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... how
wait till you have like .5 units of rcs left, get back on the ship to refuel
is EVA fuel essentially unlimited then?
hell... TIL then
doesn't cost your ship any, but you can only carry 5 units on yourself.
gotcha try that
hm, I've got somebody stuck in space close enough that might help
I am seeing numbers like 1788 m/s for the velocity of a Falcon 9 when the first stage separates. compare this to 7,800 m/s orbital velocity at LEO
so make sure you don't run out while pushing your ship or you're fucked
wow node gives you errors at runtime for things like SyntaxError: Identifier 'assert' has already been declared
i like it
!!afk lunch
@rlemon just looked it up and I guess the reason you can't just slow down in space is because that's more costly than just dealing with heat from air breaking
you mean slow down for re-entry? yea. carrying fuel to do that for the entire mission is a huge cost.
@Luggage yeah that's what I meant.
And the fuel you use to do it, has to still be in your tanks when you go to slow down. this rules out the most efficient fuels (liquid H2 and O2) right away.
since they'd leak out and/or explode by then
for me the hardest part of a new ksp career is getting that first mun landing/return trip
@lix Nah...so the script must be fine if it's working for you, what can be the problem then...
Due to limited parts?
after that you have enough science to multiply your science several times over
Go to Mun first. Less delta V, easier landing
once you can get a station into orbit, the difficulty drops so much
er.. not Mun.. The other one
Right now all i have is the tiny docking ports
oh yeah minmus
Is some able to explain why each button prints "10"? jsfiddle.net/Lmzk13sx
Yea. Minmus. It makes an easier first mission (even though the contracts drive you to Mun first.
@ErroreFatale closure
i lose out on some $$ doing that i think
You can still get that money, you just get it in another order.
@ssube what?
button.textContent = k does not capture k right away, it waits until you call the function
I think.
by then, k has reached the end of the for loop and has a large value
so any calls will use that value
i mean, i could make up for it by doing a few tourist missions anyway
JS works much like a pass-by-reference language, so that reference is to the variable k, not it's value
i.e., whatever k is when the code finally ends up running will be used
!!urban be panted
@towc No definition found for be panted
what.. the buttons are 0-9 for me
whatever it is it doesn't sound good
and button.textContent = k is syncronous..
is it like a wedgie for canadians?
the buttons work, the alert is broken
ssube I used to think that in javascript when you create a function the variable are "frozen" to the moment when the function was created...
took me a second too
@ErroreFatale the variables are, but only with regard to what names are in scope, it doesn't cover values
//one way
button.onclick = onClick.bind(null, k);
function onClick(k, event) {
@ssube is it not call-by-sharing ?
  // the other way
  let j = k;
  function onClick()
@KarelG JS is "call by fuckit"
@SterlingArcher Wait what lmao I always have shirts on in the winter :O
@ssube jk is right.
But yea Imma be running around looking nude in the Challenger next month lol
If you provide data to a function, it shares the ref to the function. And inside the function, it then examines the arguments. Then call it
Dude no fuck that. Imma be wrapped head to toe in leather on my bike!
I want a velvet suit
Leather is so 90s
@towc lol it's when someone pulls your pants down
@KarelG the thing that fucks people up is that the parameter is not a "reference" in the technical sense (derived from C++'s Foo & foo).
I wear a brown leather jacket :/
@SterlingArcher But it's not for style lol...
Ima get my boots this year
specifically, function (foo) { foo = 9; } will not change foo for the caller, so foo is not a reference
just randomly they will walk up to you and pull down on your pants
Leather MX boots lol @SterlingArcher
JS is essentially pass-by-smart-pointer except for primitives, which are pass-by-immutable-smart-copy-on-write-pointer
// change
for(var k=0; k < 10; k++)
// to
for(let k=0; k < 10; k++)
that solves it, too. the right way, really.
@ssube that's why i call it "shares by ref". If a new assignment is used, a new object is then provided
wtf is with the kkk
what happened to i guys.
oh, gotago
@KarelG yeah, I don't know if there's a real term for it
I'm so close to being given a green light for writing an electron app for our project. If all is well, I'll be so pumped!
There's a guy in my office cussing under his breathe and all I can think of is school shooter memes and I'm scaring myself
@ssube are numbers not primitives?
@SterlingArcher go buy him a snickers right now
The internet has literally ruined me
i come back to chat to see hawins talking about running around nude, and loktar questioning the morality of the kkk? the hell guys
@ErroreFatale they are, but you're not passing a parameter, you're using closure :)
I know no one cares but I linked the wrong boots! amazon.com/Forma-Adventure-Off-Road-Motorcycle-Boots/dp/…
lmao, the city sent a truck out to trim all the trees in the alley except ours
Lmao. My leather obsession
apparently everybody else ignored the letter saying we have to
I went out and bought a sky saw :D
@Jhawins you going to participate in a riot?
