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how can i change color of div as long as it is double clicked?
I love seeing PR comments
> Does this actually work?
xD oh boy
@hemant Whic part did you need help with? catching a double click event?? changing a color?
@hemant listen to doubleclick event ?
maybe I'm just being silly. the code works. I just look at it and dislike it
(my original reduce)
you are being silly unless it's in a tight loop and slow :)
I send data to the server every second.
@Luggage say I have a div i double click it and remain in that state without moving .so for that time color should change
and farmers don't have the best data packages
I need to filter out unchanged values
@hemant then catch multiple events. like dblclick and mousemove
@Luggage mousemove no
@Luggage I think its not possible. :D
it probably is
of course it's possible
we put a man on the moon, you can have a box change color when you double click on it
@hemant why do you think it is not possible?
@hemant dbclick event
dblclick is fired as soon as i click the div
it shouldn't
that's the click one
maybe show us what you're trying to do
get the basic color change on double click working and we can help you from there. Or if you have trouble with that, give it an attempt and link us to it
@Luggage think of it like a tap of water as long it is pressed there is water otherwise no.
so that pressing is double click.
got it, but my statement above doesn't change.
He wants double click and hold
and I want to see an attempt :)
a standoff
what you have defined is not really double click
@hemant Set a boolean to true on a double click and to false on a mouse up
change color when state is true
@Cereal hmm
people would get so much faster help (and better) if they opened up with a minimal code example of what they mean. not an abstract description (I'm guilty of it as well).
I think abstract description is sometimes more declarative.
no because then we spend time trying to interpret what you mean by "double click and remain in that state"
remain doubleclicked
u noob
@Neoares in what capacity?
a double click toggle button?
or a click followed by a mousedown without a mouseup
if luggage is wrong with the double click then wait for move, my only understanding could be double click and hold down the mouse for the end
yea, hold down the mouse
why are we trying to decrypt a question
that's what (s)he wants but I still don't know if they can even register an event handler yet
so without an attempt, I don't know where to help
@Neoares Did you just make an electronics joke in the wrong units?
capacity is in mAh I think
it's because of english :(
when in doubt, blame english :P
yeah idk if it was capacitance or what
Damn brits
@Neoares it's in F
oh yes farhads
farad, eh
last time I did electronics was almost 10 years ago
@Neoares did it hurt?
you've been clean for 10 years? i used to snort capacitors
@rlemon I think I got your joke
family guy is about as funny as archer, meaning that it's not funny
I passed with nice scores I think
Bobs Burgers is best Burger
F is for Family
@hilli_micha worksburger.com
that's where I go when I want a burger
chrome is using up all my memory
2gb is a bit excessive for 3 tabs open
@KevinB that's all your memory?
it's half of it
download more RAM
Or just don't use the web
And install NoScript
it was the GPU Process
killed it and shits working now
Hey do you guys think it would be appropriate to wear a Balls Models shirt to work?
depends on the workplace
I don't even know what that is.
use your own judgement
@Luggage it's a zoolander ref
Does someone at your place of employment complain about the patriarchy? If so, then no.
!!sushi or chicken
oh look, serial downvotes
@rlemon chicken
ahh, chicken. sushi of the land
best when eaten raw
ask @towc
it's so good
@towc that has copyright
is your avatar copyrighted?
how can a photo of me be copyrighted
oh, that's you?
you hold the copyright, then
Just ordered a bunch of stuff to work. Here's hoping they reimburse me \o/
@Neoares In the U.S.? If you're not the one who took it. The photographer holds a copyright on it in many times.
@hilli_micha Even if the photo is of you. Against your will.
what is the U.S.?
I'm just a regular spanish inquisitor
@Cereal It gets muddy, but yeah, if you use a photo for 'editorial' purposes. Its straight up yours because you took it.
nobody expects me
Nobody expects the neoares inquisition!
Q: In HTML/ColdFusion, how do I jump to a position in a list?

Ross from BrooklinI have a long customer list created using a CFQUERY. I want to display the letters A through Z above the list as anchors and when one is selected, go to that position on the customer list. I have no idea how to do this. Any suggestions?

