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Synths don't br... well, the gen 1 synths don't.
@CapricaSix what's the room temperature?
@CSᵠ Something went on fire; status 403
ok, definitely something wong with her
@CSᵠ Something went on fire; status 403
dam shes haute
@dievardump yes. if i just fill the array static like the holiday arrays it works
a daterange value is a normal array ..
["2016-07-19", "2016-07-20", "2016-07-21", "2016-07-22"]
That's not good. What if I wanted the entire millenium?
@elsololobo did you check the values of classUserName ?
great pick sir, please wait 98726349...
Also are you sure that you can use let?
Also you're declaring i two times, maybe not a good idea
@CSᵠ hey! that's my work phone number!
. .
hm, it shouldn´t be the problem, because the class are applied correctly and recognized by css
Hello! It seems one half of your head has fallen off. Do you want me to call an ambulance?
@Sheepy thanks, will try now
Wroking with css3 Matrix. Can someone tell me what ive been doing wrong? jsfiddle.net/testopia/qjfz17g3/1
@Asperger that's not wrong, that's awesome!!
@Sheepy most likely it's me doing something wrong, but if you could figure out too.. from this screenshot
@CSᵠ The math is off, you see those jumps its making?
that's what i love about it
Glitch programming ; )
@Asperger what did you do now ?
no wonder this didnt work. I passed in a parameter in the function where im calling the requestAnimationFrame
@Asperger making that glitch on purpose would've been much harder
@CSᵠ you are right xD
@Asperger donno, I've never wroked before
it should work now. I hope... If you got tips on how to improve line 12 let me know
The speed difference in using matrix3D in constrast to seperate functions is really big.
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/M1Pims2.mp4
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: half day home time
But assuming I wanted to change multiple transforms on that same matrix, the previous transformation would always be lost once I do use el.style.transform
And I mean parsing the entire previous stuff is crazy
The last programming book you'll ever need https://t.co/cnObD8GYGZ
@Loktar @ssube @ndugger @SterlingArcher happy July 4th! (aka Brexit 1.0)
anyone knows why .textContent property ignores new lines in contentEditable div? :D
@jakubinf Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<div contenteditable onkeyup="console.log(this.textContent)"><div> I mean... if i write "a
c" it prints "abc"
blame the dev tools?
<div id="poop" contenteditable="true">
console.log(/\n/.test(poop.textContent)); // true
nonon, this is okay if it is pre-set in HTML
but if you dynamically write "hello
world" after running webpage
\n disapepars
whats up with the poop xD
try to leave <div></div> empty, and write content after and then test textContent
because when you do that the browser doesn't insert a \n
it wraps the new lines in a <div>
so of course you will not see the new line in that case
so how the heck do I get new line into there? :D
there can be other elements in each <div>
funny, it creates a <div><br></div> for an empty newline
can I rely all browsers do this? lol
even IE?
probably not
are you making a wysiwyg?
yeah, but I dont want to use huge library like AngularJS + textAngular... just simply highlighter
only idea I get is maybe I could count "</div><div>" in innerHTML property
and replace it with \n
Omg I tried, its hard as heck
I tried doing it with ranges but god...
I thought maybe if i use <pre contenteditable> it will be alright
I think one has to be a regex pro to really build something useful
but dang, it inserts <div> anyway
hahaha, trying to parse HTML with regex :DD
Imagine though you want to insert various bold tags and then between those some other tags etc
or imagine saving all of it into a database
I am doing that exactly :D
I am doing online parser, but I need syntax highlighter
getting the data after it again and pasting it onto the dom without some hacker having fun
and best one is compat
.innerText = mozzila - Unknown property - WHY?!?!?
mozilla is supposed to be most standardized browser for JS, HTML, CSS, but srsly its worst one :D
I hate everything that starts with inner
i tried to change innerHTML and add <b> tag
So I only work purely with nodes
writing cursor set to beginning -_-
@jakubinf innerText is not a standard property
but chrome, ie and everything except firefox is okay with it
Ya but its an inner
.innerHTML is inner too and its valid
@jakubinf chrome implemented it to be compatible with IE
or tag compatibility...
why some browsers still dont have type="date" implemented?
or type="email" (Safari)
because they suck?
