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it's unlikely you'll have to change any code, but can happen in some weird situations
the 2.x releases have improved inference tremendously, though
So, i rename all at once, instead of one at a time as I add types?
either way
one at a time is probably more manageable
nooooo, don't add types
screw types
Angular Q.

I have something like return promise. callback. The callback then ran a new function with .finally(). This was because I didn't care if that truly worked or not, but if it did, it was useful for the next call which pulled some information that finally was modifying. The last function was a basic return function call. All of this was in a route resolve function, however when I try to pull out the values from the controller it would keep giving me null or empty, which is what the finally call was doing (I never returned anything from it, just modified DB). But when I changed the f
Yea.. lean on inference when I can
be explicit for return types
within a function, though, I usually let it infer
the params and return are your public contract and should be specified in detail
But why did .finally not wait/return the contents of the inner returned promise, but .then did?
even with TS configured, vscode is giving me cross-file hints. It knows methods of classes I import.
so, I assume that'll be the same.
i have this: heightMap[x][y] === undefined, however it crashes on that line, throwing an undefined error :( how can I check it for undefined
if heightmap[x][y] === undefined i mean
@Luggage that will continue to work, but specifying the return can come in handy. The best reason is to make sure it doesn't change without you noticing.
[y] might not be @snowy500
if ( heightMap[x] && heightMap[x][y])
just a random example of what to I mean.
or prefill them all with 0 when you initialize the array instead of relying on undefined
do you use awesome-typescript-loader ?
yeah i thought of that, but its big
looping through the array is pretty negligible unless you're talking about 100's of thousands or millions
you could even use something like fill
ok its only 1024x1024 should be ok
@BartekBanachewicz what you 3D printing that part for
I was transcript stalking
yeah np good luck
I feel like city-folk these days; walking across the street before the light says it's ok.
heh I did the exact same thing years ago actually github.com/loktar00/Javascript-Canvas-Terrain-Generator
476 lines of code for a single function... NOT A SINGLE COMMENT
holy hell browsers have improved so much
my terrain shadow generator used to take over a minute for 1024x1024
@Luggage I run tsc and babel before webpack, so no. I was having problems with chaining transpilers and sourcemaps breaking and all kinds of shit, so I broke it down.
@snowy500 Array.from(Array(1024),_=>Array(1024).fill(0))
lol I guess thats good considering I made it around 2009
oh. i plan to use them through webpack, if I can.
@Loktar lol takes like 2sec
with shadow maps too?
it is pretty fast now
it used to take sooo long seriously
are you serious?
~4sec with shadows
@ndugger literally serious
~3 with shadows
how serious are you?
I'm on a POS macbook
From like 2010
I'm about serious level 5 on the serious scale
that's pretty serious
yeah seriously
@Loktar that's like fancy jacket serious
Mobile took about 13sec
With shadows in 1024 lmao
I need to rewrite some of my old projects using es6
lol with the settings at 1024/2/4/19/24, it takes 303.8ms with shadows
My laptop with a 940MX takes 8 secs for 1024 with shadows (chrome, linux).
1024/4/1, it takes 9821.4ms
yeah so still a bit slow for some
1024/2/32 takes 13.4ms
so it's entirely dependent on the UnitSize setting
oh yeah units at 1 is the slowest
it reduces the res the higher you go
shadow maps look fucked on anything other than 1 though
they work pretty well on 2 and sort of make sense on 4
that is a seriously old project though I could probably go through and make some improvements
but for now sticking to grapple hero dangit
I love how it breaks when you put in an odd number
Make an AI that wants shadowed texture maps just as bad as it wants Grapple Hero complete
And see what happens..
Also, 6 breaks for some reason as well
6 for what @ndugger?
> (Power of 2)
6 for unit size
yeah it requires a power of 2 for the dimensions and "unit"
that's why I had a dropdown dude! :p
Holy review queue
15 "No improvement whatsoever" in a row on edits
Why even bother? It's all garbage these days
@Loktar stil waiting for updates...
I have a high score of 50k, I need moar
say you had a large settings page with lots of accordions on it. example .. would you leave it like that or have each Panel be a component for organisation purposes?
@FlorianMargaine wait what?
for what @FlorianMargaine?
ooh grapple hero I can shoot you an email
it's in shitty alpha
but it works fine
anyway to have 2 different css for different elements, they're both same colour atm: pastebin.com/e2hX0VeY
Hey folks
currently they're both red, but I want them different colours
@snowy500 Is .ui-progressbar-value inside either #xpBarID or #healthBarID ?
Everyday something new with meteor wants to make me cry
The same thing that made you cry and then drink it away yesterday.
Well don't, that makes you look weak
Today it's this: the front end minimongo instance returns undefined if you don't use it to set the mongo insert in the first place. Plot twist: inserting using the minimongo is a no go because fuck me. Aka, fuck the minimongo you can fractional insert my foot in your ass right to hell
// @snowy500
#xpBarID .ui-progressbar-value { background: #0080ff; }
#healthBarID .ui-progressbar-value { background: #ff0000; }
I'm so over this framework
meteor is bad and you shouldn't use it
Duh Sterling.
the term "minimongo" just made me shudder
It should
minimongo drops your data without using disk
It's horrible and causes all sorts of permission fuck yous
thanks that works, makes the text i have disappear but ill figure it out :D
jquery ui doesnt have many obvious methods i swear
ew, jquery ui
Couldn't you make a state manager out of jQuery's $.cookie plugin?
suddenly meteor feels less cancerous
@Vap0r There is a lot wrong with that sentence.
@KendallFrey *chow
Everything except the punctuation. Also some of the spelling
@Luggage hahaha I know sometimes a thought tickles me so much I can't keep it in.
@Vap0r i have those feelings too about some of my farts
Ever since my fart betrayed me I haven't let them loose.
And meteor is just an extension of your body Sterling. You must fix yourself in order to fix your code.
A wise philosopher once said "chiggity check yoself before you wreck yoself"
Hello, I am trying to run a simple javascript function and it is saying it is undefined
my script works when it is in the <script> but when I put it external it does not work
you wanna show us the code?
Q: How to ask a specific user, on this site

