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@Mosho I'm 1 EP in with altered carbon
I want more
You'd have to deal with adapting state, don't see how you can avoid that
you have 9 more
@BenjaminGruenbaum try not to mix them in new pages
I don't see what's stopping you from using both the flux state and a mobx store
I suppose it's messy, but it's messy regardless
@MadaraUchiha hmm I guess that wasn't really what you were asking
I'd still write a two way adapter once and then just use the flux "as if" it were mobx and gradually move
yeah you can be that adds some complexity
as far as react concerned it's simple anyway
actions are whatever functions they are, and components are connected to re render when props update
should be easy to replace those functions and however they are connected to state from flux to mobx
Yes, and no. For example there's a delicate part in how shouldComponentUpdate works.
which part
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, so if you need that functionality it should come in as prop/state instead of observable
what is an observable?
do you even dev bro?
no but really, try googling it
it is a pattern
protip: they don't have a soul
I want you to explain it :D
@KarelG I guess from a library, maybe mobx
@Neoares well, we're not your maids
do some research, and come back if there's something you don't understand
@towc yeah sure but bring me a beer
@Neoares if I had a soul, I might
you should be aware of some design patterns
@towc I don't want to research, just wanted to know wtf it is, nothing very technical xD
@Neoares that's where google comes in
well if it's a pattern
the observer and adapter ones are one of the main design patterns that a dev should know
I'll take a look
it looks like something I've work with
but didn't know it was a pattern itself
so the observer looks just like a parent class
lol good one
makes sense
O365 spam detection is really prime shit
maybe cause you're using outlook?
What do you mean?
you meant your email client is not detecting O365 spam?
> thanks
No. This is a fishing mail, impersonating O365 emails, and we're actually using O365, which doesn't detect fishing emails like these
Tfw neoares would fall for it :P
i check the mail address first
The "button" links to tinyurl
or that
I mean noreply.com is s pretty sick domain for phishing
@OliverSalzburg oh lol
those spaces in the number has caught my attention either
I thought it was a legit mail
@KarelG Yeah that too
i have a flat json object with the following attributes

ID | Module | ParentModuleID

how can i convert it to nested json based on relation ?
3 6 5
@KarelG yeah me too xD
@KarelG Maybe that's how they avoid the MS filters ;D
also, who owns the "noreply.com" domain?
i have a flat json object with the following attributes

ID | Module | ParentModuleID

how can i convert it to nested json based on relation ?
@Neoares deaf-mute persons
Please don't spam questions @Bassem
We saw it
ok , sorry
@OliverSalzburg can I ask why you don't use gmail?
I mean, as the email client
Thunderbird rulez
@Neoares You mean the web app?
I use that for other accounts. Although I prefer to use Thunderbird while I'm at a desktop. For "company stuff", we have an Exchange organization and the whole Active Directory shenanigans and Outlook is just the right client for a setup like that
[root@pgweb ticket_status]# ./ticket_status.sh
: No such file or directory

The fuck am I doing wrong
chmod + x?
The whole calendering, meeting, email combination you get with the Exchange/Outlook combo is working pretty well and it works well with our customers' systems. Also, we offer specific meeting-oriented features in FairManager which are used with Exchange/Outlook like 75% of the time. So it's good to use that ourselves
:o nice to know
I used outlook in the past
then moved to gmail web app
I use Gmail lf I need to quickly check my personal emails
@BenFortune ls | grep ticket_status.sh
For work stuff I go with fhunderbird
@BenFortune actually I don't know what's your problem
I've figured it out

Ran dos2unix on it
this is your file content?
ctrl+k warning
1 message moved to Trash can
@David Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
anyone has any idea how one monitor can make everything blurry?
var i = 10;
var array = [];

while (i--)
    array.push(function() {
    	return i + i;