<xmp> - deprecated... it was cool tag tho
or rather, because they have other priorities, and limited time/budget
so <b> or <strong> what is legal?
<i> or <em>?
are these real questions?
why cant there be single standard across all browsers?
there is
wanna use WebRTC... well, half of browsers still dont support it
not all browsers follow it
@jakubinf join a team working on implementing that in a browser that doesn't support it, and you'll make the world a btetter place, faster
@rlemon all browsers try to follow it, but there's a lot of stuff
well, since most of browsers use Chromium, even MS Edge, it shouldnt be so big problem
The Range interface represents a fragment of a document that can contain nodes and parts of text nodes.
Great for doing what you do
I pre-ordered the book to the Vulcan API
Guys you really got to check out vulcan it is so cool
new graphic api
if performance is really so good as they say, it deserves try
Its probably as low level as it can get
@jakubinf ???
> Rege̿̔̉x-based HTML parsers are the cancer that is killing StackOverflow it is too late it is too late we cannot be saved the trangession of a chi͡ld ensures regex will consume all living tissue (except for HTML which it cannot, as previously prophesied)
What the hell am I reading?
@jakubinf MS Edge uses Chromium?
@Neil you didn't know that?
oh man, you're one of the 10k
you're in for a ride
try typing <[^>] in chat
the whole thing.
@FlorianMargaine that regex-based parsers are bad, I knew. . That regex consumes all living tissue, ... no
MS Edge user agent writes "Chromium"
@jakubinf that means literally nothing
@jakubinf lol
so why would it write it? lol
@jakubinf oh man, you're in for a ride too
Haha what is this
poor tormented souls...
then user agent is useless after all
@BenFortune you've released regex-based cthuthlu
we just linked.. uhh.
@rlemon nope, I linked the good one
mines fun tho
your mum is fun
hows the support for SVG in Smart TV browsers?
@FlorianMargaine it's true, she is. She bakes cookies and sings songs.
@Paran0a that's too vague, brand model maybe?
@Paran0a bad, is my guess
I like how SO doesn't recognize the regex that actually parses HTML
@CS Oh I still don't know the brand , TBH the only TV that I ever tested was some smart LG that couldn't be updated to the newest OS.
Meh , I'll ask once I find out the brand
i give up with that new line -_-
@Paran0a it should be fine...
I mean, SVG is old now
IE8 didn't support it, and that's the last browser that didn't
that said, not sure what browser smart TVs use
If they're anything like the old android browsers, none.
android 3 supports SVG
@Paran0a pretty sure the "partly" is about masking
Client has a restaurant and wants tables to be displayed on the TV, they also want to have a timer of some sort on each table so I'll need to do a small application. My initial idea was do it with SVG
use canvas
I see that canvas is also partialy support , but I still don't know the TV brand so I might be wrong.
@Paran0a sounds good
@Paran0a the basic canvas that you need should be supported well
I think the browser is android 3/4's, so it's "partial" because masking is not supported
morning guys
ofc don't use weird global composite operation, effects and stuff
want to check a quick question. how can i make sort not modify the existing array.
var sort1 = function(arr) {
	let newArr = arr;
	return newArr.sort((x, y) => {return y - x});
the existing arr value gets modified.
Just put your foot down. Either get the client to agree to let you pick the brand or you must wait until it's known
@Ming create a clone
create my own sort function override the inbuilt sort ?? @towc is that good?
@Ming let newArr = [...arr]
Thanks guys, yeah I'll wait and see the brand they have. If it's too much pain in the ass I'll pass the project.
@Ming too much work :P
That will clone the array into newArr.
function sorter(arr, fn) {
  return arr.slice().sort(fn);
@Ming you're not copying that way
Also, why would you need to do this?
didnt know that works. thanks @MadaraUchiha
my data is immutable, my function is pure ...
@Neil im trying functional js
@rlemon interesting use of combining functions. :)
@Ming ah, ok. Tests away then ;)
Whats the best way to learn regex?
with a bottle of whisky
"Oh, god! I just learned negative lookbehind!" *takes swig*
*tries it in JS* "OH GOD!" *drinks rest of bottle*
I feel like in a perfect world regex wouldn't exist, right?