@ssube @ErroreFatale chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/36130502#36130502 is the simple solution. let. Work in IE11+ without any funny business. older browsers with babel/etc
lol looks like riot gear
@Loktar No they're for MX. I have to be super careful with my ankle lol
ahh, just reminds me of boots I'd unlock in Call of Duty or something
Haha right exactly
You've seen my giant armor right @Loktar?
@Loktar my winter boots often show up in riots :p
no lol
I wore it to work Neil made fun of me
@ssube haha nice
@Loktar my god his descriptions... 1. On point. 2. On point. 3. Nobody talks to him. He has glasses.. the pocket of pens.. 4. If he walks into a conversation I leave asap.
Look like a juggernaut
@SterlingArcher LOL yeah man
My timberlands are better than your boots
I just love the part "Thanks for the candy"
Idk I dress to take a fall whenever I ride. Always overkill
they're also just dope boots, I swear by Bates for most things
because I replaced the laces with red boot laces
I swear to god if he goes postal I'm gonna be so upset
so now they're pretty
@Luggage thanks. But you can not simply clone the value so that it is more coupled with the reference?
*it is no more
those are my boots
well.. almost mine have diff tread on the bottom (almost none)
i.imgur.com/EMp72Fp.jpg this is my jacket lol
LOL you could do some serious larping or something
lol I hate that style of boots but so many people like them
@Loktar My brother tried to full on slug the shoulder pads for some reason and it like ripped open his knuckle
I have gauntlet gloves like that too but I usually don't wear those
My older brother has leather assless chaps lmfao
And he actually wears them lmao
most chaps are assless
I hope he wears pants underneath
yeah that's the key
it's like the point of them
Still correct, right?
What are you correcting :P
@Loktar Haha there's a nasty photo out there somewhere...
Red Wing beats out all boots, because they're made in Minnesota
not correcting anything, people just note the asslessness to make them seem more dramatic, but literally all chaps are dramatic and unnecessary :p
@ndugger hah are they?
I didn't realize I guess
Yeah, in Red Wing, Minnesota
@ndugger that's a fantastic argument against them...
@ssube Minnesota is great, you filthy immigrant
also, why would MN make cowboy-style boots? Those things are a deathtrap here in the winter
you will fall on your ass as surely as if you were wearing vans (I have tested this)
@Loktar you forgot "again"
@FlorianMargaine lol nah, I'm just doing my part to make it great(er)
by buying American made boots.
I just wear these for my dailys lol amazon.com/Wolverine-Mens-Traditional-Steel-Toe-Brown/dp/… But that's definitely not good enough to take a real fall offroad
I have 3 pairs lmao 2 with no soles in the garage and a pair on my feet..
I need new dailys, getting sick of mine.
I mean they are great but I just want a change to switch into
Me too
I guess summers coming where I'll wear flipflops ect
@rlemon lol
@Loktar run around smacking people with them
woah Australian "trailer trash"?
yep, shameless ripoff of TPB
but still entertaining
for a little bit
lol yea
"where me kids at?!"
slapping people with "thongs" is a big part of the show
heh sounds like Jersey Shore, but different thongs ofc.
well, not always different thongs
housos covers pretty much everything you could imagine
But does it cash me ousside
@ssube I'm a bit confused... if a variable is declared inside a loop, it shouldn't be destroyed and recreated in each iteration? Which means the in each iteration the variable should be a new variable, different to the one of the last iteration...
@ErroreFatale if the variable was declared inside the loop and scoped to that block (the loop), then yes, you would be right.
Initializer isn't inside the loop.
Also. I have no idea what's going on
However, var is not inside the loop nor is it scoped to the block.
you've run into the best case for why let was added to the language
new js devs have it so easy
> whats var?
are you saying that the variable k don'es belong to the for loop, but to the function which contains the for loop
if you use 'var', yes.
var is function-scoped
if you use 'let', then it 'belongs' to the loop
Ok... I think that in othger languages a loop cerates a new scope (java, c, c#=.. right?
It does in js as well
A block scope
var is very old and only belongs to function scopes
let is newer, has good (but not perfect) support, and solves your problem
Ok, thanks for the explanation.
@rlemon so don't you agree with ssube and Luggage?
Nothing I said disagrees with them
@ErroreFatale are you using anything like babel? Also, what browsers do you support?
@rlemon maybe I am confused with terminology...
@Luggage no, I write javascript in VS
Block scope and function scope are different
@ErroreFatale don't, use vscode it's better
using VS as your editor has nothing to do what using babel, but.. I'll take that as a 'no' :)
Do you need to support anything older than IE11?
@BenjaminGruenbaum wtf you like vscode too
Raynos and KrisKowal
@Loktar soz
do people have some sort of mind link here?
I just randomly started using it last week, @Luggage is liking it as well
Me and @MadaraUchiha work together, so there's that
Me and @Luggage discussed it several times.
ah I didn't realize @MadaraUchiha used it as well
It's great, especially if you do TypeScript.