     array[0](), // -2
     array[0](), // -2
]) // ?
who can explain ? why -2 -2
@Neoares One of my biggest issues is always the management of multiple accounts and being able to access employee's resources. Like being able to easily access their calendars and stuff
for example, the left is on my external monitor, and the right is on the laptop itself
Outlook works very well for that
but it is a pain to look at the left one
@OliverSalzburg woaah that's so much CTO stuff
@Wietlol Resolution doesn't match native panel resolution
(it also seems to be smaller, which could be caused by the same thing)
where do i fix that?
@Neoares When I want to read my personal email, I just use cat on my maildir :P
@Wietlol Right click on the desktop
Display settings, then go from there
that one matches the res of the screen
That looks good, yeah
change size is 100%
Check the scaling options while...
If this was a CRT I'd tell you to recalibrate
@OliverSalzburg THAT IS SO NON-cto
lol caps inverted
@KamilSolecki CRT?
The big box screen
With lasers and stuff
@Wietlol From what I can tell, those settings are fine
Classic Racing Team
@BenjaminGruenbaum @MadaraUchiha are you going to the goodness squad today?
@OliverSalzburg will 365 work well during leap years?
@OliverSalzburg hmm... my laptop's scale was set to 125%
and the monitor was 100%
could it mean that, it would basically be 100% and 80%?
if i set the scale to 100% on my laptop, that one is blurry too
might need a restart
did you just wrote up that number
(stupid windoes)
who you call stoopid!! >:(
@KarelG I dunno. I didn't have a year without complaints so far ;P
my laptop scale isn't set to anything.. I think it's broken, because I step on it and smoke comes out
iSmokey ?
maybe uSmokey. iNoSmokey
@Wietlol Ideally, start with 100% at native resolution on all displays
There's probably a post about this on Super User, but I can't find a good one
woot, it is fixed
but now my mouse is 20% slower :(
and my laptop stuff is really small
@Wietlol that's what I call an Intel fix
@Wietlol It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it
@KendallFrey hrmmmmmm
@OliverSalzburg well... text is now smaller, which makes it harder to read
@rlemon lmao wut
India is gonna use a chute to get to the moon! ;)
@rlemon classic India
@Wietlol Can't really help. I've never messed with scaling on Windows. Whenever I got higher resolution, it was with the purpose of getting more screen real estate :\
Although I have seen people complain about scaling on Windows being very shitty
So I wouldn't be surprised if the results are underwhelming
@Mosho Unsure, are you?
@OliverSalzburg well, it worked fine
but it will be shitty if you have monitors with different scalings
hence why the 100% was actually a shitty convertion
but ill just deal with it
@KendallFrey i just realized that the word doping is not totally abstract and comes from the word dope
@Mosho no, I'm teaching today, but I'm going next week to JSIL to speak
@rlemon i like how the image shows chute wiggling in moons atmosphere
It must be the solar winds!
Also I think they misspelled Mun
I am mostly confused by the orbit distance...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Question
Say I have a mobx observable @observable foo = {}
Am I allowed to do foo = {foo: 'bar'}?
Would mobx track it properly?
Also, what about const foo = observable({})
Don't use observable({}) (it'll break in 4, the decorator @observable) is fine
And yes, if it's declared with the decorator version, it'll work if you mutate the object
I can whip up an example if you're stuck on it
In general, I'd stick to the decorator version and classes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nah, was just wondering
I'm pondering whether I should make a compatibility layer, or just say that we'd convert each store we work on to MobX gradually
compatibility layer sounds like a lot of complexity for no real good reason
a facade that does 1 to 1 calls doesn't add a lot of complexity unless you need to switch things around
@Neil It's a facade around 2 or 3 semi-independent moving pieces.
I tried to print 1 to 4.2 billion integers using Java on a laboratory machine and it didn't boot again.
@MadaraUchiha Then it's arguable if it's adding complexity in my humble opinion.
@MadaraUchiha for your compatibility layer I'd implement rx-like .subscribe on both stores
So that they can just listen to each other
Maybe (probably) because I'm a java programmer, but I do think the facade is worth adding
Whenever in doubt, add a messenger pattern
I would want something that would require as little as possible changes to the underlying component (imagine having to refactor the entire calendar or ratings page)
@KamilSolecki like as using fb messenger?
But would still allow us to add a new action/api call directly to the mobx store.
@MadaraUchiha I'd just add the ability to 'side effect' from either store, I'd put one autorun and let it trigger non-mobx actions and one sync in the other direction that updates computeds based on external data.
just focus on a facade built around what you need the interface to do and not the individual underlying api calls
@KarelG lol mediator kind of thing. So things can broadcast to it and others can listen
Moar decoupling
was joking :|
@KarelG We're programmers. ≖_≖ We never joke.
No jokes allowed in room 17 remember
We still need to make Room17 productions a thing
@KamilSolecki hahahahaha good one. Oh wait...
We can make a shitty top down RPG chronicling towc's life
let me know when we get /r/room17roastme
@BenjaminGruenbaum That doesn't sound temporary at all.
That sounds like one of the things that got us into mess to begin with.
I'm looking for something closer to scaffolding, so that I can gradually phase out flux without affecting the react components underneath
(Because that's the complex part, I want to avoid refactoring the page components if at all possible)
@MadaraUchiha what do you mean not temporary?
The whole idea is to have a good migration path with the eventual goal of phasing flux out
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want to preserve the interface
Ideally, the underlying component doesn't know whether the store it has in its hands is mobx or non
Let's say you're building a page with MobX, and you want to use the "sector/duration" filters - you can either use the flux version in your new page, write an adapter with a back/forth
@MadaraUchiha no, that's a myth, the underlying component should likely care.
If it's a dumb component it already shouldn't know. If it's smart in some way it'll want to dispatch.
I wouldn't migrate flux -> mobx in one go with a facade over mobx that does the flux - I'd migrate gradually
Other way is risky
Oh, for sure
@BenjaminGruenbaum Continue your thought though
I'd just use both, and when they need to stitch I'd do it very explicitly, and migrate things as/when you touch them
I just had a management course assigned to me in our company teaching module thing
I'm not in management
just ask for promotion when done
I had like 17 courses assigned to me
Guess I'm not getting anything done today
@Cereal That's why you need the course
You're being groomed to run the entire ship
The site has me corrrectly listed as a developer, so idk what they're doing
You need to step up your game
Wear a tux tomorrow
Wear and tux and start delegating
Yay, I now "understand inclusion"
Now I will learn about "Self awareness"
@Cereal Sounds like you're becoming a manager more everyday then
If I come in here tomorrow using words like "block chain", "superstar", and "sprint", someone kick me
> we discussed blockchain in our sprint meeting, and now I'm a superstar
The shoes?
Superstar developer
A friend from my old job who, when I left the company, was working overtime and busting his butt shared a secret. He figured he had nothing to lose. He started delegating tasks and not doing anything himself. He's been promoted twice since then
I just got invited to the mobile world congress :D
the block chain technology is devasting for energy consumption
Words that do not accurately describe a developer
How can we implement block chain into our software?
@Cereal blockstar
it even almost become a problem in Iceland
It's quite clear that every Dev would prefer super duper rather than super star
and china
also china devs
I prefer my job title to be 'Vape Lord'.
a co-worker just shoved in a commit with a +9860, -684 change for review in gerrit. GG
I don't understand "Rockstar developers". none of this has anything to do with geology
I think I'd like the job title of "Destroyer of worlds"
It has a nice ring to it
@rlemon Unless you're a developer for Grand Theft Auto.
"Characteristics defined as "given" are characteristics such as your race, or your gender"

