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Ok, I have no clue what went wrong with what I was doing there; I only know that I took my sweet, sweet time reading through the docs to understand how to do what I wanted to do properly and now it works and the console.log stuff is done as expected \o/
@paul23 yeah...
I've been worried about that, but I was reading something that said the major vulnerability was actually taken care of in 121 not 122
I can't even definitively say if the vulnerability effects Linux as C++ compiles differently for Windows vs Linux from what I understand, but I assume it effects Linux.
POLL: How often in the last year have you donated more than $1 to donation ware?
POLL 2: How often in the last year have you purchased any kind of in-app (including computers) expansion for more than $1? This DOES NOT include remove ads.
thanks for your answers :)
5 hours later…
how can i update url based on array in react?
ok weird issue that I was running into last week and I don't remember how I solved it
this is array ['sony','apple'] which is updated based on check or uncheck
basically, I execute an emscripten module from Node repl and it just exits, no error, nothing
it only exits once the emscripten program finishes though
  let currentUrl = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
  let brands = checkedbrands;

  brands.map((brand) => {
  console.log('brand ' + brand)
  currentUrl.set('brand', brand)

    pathname: '/search',
    search: `${currentUrl.toString()}`
i am trying this code but i am not able to set url with array.
this is url i am getting
how can i append all array parameters?
I posted a question kindly helpo me to resolve this .
Q: Disable Controls on the selection of Drop-down Values

Aamir HussainI am working in Aurelia and I have a scenario in which i have to disable and enable controls on the selection of drop down values . https://imgur.com/IiME3Dy I am sharing the image in which i divide its in Two Portions (DIVS) 1- If the user select the Credit-card Drop-down option then the DIV2...

