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put it on jsfiddle
you brute
It's like 8 lines you lazyperson
@rlemon what was this photo taken with?
@Vap0r a Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
@rlemon uh... Will the games work with my nintendo switch?
only if it's a wii switch
@KendallFrey the thought of having to figure out refresh rates in JS hz
I searched it and got this:
Also Royal Air Force
but spelled correctly.
Oh cool that makes sense now thanks @rlemon
Why is he so buff?
moving all that earth
@Vap0r it's a suit
Oh I wasn't sure if he was like a normal earthworm with a super suit like batman and his buff worm physique was because of his suit, or an actual hero with an ability like superman and his muscles are real
he's a worm. doesn't have arms
anyone know any good, weird death metal?
in the game you could use your own worm body as a lasso
@NathanJones weird?
weird how
just has to be good and weird
gotcha. What if he had worms in his arms and legs and he communicated telepathically with his worm-pendages?
@NathanJones all death metal is weird, they wear face paint and scream about satan
@ssube that's racist
ish... I think
@Vap0r what if he was actually a gerbil.
@ssube that's black metal
against... satan?
you can what if all day long
@NathanJones in black metal, they use black face paint. In death metal, they use blood.
@rlemon that would make no sense though it's called "earthworm"
personally I don't see the difference once it's dry :P
@rlemon like, demilich weird
that is pretty weird
it's like two songs being played at the same time
@Vap0r what if it wasn't tho
@rlemon did you hear the vocalist yet?
@rlemon good point
@NathanJones yes
@NathanJones I'm listening for the vocalist but this guy belching in the background isn't helping
@Vap0r lol
@rlemon nice drumming on that one
I can name a few bands that sound similar, but they're not the right kind of metal
and some start to venture into noise
I try to find new metal, then just end up listening to the same 6 bands I've been listening too since jr.high
@rlemon that's why i look for the weird stuff
@ssube they don't have to be demilich clones, if that's what you mean by "right kind of metal"
well, I'm rethinking parts of that as I listen to more of the song. Most of the stuff that immediately came to mind is black metal that gets pretty noisy, it's nowhere near as melodic as the middle of the song gets.
Word is out, I'm getting so much guilt trips from my co workers xD
stand in the middle of the room, look around and yell "All I want to know is, who's coming with me... huh? who's coming with me?"
if you signed a no poaching clause, maybe don't do that
@rlemon solid fucking reference lol
I did sign a no poaching lol
if you signed papers, don't do the jerry maguire, do the half baked.
This chicken wild rice soup tastes like cookie dough... wtf?
Actually I'm trying to help Trasiva score an interview with SNC
hey, so, you wanna like be my girlfriend?
We have 2 UI positions open now that my boss is gone on friday too
@SterlingArcher will they allow me to work for half the pay, but only 8 hours a week from home?
I threw the soup away
but when I say half the pay, I mean like 50K USD a year
@ndugger no soup for you :(
it tasted bad
@rlemon 50k for 8 hours a week? lol
next(false, soup);
Medieval Times has a delicious tomato bisque.
tomato soup and grilled cheese is my jam
Actually that's $120USD/hour so that's respectable
@SterlingArcher too low? you're right, I'll ask for 60K
@ndugger I take chick, pee, and smash. I call it hummus
@ndugger Bruh, its tomato soup and grilled cheese, jam is literally an entirely separate food group
!!giphy no soup for you
damn timeout
@Loktar liked an anti-vaxxer post on facebook... I think we need to have a talk
Vaxxing has terrible, untested effects on our children! I was vaxxed as a kid, now I'm incredibly ugly. Thanks Obama
@ndugger all he's trying to say is how do you really know what are in the calcium supplements?
How do I know what's in koolaid? What's your point?
I was vaxxed as a kid and I started development as a PHP and jQuery programmer
You poor child
@Vap0r You should file a class action lawsuit. PHP is the worst side effect of vaccines.
PHP < jQuery?
there are millions of PHP developers in countries that don't vaccinate well
php == jquery
I thought I was vaccinated as a child, turns out they were just pumping me full of maple syrup
jquery == love
I was vaccinated as a child, then 21 years later I wrote ColdFusion and BAM. Cancerous AIDS.
@rlemon germs require a human environment to live, so that makes sense
therefore: jquery == php == love
@ssube source?
@ssube they wanted a maple lemon tart, but got a maple lemon turd.
I unironically play Super Godzilla on the SNES and make my wife watch.
I'd prefer a KO than a submission
!!giphy when life gives you lemons
"Watch the fucking Dinosaur honey."
