cell sometimes comes from the right
@Shmiddty At the juxtaposition of the two.
I wish I was a chick. I could just bring in some extra cash if I wanted to...
Not saying prostitution is good. But if I was a chick I'd probably be a slut.
This isn't sexist btw. So don't start.
@ShotgunNinja Yeah... The station is a bit weird, but what bands would you really consider similar to Die Antwoord?
problem: you don't make money unless you are attractive.
and attractive men make more being a gigolo
so really, get hot, get slutty, be a gigolo
Also rape, that's something you have to potentially deal with
and babies
and periods
well men can also be raped
but periods
That's possible.
that is the deal breaker for me
1wk a month where I can't masturbate is just crossing the line
I'll just get the BC that stops your period. But it might make me fat.
there is a BC that stops your period? you mean a hysterectomy right
@rlemon The incidence in male rape (not in prison) is pretty low, right? From what I understand, it's mostly young boys being molested (in churches)
Not all women suffer from periods. For some of them it's just a week when you must be a little more cautious about blood marks (and some sexual practices change but not all).
@rlemon Yeah, lots of BC helps women with that.
@Shmiddty actually it is not that low
I think any guy would be a slut, but then when you think about it it's like.. Do I like cock or something? Or does the thought of just all the sex I want excite me..
Think about it - #gacntquotes
I should start a series.
It's not the cock. It's just the fact that if you are a chick then cock is fine. And it probably feels pretty cool. There's those multiple orgasms too...
!!s/sex/money for sex/
@Jhawinsss I think any guy would be a slut, but then when you think about it it's like.. Do I like cock or something? Or does the thought of just all the money for sex I want excite me.. (source)
In this room, I never know when I'm crossing the line
I don't even know if there is a line
There definitely is. I seem to be the only one who can find it though haha.
Or the only one stupid enough to...
@Gacnt I'm a guy and given the chance I wouldn't be a slut
granted, in my early 20's I was a slut and it wasn't as enjoyable as TV made it seem
The line is that when it should be in /r/funny or /r/aww, then it doesn't need to be here.
I guess peoples lines differ then lol
@dystroy so... most of my posts?
@rlemon relative to female rape?
@rlemon Don't worry, some of your posts aren't funny
(but I still try to understand the point where you say you were a slut...)
True... I walk a fine line between male-slut and average a lot of the time. It isn't that fun.
@Gacnt I was a slut between the ages of 18 and 22.
@Shmiddty problem with the statistics are than less than (they think) ten percent of all male->male rapes are reported, and less than 50% of female-> male rapes are reported.
which is like 3-4x higher than male->female rapes
@rlemon Yeah, machismo is to blame for that.
Some forms of male rape consist of girls scratching at the guys back and getting their dna under their fingernails, or playing rough and intentionally clawing the guy, they then tell them if they don't have sex with them they'll go to the police and say blah blah
@Gacnt dna under the finger nails isn't enough for a conviction
They do more things, I was getting the gist
men are pigs.
women are also pigs but have learned to be more subtle about it (unless drunk)
e.g. the claw marks to 'prove' they were resisting.
@rlemon I am not a pig.
which is worse: The person who puts their intentions on the table.
or the person who hides their intentions to 'save face'
@ShotgunNinja you are so, I saw you checking out my rump then back to my sugar lumps.
Take roofies after they've had sex and then claim they were raped (tox tests show rohypnol) and rape kit concludes they had sex and stuff like that
bitches be cray cray
@Gacnt yes yes, people fake rape. guys and girls do it. no point in going into all of the piss-me-off details.
@rlemon So what if I was? You have a nice body. Especially online.
@ShotgunNinja does this 2d image make my ass look fat?
No your ass makes your ass look fat
@Gacnt ++
I blame the Higgs boson. if that mother fucker never existed my ass would be nothing at all
takes out 3DS No, but perhaps a 3D image might make your ass look fat.
@Jhawinsss how many girls have you slept with?
@rlemon Women masturbate on their period. They don't need penetration to get off.
I'm excited to go home and test out that emulator
@Shmiddty 11? I think.
I've been with 3, so I win
Although my first was 11 months ago too.
Time to go home!
@Jhawinsss losing track that quickly? I didn't lose track until after 30.
!!hat rlemon
@cx That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!tophat CapricaSix
@Shmiddty That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!nude Caprica Six
@cx Could not process input. Error: cmd is not defined on line 749
Hey all
Does it make sense to use web workers alongside socket.io?
/r/JavaScript is strange.
depends on what you're doing
as I see it, web workers are for heavy process that you don't want to lock the UI
shit too late
@Shmiddty I lost track after 30 girls. Lol
@Shmiddty Well I have socket.io to handle realtime updates. I am thinking of adding web workers to handle the Tree View on each user's page
