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What are you folks doing here on a Friday?
.user-1596138 .username:before {
        content: 'Jhawins';
works decently
@thebug compiling
@thebug considering I work for myself I work from roughly 24 to 7
@DavidKamer how much does that pay
I lied. I have nothing to do. I'm still here
Maybe gonna play Bioshock 1
@LuckyKleinschmidt Help me with all of the tickets I have to do 😱
Hire me
@BenjaminGruenbaum #justTSthings ;)
@thebug actually C++
Your name is 'the bug' lol I don't think I want anything to do with your tickets ;P
@LuckyKleinschmidt We'll find out soon lol. I'm launching one of my first owned sites tonight
@BenjaminGruenbaum Big props then, I still remember C++. Work or Uni?
Well, V8 is a C++ program, so fun I guess?
It'd be cool if more of us had legitimate projects that we could help out with
Does anyone else associate google V8 with the tomato drink V8?
@thebug slaps forehead yes
@LuckyKleinschmidt Yeah, like a group project.
Or even a real company lol hire the best of SO
@LuckyKleinschmidt I know enough to be trouble lol
We need to start a consulting firm
I'll register the LLC, somebody else take over from there
@LuckyKleinschmidt I was going to be funny and respond to this with a redacted ticket as an "Interview Question" but in the process I found a critical error. Thanks I guess?
I'll have an invoice sent over.
@LuckyKleinschmidt I already have a corporation founded
why you want to buy some shares?
How much are they
idk I've never even tried to sell any
$100 tops (to file an LLC)
I was mostly kidding
Can't be any worse than my Frontier investment (:
oh god, why would you do that???
@thebug yeah like $79
Who knows. Maybe someday they'll come back haha
The bar for them "succeeding" is VERY low at this point.
I used to do crypto trading... fml
I had a decent amount at one point
I'm like barely above what I started now
@thebug That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Yeah never did that. There are no rich and famous swing traders for a reason.
@thebug That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
The neighbor just rammed a car with his mower right in front of me.
@LuckyKleinschmidt so true
BRB. What the fack
should have bought my stock :D
Straight up at full speed on a zero turn.
wouldn't have happened j
Pretending not to have seen lol....
how risky is npm audit fix?
looks around shiftly
@DavidKamer it barely works
seriously is my application going to run after npm audit fix?
It will just shuffle semver ranges
will it break the crap out of it?
Ill run it right now to show you
how likely is it that my application will even run when it is done?
@thebug yeah I ran it, but how likely will my application even work once it is done?
just changes the lock file resolution
@BenjaminGruenbaum looking at it now, ty
Continuing from that previous thread with hatter, I think I miss @Luggage the most from the old guard.
@thebug He was here when I started
!!afk walking around so I don't die of a leg clot!
@DavidKamer what's it matter? Just pull a fresh copy if it doesn't work
@BenjaminGruenbaum not really
you don't have to worry about conflicts if you just set stuff to 'internal'
which I know is a visibility modifier but it does exactly what you want it to do
@forresthopkinsa yes but everything public is superglobal
You can see why Java are adding modules, Kotlin will have "real" modules then too probably
so you just set entry points to public
Sorry, reading wiki.luajit.org/New-Garbage-Collector#introduction_overview now, more interesting than talking about Java :P
lol ok
and ofc you can just use JS modules if that turns you on
Those are the old kind of modules
I think ben means ESM 👆
Is there any way in AngularJS to do data binding (like what you can do with components) but without having to create a template?
like why can't I just set a controller with ng-controller and then pass it data through the attributes like with a directive?
@LuckyKleinschmidt I know lol, I just wanted to find out if it was even worth the (potentially) wasted time.
@forresthopkinsa Meh, that was kind of true 3 years ago
Things have very much stabilized since.
@forresthopkinsa wow lol, but I think that JavaScript is the first language of this type
Java may have "ran on everything" but it also more or less had a single creator
JavaScript has many creators (I know it also "has a single creator" but that isn't really true anymore)
JS is not ES6 and vice versa and ES6 is what we mean by javascript, hell node/npm is what we mean by JavaScript, so I think that you have to look at JS as the first collaboratively designed language with no true individual creator.
Every other language has stopped being uniquely added onto after it's creator has stopped working on it. (you can give me an example of how I'm wrong, but from what I can tell most of what could oppose this is just a natural evolution or added feature to reflect JS)
C, Python, C++, PHP all fit into this category from what I can tell
Rust might not, but it is far too early to tell
Java more or less fits into this category, but it is harder to tell.
