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I'm going on a booze cruise this weekend :D
Wait, tomorrow actually
@Learning your issue isn't even canvas related I bet
non of the jsbins even work for me
@Loktar How?
no idea just no output just a grey screen.
js bin will not work because the webservice is local
i have to publish it first
oh because of what @ndugger said, JQ isn't included
The only problem is no live updating of the server :\ guess can use nodemon
today I get my vive can't fooking wait
 function fetchData() {
            url: 'MyWebserviceUrl',
            async: true,
            cache: true,
            success: function (response) {
The reason you are not seeing anything is because here webservice url is missing
MyWebserviceUrl isn't a valid URL? What is the internet coming to?
> TIL the CIA spent millions of dollars installing spy equipment inside the body of a cat only to have it run over by a car on its first test mission.
put it on my face
and wave my arms around like I just don't care
@Loktar so took the day off?
@rlemon nah working from home
lol, until it arrives at least
it might get here after 5, all depends on when fedex decides to show
i.imgur.com/8OtuyEy.gifv what are the chances lol
@Learning Just wait. Be patient; stop bugging everyone else
@ndugger:i have put web service url for you
Fucking wait
@Loktar:you can see the output now
Oh man, dark souls 3 on VR would be super intense
I don't need it
ok sorry
@rlemon i.imgur.com/rhxplB3.gifv this means he ded right?
@ndugger just add him to the ignore list
that's what he wants
I'm helping him, not ignoring him
@Learning yea
@SterlingArcher yup
actually.. just in @ndugger fiddle. I don't even see where the issue is though you just need to update the array of users
and iterate through them each time you draw
I just accidentally lost all the code I just rewrote; Whatever; I'm done trying to help
Fucking stupid jsbin
Don't use jsbin
shit's garbage
@Loktar That is what i am doing whenever i get data from my ajax call.First i check that whther arrived data is already in array if not then just push it in to array
This might be the first soccer injury that wasn't faked! gfycat.com/QuarrelsomeSilkyBoaconstrictor
who does the java chat suck :( they all talk about android anymore
@SterlingArcher flagged, room freeze triggered
dont flag me bro
@Learning All of the code you added is bad; You're gonna end up running into massive performance issues because you're starting a new redraw loop every time the window is resized. Also, why the fuck are you using so much jQuery? Just use array.forEach--I'm frustrated now. Figure it out on your own.
@ndugger:ok no problem sir
@SterlingArcher should I show you some others?
@ndugger upgrades
@jgr208 they do what?
i have a java question they ignore my question and just answer people who have questions about android
@rlemon you'll enjoy it too
who can help me here?

@ndugger Oh lol
in the controller you can send messages like this:
req.addFlash('success', 'A success message');
@SterlingArcher well that was a waste of effort :P
and the error object from express looks like this:
  "error": "E_VALIDATION",
  "status": 400,
  "summary": "5 attributes are invalid",
  "model": "User",
  "invalidAttributes": {
    "company": [
        "rule": "required",
        "message": "\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error.  Details:\n undefined"
    "first_name": [
        "rule": "required",
        "message": "\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error.  Details:\n undefined"
I would think that it would be very hard to see a hockey puck in play from the stands
@ton.yeung yeah right nope
> 5 attributes are invalid
now, how can I send only the invalidAttributes to the flash message container?
They could be playing without the hockey puck and you wouldn't know
@ton.yeung We don't have webassembly yet
@Neil Unless you've got eagle vision, yeah
@ton.yeung JS's GC has vastly impredictable perf
frankly since UE's Citadel I haven't seen a WebGL demo that was convincingly smooth
and guess what that was written in
is there already userscript that hides messages replying to someone that you're ignoring?
@ndugger : i will change it to use array.forEach and what bad i have add in my code
@SterlingArcher Too bad they lost.
@ton.yeung yeah pretty badass
@ton.yeung it is?
Yeah, but I'm man enough to admit it was probably the best most intense series the playoffs have seen in a while
Both teams kicked ass
Actually I could start writing a GC for my VM
I figure why not
it's gonna be slow af anyway
@SterlingArcher if you want to see soccer fouls... that one was pretty fucking bad for example: youtube.com/watch?v=PIXv6zQSGlM
@PomeGranate I named mine penis
@ton.yeung well it's strictly the VM not the browser
@Shea my anaconda won't ...
