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Well you don't have to publicly post source code
I bet most of the people whining either #1 do not make money from 3d printing anyway, and #2 probably pirate software all the time
Just give it by request?
they use GPL code and sitribute it. they need to make it available at least.
yea, by request
but obv they should follow licenses, just funny how people are getting pissy
I think is fine..
@Luggage On request, sure. Not by googling it
they need to post how you can request it
or include it?
I don't think they do ^
I'll google and catch up
IIRC this happened with someone else like 3 years ago and the verdict was "As long as they provide it on request"
yea, probably. I thought people tried to get it, though
I googled and just saw tons of videos but I don't want to watch a video
I am officially boycotting Creality
they have to provide it on request, and they have to give you a way to request it
plus a bunch of other minor restrictions
Because I am boycotting 3D rinters entirely i.e. not buying one lmao
@ssube They have a phone number lol
whatever they changed, you can just get the open source version and it's newer and better, so.. meh
is it worth flashing?
I'm just trolling videos now commenting that I'm still buying creality printers
/me steps away for lunch then work
I just finished doing the internal fans and the hotend fan is now rattling
there are some new features and you can tweak things that you can't without flashing.. but. no reason to rush into it. nothing big you are missing
> The right to sell copies is part of the definition of free software. Except in one special situation, there is no limit on what price you can charge. (The one exception is the required written offer to provide source code that must accompany binary-only release.)
Seems like yea they have to explicitly provide a written offer for source code. Off of the GNU faq
@user1596138 my printer definitely didn't come with that
I don't think there was a single piece of paper with english lol
Did you read every piece of paper
Including terms and conditions etc in small print?
Lmao it didn't say what language!
the instructions are brief
Watch them troll the community by releasing a 3D model of the source code's text or something
they make ikea look verbose
tbf, there are a dozen cables and they're all keyed
I just am confused by the "boycott" calls. Isn't this a legal matter? Sue them or don't
you can't sue chinese companies and expect anything
It's not an ethical thing
only the company they stole it from can sue
all you can do is choose where to spend your money
Right. Only the company they stole it from was wronged
consumers are better off not buying
Consumers are better off... Not caring
even who they stole it from won't win in china against a chinese company
there's a solid chance they're also from the area
we can still choose to care. I like that 3d printers are mostyl open source and I had real reason to WANT the source for my printer.
The sense of entitlement to other people's victimization is unreal these days
it's a selling point for most printers
I'm not screaming about it, but you seem really convinced that no one has any reason to care at all.
@user1596138 These people that already have 3 3D printers aren't going to buy anymore!
I'm not really convinced of anything. I have no investment here
This is just my very shallow opinion from 10,000ft
buy a 3d printer to video yourself throwing it off a balcony
that'l showem
if you can square it again, it'll probably be fine
> let's see if you can print yourself a parachute, fucker
Why is System using all of my cpu >:(
it'll be cool when they have more detailed printers that can print cloth
printing on cloth was pretty cool, but actually printing cloth would be cooler
Either I am getting wasted and rating products on Amazon and forgetting.. Or Amazon is full of shit.
This is the third time this month I've found a "5 stars, posted publicly" in my recent orders that I DID NOT RATE
@Cereal jsfiddle.net/n1g5azg0 that took way too long to remember how to scale the image proper
cc @SterlingArcher, you ever review products and forget the next day? Or just order them
I'm not really a reviewer
@user1596138 hrm, I should check
I've never rated anything
I occasionally go through and rate things, it's fun
is that on your orders page? everything has a "Write a review" button.
yea I am trying to find where I can see what I rated
looks about right
where is that?
same. no reviews
I do em late at night when I'm super bored
@user1596138 maybe the missus likes reviewing for you?
@rlemon She can't even get into my PC
that you know of
@rlemon That looks SO fucking painful.
she doesn't need to
she's already got yo passwords
Can you imagine hitting something solid with REBAR?!
so many jobs require clearance
does public sector mean non-government?
then no
@SterlingArcher lies you did lots of reviews today
i'm not opposed to government, but not interested in gaining clearance
well, these are government subcontractors
@TylerH not amazon reviews :P
get a lawyer
delete facebook
the... gaming company dice?
dice is a recruiting company
or tech staffing?
I've not heard of that one
linkedin, eh? you like to dance close to the fire, I see
do they do their own recruiting or are they just a greasy job board?
looks like a normal job listing site.
