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Hi all, I have a query regarding multiple websocket ws connections.

So in my application, I have 2 servers lets say S1 and S2. Both S1 and S2 are connected to each other and themselves i.e S1 is connected to S1 and S2 ws connections.

Lets say there are two clients node C1 and C2. C1 is connected only to S1 and C2 to S2.

When I send message from C1 it is received by both S1 and S2 when its only connected to S1. Is there any way I can prevent that? I want only connected Server to receive message.
@MadaraUchiha don't know if you're looking for these kinds of things, but it looks like someone has a double account: stackoverflow.com/questions/1976396/…
3 hours later…
Hi all, I've got a bit of a problem, say I have a list of objects, containing three properties: `shouldNest`, `level` and `content`.

I would like to build a recursive function that can nest the objects in the order that the `level` property indicates. Kind of like a nested structure of a program. I'm a bit stuck
5 hours later…
@JacobSchneider Probably better to think of it as "transforming an unindexed list of objects to a list of objects indexed by level"
So { shouldIndex: true, level: 3, content: whatever } gets added to the accumulator at acc[level]
Then whatever logic you need to keep a list of objects under each level
So I just recently ran into this issue of deep copying an array of objects and I'm surprised there isn't any built in function to do what is probably a pretty common task. Why is that?
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@CaesarTex There are a lot of things missing from the standard library
Cuz browser vendors are lazy and no one updates their browser anyway
hmm but this isn't something new. They should have implemented this like 10 years ago. Why do i have to depend on jquery or lodash to achieve this. Apparently even ruby has a built in way to do this.
Welcome to javascript!
@CaesarTex Because JS has little to no stdlib
You have lodash which has such a function
But for simple objects (objects and arrays containing only other objects and arrays or scalars, no fancy objects like Date), you can use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) to deep copy it
@CaesarTex it's not a trivial thing to implement, and you may end up with lots of edge cases.
Consider the case of functions, how do you deep copy a function?
Simple enough to deep copy x => x + 5, but what about const addCurry = x => y => x + y; const f = addCurry(5); how would you deep copy f?
Does the term deep copy even apply there?
@KendallFrey "deep copy" when it's in a nested object
But yes, how do you copy a function in general?
I can't help but think of that in terms of LC, where there isn't really a notion of copying
You just have a function which may or may not reference external variables
Given function f, how do I create a function g that for every set of global variables and callstack (including enclosed variables), I get the same result and side effects of f, but that f !== g
It's tricky because of things like arguments and callee mostly
How do I point the external references of a function to another scope? Is that another way of saying it?
Else you could have just done function(...args) { return g.call(this, ...args); }

Can we push query elements in array?
var a , b, c;

a = doc.queryselector('.a');
b = doc.queryselector('.b');
c = doc.queryselector('.c');

send( [a, b, c] );
I can't think of a reason why that wouldn't work
Have you tried?
Yes it will send selectors but the code === "array" is return false
typeof code === "array"
i can try "object" ?
!!> typeof [1,2,3]
@KendallFrey "object"
What are you actually trying to do?
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@user11151040 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
    addClass = function(element,classNAME) {
		if(typeof element === 'array') {
			var i,l;
			for(i = 0, l = element.length; i<l; i++) {
		} else
I think the simplest solution is to use ...spread
@KendallFrey thank you.
6 hours later…

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