This course is not with the times
Then you're quite literally a Rockstar Developer
@rlemon Or astrology
This thing is talking about your self identify being "Given", "Chosen" and "Core"
There's 2 examples, and in the woman example, it lists "Mother" as "Chosen"
In the guy's, it lists "Father" as "Given"
I think you might be in a sect
I don't get it
I might need to be sent to reeducation camp
Army of Darkness is 25 years old today
@OliverSalzburg you baited me for a s//
but since you're german, I don't think it'd be funny at all
and I'm a polite person
!!afk coffee time
Arthur: Are all men from the future loud-mouthed braggarts?
Ash: Nope. Just me baby... Just me.
I get to play with my WiFi Pineapple today :)
put it on a pizza
@rlemon had to google it. Never heard of that movie tbf
then you've never lived
Woah, new major release firmware O_O
also, watch the rest of the Evil Dead movies
they're all good
@rlemon I wonder if they would still be good today or if they just "look old" :(
his chin alone makes them worth watching
poll: do you know anyone who uses flow in production?
@OliverSalzburg I watch army of darkness every few years
still holds up
Nice :)
@towc No
It was a B movie when it was made, so the shitty special effects are not out of place
I love B movies, they're fun and they hold up well
@towc nope
@ssube have you seen The Stupids?
it's a great shitty movie
I remember when I first watched The Evil Dead. I nearly shit my pants
I have not, but I know the director's name
@Neoares well, you don't really have a soul
@towc Neoares is afk: coffee time
Ash vs Evil Dead is a show they came out recently
highly recommend
@ssube it's stupid.. like really stupid
the Blade movies are great, the vampire effects are so cheesey
but still very fun
oh Neil just mentioned it
ah well ...
I've seen a few eps.
it's good, but doesn't hit me the same way
The next shapter is "understanding others"
Says something about management when you need a course on self awareness and empathy
Also Dana DeLorenzo is a good reason to watch..
@Cereal It's a negative test. You're only promoted to management if you fail
The show is good too :P
started to rewatch SG Atlantis
SG1 > Atlantis > He who shall not be named.
but Atlantis is still really good
Still sad that torri higginson did not played her role with her blonde hairs
she was blonde when she appeared in SG-1
I've just noticed that IE11 (gasp! horror!) is adding a "class" attribute to the "HTML" tag in my page ... it's different run locally or from the server. What is this witchcraft?
struck me for a moment
@KarelG she is so pretty
and Canadian!
I still prefer Tapping over her tho 😉
she has also a nice appearance in sanctuary
she's in Dark Matter
but she's a suit
and not like in Atlantis
still good, but less appealing
put season 3 on!
Dark matter did not appeal me
Didn't really pull me in either
stopped after ... 5 episodes?
But then, I don't like a lot of TV
the second season is way better than the first
sad it didn't get picked up for a 4th
I liked altered carbon, but that had a gratuitos amount of nudity so I'm not sure how much of that was the plot
I am more a movie-boy
@MattThrower What value does the attribute have?
@Cereal the thing I've noticed is the penis to booby ratio is way off.
lots more naked dudes than girls on that show
I'd give it an even 50/50 split
I think the spanish cop getting naked makes up for it though
fully nude dude, then a girl in her undies, not nude
it's like.. come on. tit for tat
Penises on TV are progressive though
( I've only watched two eps so far, so maybe it's just the beginning )
literally guessed altered carbon was what you were talking about from the last two lines in the room
Oh, spoilers then. Rip
I'm on episode 2 or 3 of that show as well
I'm watching it as well. Now that I've heard of all the penis action!
They're thinking of a season 2 but they can't get joel kinnamon back
So what's the point
Aha! He played the King in A Knight's Tale. That's where I know the Bancroft man in Altered Carbon from
@corvid @Meredith you may like this
er, Prince, w/e
the latest king arthur movie ... it got announced that it is a part of 6 (?) movies
^^-- = bat girl trying to sneak in bataclaws for batman

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