@ton.yeung Since when forming arguments basing on assumptions works?
The fact that one chrome dev said that about his product doesn't mean it's true.
please don't post shitty music here
@ton.yeung Until he proves it, it's his statement that's moot
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
frankly since UE's Citadel I haven't seen a WebGL demo that was convincingly smooth
@BartekBanachewicz calm down, its not your taste? my anaconda wont .. slither.io
@GNi33 oh holy fuck that hurt me
@PomeGranate it's not about taste at all
Crosby has the best playoff beard
yeah, it makes me cringe
@BartekBanachewicz it was for @Shea because he wrote he called his anaconda penis on slither
thats all
who all are here working as an independent free lancers?
@PomeGranate for some reason I thought you were quoting baby got back
I forget how to make tags
@SterlingArcher thank you
@Shea [tag:pen]
thanks buddy
OH GOD yes!
@SterlingArcher lol the flames
Nice tattoo
all the 13yolds must love them
@ton.yeung sure does
@Learning you should get one like that
@ton.yeung No, it reads I like bacon. duh
@BartekBanachewicz I heard they could only film in 45 second increments because they were actually on fire
He needs to go to collage for a edumacation
not even sure if that's what you're looking for, I used dummy data
/me gets ready for meeting
@SterlingArcher but really it's not terribly better
generic teenager *-core thingy
Hey guys what's better Nikki Minaj or The Amity Affliction?
nikki minaj
well of course it's better, but I still wouldn't call it not bad
A shame, they're very talented :)
You're all horrible people
to each their own
@SterlingArcher maybe, but the music is meh
@Waxi this is cool tho
2.9 *-core
@BartekBanachewicz to you, like Nikki is awful to me :)
@BartekBanachewicz Oh just you wait...shes' amazing, so creative and talented.
@SterlingArcher nikki is awful objectively
@Loktar:Thank you so much for your kind efforts
how to iterate over this object?
> Rhianna: my lyrics... they're just so deep and meaningful..
    "company": [
        "rule": "required",
        "message": "\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error.  Details:\n undefined"
    "first_name": [
        "rule": "required",
        "message": "\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error.  Details:\n undefined"
!!youtube Unearth This Lying World
Object.keys? (corrected case based off of @rlemon) ;P
@GNi33 Something went on fire; status 403
oh yeah, I forgot
@Waxi yeah, really nice
There's nothing wrong with Nikki. Some people like her. They also happen to be the same people who wear ponytails and dress in pink, but not judging
@BartekBanachewicz what about this?
@Neil no, there are things actually wrong with her
the fact her butt and chest are made entirely of legos is one
wait let me listen to Blue Skies till the end
or two
@Neil her music is terrible, her public image is terrible, her lyrics are terrible
what else
and by "terrible" I really mean quality badness
@SterlingArcher oh god, I can't wait
@SterlingArcher you're really into this numetalemocore thingy aren't you
@BartekBanachewicz have you not met me in the past... 3 years?
I used to listen to this for quite some time, but it gets boring
@BartekBanachewicz so long as there are fans of Justin Bieber, I can tolerate Nikki
@GNi33 I've been watching all the videos because Adam D is incredible
and then you realize it's just freaking meh, the guitars lack power, etc
man, Killswitch is one of the defining bands of metalcore, no numetalemocore about it
and the gay vocalist voice gets on your nerves
I would honestly listen to Minaj before Killswitch
because every single of those bands needs a gay weak vocalist
was looking up Primal Rage big box for PC, and saw this as an ad
and I hate minaj and all those acts
but screamo, man...
Do you know anything about Killswitch?
I <3 targeted ads
@ssube do you know what screamo is?
@Loktar bowling ball?
didn't even know Primal Rage bowling balls exist, and I don't even bowl!