@rlemon It's not something I'm proud of.
most of which was in a 2 year period.
are you saying you also lost track after 30?
Adolescent rlemon was a whore, remember.
@Shmiddty exactly
@Neal If you have a use case for it, then by all means.
@Shmiddty I am not sure if the case I have is good for it or not. hopefully it is. Only some users have a slowdown since they have hundreds of rows in their task trees. I never see a real slowdown.
@rlemon For me, I was trying to prove my self-worth by getting a girlfriend. My adolescent brain thought the best way to do that was by "being good at sex", so I placed more importance on that than anything else.
@Neal You could have an asynchronous iterator as an alternative
@Shmiddty How do you mean?
I got lucky there. I'm told I'm good looking as well as good in bed. So really my only struggle is not pissing them off with my personality.
have each iteration take place after a setTimeout
@Shmiddty ehhh that would make things even slower, no?
I don't want that :-P
but responsiveness is often more important than speed
Chunk Dom manips
@Shmiddty my fellow employees (and boss) are complaining about slowness...
using set timeout
@rlemon hmmm?
I was on mobile so wasn't really paying attention
but if you issue is slow dom manip / insertion then chunk it up
Another option is to lazy load each leaf of the tree
I need a fucking shower
only insert / update x nodes at a time
@Gacnt Like... one that's actually big enough for two people to comfortably...
also, if you're having slowness from dom manip, try document fragments
@Shmiddty The tree is all there. The problem of slowness is when they manipulate the tree (adding, removing, moving around)
I'm just gonna stop there.
@Neal oh. from a large number of elements being in the DOM?
@Shmiddty I assume. but I have all the elements cached.
large number of elements in the DOM, or large number of elements being manipulated at once?
And I technically know where they all are with my Tree class
(remember, any innerHTML modifies the entire subtree)
@rlemon My tree is one big <table>
still doesn't answer my question :P
each task is a <tr>
@rlemon yes and yes (sometimes)
@Shmiddty why what?
why a table?
@Shmiddty it looked nicer that way.
that's not a good reason
and my boss wanted it that way...
better reason?
is it displaying tabular data?
@Neal well I am guessing your main issue is inefficient Dom manip.
@Shmiddty yes. But each row can have child rows
Trees are lists of lists. We have tags for lists.
@Neal you're not doing nested tables are you?
Here is an example from the app:
I also think tables are bad here.
@Shmiddty No nested tables, just rows
so it's collapse-able nested tables.
@rlemon without the nesting
it is all one table
you should nest it
how are you hiding/showing rows?
my MS Word is already calling you a bastard
and you are able to move rows around etc
@Shmiddty each row knows it's child rows
I have a master object that holds all the info on each row
@rlemon Why?
is the data relative to the entire table? or just the parent?
@rlemon Well there is a TaskRow object for each row that has references to it's parent TaskRow and all of it's child TaskRows
it's been a while since I've tested accessibility for the web (2007ish) but take into consideration screen readers / braille readers, and how they see tables and nested tables.
And a master object which has references to all TaskRow objects
if you don't care about these, nvm. do what you will.
@rlemon This is for an internal application
LOL this is so retarded comment I had to upvote it stackoverflow.com/questions/17536683/…
It has automatic updating (courtesy of socket.io) when someone updates a Task that you have access to.
So many things could technically be happening at once
so web workers could be helpful
web workers aren't going to help if you're getting bogged down at dom manipulation
@Shmiddty but all of the DOM has been cached in each TaskRow object
maybe you're storing too much and running out of memory
The issue is (I believe) finding what should be manipulated. and when there are hundreds of rows things break?
@Shmiddty I don't think so.... Does WebDB still exist?
@Neal you should store a reference to the dom node on the object that it is related to
1 min ago, by Neal
@Shmiddty but all of the DOM has been cached in each TaskRow object
you shouldn't need to query the DOM at all.
^^ I do already
@Shmiddty I don't
I am dealing with TaskRow objects
does each parent have an array of children?
@Shmiddty yes
including the root node.
and you do some recursion into those to hide all children?
@Shmiddty yes, and grandchildren etc
@Shmiddty so very confusing and slow... If i just pass the root node to the web worker it should be able to do everything for me, no?
but the question is, is if I update the nodes on the main page do I have to send them all again to the worker, or are the taskrows by reference (in the worker to the main page)?
@Neal I'm pretty sure any slowness would be related to DOM repainting
@Shmiddty yea? How do I speed that up then?
dunno, we'd have to see what you're doing.
@Shmiddty :-( it's all internal code. I have been showing bits and pieces of it over the past months
What part do you want to see?
dilute it
@Shmiddty I am not sure how lol
to just the generating/hiding/showing of the table
  PPM = (function() {