Java, though, hasn't went any significant changes that aren't blatant copies of something else imo
!!afk a man's got to eat
<rect x="10" y="5" width="30" height="20"/>
I can't find this anywhere, what are those units in? Pixels?
@thebug that'd be my guess
How do pixels scale with the SVG?
Java is not a perfect language. It's not even a great language. But it was originally designed more deliberately than JS. Of course, nowadays, JS has changed a lot, and that's great. But even so, I daresay that JS' status as an immature language does not favor it for use in high-stability, large applications
>For any x-coordinate value or width value expressed as a percentage of the SVG viewport, the value to use must be the percentage, in user units, of the width parameter of the ‘viewBox’ applied to that viewport. If no ‘viewBox’ is specified, then the value to use must be the percentage, in user units, of the width of the SVG viewport.
being community-driven does not necessarily equate to longevity. If a company is developing a language, then that language will probably last as long as that company has money to make from it. If a community is developing a language, then it'll probably last as long as that language has popularity / community favor.
User units sounds like something you would win at a cyberpunk arcade.
added some stickers to my mac
because I switched the keys around
@LuckyKleinschmidt who are you?
take a guess
Guessing jhawins
ding ding ding
virus database has been updated?
(was avast user for like 2 years)
So is he Jhawins
@ShrekOverflow we(2 or 3 of us) did some CSS trickery to force Jhawins as his name
To me he is still Jhawins
in your heart, he will always be jhawins to you
no just on the web page
in my heart he is some guy that thinks it is funny to change his name every 30 days
I also think it is funny
I really despise my mac
hi i am newbie in vue
hi i am getting issue in vue
when i am adding <style>
/* Import Font Awesome Icons Set /
@import '~flag-icon-css/css/flag-icon.min.css';
/ Import Font Awesome Icons Set /
$fa-font-path: '~font-awesome/fonts/';
@import '~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css';
/ Import Simple Line Icons Set /
$simple-line-font-path: '~simple-line-icons/fonts/';
@import '~simple-line-icons/css/simple-line-icons.css';
/ Import Bootstrap Vue Styles */
@import '~bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css';
<style lang="scss">
@Noni For real now, you can't put that in a style tag
It needs to go in a .scss file
i just copy the code from theme its working fine in theme project but issue in my project
@import is only for scss
!!giphy thats not how this works how any of this works
you've probably just misconfigured your webpack or forgotten to install dependencies
why not @thebug
@forresthopkinsa yes
what the problem i am not getting thi
@forresthopkinsa they are using the vue cli, do you want to walk them through ejecting their app so that they can use some inline webpack style resolver?
I am stuck in it from last day
look at the article I linked
it says exactly what to do
vue cli will generate a default webpack cfg
@import will never work, its for scss only
they just have to modify it
it isn't in an html file
it's in a vue component
@forresthopkinsa alright i try it and update you
thank budy alot
no problem
no guarantees lol
jake is Not Confident that it will work
not entirely sure why but w/e
@Noni <style lang="scss">
try that
they already have that
@forresthopkinsa thank you again :)
They do not
isn't webpack great?
holy cow guy
@Noni where are your style tags
did you put both of them in your vue file
or is one in an scss file
Yes they are missing one and @import is not valid CSS, hence the errors.
do you see that they have two style tags
and the second one specifies scss lang
I am assuming they did not put two style tags in their vue component
if they did then yeah that won't work but it's silly to say they can't put @import statements in their vue style section
because they clearly can
@thebug @import is in the css spec
has been for a long time
css 1 dude
if i put there its even not work
it say moidule not found :(]
Please paste the error
@Noni did you follow the article step by step
@rlemon We are talking about css-loader, notice the ~
yes I am doing that
@thebug you've not said as much thus far
all you've said is @import isn't valid css
and it's for scss
and besides that, the css-loader isn't scss specific
the sass loader is
<style lang="scss">
/* Import Font Awesome Icons Set /
@import '~flag-icon-css/css/flag-icon.min.css';
/ Import Font Awesome Icons Set /
$fa-font-path: '~font-awesome/fonts/';
@import '~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css';
/ Import Simple Line Icons Set /
$simple-line-font-path: '~simple-line-icons/fonts/';
@import '~simple-line-icons/css/simple-line-icons.css';
/ Import Bootstrap Vue Styles */
@import '~bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css';
// Import Main styles for this application
That should work better
y'all are killing me today
I'm heading home
see you guys tomorrow

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