I have used it on and off. I am using it today and have been for a few days at least.
now I remember why I like this room so much :p
Currently has the best TS support.
I am considering a move to TS.
@Luggage yeah I want to try it honestly
@Luggage It's really nice. It's JavaScript, only sane.
@Luggage it wouldn't be bad the compatibility with older versions...
Also, I have a little c# in my project, so.. VSCode just seems natural
I talk shit about it, I should at least have proper "shit to talk"
Yea, I know all about TS. You don't need to sell me.
@Luggage So just start using it in your projects.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so wait this is Raynos?
2.1 and 2.2 really improved things, 2.3 is going to make it even better.
the HN link
@ErroreFatale I ask, because 'let' was added in IE11.
@Loktar no, but he works there
Took us like 2 hours of totally integrating TS with our webpack build, ironing all kinks included.
the whole 2.x series <3
ahh didn't realize
the only problems I've run into are old libraries and setting up code coverage
2.3 gonna support async iteration \o/
otherwise, it's ahead of JS for the most part
@ssube code coverage? As in, with tests?
@MadaraUchiha yeah, you guys have that working?
Also, I've yet to find a library without a typedef with DefinitelyTyped
@ssube We sadly don't have tests in our frontend . I blame @BenjaminGruenbaum
you're still using DefinitelyTyped?
or are you using the @types packages?
@ssube When you npm i --save-dev @types/whatever you're using DefinitelyTyped
@Luggage ok. Is there not a simplest solution, as for example cloning? I don't know how to clone string in JS
yeah, we just used to have to use it directly, I thought that was what you meant
You're thinking of typings which is legacy.
nah, it used to be convention to submodule DT
it was bad :)
@MadaraUchiha one of us.
@ErroreFatale var string = someOtherString
There, cloned.
We don't either I need to do that at some point :/
@ErroreFatale look by my .bind example above
next project....
I need to figure out a way to mock blessed in my tests, it keeps breaking the screen
@MadaraUchiha wait, what? You can write FE tests if you'd like no one is stopping you :P
screws up output, which gitlab interprets as weird shit
I'd feel as if I betrayed babel is I used TS.
@Luggage I use both
Same went for @Mosho when he had ownership
        $(NODE_BIN)/tsc --project ./tsconfig.json --outDir $(TARGET_PATH)/tsc
        $(NODE_BIN)/babel $(TARGET_PATH)/tsc --out-dir $(TARGET_PATH)/babel
What the shit meteor
@ssube Nice. I saw that online, but I figured the bulb itself is investment enough for the day and I wasn't sure I'd like the whole concept anyway
Why both?
@ssube make?
That's metal.
tsc does types, generators, and a few other things
babel targets old es* and has helpers for some stuff
FYI: Starting a new project with TypeScript means you don't need Babel
@MadaraUchiha gulp kept screwing me over, especially when it came to coverage
ohh, i see. i assumed TS did that part.
@Luggage It does
@Luggage they do 95% of the same things
there's only a few things you need/want one or the other for
If you have JS + TS in the same project, you compile TS to ES6, and let Babel take over from there
modules are a big one, they handle those rather differently
babel does some remapping of the import paths that TS won't do
We have a webpack + TS + babel + HMR build in our latest project, and it's a pleasure working with it.
so ~ is the root of my project, esp
once I got it set up, it's been smooth as a baby's butter
and TS will give you hints on all your .js files, too?
TS is just a really fancy linter before Babel
it can load and transpile your JS files, but I don't know about hints, it might just assume :any for all types in them
actually vscode is already giving my hints about the current file, and it looks like TS (:Any)
I love vscode's JS intellisense
yeah that is super nice
vscode's TS intellisense is 10 times better :)
Luggage this works too. jsfiddle.net/Lmzk13sx/1
although anything that will show me the jsdoc when I have a token selected is pretty ok imo
that's all I really care about
@ErroreFatale Don't define functions in loops
heh thats our first interview question
weeds out SO MANY people.
No, it doesn't work withot let. Yours work
what's the question?
@BenFortune why not?
the question has been asked and answered
basically that fiddle with a var @ndugger
one sec
Oh, no, I see the problem already
you're alerting var k, but k is changing, so it won't alert the right value
We've already fed Error Fatale multiple working solutions.
Then kick him for being a dingus vamp
Something something closures, something something block scopes.
git checkout -b ts
mv *.js *.ts
keep compiling until it's clean
well, was gonna read up on if I should do that..
was that a serious suggestion?
I should learn mv's wildcard syntax
I think you need find | sed | xargs
@Luggage mostly serious, yeah. TS is a superset, with types being the major addition. Most of your errors will come from untyped returns and mismatching types (where it can infer them).
What I used to rename all my .jsx files to .js a while back:
find src -type f -name "*.jsx" | sed "s/\.jsx$//" | xargs -I% mv -iv %.jsx %.js
You can take an existing codebase, compile, add types where it inferred the wrong thing, constrain and widen types, etc, and just keep compiling.

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