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how can you really take it seriously with a juvenile name like that
the project is not a joke, don't make the name a joke
are you seriously going to say "Parsey McParseface" to a client's face in a meeting?
bring white face paint and a big red nose thing and rainbow curly wig
awww, what's the matter? someone broke your fun chip?
you know professionals do enjoy humour as well right?
sure, it is a bit far out there though
hey guys
is there a way to test my company site on Safari without actually installing Safari?
or is the perfect way for it to get publicity
1) I cant even find where to download and install safari on my windows
@EnglishMaster there are services to test sites on a huge variety of browsers
ye i know
we have premium account for it but I forgot the name of it
it's like whole bunch of virtualization of all sort of os and browsers
@EnglishMaster ok, use that
what's the name of it?
browsershots browserstack browserling etc etc etc
there are many
but it's super slow to test anything
@EnglishMaster browserstack.com
I am happy with them.
they are the same guys that named a framework "testacular" and had to change it
yeah genital reference. nice one google
clever, sure, but you have to say this stuff in meetings right?
the uninitiated might take it all wrong
pretty sure it was called that before any google involvement
and there's a difference between names that might offend people and silly names.
and yeah I guess you can argue that people can be offended by anything
but "meh." does sum it up pretty well
@phenomnomnominal it all reminds me of the simpsons episode where bart is getting chastised by the girls father (the pastor) for saying "but" when trying to explain himself.
if people want to be offended, they will find something to be offended with.
I find that most often the correct thing to do when you might be offended is to try to educate the person. That lets you work out if they're actually a dick, or they just don't know. Most people don't mean to be offensive.
woa! ctrl + click a youtube video and open it in a background tab and it doesn't autoplay anymore
when was that changed?
@phenomnomnominal or the person being offended interpreted it specifically in an offensive way
maybe not on purpose..
but that shit happens all the time
oh yeah that totally happens all the time
Intent is such a big factor
I'm offended that you think I need educated!
that's why I try not to get offended at jokes. even offensive ones
they are, by nature, meant to be poking light at something, not an offence
to be educated*
i.imgur.com/tBzmFJe.gifv @SterlingArcher when the vape isn't doing the trick
can anyone help me try out my game? want to see if it works with more than one person...
just like 2 seconds
@rlemon why is he hitting himself in the face with a bug wacker?
to prevent himself from lighting the cig
ohhh lol :)
Parsey McParseface ROFTL
so... apparantly filltext doesnt wait for stroke()... are there any alternatives that do?
@KendallFrey WOOT! nice man! grats
@rlemon not aware of a way to do that :/
it annoys me as well
Q: How do I skip a match when using Ctrl+D for multiple selections in Sublime Text 2?

Just_MadI have some code like: testVar = { a: 1 }; testVariable1 = 2; var c = testVar.a + testVariable2; var d = testVar; I want to rename "testVar" variable. When I set multiple cursors with Ctrl+D and edit variable, "testVariable" is also selected and edited. Is there a way to skip some selections...

ctrl+d and ctrl+k apparently, and ctrl+u to go back a selection
@AwalGarg yeah
hi lil' poot!
@rlemon I believe strokeText doesnt wait for stroke() either. Is there some way to add text to your path?
@thepiercingarrow hi!
@littlepootis are you sleepy? what time zone do you live in?
I woke up an hour ago, so no
@littlepootis wow... what is your job?
I'm a high school student
wow same... how are you so smart then? o.O
@thepiercingarrow not tmk
@thepiercingarrow Not smart. I've been doing this for a long time, so you might perceive me that way.
@Loktar not efficient
I mean, they highlight the exact set I want
I should be able to select it with another single set
I'm a slow learner.
@rlemon Oh :( thanks. i'll see if i can find or write my own library that can do it then :)
@littlepootis wow. when'd you start?
@thepiercingarrow It's been almost 9 years.
@littlepootis amazing.. have you had formal training? (part of reason I sound so stupid is because I haven't)
@thepiercingarrow Not at all.
The only formal computer science training was C, I read the K&R book and my parents taught me a bit. For the rest I just have to look things up. :(
What grade are you in?