@rlemon lol yea
@SterlingArcher This is the kind of a band that would be kinda ok if not for the vocals
so god danged random, but made me chuckle
@GNi33 screamo is any "metal" where the band has not burned a church or eaten another human being
@BartekBanachewicz not placebo, oh wait nevermind
and fucking major scale progressions that are so goddamn boring
only that it's not, but okay
literally every one of those bands sounds the same
if they wear skinny jeans and sound like somebody is giving them a wedgie, it's screamo
13 secs ago, by Sterling Archer
To you
and there's a deep, scientific reason for that
if only like for music was subjective.
ohh well
it is vOv
but music theory isn't
that does not encompass Disturbed and other bring a gun to somewhere you really shouldn't bands
you are tedious
Oh fuck yeah, HELLYEAH put out a new video
Disturbed is cool
Chad is ugly af but damn he's got a unique voice
But you might notice that disturbed actually sounds different to the whole batch of metalcore things
@SterlingArcher I mean seriously dude have you listened to that solo on that song? Have you?
<% Object.keys(flash.get('success')).forEach(function(key) { %>
        <div class="alert alert-success">
            <%= flash.get('success')[key] %>
            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
                <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <% }) %>
=> undefined
No, I fucking glanced over it
in my controller:
req.addFlash('success', err.invalidAttributes);
It's just... primitive.
@BartekBanachewicz Because solos are the most important ingredient of a good song
"invalidAttributes": {
    "company": [
        "rule": "required",
        "message": "\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error.  Details:\n undefined"
    "first_name": [
        "rule": "required",
        "message": "\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error.  Details:\n undefined"
@GNi33 k thanks beck
There's nothing wrong with a primitive sound
fuck, I hate bands that constantly feel the need to put a solo in every 20 seconds
@GNi33 No, but they are a good indication of art skills
@GNi33 it's not about that.
see, I don't like those art skills then
All That Remains got ruined for me because they solo'd every song
no, solos are a good indication of the number of hallucinogens the band was on
that's it
It's about sounding exactly like every single other band out there that does that genre.
Okay, let's do a test
@ssube ?
@SterlingArcher what's original about KS:E
Oh for fucks sake
You all have very different tastes in music than me
what would you say defines them as a band
@GNi33 beck does mostly solos
oh, okay, I wouldn't know
Well, for the fact that their lead singer Howard (before Jesse) was an Opera singer before he went to metal
24 secs ago, by Neil
You all have very different tastes in music than me
@BartekBanachewicz they defined that genre
I like songs like knights of cydonia by muse
omg no wonder nothing makes sense in this conversation right now -_-
@Loktar:i have only 4 users in my table but still in user array it is adding lots of users and output becomes terrible
@SterlingArcher That's fine, but I'm asking about the music they are making now.
And that their guitatist Adam not only can hit the sickest riffs, but he can sing and scream alongside the frontman
Then there's greg who "doesn't listen to music"
Nothing you guys have posted are remotely similar
Lyrically, Killswitch's songs are deep as fuck
Ooh, linking music videos
I think this is my queue
@Learning yeah I used sample data so it keeps just adding
@SterlingArcher that sounds like a nice band definition
> Lyrics deep as fuck
I mean obv not a single other band can say that
Also, hi everybody and happy Friday :-)
> We're deep as fuck we're deep as fuck urrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhh, deepdeepdeepdeeepdeeeeeprrrrrrrreeeeeeeee
@Loktar:Do you want web service url so that you can check with it
@ton.yeung no, I would say not ;)
pretty sure @BartekBanachewicz is a troll
@Shea thank you Cpt. Obvious
I would tell you to go fuck yourself but that would just reaffirm your position
same thought
Welp, sorry I like my music and you don't :)
I don't think I've ever been in here with @BartekBanachewicz where he hasn't triggered someone
Nothing personal @Sterling, I just value creativity and origality, and I believe there's very little of either in metalcore.
he also never understands jokes ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@BartekBanachewicz what would you say about this?
@BenFortune the room is full of idiots though
jungs please just 1 minute for my js problem
not trying to stirr, I'd find your opinion interesting
1 minute!
I would say lets agree to disagree, but I don't agree with you in the slightest, so I just disagree with you
@ssube but why do you feed the trolls?
@BartekBanachewicz Yet you hang out in the Lounge
@Shea we're trying not to kick people for having unusual opinions and being mild asses about them
it's this new thing
very new
Let's all argue about who has the best taste in music. I'll start. Mine is best.
who did that
I did, stop being a dick about everything
Neils is the best
The dangers of mixing sql and youtube: select * from dbo.Courses where courseid in (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlaRjP8pg0Q)
@Neil what kind of pants do you normally wear?