I've run across them before, wasn't clear what their scam was exactly
half the listings (on any site) are recruiters. so hard to tell how many real jobs there are.
less'n half :)
the indeed listings for here show 9 paid ads for remote jobs and 1 real local job
yet I always hear of places not able to hire
after getting hired, I had to spam block all the job boards
I haven't interviewed for real since 2003.
they're worse than used car dealers
job boards sell your information to recruiters
i'm probably going to use a recruiter, after I pick anything I want to apply directly to and do that first.
@Luggage I got people if you need
only one recruiter has been stupid enough to call me so far
and then they thought it was a good idea to email me after I told them to fuck off
I want a very local job, so was going to use a guy down the street that my friend does
but if your guy deals with north of baltimore
@ton.yeung some recruiters only care about a quick commission, not finding you the job you want
all care about money
The further west you go, apparently the worse the recruiters get
@rlemon Did you watch that kapok rainforest thing from Nigel yet?
whenever you're selling used goods to people who have to use them, it gets shitty
I started watching more woodworking vids and he got bumped temporarily.
@Luggage sorry, I mean they want the instant gratification, not the future networking that will give them another role for the same person in a few years
doesn't matter if it's userd cars or used jobs
@rlemon Looks pretty sweet
@SterlingArcher dude, setting people up to need another role in a few years is the problem
@ton.yeung not hating, so is mine. I've only had excellent dealings with recruiters
recruiters push you into a job that half-fits, knowing you'll leave and come back to them
that is the scam
so when did the job-jumping trend start?
our parents generation never jumped jobs.
our generation and gen z is like "you've been there 4 years?! time to move on man"
@ssube dude no, I never needed to leave SNC, but if my recruiter who got me in was still in the area I would have gone back to him because he did a dope ass job
silicon valley and constant restarting startups did it
@rlemon with damned millennials 😉
sometimes it's move on or just be stuck closing tickets in some VB6 codebase forever
@Loktar I think gen z is worse.
is genz even in the job market yet fully?
not fully, but they're in the market.
@SterlingArcher what you described, " the future networking that will give them another role for the same person in a few years", is the recruiter scam. They want you to come back
well they work at McDonalds dude
ofc they are going to get diff jobs
Genz is late 90's to early 2ks
@SterlingArcher you're defending recruiters with the government sweatshop you hated every day? :P
@rlemon I was actually told by a very successful man: "Your first 3 jobs are stepping stones. Give it a year or two, get the transition raise. After the 3rd jump, you'll find your home with the experience you need."
@ssube I never hated SNC, I just hated meteor.js
@Loktar yea, and we see a bunch of them in this room who apparently have jobs and/or live in hackerspaces.
there is truth in there. sometimes you can't get a raise at a palce without leaving.
I would venture most here are Millennials right?
I've been places where we WANTED to give someone a raise, and corporate would not allow any, but we could hire new less experienced people at a higher rate
good question.
established companies can make it hard to move up
there is momentum to keep your salary
I'd say it's probably like a 60/40
> Gen-Z is defined as those born between 1997 and 2015. The oldest members of the generation are now 20.
@Luggage it's practices like that driving good people out the door
@Loktar anyone younger than you is a millenial
@Luggage nah, my teenagers aren't for sure
@ton.yeung so nobody has ever gotten a raise?
they may be too young
they're Genz
<= 24 makes up like 26% of SO
I would have thought it was closer to 40
I guess not
@MadaraUchiha @BenjaminGruenbaum lmao he's back
@ton.yeung I think that sounds like the worst system ever
that's just asking to promote as fast as you can
Our company does only merit based raises on request lol
> Can I have a raise?
> Do you suck?
my company reviews salary yearly.
@Loktar making you ask just seems shitty
@rlemon yeah that's the best way
@ssube oh yeah for sure
your manager already knows, they should come to you with it
@SterlingArcher "Back"? Who's he?
I think yearly is fine. or at least on a time schedule.
@ton.yeung that sounds like a horrible system
but I have no problem doing it so I've gotten multiple raises while others have received none the entire time I've been there
then you know you'll be getting a review.
The guy that posted about Jews being lizards earlire @MadaraUchiha
It's heilarious
however I'd still rather have a yearly raise for cost of living
@SterlingArcher lolwat, link?
just making light of it.
wait, you don't get a regular raise at all?
oh, that's horrible
attrition is fairly high.
