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never used it
it's react
yeah xD
that's why I removed my comment
despite here is some people that think react + jquery is a thing
@KamilSolecki what's wrong with the datepicker component?
datepicker != calendar
At least in my book :P
oh... well, yeah
what book?
the thing is
would you rather, as a user:
have a date range with one selectable field that opens a date-range calendar
or 2 displays that allow you to put in dates separately, and if you input them in the incorrect order (end date < start date) for it to swap it around for you
2 fields, but if I fill in the start date it will automatically open up the datepicker for the end date
good idea.
it should probably mark your startdate in the second picker as well
and so if user clicks on end date if start isn't input, then what? Like a reverse of the first thing? that would be the most logical to me
that it would behave the same, but in reverse order
and then I'd also require cancel to clear them both I guess?
I'd probably be pragmatic about it and disable the end date if no start date is set
and disable dates before the selected start date in the end date dialog
you'll still have to validate them on the server side, of course, but I think it's better to guide the user to the result he wants this way
@KendallFrey @FlorianMargaine @Loktar it's the best day of days
just keeping it simple. I think automatically switching dates will get confusing
So guys
I have bootstrap .scss file and my own files and bootstrap's JS files. How do I pack them into .min.scc and .min.js?
Webpack? Gulp?
Something that support a "watch" option as well, would be great
both can do that
What's the recommended tool nowadays?
a lot of projects, in fact, even use both
I like my webpack with dev-server and hot reload
for backend I usually use gulp for watch tasks
I stumbled upon a Medium article on how to setup Bootstrap with Webpack.
Holy cow the complexity
is it really?
124 lines of webpack configuration file
Sounds lightweight
For compiling and minifying scss and js?
mine is 120 lines as of now
with cool prod/dev options with flags
yeah I stole some parts of it from the webs
@Shoe It's all relative :P
> loader: 'css-loader', // translates CSS into CommonJS modules
Out build configs are all 3-4 lines. But we wrote the entire magic behind those lines :D
Oh dear
1 hour has gone by and I have nothing setup yet
It's all so confusing
Web programming used to be so simple
// css
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
          fallback: 'style-loader',
          use: [
              loader: 'css-loader',
              query: {
                modules: true,
                sourceMap: !isProduction,
                importLoaders: 1,
                localIdentName: '[local]__[hash:base64:5]'
              loader: 'postcss-loader',
              options: {
                ident: 'postcss',
^ css loading
@Shoe It actually still is. People just like to overcomplicate it
Because that's what you have to do to keep it simple
the definition of simple is quite interesting in the world of coding
tell a C#-er that he has to set up his own linters, and he will look at you like a mad man
tell a JSer to press buttons to install packages and he will do the same
A JS dev will tell you how he follows DRY and KISS to the max, but switch up his entire stack every 3 months
> npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of [email protected] - 3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
Someone make a framework that lets you hotswap different stacks easily
omg don't I was joking whyyyyy
inb4 "that actually looks awesome"
Do I have to import .scss and .js files into my main .js with webpack?
My god give me strength
To overcome this impossible task of setting up a SCSS and JS minifier on bootstrap 4
In 2017
When NPM which is supposedly a "package manager" doesn't solve peer dependencies because... no idea.
And this is the documentation for webpack on bootstrap 4
4 dumb sections that describe nothing
And are as ambiguous as it can possibly be
> Expected ;
syntax error
but why
var x = {a: 1, b: 2} is valid syntax
there are no syntax errors in that particular snippet
You seem to be starting a block instead of an object literal.
@Shoe test is a regex not a string
so make it test: /\.(scss)$/,
Still syntax error
that won't help.
he's doing something like:
  test: /\.(scss)$/,
  use: [{
    loader: 'style-loader', // inject CSS to page
  }, {
    loader: 'css-loader', // translates CSS into CommonJS modules
  }, {
    loader: 'postcss-loader', // Run post css actions
    options: {
      plugins: function () { // post css plugins, can be exported to postcss.config.js
        return [
  }, {
    loader: 'sass-loader' // compiles SASS to CSS
  plugins: [
var x;

  test: "potato",
  use: "lol"