JackSkiI'm trying to ask a specific user, on this site, a question because I think they are qualified to answer it. I don't see where this is supported though

What code do you want to see
external? html?
Whatever is relevant to the question
You may want to read up on how to ask a question
<script src="script/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
check the network log
make sure the script is loading
@NathanMarotta how much experience do you have debugging and collaberating code?
It is not loading. @rlemon
that's probably the problem
It also depends on where you load the script
hard to be sure tho
send the file contents and $5 to [email protected]
1 message moved to Trash can
@NathanMarotta Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I'll get to it later
anyone want to share a tsconfig.json? I am working on my own, but i'm curious what other options people use
@NathanMarotta check the path
  "compileOnSave": false,
  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": false,
    "baseUrl": "../",
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "module": "umd",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "paths": {
      "~/*": [
    "target": "es6",
    "types": [
"jsx": "preserve", so that babel does it?
@rlemon will watch later, my headphones literally just died :(
yeah, because I use the pragmas, so it's not always React
@SterlingArcher omg yea it needs sound
yea, i was curious about the pragmas, i use some non-react JSX, too
types is explicit for the same reason, need to exclude react sometimes
if you import 'react' it still picks up the defs, but only for that file
so, awesome-typescript-loader with useBabel: true is working, so far. just gotta tweak some things
also, i have'nt played with source maps, which i should
i want to go vape but it's so fucking cold out
Oh crap I didn't eat lunch either
ive completely ruined today
user image
shit, I think I might get this printed.
10/10 would hang that on my mantle
if i had a mantle
I don't get it
etsy.com/shop/TravisSimpsonArt omg @SterlingArcher
Yeah but $135 :(
worth every penny
art is expensive
that's what makes it classy
I don't see the meeseeks one
probably sold
how do I insert code here?
@ssube also when it isn't just splatters on a canvas it probably takes a bit of .. you know .. time
I imagine that took more than an hour to make
like this
$135/hr is reasonable
!!tell erotavlas welcome
@erotavlas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
that's definitely a few hours, yeah
should be in the rules
Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
If I have the following

var aFunction = function(){};

var myVariable = aFunction;

var bFunction = function(){};

aFunction = bFunction;

What happens to myVariable?  Is it pointing to the bFunction now?
Are you eriatava?
!!afk dying
That should answer your question.
@SterlingArcher how do I enable confetti mode?
start dating that guy
!!afk ciggy
@Vap0r thanks, sorry was dumb of me to not try it in something like codepen first
hm, "jsx": "preserve" and "jsx": "react" both still complain about JSX..
@Luggage Complain how? And where have you set the option?
what typedefs and pragmas do you have?
What kind of goat have you tried sacrificing for our lord and savior, Cthulhu?
<div className="" /> it's saying: [ts] cannot find name div
@Luggage First of all: You still have to import React from 'react'; at the top of every file where you want to use JSX
I do.
Have you npm installed @types/react?
So install @types/react for the same version of React you have.
TypeScript comes preinstalled with type definitions for DOM, JS, ES6 and ES7, but not React.
that didn't help. so, i can see it's pre-babel output and it doesn't make sense.

<Modal  keyboard animation={false} className={app.dialog ? app.dialog.viewModelInstance.size : null}>

Gives this error when passed to babel:
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (623:49)

