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oh right XD
shoot yourself
Dor it is.
I should probably censor the phone number from it first :D
@rlemon ever have a pet with dementia (rimworld)?
@Luggage rlemon is afk: ☕️ ➡️ meeting
I should go cook coffee and waffles. This remote thing is weird.
Entire office got laid off yesterday
You don't "cook" coffee. you are doing it wrong.
ouch :/
@ndugger ?
@ndugger whaaaaa
@ndugger wtf?
@towc Be proud of your jQuery and PHP heritage.
cc @BenjaminGruenbaum
As I am proud of my VBA heritage.
wear it like a mark of pride, so everyone knows you started at the bottom
@MadaraUchiha working on test262, ttyl
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right, anything I can do to help from afar?
I'm working on test 1. Have been for a few years.
@Luggage it doesn't work? Have you tried running the tests?
@ndugger that includes you, i assume?
//TODO test.
well, time to get a better job, then.
with blackjack. and hookers.
Time to get a job, period.
How did that happen..?
you'll do fine. you got the skills to pay the bills
@DenysSéguret interesting. what does that bring that jquery 3 (that supopsedly drops old browser support) doesn't?
I may need to explain myself, I dislike the core concepts of jQuery because i consider them a passed station since the introduction of es6.
satisfaction to @DenysSéguret
I'm sorry about your job :( @ndugger
Good enough. :)
Did they go bankrupt or something?
@DenysSéguret Typo: "There's only a limited support for :visible. You can only use it when it's the whole selector of filter (as is recommanded for jQuery)."
@Luggage absolutely nothing
@SvenvandeScheur oh, the API itself is atrocious and makes no sense.
but if you have code that already uses it, a skeleton implementation is nice
@Cerbrus PR?
Are there some vanilla javascript experts here?
I was wondering if I can append html strings to the dom like in jquery in some way:
$('body').append('<div foo="bar"><lot more></lot></div>')
I got nutella
@SvenvandeScheur don't worry, we all agree that it's far less useful than it once was
eeeh, I gotta have a look at how that works in github xD
I kow that I can set innerHTML, but the you have to create the node with document.createElement('div')
@Kasper you could, but there are better ways
take a look at Handlebars if you want to use text
@Kasper document.body.innerHTML = '<div foo="bar"><lot more></lot></div>';
but that's a bad idea
it will build up the elements for you and make sure things are safe
I don't like a library which main goal seems to "rewrite" (1) an entire language into a state-full (2) object that tries to solve all problems (3) and encourages bad design patterns (4) and makes it more difficult to write modular code(5).
$(body).append('<div foo="bar"><lot more></lot></div>')
without quotes
@Luggage It was partly an experiment. And it made me respect more jQuery, as I noticed how hard and complex it is for example to properly manage mouseenter and mouseout in event delegation in non trivial cases
@Redplane no
But really, the gain vs jquery is too light to consider it for a real project
and yea.. event delegation is one thing jquery is still semi-useful for
in complex cases, yes
though.. react does that for me, so..
@ndugger no what ? :D
@Kasper instead of using bad JS or jQuery, you probably would want a dom-builder
so how does jquery it, does it do document.createElement behind the scenes?
No, that's terribly wrong
@Kasper jQ does it wrong
There are tons of NPM libraries that will do a better job than jQuery. Do 1 thing, do it well... Don't use a library that is "semi-usefull" for many things...
@DenysSéguret: PR'd
In fact it's easy to use jacquerie (or similar) in a new project, harder to switch when you start with a very complex UI
I think you guys hate jQuery , don't ya ?
we don't hate it
some of us used it
it's just not relevant anymore
@SvenvandeScheur you don't need to drive me away from jquery. I am no advocate.
we've all used it, most of us have used it heavily for years
why to use it ?
it's just really shitty code
shitty code ? Well, it depends
I think jQuery is flexible
it always has been, encouraging PHP-style mushiness and "ehhh quotes don't really matter"
it's not just shitty code. But yeah it's horrible code.
@Redplane no, it is not
it's just another layer of abstraction
@Redplane it's insanely brittle because it's so tightly bound to everything else.
@DenysSéguret yay, I did a thing.
but inside ? too much stuff which is not required nowadays
Time to go home 😃 o/
@Cerbrus I hope people won't think it's heavily maintained... or I'll direct the issues to you
@tereško what is a good dom builder?
Wrote a small blog about why I do not use jQuery anymore: svenv.nl/programming/goodbyejquery, it also states that I did use and like it, I just don't think it's relevant anymore...
I just want to dynamically add some html to the page
aye, that's the general room opinion
I heard about using template?