This is the file
The whole file.
wait, no
that is not supposed to be the whole file
What do you mean?
module? loaders?
half is like missing
Took the snippets it says I should use and stitched them together
see those ... dots?
I do, no idea what those mean
I think that tutorial assumes you know webpack and know where the config/loaders go
they mean * the rest goes there *
what ben said
@Shoe first start with setting up a super basic webpack config
Ok, then I guess I'll spend the remaining 2 hours I've got to study webpack in order to just minify a couple of files
so you understand what is going on
copypaste is pointless if you dont understand the insides of it
Webpack is pretty complicated, might be better off with gulp
I don't really care about the interior. I know SCSS and JS. I assumed that compiling and minifying both shouldn't really require me to read up on the syntax and semantic on how to write down 124 lines of configuration files
welcome to webdev
And spend 4 fucking hours trying to get this stuff working.
@Shoe you assumed wrong
It's just compiling stuff. How hard do you have to make it?
4 hours is below average if you never done it before I think
4 hours is not much. When I first took on webpack it took me a few days to understand it fairly
combined with the fact that at that time I knew nothing about modern web dev
I mean, C++ is a pretty complicated language, with many nuances and quirks and flags and options. And the hello world of compiling it is 100 times simpler than this.
You don't need to use any of these.
apples and oranges
It's compiling A to B
using webpack is far from "hello world"
Apples and apples
and it's not a compiler
webpack is a bundler, its far from compiling anything
if you want a compiler for SASS, you can just install that
comes with an executable
to compile your sass files
Yes, I've been using that. But apparently now I need also a JS compiler.
> JS compiler
@Shoe sure
you mean an ES6 / node V8 / something transpiler
compiler and transpiler are the same thing
Whatever Bootstrap 4 needs.
Is that literally just for bootstrap? Can't you just download the minified versions?
I need to customize and use SCSS stuff
I'm pretty sure bootstrap doesn't need any of those.
Otherwise I would have gone the CDN route
tbf you can also just use bootstrap css
Customizing Bootstrap overriding CSS is painful, trust me
Edit the files you need, npm run dist done.
I think I'll just go study botany
Fuck JS programming
And the ecosystem
that's the spirit
I'll grow trees
BS trees
Why can't bootstrap give me like the default hello world webpack configuration file
Instead of those snippets with ... in it
because that would be just stupid
There has to be like a default configuration file for those who don't care about webpack
@KamilSolecki Why
5 mins ago, by Ben Fortune
@BenFortune Oh wait, maybe I can adapt that one
webpack lets you use whatever you want to use, in different scenarios. There is no universal thingy to use everywhere
Why is there a robots.txt in the bootstrap distribution
Oh my dear god
Why am I downloading a website when downloading bootstrap
@rlemon you start work normally around 8, right? Is it that far from your place that you have to wake up so early?
How hard can it be to package all and only the necessary files
> nuget/
What does .NET have to do with anything
@Shoe kill the frustration with some soothation! get druunk
@KamilSolecki wake up at 6:10 -> wake holly up -> turn on all the plant and fish lights, feed the cats, make coffee and tea while holly showers -> do my bathroom stuff -> get everything else ready for work. 7:25am leave for work
composer??? isn't that a PHP thing?
are you serious
What the hell is all this crap
I just want bootstrap for god's sake
you're a shoe, you should know what one size fits all means
@rlemon oh man, one part of me is happy to not have that many things to do in the morning.
yes, for bootstrap dev team means fit everything we'll ever need in one folder so that we don't have to provide more than 1 download link
because our bootstrap layout would get messy with more than 1 link
tell 'em boi
simplicity is important
fuck you bootstrap
no, because your average front end fev doesn't know what a branch is
or that
so put everything in one place
And apparently I'm allergic to bootstrap
I've been sneezing for like 2 hours
made by Yahoo
WAY better 😉
yea bulma ain't bad
I recently learned that ear plugs are made of a magnificent material
I bought two as a stress toy
You must have very small hands
I play with them using my fingers
!!afk 10 minutes, need to walk in circles to think
ohhhhh my
I might just make some abominations. take 3-4 well known characters and swap body parts
like picards head on Ricks body with terminators legs
Do you have to do anything special to write a java library if it's going to be used on android? You'd just do your thing, and the person using it would handle user permissions and whatnot, right
if it's plain java, no, you don't have to do anything special
unless it uses libraries
It's going to be using the android bluetooth lib
That dude's body is too sad for me to find him funny
He lost a lot of weight recently
If it is who i think it is then he was x2 the size
@KamilSolecki He is... him. Who else would he be?
@KendallFrey not him
If anyone ever tells me that mobx is not cool I'll choke them harder than Krieger chokes Carol
mobx is not cool
I see you are feeling exceptionally kinky ;)
Helo, happy Friday~
does postgres install on Ubuntu generally go ok?
should, yeah. I did that yesterday no problems
ok following another guide here, think I needed to update apt
i want to know whether ws can be used on react native. thanks for help
@BrianJ fresh ubuntu install?
or there is a special version of ws works for react native?
@rlemon kinda fresh like 2 months
what guide are you following for postgres?
following this guide to install on 16.0.4
and trying to run a posttgresdb on this repo
and what is the problem you've run into in the install?
the install has run fine, but when I run psql -f puppies.sql it tells me the file doesn't exist although in the dir
Basically these commands so far
brian@brian-X551MA:~/Documents/Projects/node-swagger-api$ psql -f puppies.sql
psql: FATAL:  role "brian" does not exist
brian@brian-X551MA:~/Documents/Projects/node-swagger-api$ sudo su - postgres[sudo] password for brian:
postgres@brian-X551MA:~$ psql -f puppies.sql
puppies.sql: No such file or directory
$ psql myDb < file.sql
same thing
postgres@brian-X551MA:~$ psql myDb < puppies.sql
-su: puppies.sql: No such file or directory
I've sudo into the postgres user to run these commands

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