@Vap0r I do not have any scientifically reputable sources that explain how replacing your blood with maple syrup prevents you from becoming sick.
nice sparkle gif, bro
!!giphy guy fieri
You just have to read between the tweets
spiritual af
@SterlingArcher You just have to read beteen the tweets (source)
@SterlingArcher but then what would you do with the lemons and salt?
if we're going there
@ssube fair enough
found the regex noob
@rlemon fascinating
in the future we'll all be saved thanks to maple syrup and honey
Not if all the bees are dead
dude. come on I love bees dont go there
@rlemon are you telling me ssube is always right even when he's joking?
no, he's lucky
have you seen his GF
dudes lucky af.
They'll just move onto cees
Oct 6 at 17:29, by ndugger
> mY nAmE iS sEaN aNd I kNoW eVeRyThInG
yeah, I'm way more lucky than smart
@rlemon can't say I have, @ssube can I see your girlfriend?
... romantically?
@ndugger quality
mY nAmE iS nIcK aNd I mAkE mEmEs
^^ steals*
prove it
wow you suck
you fucked up the text
imma call my boy Criminal Minds and we're going to trace your IP to imgur/9gag and all the other terrible sites you stole those memes from.
*we're going to use a visual basic...
you can't just trace IPs without a GUI
create a GUI in visual basic to track the killer's IP address
hey ssube, hope on this keyboard with me
> hope
we need to fight the hackers
@ndugger we need to fight the crackers (source)
ok racist bot
das racist
@rlemon @ndugger we need to fight the crappers (source) (source)
@ndugger is your name keith?
his name is frank
From that one anime.
I thought it was nick but I was checking his meme-folio and reverse searching them and I got led to a titanfall account with something close to his avatar here and that account was Jordan_047 So I'm just confused
his avatar isn't unique
but that could be a shared account
but for real, his name is frank
Did you ping myspace.com for his password so you can log onto his Windows machine with all the Windows logos censored?
hot damn, why are sinks so expensive? !
@hilli_micha ha! censorship??? I'm an 1337 h4x0rz my windows are all clear
Nah you're using TV-show friendly version of Windows.
Marcohard Doors OS.
who is marco, and why is he hard?
he just saw a door. Marco loves his hard wood
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's some sweet 2012 memery right there. Who wants to be scared of Y2k again?
@hilli_micha you're like @ndugger digging up 5 year old memes
one day even the dankest memes will dry out and you'll all be digging up 5yo schwag
I'm way better than @ndugger in every way. Obviously superior.
@rlemon looks like a whole bunch of horseplay
@Vap0r neigh
@rlemon good point
!!afk I'm leaving America for Florida
If both Florida and Texas wanted to secede, but only one could, which should you choose?
Eh, if you're being serious it's Texas due to it's complete independence energy-wise
in the moral dilemma sense
oh... Well I suppose that depends on the dilemma
if tx was gone it would make the u.s. be shaped funny, so FL, the noodle
Florida seems like Quebec, it would leave given the opportunity, but no one else wants them.
@rlemon that's definitely texas
and also mostly florida
Florida would never leave given the opportunity
that's why it's a dilemma
Texas might
canada is america's hat
you have hats bigger than yourself?
Although Florida could do it all sneaky like and just slowly sneak into the carribean and become it's own island
@ssube only in Texas :D
How about this, we get rid of Texas, and put Florida in its' place
I was thinking of a cephalopod hat, but if it's bigger than you and that shape, it's really just a sleeping bag.
@Vap0r why would you do that to mexico?
@rlemon so they don't have to travel all the way across the Gulf to ship their drugs.
Plus then all the cubans in the south of florida would be close to Mexico and it would cause issues
the truckers already using that route will be pissed at you
They'll probably be too busy being amazed that we moved a fucking state
@Vap0r I can't wait till Trump realises just how many drugs enter the USA from Canada.
we seem so innocent up here.
it's a lot, but not the right ones
ohh is it ever a lot
@rlemon lol if you think this whole thing has anything to do with drugs or safety I've got a bridge to sell...
more than I had expected at least.
@Vap0r the narrative would never mislead me tho. unheard of
bc nugs, pharmas, syrup
How the hell do I scan and organize papers?
Do shops do this for me???
haha. I've heard cartels will run some stuff up north to CA and then bring into US
ffs.. I need like 3 of these
no uh
yes uh
@rlemon yes eh (source)
Cuz it's a nice sink
@Cereal I just want deep stainless 'farm style' sinks
For real. looks like a solid piece of 18 gauge stainless steel stamped into shape
It's a big ass chunk of stainless and some design work
it's no where near $250 of stainless :P
they're too heavy to be cheap
but yeah
I was expecting like $120
im glad the glass bowl above cabinet sinks are fading away
have you looked at industrial/laundry sinks instead of fancy ones? :P
also what are they for?