If data was handled correctly would you need regex?
@rlemon yiss
@Paran0a regex is often the correct way
@Paran0a 99% of the time, I use regex to test input coming from a human being
In theoretical computer science and formal language theory, a regular language (also called a rational language) is a formal language that can be expressed using a regular expression, in the strict sense of the latter notion used in theoretical computer science (as opposed to many regular expressions engines provided by modern programming languages, which are augmented with features that allow recognition of languages that cannot be expressed by a classic regular expression). Alternatively, a regular language can be defined as a language recognized by a finite automaton. The equivalence of regular...
regexp is for regular languages
In some fashion anyway
In an ideal world, people wouldn't put a friggin' letter where a number should go
@Paran0a in a perfect world, computers wouldn't exist
@Neil would you need to test input from humans if we were all perfect and never inputed wrong formats?
In a perfect world, humans wouldn't exist either but hey
@Paran0a yes
@Paran0a no, my point exactly
in a perfect world, there is only poutine
Well yeah that was my initial point rofl
In a perfect world all food is cheese
@Neil Kendall Prey would write an extension that would
in a perfect world the second law of thermodynamics doesn't exist
Which one of the two items would you rather have limited amount of : nutella or cheese?
nutella. is it basically pure sugar. I can probably catch quite a bit of prey with that
"Sugar is the first ingredient and thus the main by weight of all the Nutella ingredients. In fact Nutella is 55 per cent sugar! That puts Nutella on a par with chocolate."
Damn son you're right
nutella has more sugar per tsp than chocolate cake frosting
well, the common crap
Price per pound of nutella is the same as that of gold , atleast here T_T I can afford it only ocassionaly
now I want nutella
nutella is crap. you want something for toast? little bit of butter, and sprinkle it with a mix of 40% brown sugar, 60% cinnamon
And cheap knockoffs are not worth it :(
Nutella is crap I agree
Sugar isn't bad at all, in fact, our body runs on sugar. Fat isn't bad at all, in fact, our body runs on fat for long term stresses
that stuff is made purely from palm oil
see jAndy gets the point
combination of sugar and fat... horrible, overkill, no where we found this in nature
just need some quick advice. is there any real benefit to learning functional libraries like lodash, underscore etc... or can i just focus on learning map, reduce, filter ???
check this out
will my code be similar/cleaner/easier to read without those libraries.
LEarn both
@jAndy this is why you have abs and I don't
@Asperger Now I want it even more
@Paran0a please dont! :D
@BadgerCat I'm actually just eating as unprocessed food as possible
@Paran0a why both. are those libraries just sugar for what map, filter, reduce can already do?
I put sugar on everything, my favorite is cook some pasta , mix it with cream , add sugar and cocoa == NICE
because German is language for everyone
@Ming Those libraries make a lot of stuff easier , altough I'm not an expert as I rarely use them
@jAndy I try too, but not too hard
ooo new video
@Ming facebook.github.io/immutable-js If you want immutability..
@rlemon no windows on the hut?
Wheres the internet access? 3/10
Would not live in
@cswl thanks looks like a good library.
@BadgerCat it's tough for most people, since our body craves for both (sugar and fat) because it needs both badly, the industries exploit that need by horrible products, pumpin both together in any kind of combination. But we can't handle such overkill, leads to obesity for a ton of people. That and.. of course... eating animal products.
but just to clarify, does javascript actually account for these immutability when its compiling? @cswl like functional languages do?
does it improve performance ?
Oh man back in the days when I could drink milk , I'd melt some sugar in a pan to a point where it caramelizes and then add milk on it and mix mix mix , sugary milk ughh
@jAndy do you drink alcohol?
not for about 4 years
I should stop that too
Reason being?
indeed indeed
My reason? I don't need any stuff substance to make me "happy" or have fun. Why would I ruin myself in putting in pure poison
@Paran0a sounds like liquid caramel flan
Understandable. Some drink it for the taste though
@Neil Exactly that
it's a drug which gets very addictive ... so that argument is a lie :P
I think anything we do everyday that makes us happy becomes a drug one way or another
Problems arise once it starts to cause problems for us or our close ones
despite the fact that marijuana/pot is still illegal in most countries but alcohol is not. There are more death by alcohol than marijuana per year by some magnitudes. But before you ask, I don't smoke weed also :P
And alcohol is way more damaging to a human
@jAndy lol
liquid caramel flan? sounds yummy
The "arising" of problems is just a matter of time putting poison into your system, isn't it
There are more deaths by alcohol than marijuana by infinity
Seeing as yearly deaths by marijuana currently stands on "0" globally...
