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@NadeemGorsi are you ok? should we call the police?
comma twice if you're fine
if you've been kidnapped, tap 42 times
@rlemon comma twice if you agree
that's madness
two semicolons is just one colon, so seems legit
how can I return the [value of item on the next iteration]

in this loop ,
@NadeemGorsi store the current value in "old_value" variable and in the next iteration use the current and the old one
you can not return the item on the next iteration
well, you can
enlighten me
yeah, kinda xD
generator functions
but... that's not a loop
well he said return, so I assume the loop is in a function
btw we're waiting for your loop @NadeemGorsi
or it's the comma
@Neoares You can still use a loop with a generator
if like,
for (item of arr) { ...}
are you one-finger typing?
all fingers
( อก° อœส– อก°)
No, finger prints
@NadeemGorsi a little tongue at least
@KendallFrey no kissing on the lips
lol wtf intellij. Added a new package "handler", but was typing too fast and entered it without "s". So refactored it to "handlers". Now it is checking the whole project for references in code and comments...
how you guys compare values of array if next value is only one greater than previous one or 2 grater...
after that, 3, then 3 masters + some nodes, and so on as you need
@ssube So to start out I'd be okay with 1 master and 2 nodes?
@NadeemGorsi for what purpose?
@NadeemGorsi walk through the array yourself ?
PHP has array_walk for this.
/in before php attack
@BenFortune for testing or for prod/running things? 1 master means you can't update the cluster without shutting it down.
3 masters is the minimum for a quorum if one fails (they run clustered etcd), so you can do HA updates
@ssube It'll be prod but it's only my personal sites for now
oh, for personal stuff, I use 1-3 per cluster
Do you use AWS?
you can save the yaml in git and run it all at once (I use ansible for that), so deploying a new one is easy
I do, but you don't need to. k8s networking works on the cheapest, shittiest dedicated servers
it builds an overlay mesh network and does its own DNS, so you can get a couple $20 boxes from hetzner's auction site or Online and use em
more memory is better, so that's usually cheaper for speed
@BenFortune I want to return missing letters in a string .. returnMissinLetter("abce")
I've converted it to string .. and want to check if the character code of next comming item - current item is 1 or 2 if 2 than I can retrun caracter code of crrent item + 1 ,that will be the missing one...
I was just going to use some servers from scaleway
and because you have a cluster, if one box dies, you don't care :D
so the usual problems with renting dedicated hardware are mitigated
@NadeemGorsi I'm not sure I understand. is your problem with the function or something else
@NadeemGorsi I don't care
@NadeemGorsi also yeah, don't ping random people with your problems. Anybody can read them, and they will help of they are interested
@BenFortune if you're running on remote boxes, kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm is the way to go for setup (and has a doc page on HA)
kops for aws, kubeadm for dedicated, minikube (or kubeadm) for local
@ssube wow that's perfect, xbenjii.co.uk/i/bb77fcb8d5cd
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@NadeemGorsi Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
    function fearNotLetter(str) {
                var arr = str.split("");
                var letter ;
                for (let item of arr) {
                    elementById.innerHTML = item.charCodeAt(0);

                return letter;


@BenFortune what is flexible public IP?
yeah. I think my AWS cluster is 2gb boxes, because they're so expensive
it sounds dynamic to me
So just to reiterate, starting out I'd have one cluster, with one master and two nodes
on OVH I have a pair of "game" servers (i7/32gb) and a "storage" server (e3, 2x2tb hdd) set up in a cluster
Then I can scale up from there
[1,2,4].reduce((arr, item, index, oldArr) => {
	if( !index ) return [item];
    if( index === oldArr.length ) return arr;