    PPM.prototype.eventLock = false;

    PPM.prototype.lockTimeout = 0;

    function PPM(name) {
      var _this = this;
      this.name = name;
      this.sendSubscriptions = __bind(this.sendSubscriptions, this);

      $(function() {
        var firstItm, firstTask, path, task, taskId;
        _this.rightClickMenu = $(".rightClick");
        _this.tasks = {};
        _this.tasks[0] = new FakeTask({
(see full text)
That is just the part that creates all the TaskRow elements on startup @Shmiddty
This is the constructor of the Task TaskRow objects:
function Task(row, firstRun) {
  this.row = row;
  if (firstRun == null) {
    firstRun = false;
  this.data = this.row.data();
  this.editables = {};
  this.children = [];
  this.row.attr('id', "task" + this.data.id + "Row");
  this.setValue('id', this.data.id);
  this.expanded = false;
  this.locked = false;
  this.edit = false;
  this.typeHidden = {};
  this.details = new TaskDetails(this);
  this.comments = new Comments(this);
  this.setParent(this.data.parentid, firstRun);
  if (!firstRun) {
(see full text)
wow. when did it become 622pm?!?!
ahh! I have got to go home!
tomorrow then @Shmiddty ? :-D
well i shall ping you on the morrow. Good night @Shmiddty !
you should put together a fiddle
or the like
@Shmiddty fiddle wont really work without my full code.
anyways, good night for now!
@Neal then dilute it to just the creating/showing/hiding of the rows...
!!echo *bling*
@Shmiddty <i>bling</i>
@Shmiddty <b>bling</b>
@Shmiddty <b><i>bling</i></b>
@Shmiddty <b><i>*bling*</i></b>
that's dumb.
!!echo * bling*
@Shmiddty * bling*
!!echo *bling*
@Shmiddty bling
oh yay!
!!learn law "<> I **am** the *law*!"
@Shmiddty Command law learned
I am the law!
I am the law!
I am the law
!!echo \---banana\---
@Shmiddty \---banana\---
@Zirak ... they've been watching the room banter. They are onto your tastes.
!!echo banana
@Shmiddty <strike>banana</strike>
@rlemon mmmm delicious pizza.
There's no way to get the bot to echo a strikethrough message, is there?
without new features
@rlemon lol
!!echo ---strike---
@rlemon strike
baddabing baddaboom
it's js, what else would I do
!!echo ---strike---
@Shmiddty strike
that feels so dirty
I guess it's easier than escaping
\\* is dumb.
so is waiting for a "i'll call you in 20 minutes" - hour and a half ago
!!echo **bold**
@Shmiddty <b>bold</b>
@Shmiddty bold
@rlemon sounds like grounds for massage to me
stop it or i'll stab you with a broken off space bar.
@rlemon I like oranges too.
How do you link tags
So you're a troll, and your gf is a wookie
Weird combo
I'm free from the crushing burdens of the monogamous lifestyle.
but she still lives with me
which is awkward.
oh really
You smashin anything new
while she's there.. maybe gets in on the action
Your Broficiency Quotient (BQ) is
...making you a
@Shmiddty Tribal tattoo is worth 35 points. bahahaha
because I like good jeans, coffee, and dubstep
dubstep really pushes up that BG score
3 gay thiings
tight jeans
so gay people are all brogrammers?

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