I don't get a regular raise (well I do) it's just a regular review.
yea I agree
so as long as I don't suck, I get one.
@rlemon You are a beautiful beautiful person
I'm not guaranteed a regular raise, but if my review comes back with < 3%, they know I'm leaving
@Cereal Ashley keeps telling me that
and my boss and I have had a conversation to that extent
Now I just need to fix the coordinate conversion for this version, andfigure out how to make it scale on screen resize and we're good to go
yeah basically you have to say you're about to leave, and be a high performer to get a raise
wait. who is dating/married to an ashley?
I like where I work though mostly, I mean working from home is badass, so I just stick with it
raises > 3% are "merit," so you have to do well on all your career development stuff over the year
but.. as soon as I don't get a requested raise I'll have to suck it up and stop being lazy/look elsewhere
people don't like making ultimatums as they think it'll draw the wrong kind of attention
and then you get your raise and sit down to come up with more goals for the next year
@Luggage yeah it sucks to have to do it for sure, but I only work for money
so if that's the only way I can get it.. I do it
I work for the weekend.
@ssube Raises AT ALL are merit for me lol
@rlemon ...
work but refuse to take the money, it's the moral way
Monday monkey lives for the weekends
@Loktar I know, I'm terrible at life.
They have people working here who I guarantee haven't seen a pay bump in 4+ years
lol @rlemon I can't even think of a response that won't sound out of context bad lol
@SterlingArcher lol, this is amazing
@user1596138 yeah, that's insanely shitty
@ssube Yep. 3 years here and I got a 3% raise with my promotion to Senior
That's all for the foreseeable future
Also, I love having my blood heat itself.
@Loktar grammar >>> life
@MadaraUchiha dude life would be so much easier if we were cold blooded
Do you know how much less food we'd need?
Because I love @Loktar
@SterlingArcher but you'd have to sit under a heat lamp all dy
As soon as he leaves I'm out
@SterlingArcher I like eating though :(
for me it's just easier to be lazy and not look 😒
^ That too
you couldn't ride your motorcycle without a heated suit
I do what I know, and am comfortable
my pay isn't bad either
@ssube uh, so what?
but.. there are definitely things I would like to see improved obv
You ever seen a lizard sun bathing? Fucking content little bastards
Yea I make good money too. Just isn't increasing like I'd hope
And we get 18 days PTO
however working anywhere every place has issues
@Loktar thank goodness its saturday then :P
@SterlingArcher as a Canadian, I'm not okay with not moving for 5 months
you may get great pay and raises, but the work/environment is shit
I'm ok with my balance currently
Plus they're accommodating me moving home to work remotely. That's a massive perk
any brief respite from a struggle of survival looks like 'content little bastards'
And the work is tbh easy. High stress, but easy
@Luggage aye, that is def what I am lol
We have a lot of freedoms here tht I will be hard pressed to find elsewhere
I'm just saying, a large nile crocodile needs to eat once every 6 months.
not to say other places couldn't have it all, they probably could for sure
Think of how much money you'd save eating 2 big ass meals a year
but is the shake up worth it for me right now.. meh, not really
also, brain size affects how much you need to eat.
i walk two and from the fridge a few times a day
@ton.yeung Yeah, I turned down an offer in my hometown this year for the largest music retailer/manufacturer in the nation
@SterlingArcher you've been given some true information, but framed it like it's the norm. a croc can go a year without eating. if it's stored enough fat. most crocs eat on the regular.
We had much better benefits like PTO and freedom to WFH, and pay
not being able to move after that meal is also kind of a problem
crocs and snakes take a while to eat and are sluggish after, combined with having to sit in the sun
that's 9-10 months a year just sitting on a rock
@ton.yeung Not sure those are different questions
s/rock/at your computer/
Ah yeah. They said fuck no
> and for it to be 10 minutes from my house
What do you mean
Ohhhh. Fuck that
@rlemon that's why I said big ass meal :D
Crocs of course will eat anything anytime
No recruiters here.
@SterlingArcher yes, but you're saying it like any croc can just go a year without eating. they cannot. only if it's fattened up.
Where do you live that that was a reasonable expectation? To be within 10min of a tech company
and not all crocs are you from highschool.