Sometimes we jump on people a little too strongly for using it
<template> tag
@Kasper what do you need it to do exactly, and how do you want it to work?
By "we", I mean @ndugger
and templating is a separate subject
on the heavy end, you have React, which can replace jQ entirely
@ssube I think its up to your code
on the light end, you have simple templates, like handlebarsjs.com
@rlemon @KendallFrey @FlyingGambit happppppyyyyy fiiirrrrrrday
@Loktar rlemon is afk: ☕️ ➡️ meeting
generating DOM is easy, you don't need jquery (or anything)
@Luggage if you don't know java then it's not my fault
@Redplane jQ mixes IDs and class names into the code, it forces you to be tightly bound.
@Loktar can you help me on my prev question ?
@ssube Is handlebar logic or logicless template ?
@DenysSéguret you would suggest just using document.createElement('div'); el.setAttribute and whatever?
I've tried Nustache on server-side with C#
@Redplane they have if and each, but discourage anything else.
@KarelG ssd one?
It just get painful if you do it a lot
@Kasper no, that's not cool anymore
If you want a helper, you write it as a function and attach that, which means you can test your helpers.
@ssube yeah ... jquery did all it could to destroy the separation of web layers (content, design, behavior). React will maybe finally be able to annihilate them completely. What a time to be alive ....
@ssube Any suggestions ?
no, use jQuery for that if you have it, but just a library for generating elements (and properties, etc.) is a few lines of code
That's the easy part
@Redplane if you need a full, interactive app, use React. It handles events well.
@tereško just because react doesn't use a separate language for the view doesn't mean you have to mix it all in one file.
If not, just use a template library, whatever looks good.
@ssube Actually I'm using angularjs and angular 2
lol gl hf
well written react code still separates design and behavior
I think react is somehow similar to ember.js
is it true ?
Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), { ... })
ember was awful
react is awful
react will be awful in a few years
@KarelG I don't have much advice on it
@tereško you're wrong
the samsung evos and intels are both good
but they are pricier
@littlepootis but will be easy to replace
@Loktar happy Friday, god bless you
@ndugger we already went through that in php community with HHVM
the actual surface where your code and react interact is not very large, compared to jQ and such
@tereško totally different tech, dude
HHVM was to PHP what V8 was to JS
I lost my job yesterday, so you're not allowed to disagree with me today.
that already came and was widely loved
@ndugger what??
more like what JScript was to JS
are you joking or serious?
@Loktar they laid off the entire office
holy shit, that sucks man
@tereško HHVM and V8 both introduced proper bytecode compiling and caching, with optimizations.
sorry to hear that
whenever you want a job in NE let me know
instant hire
well, almost instant I guess
I want to stay in MN
would still need an interview for policy
you should apply to my work, pretty sure we're hiring devs
yeah I understand
is NE as in Nigeria?
just putting it out there if things don't go well or whatever
@tereško Nebraska
@tereško Loktar and Obama were born in the same hospital.
You don't have to like react, but it's proven itself to be a competent abstraction layer. It also doesn't force any bad habits, but it can allow them as people will sometimes mix logic in their views.
@ssube what's the company?
@ndugger would make a great wealthy prince
I wish node would just accept native modules already :\ that and async and generators is all they need
@Loktar close enough
so far it's been a super dope place to work
!!afk must play lego
@ssube oh god dammit... Yeah, I know a people there... You know Shane Helget?
@ndugger he's my boss' boss.
@ssube omg I forgot about that, that's why I've been getting so many damn ads for it. I looked at the site once.
@ssube he used to be my boss' boss' boss
we had a nice chat about VR and sous vide the other day
he seems like a cool dude, has been pretty helpful so far
Yeah, everyone loves Shane
The only problem is that wheniwork is php :(
in general, the onboarding has been great, and all the managers I've met are like Shane more or less
PHP and moving to Go for backend services, React on the frontend.
you'd be fine
Yeah, but php :(
what is so wrong with php
I bit that bullet to work at a decent, competent place. If I can...
@HatterisMad literally every single thing
its nowhere near perfect but its a lot better than some other things you could be stuck with
@HatterisMad name one
better than php
I'll see what jobs they have. I might just reach out to Shane
how so
@ndugger do it. I know we're hiring, just not sure about specifics.
function $(selector) {
  return document.querySelector(selector);

function $$(selector) {
  return document.querySelectorAll(selector);

function el(tag) {
  return document.createElement(tag);
jquery alternative ;P
asp lets you choose between vbscript and jscript. So.. you can use an old javscript for ASP.
and.. i think babel has some plugins to output jscript
Make lemonade.
