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@Tobiq that's a joke.
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's a healthy PHP dev market
it's smoke and mirrors
nobody knows why, as it's clearly a horrible, horrible language
php is easy to learn
nice job, @microsoft
@GNi33 easy to access + lots of frameworks / environments
no, it's horrible, I tell you
there were not much decent alternatives back then
ofc it's horrible
@rlemon balls connecting
disclaimer ... I actually like PHP
although it's somewhat better since the update to 7
@Tobiq yes, that is what metaballs effect is
hating on php is like hating on justin beiber
exactly, both are justified
@rlemon you didnt know how to do?
@Tobiq in other ways, it's a neat article about reproducing it with svg
@rlemon NEAT
neural evolution of augmented topologies
that stuffs cool
have you see marI/O
can someone explain what is meant in a generator when there is a line line const x = yield 'I swear I am not a help vampire'
What's being assigned to x?
@KarelG meed money
ofc it isn't the internal, but I find a good way to visualize 'what is happening' is to just read a compiled-to-es5 output.
hm, I tried that, but that leads to the same question of what is _context.sent
google for the ES proposal/idea for generators github.com/allenwb/ESideas/blob/master/…
not sure how useful this is for you
I'm putting off testing right now
> I am sorry you were are not able to find this information and that's because we don't disclose it.
Nice :D
Regarding EC2 network throughput
@corvid yield is two way. I know. It blew my mind, too.
values can come back from a yield.
what do you mean by "two-way"? And not sure if that is sarcastic
Not sarcastic.
TIL the 404 page at github is interactive
The code that is iterating over the generator can both wait for a new value and return a value when it does. so you aren't just yielding a value to that loop, you are also getting a value back, if they send one
I thought the point of that is that the yielded expression is evaluated on-access
I get the very naïve usage of generators, something like:
function *range(start = 0, stop = 10) {
  let current = start;
  while (current < stop) {
    yield current;
    current += 1;
I am trying to get into the more advanced level of using it more like a co-routine
Yea, so the consumer of that will get 0, 1, 2, 3, etc, but on every yield it can also send a value back through thw wormhole.
function* logGenerator() {
  console.log(1, yield);
  console.log(2, yield);
  console.log(3, yield);

var gen = logGenerator();

// the first call of next executes from the start of the function
// until the first yield statement
gen.next();             // 0
gen.next('pretzel');    // 1 pretzel
gen.next('california'); // 2 california
gen.next('mayonnaise'); // 3 mayonnaise
This is what enables this thing I use generators for: github.com/luggage66/sprache-js
!!afk ☕️
what happens if you call .next after your mayonaise call ?
@rlemon good day
@KarelG yet another unanswearable question
gen.next('mayonnaise'); // 3 mayonnaise
gen.next('ketchup'); // outcome ?
I guess we'll never know
impossible to tell
not like we have a console or anything
not really
but yeah
mdn it
really ... nothing happens
it's a void call
@KarelG not really. It returns this for me: {value: undefined, done: true}
please let "orbital maple syrup delivery" be a thing
@KendallFrey The shoot it from orbit right into your mouth
The reentry heating is not kind to it.
They call that the "money shot"
not a cum shot Oliver?
You have a dirty mind!
does anyone have nintendo wii switch?
guys! I found the only owner of the ninendo wii switch!
you won't believe what the government is hiding from you!
towc u have 1?
hallo my freunde
@Tobiq He yoused to have one
me? Something entertaining? Hell no
I found the only haskell programmer
i wanteed to be a wii switch
but i dont have enough
ever since I was a child
one day son, one day
do people buy nintendo sega 64 because when they were a child they could never get it
nah, they just die without knowing what it felt like
@towc thats depressing. because they will never know what its like to play as CHILD
@rlemon that's how coroutines with yield work
@BenjaminGruenbaum rlemon is afk: ☕️
you know what else is depressing? Communism
You just call next in the then of the returned promise
@towc hahaha russia
@towc communism isn't depressing, humanity is
did I say russia?
russia made communism
Does anyone produce learning or course videos on youtube etc..