I have
bar sinks
hm. I'd expect a big stainless bar double to be fairly cheap
so would I
$150-200 here too :\
the ones I've seen are not. closest I've seen is if I buy a metal double wide settub
but even that is like $200
and I would have to fight it to look nice
I want a double wide, or just two for the middle/back of the bar, then a smaller one at the end of the bar
Although many won't believe this... but one of my last jobs just before retiring back in '92 was at Bristol Steel just off the M5... use to run a heavy tonne press in the fabrication unit...
we made press outs for lab and shop sinks and other things
nvm, I won't feed.
Well, if Bob won't feed, I won't either.
@BadgerCat I'll give you $100 to delete all @towc's vue projects off his computer.
@copy I'll give you $50 to do it
$100 for rmdir /tmp/code/vue?
Mostly to record his reaction when he realizes she actually did it.
$25 to pee in his Basil plant
$20 to put a pink highlighter in his washer.
I have a strong feeling towc doesn't actually have any vue projects
just tutorial1/
$5 to put a bouillon cube in his shower head.
@Cereal that's why I said rmdir, I suspect the same
ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32.exe, why
I prefer my CPU unmelted
@rlemon Why do I smell like depression and being poor?
@Trasiva ... and then he showers?
Fucking Lemon.
who flagged a back in story?
someone who doesn't like him. but even I can't validate that one.
it isn't offensive, could be considered spam with context. but that's a stretch
Is someone just like auto-firing off flags on 007?
just the one
I am in the c room
no you're not
I'm in space
technically correct
the codger room?
played portal 2 again last week, had to follow up by porting the old skyrim portal 2 mod to skyrim se
we played the portal board game
cake acquisition game
this mod just gave you the yellow personality core as an item in game that talks
naming things question again
the primary identifier for the account for users is their email, for devices it's just an arbitrary string.
making the column 'username' seems misleading
id, short for identifier
so.. identity.. but idk. looks weird.
how about "email"
@KevinB there is already an internal _id
or "account"
dunno. identifier seems to be the only thing that adequately describes it
"account id"
we've used username for that usecase in the past, but i didn't like it back then either.
it's such a .. pointless? thing to worry over
I just don't like misleading names
hi my name is 7:kL9008!3#65GHiK&
Still going with email
Or do you mean devices don't have emails
@rlemon so you have a field that has no inherent meaning other than being an id?
devices don't have emails
they have a string they provide to identify themselves.
why not just call it account id?
both have a displayName
@ssube I could.
I'm adverse to id because there is already an _id
id on its own, maybe not
account_id or account_token or something tho
account_id sounds a lot better than identity
I forgot how much paperwork is involved in a new job. My hand is cramping up
I like account_token, but I also think storing an email address and some other identifier in the same field is weird
two columns
Hello guys, i have a problem with vue2
@KevinB complicates logging in
usernames CAN be emails, but can be anything.
There's a vue2!?
const Cart = new Vue({
	el: '#cart',
	template: `
		<div class="cart">
			<div class="cart-head">
	            (<strong>{{productCount}}</strong>) productos por <strong>{{total}} €</strong>
	        <ul class="cart-sub">
	            <li v-for="(item,index) in items">
	                <a href="#">{{item.name}} {{item.price}} €</a>
	                <span class="remove-cart"><a href="#" v-on:click="delToCart(item, index)"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></a></span>
only slightly. passport is picky
template and data doesnt update
@Luggage but then I have username / displayname
There's a vue2!?
which I guess is okay. but is there something better?
I don't think mine would compile €
@SterlingArcher ??
I hate naming things
username is typical for "an id your log in with that may or may not be your real name or email address"
I have a gig as a namer
one of my names finally hit
the new linksys
anybody ever received a task without a description?
@rlemon is this only for login
yea, loginId or login_id also make sense to me
yea, I mean I'll farm the ones that are emails for marketing.
@PeterWard i mean.... depends on what you call a task
but besides login, they are meaningless
@PeterWard I have, for the past 7 years
it's fun and frustrating
I get plenty of requests with inadequate explanations, like Change word A to word B on the site. which site? which page? where? why?
const Cart = new Vue({
	el: '#cart',
	template: `
		<div class="cart">
			<div class="cart-head">
	            (<strong>{{productCount}}</strong>) productos por <strong>{{total}} €</strong>
	        <ul class="cart-sub">
	            <li v-for="(item,index) in items">
	                <a href="#">{{item.name}} {{item.price}} €</a>
	                <span class="remove-cart"><a href="#" v-on:click="delToCart(item, index)"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></a></span>
Is carrito an italian carrot
apparantly its a trolley
aka a cart
or a leetle car
I still have no clue how to type a HOC in TypeScript...
what is a HOC?
A Higher Order Component. Basically it's not anything special other than a programming pattern that react uses a lot

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