@forresthopkinsa so check for recent changes to your entry script
@Vinay try setting brands directly
Or lacking that, create a string separated by commas representing the array and just parse it server-side
@Neil entry script? as in, emsc's pre.js ?
@forresthopkinsa as in, the script you launch to run your program/service with
ok but I'm saying, this is happening from a repl
only script that's running is the emscripten module
also I've never run it from node before so it's probably not a recent change
well, I have, but I ran into this problem then too, and I fixed it somehow and now I've forgotten
the main thing is that I don't have any leads because Node doesn't print any error messages
@Neil I want to show url only in browser. all other functionality is working fine at backend.
@Vinay well you don't want one url for each brand, right?
you need to show brands=<list all brands here>
i want to update url based on checkbox check and uncheck
you need a brands parameter
if it's just for showing the client, that would make the most sense to me
@KarelG Thanks :D
ok i will create string based on array and then append it with url
try just directly setting the array to see what it does
it may automatically handle that for you
i got url like that
@Vinay %2C is a comma
why are you showing the client the raw URL anyway?
seems like it would be better to write some sort of brief summary of the search like "Search for all items... containing term i ... using brands Sony,Apple..."
just write some function which one by one reads the search criteria and creates a readable description of that
yeah but showing checked parameters in url will be good to see
Which might make sense if that were the actual URL being used
if it is purely for display, then focus on conveying the overall message
i will try to create string before append to actual url
if I absolutely had to show a URL to the user, I'd make a point to put each part in its own span and create ample space between terms for readability
and then I would use commas instead of %2C, again for readability
and then finally, clicking on any one term will jump you to the point in the page where you can alter that parameter
maybe the whole URL would be in a position: fixed spot at the top of the page
but inevitably you'd still get users who don't want to have to see that
you meaan like this &brand=apple,sony
Like: http ://localhost:3000/search? searchTerm = i & brand = Sony,Apple
ugh, can't override http parser in chat
lots of spaces for clarity. highlight when mouse is over each key=value term
ok will try like that anyway i want to just show url to client. it will be more clear to read.
use css for that btw
and obviously, if no brands are selected, you remove the term entirely
same for searchTerm
thanks for you guidance. helped me lot. :)
no problem :)
@AqibSamanK You're missing a library
On the page that you linked, it is written to include: <script src="path_to_your_js/footable.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
obviously the "path_to_your_js/footable.js" has to change to be your own path
this has nothing to do with react btw
Any idea in which chat room, can I ask doubts regarding Jasmine Karma
Sanity check request regarding SO interface: when clicking anywhere on a question or answer preview (one that you aren't editing on the same page as the post), does the textarea above steal the focus for you guys too?
Not sure if it's just something to do with my setup, but it's quite annoying and I can't remember hearing anyone say anything about it before
@CertainPerformance No, it doesn't do that for me
@Neil Hrm, thanks, so, eg, if you click on the preview area, and then type some characters, the textarea doesn't get those characters?
Doesn't seem to occur when editing a post inline, only when on a standalone edit or question page, or when posting an answer
let me try
for me, happens in all of Chrome 72, FF 56, and newest Opera
If my focus is in the textarea and I type, yes, it jumps
but I would expect that behavior
but otherwise it doesn't
What OS? W10 for me
guess I should find another computer to test it on
all righty, thanks
just clicking on preview area and typing doesn't do anything weird
source looks to be dev.stackoverflow.com/content//Js/wmd.en.js @ $(this).siblings().find('textarea').focus();
@CertainPerformance I looked it up
For me the script is the following:
if (s.find(".wmd-preview").click(function(e) {
            if ("show-hide" !== e.target.className && !e.target.localName.startsWith("input")) {
                if (window.getSelection) {
                    var t = window.getSelection();
                    if (t.anchorNode !== t.focusNode || t.anchorOffset !== t.focusOffset)
                2 != e.which && $(this).siblings().find("textarea").focus()
It doesn't trigger
I don't know if it is because it was run before .wmd-preview was created or what
maybe it only happens when you refresh the page
1 message moved to Trash can
@MikaelDúiBolinder Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@MikaelDúiBolinder Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@MikaelDúiBolinder paste the code, and then do ctrl + k
Ctrl+K doesnt do anything and I have 100 spaces infront of the code xc
Throw it in a paste then.
jsfiddle.net/o27h6t3f soft event binding might help
@MikaelDúiBolinder all the lines have to have the space in front for it to work
it's a little stupid like that
but it also means you can't say, write "this is my code: " + newline + code
Then someone should pin a userContent.js here for fixing that
they have to be separate messages
SO md sucks, at least for chat
addons.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/search/… not sure any of them will fix the code bug
It's not a bug
It's not a feature
That you're unable to grasp
it's a featug
or a beature
Excuse me
what the fuck jaavscript
Here I thought can can jsut go and do stuff with javascript, and then the lcearly filled object is suddenly null
The hell is wrong with your language
it's just a TypeScript warning, not an error
Also hi nice to meet you
Right, bad crop. below that, says undefined.
@CertainPerformance Is that why it says "error"?
oh, does that prevent further execution?
From what I heard so far, 'error' in javascript basically means 'warning, but I'll do it anyway'
that's how I freakin' classify "error". It has to be blocking
if it's a warning, call it a freakin' warning
the general idea is probably to get you to change your code to explicitly check for whether a variable name contains a type that your method is callable on, before trying to call your method on that variable name. turn JS runtime errors into TS compile-time errors
though that's not so relevant for a REPL...
the only way you could convert js runtime errors into ts compile-time errors is if you ran it
Is that what they're doing?
The actual problem is that 'match' is obviously an array with stuff inside, but it wont let me toString() it
maybe it's not an "array" in the traditional sense
Like a node set isn't an array
Random idea, try if (match !== null) console.log(match.toString())
regex matches are arrays, and arrays don't have a .groups method
oh wait, that's one of the special methods assigned to regex matches
oh shit
if I ask for null firsyt, it works. If i don't ask, it wont work.
used with the new named capturing groups... interesting
@Squirrelkiller sounds like strict mode
Running out of memory on Chrome? Try these, chrome for me is incredible at managing memory now hats of to @googlechrome for doing this :).
The avg. memory usage went down from 12 Gigs to 4 :P
(yeah I have way too many chrome tabs)
@ShrekOverflow Life = changed :D
So glad I found that flag
@SomeGuy what flag?
@SomeGuy temme more
We're talking about the same thing here :p
Oh ok :)
I wish VSCode and other chromium dependents use it too
that'd be incredible 😃
@ShrekOverflow why not sumbit a pull request for it instead of wishing? github.com/Microsoft/vscode
@MikaelDúiBolinder The project has gone bezerk
in terms of keeping track of everything (for example: How tabs are implemented)
Afaik they use Monaco, so they might just be virtualizing tabs directly using Monaco and not using chromium style tab approach. (Would make sense tbh)
on top of how tabs are implemented you need to think about plugins etc etc etc
3 hours later…
> SterlingArchers memes aren't the best I've seen, but they're good, and that's all we can really hope for. I support this candidate. – ndugger 40 mins ago
@ndugger great now I'm definitely gonna lose :P
I do what I can
Finding lots of graphical bugs in chrome this morning
Much joy
Doesn't happen in FF, so it's definitely chrome's fault
Anyone know of any open bugs about horizontal scrolling and background colors being clipped? I don't want to whip up an mvce and open a new one
I'd rather put pressure on an existing one
I think I fixed it. Too much flexbox. I guess tables get all confused when they're in a flex container, lol
So, I had a flex container (direction: column, overflow: auto, flex-grow: 1)

And I had a table with tons of columns...