@rlemon how about you clean up the fucking code dumps and spam first?
common guys please, let us solve js problems
Whether your music is good or not depends largely on your pants.
stop with arguing and about music
we all agree that Neil has the best music taste, that's out of question anyhow
this guy should've been kicked 10 minutes ago
can Caprica incorporate a recommended "ignore" list?
@PomeGranate then I think we've reached a consensus
yes Neil for president
okay nm, I'd probably be on it.
@Shea I know the flames are pretty, but keep your gasoline to yourself.
@PomeGranate woo, go me!
@GNi33 sure, but we need to move out of here
that was a legitimate question. bad idea?
a lot of help vamps + friday evening abuse of RO powers ain't a good mix for a discussion
@Shea yes
No opinions allowed that are different from mine.
@ssube ok, I'll bite. Why is pants size important?
You say abuse of RO powers after you called the room idiots and can't say anything without snark attached
Yeah, ok.
@Neil not size, type. You wear corduroy? Clearly you listen to Led Zeppelin.
Cargo pants after 25? Probably going to be on the news.
@SterlingArcher and yet you were pretty unable to answer my question (about originality of the music they make)
@ssube jeans
How many fucking trash cans do we have?
@BartekBanachewicz because I just enjoy the music, I don't dive into it like a composer
@BenFortune like a million
@ssube ... for being awesome?
@SterlingArcher No, I said that there's a lot of idiots in the room, which I think is rather undoubtfully true.
@RyanKinal um... maybe?
@BartekBanachewicz to quote you literally "this room is full of idiots"
Music hits me on a personal level, not a technical level
@BartekBanachewicz What sort of music you into?
stop being a dick
for fucking once in your life
To be fair, we are all idiots
Not to offend but you look like the hipster type
@BenFortune I think the mass of just one trash can would implode on itself
@ndugger that's not true! I say we're all idiots!
@SterlingArcher I'm not forbidding you to enjoy it. Heck, you could listen to sledgehammers for all day for all I care. I was just pointing out that likes and subjective opinions aside, you can discuss the content of the music and metalcore has little to offer on that level, IMHO.
@BenFortune progressive and instrumental rock mostly
Not really, the drummers from most metalcore bands are actually incredibly talented to keep up such a beat
likes and subjective opinions aside, my opinion is ____
I like progressive
They're masters of count switching too
@SterlingArcher Compared to other genres or pulled out of thin air?
Some songs the guitars are a little chuggy, but some of them are just brilliant rifs
I don't know what you mean
@SterlingArcher they're robutts
I agree with Bartek on this one. Most metalcore is just the same stuff rehashed over and over again. Hell, Folk music has been around forever, and folk groups still find ways to innovate in their music.
@SterlingArcher I mean that a drummer is good in general if he can keep up a bit regardless of the genre.
now I'm on a Killswitch Engage binge
@FlorianMargaine ?
@ndugger very few people will defend *core for any actual reason
What, that facebook bought Instagram?
Let's go back in time
Or that Zuckerberg responded on something?
@BenFortune also pretty much everything from the 80s
Facebook bought instagram ages ago
@BenFortune +1
I found the comment pretty fun :)
Rehashed? :D
Not really metalcore, but these guys won best heavy metal album of the year
Wait Ghost is metalcore?
That doesn't sound like metalcore
I need to get back into Djent
@SterlingArcher Oh right. "Metalcore isn't rehashed! Here's an example, but it's not really metalcore"
Let's get some volbeat up in here
@ndugger nice! They are good
@ndugger if it's been on the radio...
@BartekBanachewicz dude fucking whatever man, read below what I posted before going all pretencious
1 min ago, by Sterling Archer
Not really metalcore, but these guys won best heavy metal album of the year
@ndugger they perfectly mix the sludgy soundless quality of Disturbed with the over-produced bounce of anything meant for the radio
It's just a good song
@SterlingArcher I answered specifically to that message, which I have read.
I was just pointing out how you didn't respond, at all, with anything meaningful, to anything we've said about metalcore.

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