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00:00 - 11:0012:00 - 23:00

12:11 AM
if an question can't be answered on stackoverflow where can it be answered?
7 hours later…
7:30 AM
@1.21gigawatts, produce a simple poc it'll be much easier to explain what the problem and for people to help you, i can almost guarantee a solution will be found
they tell me reddit.com/r/javascript can be used also
7:50 AM
Hello Intelligent world,

Could you please comment on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78417989/react-18-2-0-dynamically-generate-form-while-onclick-form-to-represent-deeply

Thank you
8:20 AM
@1.21gigawatts, are you sure your pixi.js files should be installed in the node_modules directory anyway, documentation pixi.js Getting Started pixijs.com/8.x/guides/basics/getting-started sugguests it is a client side library
    <script src="https://pixijs.download/release/pixi.min.js"></script>
    <img width=100 height=100 src='https://i.imgur.com/ZAht3KZ.png'>
    <script type="module">
      var sprite_url='https://i.imgur.com/ZAht3KZ.png'
      // Create the application helper and add its render target to the page
      const app = new PIXI.Application();
      await app.init({ width: 640, height: 360 })

      // Create the sprite and add it to the stage
2 hours later…
00:00 - 11:0012:00 - 23:00

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