When you put the table in the flex container, and scroll horizontally, chrome gives up half way through rendering background colors, lol
i'v ebeen seeing a lot of rendering bugs lately in chrome, where something renders incorrectly, then upon inspecting with dev tools, it all of a sudden renders correctly
Hey now that it's daytime I'm gonna reiterate what I was struggling with last night
Summary: emscripten module crashes Node upon completing execution
no errors at all, Node just exits
ok, update: I can actually catch an exit with process.on('exit'), so it's not crashing. emsc is actually exiting my program. wtf
you mean a wasm module that was compiled with emscripten? Or are you trying to run the emscripten compiler?
no, a module compiled with emsc
ffmpeg.js in particular
hey guys, I have this JS code that I got from MSDN to request the user's location, now I'd like to print out the coordinates on a text block but I can't extract the lon/lat values from the loc variable:

would appreciate some help
Everything that needs loc needs to be within the callback where you set it.
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition is an asynchronous method
A: How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?

Felix Kling → For a more general explanation of async behaviour with different examples, please see Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference → If you already understand the problem, skip to the possible solutions below. The problem The A ...

posted on March 08, 2019 by CommitStrip

Today we’re saying hello to Singulart! Singulart is an innovative platform helping artists from all over the world to sell online. They’re tackling some interesting challenges like automated artwork recognition using machine learning and personalised recommendations for users. The team is looking to recruit more full stack Symfony developers to sustain their growth, and we highly recommend them