haha i suppose i haven't looked into asp in the last 4 years or so
I have a variable with a relative (shared) content path in .js. For some reason the domain is getting added when I save to the DB. Is there a way in javascript to tell it not to append the domain? i.e

bgOptions.BackgroundModeFile = fileUploadUrl;

Which is "/Content/amazing-sunseat636198997960321102.jpg" how do I make sure this variable does not get changed?
it always let you use jscript. it's one of the windows script host languages.
well i actually don't mind using php, so i guess there is an upside. every alternative is better according to you guys
I've used jscript to write SVN hooks.
i didn't know that babel had an output for jscript
I remember seeing some things.. dont' expect full es6 -> jscript
oh, that would be just amazing if it did
absolutely not. jscript is older than es5, so some things won't have an analog
babel does a great job of transpiling new features into old patterns, but there comes a point where it would add too much overhead and just isn't practical
@HatterisMad it's very badly designed.
can anyone who can send me their company's stack?
oh shit now im going to get pinged for the next 6 hours on all the bad things of php
@towc define stack
js / js / js
@ssube technologies used that the employees should be familiar with
postgres -> node/express/socket.io -> react/mobx (and some older knockout.js)
@towc sometimes i forget that you are not a native english speaker. And then other times i feel as though you get lazy XD
my last place was Java/Grails/Scala on the backend, backed by MySQL and Mongo (don't waste your time), frontend was Backbone and moved to React
@HatterisMad ?
looks like you made a question, backspaced and then left half of the old question and wrote around it
current place is PHP/Rails on the backend, moving to Go, backed by a SQL, frontend is React and React Native
ok, I'm making a list of things I should be learning to call myself an actual desirable web developer
feel free to add comments. Things should ideally be in order of importance
any complete project is worth more than a list of things you 'learned' to check off on a list.
Guys I got a dumb question. Say you have two pages which are the same, but require different content and different requests. In this case, it's a special type of file browser. Would you just create two different containers and connect them to the same component?
anyone doing angular2 dev in here>?
I messed up the permission
having some peer dependencies issues when doing npm install
@Luggage I'll add that to the list :P
totally unsure even of the approach to solving the problem
I'm calling a function inside an included js file but it says it's undefined. Any ideas?
(loopFunc not found)
it's in mainMenu.js?
You are referencing it like it's a global variable..
Oh :(
What's the correct way?
any other way :)
Also, getScript() is asyncronous.
What does that mean?
I'll look it up if you don't wanna explain
it means that it won't be done loading by the time the next line of code is run. you need to handle the callback in getScript()
is angular still relevant?
Ah that makes sense, I tried it before and it worked although the call was later in the script
so I suppose it was finished loading
also.. getScript doesn't seem to do anything with exports.. so it still forces you to use global variables. Find a better method of loading scripts.
Alrighty, thanks
anything to add/change/switch? docs.google.com/document/d/…
@towc what's that for?
does anyone still support ie9?
making a list of things i should learn to be desireable for companies
@HatterisMad yes
:( i have a case where the only reasonable solution is to use display: flex but that is ie10+
yeah im going to use it, screw those internet explorer on xp users
@DenysSéguret I'll tell'm to PR then :D
@Cerbrus DenysSéguret is afk: must play lego
@towc what do you mean? angular2 not relevant? how so
because it seems to have lost a lot of steam
why do you think that. so what is the latest and greatest for front end dev would you say?
probably react
Depends on the job
React for smaller components, But I'd go for something more full blown for entire applications...
i like angular2 so far
seems like it can scale and handle full blown applications OK
i understand it isn't this long standing mature thing at all... but nothing in front end is
Doing a second Aurelia project, pretty cool, terribly packaged though...
oh wait, didn't SO have that statistic thing with millions of entries which said who uses what?
anyone have a link to it? I might as well just use that list as a reference
I believe people have an entirely wrong perception on "full blown web architectures". All you need as programmer or team are small pieces (if any). You do the architecture for your needs, that's how it works or should work.
do companies ever invest in paying for a person's learning of things? Like, if I was out of highschool and moved somewhere, would they pay me to learn technologies so that I could later work at their place, covering rent and food?
yes, that's where aurelia is good at, it provide the infrastructure between components on a flexible way (and less restrictive than react), the way you use it is up to you, it's build areound that concept
I guess like a sponsorship
react at best case is one "piece", a smart renderer client-sided with some sugar along. Not more not less.
also, is the SO jobs page worth looking at?
@towc stateofjs.com/2016/introduction this what you are talking about?
not a friday link, but was tempted
@towc it's interesting. Obviously not a strict guide, but some parts could be helpful.
hey dudes, is there any function to find duplicates in an array of json objects?