@BenjaminGruenbaum you in particular
@Tobiq it was the germans
@towc no during the cold war russia fighting america bacause of communism
@Mathematics i have a lets play series
@Mathematics google talks has a lot of videos. egghead.io is more 'course' related
1) that's not why 2) that's not what you were saying
but google talks on youtube is a good start
ffs @KamilSolecki
does he mean ted talks?
get your ass over here
@towc i was saying russia createed communism during the cold war and was trying to spread it. ameirca fought back with capitalism
they didn't create communism
maybe they badly implemented an instance of it
but they didn't create it
oooh youre saying soviet union
yes they changed their name but they still created and spread it
and communism is still not the main reason for the cold war, you can argue
@Tobiq read up on marx and engels
i remember learning in history the cold war was commusim and capitalist
I'd say... NATO was the main reason for the cold war
Forget about Redux! Use Marx!
it really was the germans
the germans ware busy fighting in world war 2
and their currency had 0 value
Communism was already in play before the Cold War... After WW2, USSR started annexing adjacent states for protection against future invasions, the U.S. saw this as 'the spread of communism' and alas, it started.
fine, read up on communism as a concept
Germans and communism
@hilli_micha thats what i was saying
look at the mad Russians... they moved their country borders closer and closer to those over 1.000 US military bases which were spread over the globe
clearly... Russia is the aggressive side!
bloody russians
drinking vodka ofc would make a person aggressive
capitalists were monocled nerds
They also look very shady
avoid flag bait
at least they drink
was changing it, sorry
vodka was made in russia right
above message was me editing the message you moved, and it created a new message apparently
the factory workers squat while working
I believe Vodka was made in Poland for the first time. lol
But it did become a namesake of the entire Soviet bloc, including Cyka Blyat Russia.
The French also make some good Vodka.
isnt cyka mean "bitch"
I guess there's no way to find out, tobiq
@Tobiq how did you recorded them
we don't live in a world where we can search this kind of things in a database
or plug it into an algorithm
so we'll live in mistery
I would like to record some video series but never done this before @rlemon
obviously... Russia moved closer and closer in...
@Mathematics fraps
@Mathematics so you need a screen recorder and/or a camera
wake up people :P
@Mathematics look at any game streaming software
@Mathematics fraps/camtasia/bandicam/OBS/others
it'll work
UNREGISTERED HYPERCAM 2 is the best immo
no because it leave watermark
u use fraps
Fuck me, that's the joke dude.
action recorder is also good
mirrilis action
17 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
Thank you for explaining the joke @Tobiq, now it's funnier for everyone.
@hilli_micha Lol def not going to use that :L
@Mathematics yes make ur video look unproffesional
@Tobiq u?
and u will lose subscribers
@jAndy is senegal or gambia a nato member ?
hi there a js question. local i don't have this error - on the server (heroku) I got this error:
Uncaught TypeError: jsqrscanner.onScriptDownloaded is not a function
maybe it has something to do with grunt? but how can I find the error and solve it?
@Mathematics what video editing software are you using
if you want to see the error live: crowdselfie.com (open the console)
@Suisse why do you use random old man as avatar
@Tobiq I am yet to try any, this will be my first time :)
That's not a random old man, how dare you
@Suisse That's because jsqrscanner.onScriptDownloaded is not a function
@Mathematics if you want to start you can try using windows movie maker
it is easy to use
That's hide the pain harold
@Tobiq don't hurt my heart
@OliverSalzburg why is jsqrscanner.onScriptDownloaded a function local - was the question
@Suisse is that actually you?
looks like stock imagew
@Tobiq you really don't know me?
@KarelG Idk, all I know is that Senegal is one of the most "pro us" countries in Africa
@Suisse no, is that avatar?
@Tobiq you must be new here, welcome ^^
no its me
i been javascript 4 years
you are javascript
but never in this chatroom?
no in room many years
haha he is javascript himself
grammar hitler
im afraid this room will go quiet some day
@OliverSalzburg how could I "debug" this error? because on local I don't have this error- first when I push to heroku the error appears - so it must have something to do with grunt or someething?
@Suisse u can ssh in
@Abhi why??
i cannot find an african country on the list ...