Guys this year I'm going to the Mobile World Congress. If someone is going, notice me.
I will bring jamón
@Zirak @Mosho @MadaraUchiha Gal and Moshe might (will) be joining us - everyone but @Zirak knows Moshe (and he knows Gal) so I think that should be fun
le wat
Mosho and Moshe?
anyone know of any json schema libraries that respect regex flags? ajv doesn't seem to
hi, how do i integrate email in ionic mobile application?
is it possible?
lol xDDDDD
this is getting intense
@Jarede does json schema support regex flags?
@Neoares what is, your spam?
both things
@Neoares Moshe is the female form of Mosho
They're in the latest pokemon game
@ssube JSON schema says libraries should validate to ECMA 262
@Jarede have you looked at github.com/epoberezkin/ajv/issues/101 ?
Does this have a dupe?
Q: Hide/Show div not working with ColdFusion and JQuery

Max BoyI have th and td that I would like to hide/show dynamically depending on the "Payment Type" selected by the user. function changeEditDepositSource(obj){ if(obj.value == 3 || obj.value == 5 || obj.value == 6){ console.debug('hide'); $(".tenantClass").hide()...

as the last person on ColdFusion, you are the authority on that
it's not coldfusion related
sorry, I meant "Coldfusion and jQuery"
it's html
you're html
@ssube I did. And i disagree with ajv's solution.
@Luggage he's the standard
@MadaraUchiha just reading through that, I'm not entirely sure what I would expect it to do, but it's definitely not the real behavior
without mods, is there a somewhat simple way of having a deployable docking port that pushes out of an mk2 cargo bay?
@Shmiddty Yup, same, that's what I wrote at the bottom
I don't think there is any movement without mods. besides opening doors
and that's why you don't put a baseball diamond next to a stream
cc @KendallFrey :D
@rlemon ew, it's 68F here
14C here
@rlemon wait what
@rlemon such visibility
!!convert 14C to F
@SterlingArcher 25.2 degF
14C really?
she's wrong
i'm thinking maybe i can do something with multiple docking ports, where it locks in either open or closed
it's ~57F here
you were at -30C a month ago
remember 0C is 32F so there is no way Cap is right
and moves along some kind of track when i deploy an airbreak
isn't winter anymore or what
It snowed 4" on saturday and now it's spring weather
another good bike day!
@Luggage She's right, just in the wrong way
raining cats and dogs here
no jacket, just armor like a mope
!!convert 0C to F
so not a good bike day
-40C and -40F are the same temperature
@Neoares 0 degF
!!afk sushi of the land
@KendallFrey next time you nitpick something I said I'll be "right, but in the wrong way" :)
!!convert -40C to F
@Neoares -72 degF
But technically correct is the best kind of correct :P
convert is broken
isn't it a simple formula?
something like C*5/9 + 32
@Neoares 9/5 but yeah
that's for absolute temperature, but Cap uses relative temperature
I guess she uses something more generic to convert from every scale
like, scale X -> generic -> scale Y (output)
well it's wrong, whatever it is
no, just relative temperatures
@Neoares yeah, the convert code uses a simple multiplication afaict
when converting from C to F, you care about absolute.
since that is almost always weather
@Luggage yeah but she doesn't know that
JavaScript solves the weather
teach her.
I don't care enough
we can make it so adding a + or - makes it relative
0C to F = 32F
+0C to F = +0F
Haha i love Star Trek
I don't like sci-fi, but that looks like the death star from star wars
@SterlingArcher wtf is that abomination
@Luggage wasn't 100% sure
needed confirmation
no its star trek
it's another movie like star wars?
it's the death star from star wars and pink floyd album cover mash-up
yeah it's the one where Obi-Wan Kirk fights Darth Spork
@SterlingArcher oh I think I saw that one
the black guy kills him, right?
@Neoares no that's Spaceballs. You're thinking of Stan Lee.
that's racist
searches for luke/vader porn
he literally disappears
@KendallFrey no that's Lee from Rush Hour. You're thinking of Jackie Chan.
and then Luke becomes a super sayan
Has the new star wars been out long enough that I can bitch about the ending?
imo, yes. bitch about the whole shitty thing
@SterlingArcher No that's some japanese kung fu dude. You're thinking of Jon Tron.
@SterlingArcher I haven't seen it
he's a gnome
@KendallFrey no that's the movie inside a computer. You're thinking of The Matrix
@KendallFrey do you care?
@SterlingArcher what lol
@SterlingArcher a little
ok i'll refrain
Jonathan Aryan Jafari (born March 24, 1990), best known by his internet pseudonym JonTron, is an American comedian, reviewer, and internet personality. He is known for his YouTube web series JonTron, in which he reviews video games, movies, and television shows of varying genres in a retrospective and comedic manner. Jafari is also known as the co-creator and former co-host of the Let's Play webseries Game Grumps, and for co-creating the video game entertainment website NormalBoots. As of November 27, 2017, Jafari has amassed over 3.7 million subscribers and over 511 million views on his YouTube...
I was just going off the end of the word
Tron is a movie
@SterlingArcher No that's the computer inside a movie. You're thinking of Karl Marx.
@Luggage Ever used the BLTouch?
considered buying one or some other sensor
@KendallFrey No that's Mark Wahlberg. You're thinking of the Funky Bunch.