I live in the midwest. That's not even feasible
@user1596138 any non-rural area
@Luggage Yeah like me living off the highway in a 1.3million person metro?
my office is 3 miles away
even some rural areas have business parks
I live 7 miles from the office. The other options within range would be maybe 3-4
my office is ~5km away
yea, so we all live < 10 minutes from work
I'm just saying you are seriously limitting yourself by geographic area. Seems asinine
one of the jobs I interviewed for was maybe 5 minutes north of here, would have been nice
that's time. commuting can be hours per day.
but this one is mostly remote, which is nicer
@user1596138 well, if transportation is an issue, I get that.
@Luggage I moved 630 miles for this job tho
if I didn't have a car I would need a job that was close.
i'm about 20min from work :(
traffic or no traffic
no way I'm taking 4 hours of public transit a day
@Luggage the people who go from south PA to NY every day are nuts
I am going to work remote hopefully from now on.
but if you live only 30 miles away, it might not be worth a move.. but you spend that in time every day
or PA down to DC, through all that traffic
Find new remote jobs when this one is over.
so that's 40 min a day i'm just driving
Bro. I love to drive
@KevinB yea I used to do that. so much better now that my office moved
I got my Timeline email today!
18 minutes to work 30 minutes home
now it's like 5 minutes to work, 10 minutes home
i like to drive, too, but driving at rush hour for work eevry day is not really fun
> 156,044 mi (251,129 km) more to the Moon
i mean, i like driving too, but after driving to the same place for 10 years...
2.3 miles away from work here
it's a bit of a chore
rush hour is almost enough to take the fun out of normal driving
@KevinB You haven't built a nice enough system then
the last office we were in was in a different city, so rush hour on the highway was brutal.
Car time is concert time.
Rush hour is the reason I got a motorcycle
Plus I can use HOV lanes
I used to live 45 minutes from work. about 30 miles of busy highway. That's 1.5 hours per day of extra unpaid work
@SterlingArcher Good god. Drive safe bro...
@rlemon my office is maybe 5 miles away, but technically in the other city
WHen I ride I leave the city as fast as possible.. I've never actually commuted on a bike
It's not warm enough to leave the city yet D:
i drive on 3 separate highways to get to work
@ssube I live in a tri-city but two of the 3 are uni/college towns.
and tech towns.
My work commute doesn't go faster than 35MPH though
so the amount of people living in A and working in B is insane
i commuted 30 miles ona bike on nice days when i had one
yeah, that super heavy one-way rush hour
rush hour from Kitchener -> Waterloo and back is nuts.
traffic here is a joke
@rlemon Too bad there's only 1 road
my drive to work is right on the edge of horrible, if the left-exit is backed up I get stuck for ~40 minutes
there are three. the two in-city roads are downtown
I did end up night riding the other day. Dinner went on long, ended up on 495 south stuck next to a semi-truck. Tinted visor did NOT go well
the other road is the expressway
if it's open and I can zip by all the right exits to the tunnel, it's ~10
only time it gets bad is if you're driving past a school in the early morning, but i don't get up that early anymore
the rest would involve you going way out of your way
Working from home is going to be insane for me mainly due to the lack of driving.
work from car
> 3DFX Voodoo 3 1.20 Grathics Card Clean Untested (title of ebay listing)
Like. Why would I ever drive. I am living 10mins walk from downtown now, 5mins from a grocery
this is why we're getting a LRT
wew that card is THIC
person must have a lisp
that's 20 minutes you could be doing something else
@Luggage Haha when Loktar said I was probably driving during work
there is enough traffic that we're widening roads everywhere, and almost done putting in our LRT
rather than walking to/from downtown
I live 225ft from a bar
I live in a chair
how long of a walk is that at 3am while smashed?
I'm enjoying the fact that my city has exploded with money and people, but I'm sad because of all the people 😬 and the money they are using on construction for the past 4 years and the next 4+ years.
all the people what?
just all the people
i just see a box
I don't like living around that many people
@TravisWhite well, cross a 6 lane street (including turn lanes), maybe 30 seconds to the building door, 30 more to the elevator, 1-2 minutes to go up 11 floors, and 10 seconds to my door
which city is your city, rlemon?
ohh, all the people :sad_face:
Being drunk might add 10 seconds of key fumbling to that? :P
@TravisWhite KW
lol you discovered that too
who did this
i have no idea lol
@SterlingArcher yeah after I asked, I realized being your home residence you probably don't have a problem with it, but 225ft walk while drunk at the resort/Vegas can be entirely different
Well tell him to bring back eyes/thighs
i only discovered it a day or two ago

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