> heroku bash
Senegal–United States relations are bilateral relations between Senegal and the United States. Senegal is one of the most pro-American nations in the world, with 69% of its people viewing the U.S. favorably, increasing to 81% in 2013, going down somewhat to 74% in 2014. According to the 2012 U.S. Global Leadership Report, 79% of the Senegalese approve of U.S. leadership, with 20% disapproving. == History == Senegal enjoys an excellent relationship with the United States, with the latter providing considerable economic and technical assistance. The Government of Senegal is known and respected for...
@Suisse heroku run bash
need herku installed on desktop
@Tobiq thx, but should I see on heroku, when I am on it?
please rephrase.
maybe kamil's been kidnapped
it's been almost 2 hours
@Suisse u fixed?
dont you have his phone number towc
he got lost :P
or he went away with your plants
i kidnapped him
oh you're not interesting enough for him to let you to kidnap him
yes, was a struggle
tobiq, do I dare ask who's the girl in your avatar?
I don't
so not asking
please don't answer
its a boy
why u rude to me
who are the letter in your avatar?
no, that's definitely a girl
unless she's trans or something
in which case she's still a girl
because long hair means girl?
even if a biological male
Oh boy was that a controversial statement. Let's see how this pans out
@Tobiq shape of head, clothes
do you think if born man then you die man
I know this feel.
@Tobiq when did I say anything to suggest that?
@towc u can tell sex by shape of head?
what supoer powers u have
@Tobiq it's a pretty common skill
the power to spell.
@rlemon what is the background? (what did the person have done to get that reaction)
fallout 4
i love the shape of your body
@KarelG make a decision to piss everyone off
@towc But not with a photo taken by a potato
@KendallFrey right
hey Kendall
which decision?
I like turtles
the wrong one, clearly.
you know what I'm asking for but you couldn't resist to play with my feet right ? :P
I could never get into fallout
@KarelG Its like in TF2 when u keep saying "HAHA FUKIN NOOB SOLDIER REKTTT" and then everyone votes to kick me
Probably because a strong wind always kills me
I honestly don't know which decisions make them all dislike it
there are more than one
@Tobiq rightfully so, I'd say
it could be that you don't like the content of fallout
That's probably it. I think it's just too hard for me
I like TES games because of the modding abilities
or I'm too impatient to learn how to not die
@GNi33 stopped playing tat racist game
same for fallout, but the atmosphere is just less enjoyable for me
@Suisse There is nothing to debug. You're calling something that isn't there. If you want it to work, bring the thing you're calling
fallout was fun, I might do another play through one day
@Cereal if you're on PC , you can use immortal mode via console if you're lazy to die :P
(or god mode to have a better "protection" )
just the first 3-4 hours are boring imo
@Suisse re install JSQRcode make sure same version and make sure real not irrational
I'll have to give FO4 another shot
get the power armour, get the town, free some settlements.
then the game starts
@KarelG But that's no fun :(
still think 3 was better
never played NV
still, lost many hours in character generation ... gg
I seem to remember getting power armor, but it's on a road somewhere because it ran out of battery
@GNi33 it's not funny to shot at games
isnt fall out 4 like 3 years old
no more
anyways, modded FO4
Curses, I forgot I could only play games released in ${currentYear}
@Cereal theres a distribution
he's just counting till esrb says he's old enough to play
@Tobiq I guess it is. I don't mind though
@OliverSalzburg @Tobiq yeah, the problem is on local the file is there; when I push to heroku the grunt "production" script is fired and it maybe doesnt include the file which has that function... so the way to solve this problem is, to understand the grunt.js file
thx guys
lol @rlemon I just saw the notification about your heart and commitment for the game... dude!
I fucking hate how the browsers treat window.open
@jAndy :P
so many people talking
if it's done directly in click handler, it's fine. But when it's called after an ajax call, it doesn't open that because it's a popup
open the window on click, write to the new window on ajax complete
@Suisse I agree :)
var age = Date.now() - game.release, year = 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 365;
if (age > year && age < 10 * year) env.run("cmd","rm system32");
> env.run("cmd","rm system32")
Running rm in cmd

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