Laws should be ignored in discussions like these as they don't provide a fair image of current society.
Well running everyday could cause problems in a long run(hehe)
@Paran0a So is drinking too much water...
also every week or months, there is nothing "good" in alcohol. I can't imagine that there is anything good in weed also, but it might be less harmful a lot. Anyways, I don't see any point in destroying myself
I never smoked cause I didn't want to turn into a pot head that a lot of my mates turned into
Going out? Smoke a join . Returning home? Smoke another one. Going to grab a coffee? Smoke a joint... Jeesh
@jAndy Smoking weed (either in medical cannabis form, or in marijuana form) has provable benefits, and known, harmless side effects...
Obviously, it's about discipline and dosage, like everything else
But I'd much rather people get "addicted" to weed instead of cigarettes or alcohol.
@MadaraUchiha Well yea I know about the medical stuff for some issues. Anyway, if you don't have any problems in the first place, this gets out of the equation. It's still something which is not "natural" to put into a human organism from the get go
for every garden I till/weed/plant, I get another beer. that is how moderation works right? :P
Both of which are actively addicting
hence pure logic, this can't have any positive effect
We are addicted to a million of things ,its just a matter of fact if we notice it or not , and if we notice how badly/good it affects us.
True but you have to distinguish between natural stuff we need to survive and substances which have no effect on surviving. You're dead in a matter of minutes without oxygen, so you're addicted to it. You're dead without water in a matter of days, so body is addicted to it. You don't die because of not drinking poising/alcohol or smoke some burned plant into your lungs, quite the opposite.
^^ it's true, was removing a large ceder which fell into the inlaws pond. fucking mosquitoes.. I basically have zika virus
RIP in peace rlemon
@rlemon don't get pregnant
@jAndy true
when I got home to shower, I looked like I had chicken pox
probably 20 bites
if not more :/
Yes but what is life with only water and natural food? Caveman life doesn't interest me , I want art , I want internet I want sex.
you can have all that without destroying your body long term
@Paran0a Cannabis doesn't fall into any of those
If Im using internet all day im doing harm to myself. If I run everyday I'll also harm my body. And if you think running doesn't destroy your body in a long term..
Facebook should have better stalking tools :/
I don't really get the point of the arguments for the discussion, but yes, running will harm you, especially if you run with horrible technique
If the marijuana "facts" posted on drugabuse.gov are to be believed, there is literally no positive effect of it on a normal human being..
drugabuse.gov rofl
Good source for unbiased information about drugs
Um, there's also WebMD.
gnah come on, everyone who is smart enough to code and program should be able to make up his own mind by pure logic about substances like alcohol and smoking weed (basically any external sythesized drug).
I never tried any drugs as I like my current state of mind and I don't want to lose it.
or alcohol for that matter
@Paran0a what are you talking about?
anyone knows why is this happening ?
you never tried any psychoactive substance, ever?
you never had Coca-Cola, coffee, inhaled tobacco smoke?
Cetirizine is probably the most psychoactive thing I've ever used.
it's probably DMT
Never smoked but I do drink coffee if I need to stay awake
In the last year I stopped drinking it as much as I die , cause I noticed it doesn't effect me if I drink it everyday.
@Paran0a ha, same
@Paranm0a what about epinephrine? you gotta love that shit
Dopamine is dope too
Oh yeah I inject 3 mariyuanas in the morning and then drink some epinephrine to get myself back in the zone once I get to work
The thing you're injecting isn't marijuana.
Exactly how my buddies and I look when we go HARD youtube.com/watch?v=JKqV_ybCS-I
@Paran0a yeah, not clicking on that
@Neil sfw

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