	if( oldArr[index+1] - item > 1 ) arr.push(item+1);
	return arr;
// [1,2,3,4]
ohh man, that's sloppy :P
so: if you want HA, you need 3 masters (any number of nodes, down to 0). Otherwise, you can use 1 master, 1+1, or anything up from there.
You can never have 2 masters in the same failure zone, because then a loss results in a partition.
but you can have 3, or 5, etc
Not bothered about HA for now
try one master to start with
add nodes if you need them
go HA when you get bored and think it sounds interesting
I probably will in future, since there are some projects I want to work on
@KendallFrey nice vtol i.redd.it/udllxde9syp01.png
atm my websites are just run using dokku, which works okay but it's not great
I'm not so sure about the L
on a single server
@KendallFrey it's KSP, a crash landing is still a landing :P
HA clusters are nice, Kops can do a rolling update for you, but thanks to kube, that "update" means deleting each server and waiting for it to autoscale back, boot up, and join the cluster.
@ssube Does the master need different reqs to the nodes, or will another 2 core 2gb ram server work?
similar reqs. The master runs etcd, so you might want more than 2gb.
a single 4gb machine is enough for a master + a few dozen light services
you can try the small one, it will probably work
it just might get slow
I don't like slow
@rlemon 7hanks but iWas lookin for simple solution
kube is a few containers (the kubelet, controller, and etcd) that have access to the docker daemon and manages the other containers
so you can limit their memory or tweak them quite a bit, and a master is a node + those extras
@NadeemGorsi the simple solution is to step over the array ๐Ÿ˜› a for(;;) loop might be slightly simpler, but a reduce is fair game there.
and the contents of the for(;;) loop wouldn't change much over the reduce.
Ok 7hanks
y0u2 w31c0m
I love scaleway, so cheap to test things on
hrm, people of the sun seems out of place
maybe I just need to move it up in the playlist
"No suitable licenses associated with account"
Listen here, jetbrains >:(
scaleway is super cheap, I wish there was a similar company nearby
@rlemon missing letters = [head letters..last letters] \\ letters
@rlemon Oooo. Are you Solaire of Astora?
I wish they were remastering demon's souls, not dark souls
Everyone played dark souls, no one played demon's souls
More people need to play demon's souls
huh, spotify premium has wildly different costs depending on the country you're in
Hi everyone how are you all doing.
Next you'll find out different countries use different currencies!
Well I guess we finally overheated
@KendallFrey you made me realise mine was pretty dumb.
function missingLetters(str) {
  const stop = str.split('').pop();
  const ref = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
  return ref.slice(0, ref.findIndex(l => l === stop))
you just need to slice to the last letter :/
Haskell's still crushing :P
probably doesn't even need to be arrays.
@KamilSolecki lol
@Cereal PS3 only while dark souls was available for multiple platforms
= more participants
@KamilSolecki Data protection, reported to the authorities
@KarelG That's what I mean
No one played demon's souls, but it's known as the precursor to the souls series
it's 6โ‚ฌ for a slovak account, and 11.5โ‚ฌ for a british account (which I'm forced to, if I want to pay with my british credit card). That's almost twice as much
also the PC version has DSFix
So if they remastered it on ps4/xbone/pc
You'll allow everyone to play it
I could expect maybe a 1-2โ‚ฌ difference, but almost twice?
ah. I am curious then :P I have heard of that game but never played it
@towc Probably a smaller library available
@BenFortune lmao
@towc imagine that. licensing is different per country :P
well, I want my slovak account :P
and don't have a slovak bank account yet
are you even allowed to have one?
@KamilSolecki I can see your passwords from here :D
I'm also worried it might mess with data somehow, because it will be optimized for british data
@rlemon as soon as I register
@rlemon parental allowance?
@towc pretty sure you need a legal living address to get a CC
that ^
@rlemon if anyone ever asks, the hackerspace is my living address
no, that's a business.
not sure how it works with taxes and all
business class buildings are not legal residences for persons
at least, in my country
@rlemon What if you have a hous eon the second floor
there are different codes and taxes and shit
There's a few stores around here that are stores on the bottom floor, houses on the top
@rlemon lol @ the wheel transformation
@Cereal that's different, and the city has it listed as a residence
census and taxes, and all that other good gov stuff cares a lot
Holly's parents used to rent out their up stairs, they still have it listed as two addresses because it's a pain to re-classify it
So they separate the mail based on name?
there was two mail boxes, they removed the second
but they still have two hydro and gas meters.
ahh I get it. I read interpreted it as the opposite
try one more time
Well no work for me today I guess
@KamilSolecki gpu's fucked?
rip kamil's gpu