@ssube I'm googling actual relevance and copying everything to the list
feel free to contribute 😉 docs.google.com/document/d/…
there are recursive equality check functions for objects on SO, however everyones take on what equality between objects are is up for definition
@Thaenor function dedupe(arr) { const seen = new Set(); return arr.map((it) => [!seen.has(it), it]).filter(([seen]) => seen); }
is probably the least efficient way to do it :P
any one singular function? no
@ssube that's not exactly what I need
It's Friday the 13th, remember that it's bad luck to be superstitious.
I have an array with various objects which may or may not have the same keys, but for those that do I want to make sure they don't have the same values
your request isn't unique
fairly certain that's answered on so
or something close
do you know any languages who ask for rust?
this is kinda what I want, expect.. working - jsbin.com/tedefuf/47/edit?js,console
omg, github is down
the world has ended
good thing i use bitbucket
I backup to bitbucket, but it's still an annoyance.
github.com shows a unicorn, but status.github.com says "all operational" :)
there, it updated
"all broken"
Basically what I want is jQuery.extend function
100% down
just loop over the array removing dupes
only that I don't want to use jQuery because this is for a node script
What makes an object... unqiue in your case? an id? keep a list of the id's you've already seen and compare against it.
Any react-router pros here? Is it possible to make a splat optional?
so is it this point that people just go play video games and wait for it to come back up?
I mean, github doesn't need to be up for you to write code
this is the point where we talk about how spending $0 a year on Gitlab can keep this from being a problem :P
I have to do a cover letter to apply to WhenIWork :(
git push backup
I haven't ever had to do a cover letter
"I'm da best"
(backup = bitbucket)
i really hate hiring processes. They really don't achieve anything by making you jump through hoops and lie to them constantly
WIW was the first place I've had to do a cover letter at in a while
it was easy, though, I didn't spend more than 5 minutes
cover letters should be like that imo
shouldnt take longer than five minutes. if it does that means you said too much
Maybe they want to make sure you can form complete sentences.
@KevinB they are all different, that's why it's ok to merge them all in one json
@Luggage I included the file as proposed by the first answer on this post but still no success :(
if they're all different... why do you need to remove dupes?
did you instead mean... you need to merge dupes?
except the ones that aren't... >.>
I'm not being clear
ugh, $.getScript doesn't fire the callback after it's executed? how dumb
look into this example. I have obj1 and obj2 and I want them to be equal to the expected
you want... id, id1, id2, id3, etc?
that's what you have in your "expected" object
I found what I needed´
It's in ES6's Object.assign(obj1, obj2);
@Luggage Indeed :c
ohh well, use a real module system. It's worth it.
Oh, such as?
but that ansawer also has a loadScript() function for you if you insist on staying with jquery and global variables (we'll laugh at you, but I get it if you can't make the change today)
webpack is king, but require.js might be easier to work into an existing app peicemeal.
others that I am less familiar with: browserify, rollup
what? getScript isn't calling the callback? it should be, assuming the request succeeded. If the request is failing it's possible whatever else you use could have the same problem?
it's calling the callback before the script is executed, supposedly.
but.. that might be wrong
yeah, it just gets called when the request is complete. but... i'm not sure if that's before or after it runs
> The callback is fired once the script has been loaded but not necessarily executed.
so who knows
yea. so... useless.
Send an Ajax get on local to web service on remote server works fine..but I publish same to Github pages and web service returns 401. Any idea why?
@Luggage I've actually had the opposite experience, mostly because require takes a lot more hands-on business to work into an app and webpack runs before and the app doesn't need to know.
can webpack be configured to not use it's own webserver?
in the watch phase
yea.. you might be right. My experience with requije.js is working it into an asp.net att that started with all <Script> tags. require let me convert bit by bit with not more build steps (which I wasn't wanting to add into my msbuild script at the time)
webpack-dev-server? it can be used as express middleware
but I just use webpack --watch and serve those static files from another process altogether
well... i mean, it running it's own webserver is useless if my index.html is actually an index.cfm
yea, then just use webpack --watch, not webpack-dev-server
but i see now there's a watch mode that doesn't run a server
no hot reloading and the like, but it works.
and it still does partial rebuilds to be pretty fast (after the initial build)
Anyhow, thank you for the info @Luggage
And other contributors to the convo
Tiny Rick has been lurking
Is path some kind of reserved word? My syntax highlighter always makes it look fancy
@corvid Does your syntax highlighter cater to node? Because the first thing I think of is the node module
Github is back.
@KendallFrey so it's not wrong to use it in client side, right?
@corvid right, it's not a reserved word
how much do you get fired for causing a 40 minute outage at github?
you get fired for 40 minutes * count of effected users
or affected?

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