  621 |             app.rootPageContainer = ref;
  622 |         };
> 623 |         _this.keyboard = animation = { "false":  };
      |                                                  ^
  624 |         _this.className = { app: .dialog ? app.dialog.viewModelInstance.size : null } >
wait, what's the source for that line?
That's babel's error.
the source it the JSX at the top of my message
oh, weird
keyboard animation={false}
that looks like a JSX parser difference
that's the same as keyboard={true} animation={false}
it's a JSX shortcut
@Luggage What happens when you do that, by the way?
will try
Also, how does your build look like? Are you using gulp? webpack? etc?
webpack -> awesome-typescript-loader (with useBabel: true)
@Luggage Can post your webpack config?
@MadaraUchiha noooo! Don't help him with his webpack config
// that now transpiles to:
this.keyboard = { true: };
this.animation = { false: };
yea, will post webpack, babel and tsconfigs
you got yurself a TS/JSX bug, mebbe :D
compilerOptions.types is where I list 'react' for the @types/react I installed?
only if you specify types already
I don't think I do.
if you don't provide types, any package under node_modules/@types/* is included
ohh, ok.
I specify because I have @types/react installed and only want some files to pick it up
ohh. shit.
i think it needs .tsx extension and won't work on .ts
that's dumb. I just stopped using a mix of .js and .jsx
name everything tsx
@Luggage Ah, yeah. You need to do that.
i guess i will, but it's still dumb.
it is dumb, extensions shouldn't be significant
I tend to agree.
But let's say I can live with that.
That said, I do keep TS and TSX files, so I know which have templates
The reason it's like that is legacy btw
You used to cast like this:
const foo = <string>someFnThatReturnsAny();
ok, that was my problem. Sorry for not following the first instruction on the JSX page in the typescript docs.
So to not break all existing code when they introduced JSX support, they both changed the cast to const foo = someFnThatReturnsAny() as string; and introduced .tsx where the legacy <string> cast does not work.
as was around before JSX, iirc
because <> casts have always conflicted with generics
same way foo[] array syntax breaks the parse sometimes
they should make a ts-like haskell thing
haskell notation for types could actually a lot better in JS than the way TS does it
only my opinion
I'll be pantsed for this
Can anyone here confirm that the "Signing" tab in Visual Studio is pretty much useless for signing assemblies?
Everything seems to point to a simple post-build with signtool
Which, contrary to the Signing tab, works
well, you probably don't want to sign until after you've tested and merged each build (potentially)
doing it later and only for select builds usually makes sense
@ssube There's an option to pick a key and a checkbox that says "Sign assembly". That is what I want to do :D
unless, of course, you're talking about a build that produces packages that have to be signed to install (like a deb or rpm from a repo)
So far, it has produced nothing but error, for all of which I found numerous posts on the internet
After all of them were solved, the build completes and the assemblies are not signed
Which raises the question: What are these options meant for?
Maybe they are only signed if you use that weird ClickOnce deployment
like most of the options in any arbitrary Microsoft product, they are meant for: not you
when you have a button for every corner case, it's inevitable
The weirdest part about the post-build approach though, people usually suggest signtool sign /p <the password to your private key> ...
I dunno. Seems like a shitty approach to have in your project files
ideally, your project file would reference an env variable
or include a second file with credentials that is stored encrypted
I like that
or something like that, pulling from a secured source
Or it can be a step outside of MSBuild / Visual studio entirely.
This is a really tiny tool and I'm already overcomplicating it as it is
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nice!
ohh, Implement Promise.coroutine #7
@Luggage implementing coroutines with async functions is really cute.
I have a talk where I just do coroutines with generators, but it's not as cute.
I thought it was all generators underneath.
So my brother made contact with a company and they seem very interested in my skillset :D
@Luggage No, async functions aren't implemented the same as Generators IIRC.
Same API, different implementation.
He's sending them potential contracts right now, and a meetup for us
Although Benji might completely butcher my assessment here.
I mean, if you have generators, you can make async/await style functions just using yield and little code
@copy conwaylife.com/wiki/… you choose not to be listed here? or just haven't got around to adding yourself?
@Luggage Yes, that's true.
Around 8 lines
Which is how I interpreted that request in bluebird-api
@Luggage Right, but now we have async functions
Then aren't Bluebird.coroutines redundant if you have that?
@Luggage Yes, but we're going for API parity.
So we're looking for something like
Bluebird.coroutine = (generator) => async (...args) => {
  // fun!
bluebird croutons are dank
gotcha. I was thinking you meant give it async fn() instead of a generator. yea. right.
yea.. that's even easier.. basically just a for...of, i think
@Luggage Try to implement it, it's a good exercise.
will do
@rlemon I didn't know that page existed, I'll add myself
Contribution welcome to the bb thing :) I'm heading off now after 3 straight hours.
Why does the frontman remind me of Lil Dicky? cc @rlemon
@MadaraUchiha jsfiddle.net/luggage66/t5pw1e8m with a console.log left for demo purposes
@ssube Kinda as you suggested, the "Signing" tab simply does not do what I expected it to do :P It provides Strong Name Signing, which is a functionality of Windows managed code. What I was looking for, was the more generic assembly signing process. ...which is provided by SignTool.
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/f5rztkrh/1 does this make me a horrible person?
And environment variables it is!
@SterlingArcher curls?
That kinda, but mostly his voice and mannerism
It's very Dickyish
hey whoever unpinned my comment about rectums ty
function RadioButton(props) {
	const uid = `radiobutton_${Math.random().toString(16).substr(2)}`;
	return <div className="lradio">
		<input type="radio" name={props.name} id={uid} />
		<label htmlFor={uid} className="btn btn-default">{props.text}</label>
@Loktar LMAO
mostly wondering if I should feel bad about my 'uid' variable
I need to marry up the labels to the inputs, but the inputs are dynamic

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