@towc look into it before you do anything. and probably calm down on telling people you live there until you do know it's legal.
@KamilSolecki STill playing sot, or get bored of it?
my gut tells me it isn't, like most other countries.
@towc not yet, but I don't want to risk it
I finally managed to deliver some chickens
it was exhilerating
@Cereal still playing :D
because you'll not get in trouble. the people who have their names on the hackerspace lease will.
If nothing else it entertains my girlfriend because I'm running around shouting at my computer about chimkins
so kamil I have decided that install a 2nd battery might be a fire hazard and void my insurance but I'm not sure
@Cereal the boat game?
@rlemon that's reasonable. Plan is to get an apartment in a couple of weeks anyway, but you know how me and plans go
No man's boat
reddit is comparing it to no mans sky
@KamilSolecki That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: holdthumbs
@Cereal llol, okay so it is :P
It's nothing like no man's sky, but I think the parody names are hilarious
once I've completed farcry I was looking to maybe get it
looks like fun
You can get a free 14 day trial of xbox game pass and play it for free for 14 days
I've got 2/3 areas liberated, and about 50% of the side missions done
3rd area is 90% liberated
@rlemon also Devs actually read user input and make changes based on that
@KamilSolecki I thought that was a myth
@KamilSolecki you own it on pc yea?
what backend skills do I have?
@towc twerking
@rlemon yea
@ssube what pod network do I want?
@Cereal and you?
I can node. I know some express. I know some karma/jest...
@towc learn passport
but those are all things that are pretty easy to learn regardless, so wouldn't put them on a CV
and jwt, because it's all the rage
passport is just an authentication framework, right?
again, pretty much copy-pasta
well, nothing is pretty much copy-pasta if you wanna have a chance in hell to debug it when shit fucks up
unless those 10 mins I've read about it weren't enough to give me an idea
didn't you learn anything from the jQuery days?
@rlemon I was in diapers in the jQ days
don't just assume. passport is pretty simple. but the strategies can start to complicate things slightly.
opened a tab with it
Guys I'm facing a small issue. you mind if share my error here
and if shit fucks up or you need custom flow, you'll need to spend some time with it
generally just looking for things to put on my cv :/
I say write a login that uses passport-local and passport-<whatever oAuth you wanna use>
then do some custom logins and shit
I think I'm a fullstack web dev, but I actually don't know much terminology for the backend part
I need to get a job like 4 months ago
then I can pay for apt comfortably, and get some sleep
!!welcome Frank
for some reason I think I can do better than just getting an intern job somewhere
@Frank Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@towc look at passport source code and then don't learn it
@towc today is still the jQuery days
so your still in diapers
@CapricaSix thanks I'll that in mind.
therefore you must be a grown person in diapers
"Error: Cannot find module '../controller/account'" facing this error in my routes file tried to rebuild it but to no gain.
or a baby typing
@Frrank well, that's pretty clear of an error.
you're looking for a file where it is not
@rlemon pc
@Cereal nice.
aight, once I get it we can mp
I'm very bad at this game though. My skills involve dying to sharks and other players
I've never played it. so we should be about the same :P
I'll lead the way
Dang, Far Cry 5 sounds fun. I just started 2
kamil's a tryhard
yes but all the structure of the folder is right every other file is linking right apart from this @rlemon
@TylerH I'm enjoying it
@Frrank well, it's not likely that the error is lying
Hi again.
@Frrank check for typos
    file.js -> looking for ../controller/account
    account.js // I need to exist here
My biggest achievement in this game is sinking a galleon solo
@KamilSolecki I fought off a galleon solo, then ran into an island
I'll probably be done with farcry by the weekend.
Couldn't win, but I killed everyone that boarded
so I might buy the boat game on friday
how big is it? I've only got like 60gb left on that ssd :(
Highly recommend doing the game pass before buying
it's like 80 bucks canadian ._.
@Cereal meh, wouldn't be the first game I bought blind
looks at steam library
Hey can y'all tell me what do you think about this?
I'm glad loktar exists, otherwise I'd feel bad about my steam account
@Cereal add me on steam
We meme review general now
!!clap meme review
also, hot damn man.
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: slap
@rlemon damn true lol the issue was there was a whitespace after the foldername controller @Cereal Thanks guys
@Frrank glad you sorted it, sometimes those take a while to see
@BenFortune weave
@Cereal yea, it's not a 'hard' command yet
I just dump it into her console
so a refresh removes it
calico isn't bad, cilium looks cool, but weave has been able to handle every network I've put it on (including public w/ firewalls)
!!tell Cereal clap I'm so sorry
@Cereal I'm ๐Ÿ‘ so ๐Ÿ‘ sorry

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