ok I've investigated a little more and it looks like emsc's _exit function is being called, possibly from the C code itself? and _exit in C basically means "halt" so I guess emsc is just killing the parent process
have yet to figure out why ffmpeg would be calling _exit or why emsc decides that's a good reason to kill Node
is it ever acceptable to have an image SRC that doesn't end in an extension?
no wait I think I'm confused. emsc isn't calling process.exit from _exit. Doesn't look like anything is calling process.exit...
@KevinB I put the the whole thing in an event handler it worked!
how are you all
is this possible or not?
I tried this to go to view-source page of external link when user click the button or link inside my website
but it's not working
any suggestion for this?
doesn't appear to be possible
you could do something like this: css-tricks.com/make-a-view-source-button
I don't know why I can't find this behavior documented anywhere
"if process running in Node, then kill the entire Node process; otherwise, just return"
wasted like four hours on this
@KevinB that's for displaying own page itself. not external link as you think
i'm aware
it doesn't appear as though you can do what you're asking for, so i provided an alternative
You can't even do it with javascript
@ShrekOverflow those are sweet I can't do anything like that at all on my 350lb bikes lol
@Jhawins i'm sure the bike would do that to you
@KevinB interesting. in chrome when you right click and open in new tab, you get about:blank#blocked
yeah, clicking does nothing, not surprised it goes to #blocked when you force it to do something
I have an issue where I'm directing the stdout of a spawned process in node to a file and it is limited to 120 characters per line. It cuts off with "..", how can I get the full output?
@Supes38 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Nevermind, I found that it was the subprocess limiting the output
@Mirv-Matt Let's put this in a way you can follow. People. 👏 Don't. 👏 Just. 👏 Have. 👏 To. 👏 Talk. 👏 About. 👏 JS. 👏 Here. 👏
router.get('/', (req, res) => asyncFunction.then(res.send));
does not work
router.get('/', (req, res) => asyncFunction.then(x => res.send(x)));
does work
what am I missing about lambdas/scope/whatever
@forresthopkinsa this
if you pass in res.send, it's being rebound, which is causing errors when it tries to read properties of this that are no longer there.
always with this
ok thanks guys
@ndugger Mirv was crying on Sterling's mod nomination. Specifically targeting things he wasn't a part of, then crying that the JS should only be about JS. Usual crybaby stuff.
ok I guess this is the deeper question of my situation: is it possible for me to bind the inner lambda scope to the outer lambda scope
ehh maybe not a good way of putting that
on a higher level, is there any way for me to make (res.send) work? This is mostly theoretical
not in the case of express, but sometimes, maybe. It really heavily depends on the implementation of the send function
if the function tries to access this anywhere, then no, if you pass it in as-is, and it rebinds, it will break the reference to this
I'm super close to 4k rep, but I can't be arsed to put in the effort... Just gotta wait a few weeks for the rep to trickle in on old posts.
@Trasiva Let's not drag the drama here, please.
I'm trying to find lines that consist of words starting with se. This command I'm using grep '^se' Random.txt returns nothing`. Not sure if there isnt or its just wrong
@hello Fairly easy to check, do you have node?
Also, how large is the file?
@MadaraUchiha I did find lines having words starting with se. Adding -i returned lines starting with se.
@ndugger cool. thanks for the insight
@forresthopkinsa oh, also, you could bind the function beforehand, like res.send.bind(res)
but yeah, I think most people would prefer a lambda there
that's what they're for
Anyone using NSwag? or is that like not metal
Is there a way to bring auth out of each chained function call but keep it on just this route:
router.route('/user/:id').post(auth, post).get(auth, get).put(auth, put).delete(auth, del)
I'm aware I could do app.use on the router, but I don't like that
bc I'm trying to organize my files in a new way and it would go against that
Just a tip, javascript (and even nodejs) is not synonymous with express. It would be helpful for you to specify which library you're using that you want help with
it is express
it is jquery
it could have been koa I think
from what I've seen of it
(that's why people need to specify which library they're using)
We're not mind readers
maybe you are considering you knew :D
Mar 4 at 20:03, by ndugger
I was hired because of my supreme IQ, not because of my interpersonal skills
I just have a supreme IQ
Is IQ a singular thing you can posses? I thought it was just a measure or a collection of points, not a singular object.
My IQ is a singular, supreme object.
that would be the correct answer
to join MENSA
50 dollars please
no fun, only js
New in chat, so...I expect I'm about to commit some faux pas. I am working with an OAuth2 API where I need to refresh the Auth Token. If I'm just using Node & Express, I'm assuming I'll need to add a database for this to be able to check how much time I have left and to store the token?
@NealJones Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@NealJones I believe that's correct, unless you use a 3rd party OAuth server
@NealJones you would just sign the token with a date in it
For instance we use JWT with OpenID but we only store session data, and the API validates against our account server which stores that
at least with jwt that's what you could do
yeah JWT are trusted pretty nicely
Yea, they do use JWT
if you sign it with a date in it, you can't send it back without the date, so you can store the info client side w/o worrying if it is accurate as long as your secret isn't compromised
*the date that you put in unedited
I'm not actually using it for people to sign in with, so there won't be a bunch of sessions or anything like that (I think I'm saying that right)
Just using it to accept some texts (Twilio) and then create a contact in a CRM (InfusionSoft)
Currently I have no database, so I was hoping I could avoid adding one just for this
I'm not fully sure you can get away with that, as if you sent the token, the server API wouldn't have a way to validate it
@NealJones idk about your specific use case too well, but I know enough about tokens that I know if you can send a token with custom data in it (and you are verifying the token) that you won't need a DB
@SterlingArcher this is true
well, depends on how you sign or verify the token and how data is put into the token
I'm probably unaware of what you're actually asking so I'll shut up now
same, I'm not well verses in JWT enough to give a solid answer
Yea, sorry, this is my first time working with OAuth and I'm kind of out of my depth
so, I'm probably not phrasing it great
okay, well if it is jwt (that's what I was unsure of) you don't need a DB
Thanks, this gives me some more to go on for the moment
the process goes: create a date -> add to object -> sign with JWT -> send token -> check date whenever token is used
as long as you're verifying your tokens, you can trust the date as accurate
if you want to refuse anything over, say, 30 days old, it would be a one liner like:
idk, but you could get the seconds like new Date(dateInToken).getTime() and then subtract that + 30 days converted into seconds or something like
Oh, gotcha.
Hadn't started to think about that part yet, that's helpful
dates are always a headache for me, but the idea would be that you'd just check javascript UTC timestamp (which is different from most languages)
I guess you'd subtract old date from current data (in timestamp form) and check if it is above some threshold.
That makes sense
javascript timestamps have like 4 extra numbers (or something like that) than normal utc timestamps, so keep that in mind.
UPDATE - they don't use JWTs, I apparently hallucinated that part
So I guess that means I need to get a database
@NealJones not necessarily. can you put data in the token?
I guess what I mean is, are you the one signing it?
@DavidKamer I think the answer to that is that I'm not signing it...I'm calling InfusionSoft's API
Am I thinking of that right?
@NealJones okay, do they have documentation for it that you can send a link of? I'm assuming your doing a webhook or something similar to get the token? or do they just generate it and you check it?
Q: In Node, JavaScript case problem, windows vs mac

PeteI'm finding that we have dev's on windows that are checking in code that works even though it has file name casing errors like: import speakers.js instead of import Speakers.js Which is correct. On windows, it works, Mac it does not. What's the best way to insure that windows devs don't che...

Their refresh token expires after 6 months and their Auth Token after 24 hours, so I'm wondering if I couldn't just do like a try-catch and then if it fails, refresh the token, and not even consider the age of the token...but I wonder if that would end up losing some data anywhere
@NealJones probably would work.
@KevinB you mean windows vs every other operating system
you say that like it's my question
just keeping the record clear that it's people using Windows that are causing the problem, not people using UNIX systems.

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