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4:14 AM
@DRP Relevant:
Q: What is the Unicode U+001A Character? Aka 0x1A

KevSheedyThe U+001A character appears frequently in error messages relating to character encoding. What is the U+001A character?

9 hours later…
12:53 PM
let recipeMap = new Map([
  ['cucumber', 500],
  ['tomatoes', 350],
  ['onion',    50]
While are there outer parentheses [ ] enclosing the key value pairs which are already enclosed in [ ]?
I know it's an error otherwise, but why.
Or is it because Map would assume that ['cucumber', 500] is a key and ['tomatoes', 350] the value
3 hours later…
3:58 PM
Im getting the [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID] error when trying to perform an POST request through nodejs. The error says that the hostname does not match the certificate altnames. It looks like its the TLS library that tries to compare the hostname im performing the POST requests towards against the domain im performing the request from.
I dont know that much about how SSL works in depth, but maybe this is a common issue in nodejs? Im currently using a free letsencrypt ssl certificate, nginx proxy and nodejs
5 hours later…
8:50 PM
watup peeps, does anyone know what a CSS property might be called which controls the color of the unloaded portion of the image in say an <img> element?
I'm looking to change it from white to transparent so it doesn't blind me while the image loads on a dark theme page
or if that's not possible with just one element, maybe I can move things around with a userscript
oh man I just found this and Kanye is not laughing: bitsofco.de/styling-broken-images
I have a totally unfounded and unreasonable and immature hate for :before and :after css hacks
this is all new territory to me either way, but I've noticed these are hard to find using dev tools inspector mode
9:40 PM
@user1306322 wouldn't background-color on the image element itself not do what you want?
no, it just paints the portion behind the loading image
I'm setting the image for <img> element via src
I'm trying to figure out if I can do this if I set the image via css background: url("...")
for now I'm trying to figure out how to escape a local file path into a valid uri >.<
I'm doing a c# weeb app
Ok, I think I do not understand what you mean with "the unloaded portion of the image". you mean how on slower connections, images would load from the top down, like in 1997?
i'm starting to think anyone who works with css professionally never has to deal with slowly loading images anymore and so this might not be a supported thing by the spec :p
hmmm... I think I remember hacking some horrible listeners that would display a square over the image until the image is laoded and displayed
nah I don't want the square, I just want the blinding white to not be white
transparent would be optimal, a solid color like black would be second best
9:52 PM
@user1306322 solid hypothesis :)
well, I just managed to make background url thing work, and the problem is avoided by images straight up not being visible at all until they load completely...
also it's difficult to control element size like that
ok so this is gonna be insane but I think I could use filters to turn solid white into another color
and this is not going to be good with images that actually contain solid white
but that might be fixed by darkening them by 1/256th if possible
10:10 PM
ah, the joys of css :)
10:54 PM
I think I did it but it eats all cpu it can while loading
which is also not ideal but that's the cost of non-blinded eyes at night
	<filter id="chromakey">
		<feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="
1   0   0   0   0
0   1   0   0   0
0   0   1   0   0
1   1   1   0   1" />
enjoy … if you must
large-ish props to this codepen codepen.io/iamschulz/pen/MmxdMQ
11:32 PM
I'm just gonna collect my tumbleweed badge after the allotted time passes :p

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