That inductive sensor busted somehow. Only outputs .6V now for some reason.
You just use a plain old endstop?
@SterlingArcher I don't know how to continue after that
Can we star all those in order? @KendallFrey
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have messed with something that wasn't broken.
no, stars are unordered
I may just get a manual sensor and use that to tram the bed instead of auto-leveling for now
just something more accurate than paper
what sort of shit is that
use an array ffs
@SterlingArcher soft and sticky
@KendallFrey not if they have the same amount of stars
in theory
*gets new job, updates linked in*
LinkedIn: we found 10 jobs based on your new update!
Article: people aren't staying in jobs long enough
I give it a 9.75
@Allenph is a new sensor expensive? Also, does bl-touch sensor move out of the way to print?
@Luggage The BLTouch has a little servo that pulls the probe up during printing.
The BLTouch is like $40. The Inductive sensors are like $3.
then i'd just get the replacement for $3 for now.. that doesn't cut into an upgrade budget too much, i'd think
or both
@Luggage Well, I'm not sure what happened, whether it was my wiring or what.
It should have been just fine though. Not sure what happened.
Did you test it with a meter out of circuit?
er.. I forget how they work. that needs power, right?
Yeah, I even removed the voltage dividers on the output and hooked it up to my variable PSU and stayed within ranges.
Output was still low.
I don't know much about inductive sensors but something without moving parts just 'going bad' seems unlikely.
and unheated, too
I need to figure out a good place for a filament box. So I can fee right from it.
Oh that was such a magnificent nap
hm.. i wonder if I can mount the coldend on the other side of the printer. I have room on that side.
Hi, anyone have experience with ElasticSearch?
@vaapad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage Well, I'm almost positive that it was the wiring.
My guess is that there is a low internal resistance, so when I used multiples of 10K for the voltage divider on the output something weird happened.
@Luggage same!
getting these weird lines on my cr10 prints
thinking it's level related
they're kind of pricey but seem so nice
hm. got a pic?
one sec
if you use auto-leveling you can introduce more artifacts, since the printers is trying to up/down in Z* to compensate
at least mesh leveling.
FYI, building marlin takes up all the memory on our controllers and you may need a new one to use a sensor.
this was mesh leveling. some of the other ones mught fit
the amount of room is dependent on which features are enabled
they show up in the light really easily
annoys the hell out of me, I really don't know whats up
since it's a pattern...
Anet boards are usually pretty good about having the needed space for Marlin and it's fancy features, however, I mentioned before they're often a hodgepodge of parts that the chinese factory has laying around. So I'd hardly say it's universal.
ohh, that's across the top surface?
But, at least for mine, it has enough space for the stuff I use.
both bottom and top
pic 1 top, pic 2 bottom, 3 top, 4 bottom
on a cr-10?
my enders are perfectly smooth
I could easily be wrong, but my intuition says that is not level related..
it's been doing this for a few weeks but I have no time to mess with it
since the cr-10 doesn't try to compensate
like it's not horrible but annoying
yeah I just am at a loss of wtf it could be, I guess it's time to post in the group
It look kinda like the pattern I got when my hotend was loose. being smooth in one direction, but not the other
but too regular and i don't see why it would have changed directions on that shape
is that wide area printed all at once from one end to the other?
@KamilSolecki rlemon is afk: sushi of the land
solid meme
@SterlingArcher, take notes
I only care about PewDiePie's meme reviews
If PewDiePie says it's good, then I enjoy.
@Loktar it's a feature.
charge extra for shiplap prints
Kind of looks like @BenjaminGruenbaum
@Luggage they are from one end to the other
@SterlingArcher lmao
Sorry making the FB post now hoping to shed some light on this, it's so annoying.... wonder if it's a flow issue even.
like the gray piece. The direction of infill changes and you get a different consistency to the pattern
I am asking if yours ever 'changed direction' during that large flat area with the issue
oh, yeah this is all in one on direction pretty much
if it were every OTHER line I could see that being the case
but it's like 4 lines in a row
@Loktar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
it's so damned odd.
@KendallFrey in out in out in out
wait wait wait, ok in, out, in, out
now faster
Stop playing with the aux cable
@Loktar lmao
@KamilSolecki Nice meme, but fake news.
What naming convention do you guys use for your primaries in SQL?
@Loktar this man speaks truths
@Allenph ThisIsAFuckingTable_Person
I'll just have a regular table thx
I prefer to be passive aggressive in my SQL
@Allenph but in all seriousness, I think it's usually <table_name>Id. e.g. PersonId, ProductId
@Shmiddty Huh. I guess I'm weird.
People who use NoSQL don't have relationships
@KamilSolecki lies
I've always said not to alias table names and just use id for the column name.

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