I'm a freshmen
Uni in a few weeks. Senior.
Oh. Congrats
good luck
I don't want to
:( want to what?
go to uni..
:( why not?
CS ed is horrible here
I'm sorry :(. Well, uni is still important.
You can still learn more comp sci on your own..
@thepiercingarrow So they say
@thepiercingarrow yeah
I am not sure about India, but in the US, your performance during uni is a large deciding factor on your starting salary for most employers...
also, there are other topics other than CS that are interesting...
here is the same. atleast my company counts so
Hello Mr_Green! Where are you from?
@littlepootis There are many interesting topics. Try to find one you really like :)
Wow... lots of Indians.. Indian is a big country!
Both your english are very good!
And mine sucks.. that sentence above feels really awkward ^
I heard most of the big CS jobs in India are by very large proprietary companies? Is that true?
@thepiercingarrow Very. 1400 million people here.
everything but the smallest of companies want programmers.
Well, almost.
@thepiercingarrow my english also sucks. don't worry :)
And that's just the number of people in the train with him right now. :)
I don't understand how all of you type english so well?
@Luggage LOL!
Funny story: theres this terrible video series called the iphone show or something... the guy said you cant survive with a 16 gig iphone because you cant even save 4 hungergame movies on it!
Hi guyd
He ignored the fact that you can compress them and watch them one at a time, then delete them when your done :)
I have canvas covered my whole web page
hi @learning
awesome thats what I'm doing too!
@thepiercingarrow Yeah, kind of. Those very large proprietary companies are where work from US, Europe is outsourced to.
I have 1 div which I want to open in center of my page
Does India have Google? Facebook? Life of Pi?
I.. wouldn't join them.
@thepiercingarrow Yeah, it does.
Is this possible?
@Learning like in agar.io ?
yes it is
@Learning it sure is.
@Luggage but I have my canvas coveting the whole page still it is possible to open that div in canvas at center of page
@littlepootis wow.. nice of you :). Although google is starting to get in the game... they opensourced chromium, gtest, and parsey mcparserfacd :P
"in" canvas. No. On top of canvas, yes.
Parsey mcparsefaced?
@Learning yes. just make the canvas positioning fixed
lol wut
its google's english parser
it parses English
its even better than their javascript parser V8 (which is also opensourced)
google isnt as bad as a lot of people say..
See this is 1 js bin and now please tell me whther opening div in center of this js bin is possible or not
Its just a big company and it has to do what big companies do in order to stay in business... not that I agree with a lot of what they do, though :(
They really are bad. But they do some good stuff too, so everyone forgets the bad they do.
But its good to focus on the good stuff.
We cannot ignore the bad they do.
Have you ever read Lés Miserable ? I believe its a french play
I have it, but it's huge.
I'll read it one day.
There is this character in it named John
In like the third volume or something, he changes
becomes a great man
but the other John focuses on his past
its really sad :(
@rlemon It's on my reading list. I'm reading it after I'm done with 1984 :)
george orwell
great socialist
he fought for barcelona during la guierlla civil.. got really wounded..
Ha, yes. I finished reading Animal Farm a few months ago. Good read.
:( everything in life is sad
not me, I found a turtle today
even Animal Farm was sad
saved his fucking life
@rlemon actually?
tell me more
turtle was in the road, car was coming, I waved my arms and yelled stop and picked up the turtle. got in my car, the turtle crapped on me, drove home. put him near my pond and he jumped in
been there ever since
I hope he stays
wait, the turtle drive home?
@littlepootis Just don't use Google's bad products. Use their good ones. There is nothing wrong with that...
that never occurred to me in my routine boring life :(
@Luggage he helped
@rlemon wow... grateful turtle :P
probably is now
was pretty dirty and looked like it was scared
you have your own pond? o.O
I live in the middle of a big subdivision
not sure where he came from
Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the Shell Station!
Okay I definately deserve a star for that one :P
I was thinking a kick. :)
in Canada we have a gas station called Shell
I chuckled
@Luggage awesome thanks.
@rlemon We do too
Actually I am really blank about the canvas so
wow.. does Shell hire CS students?
Shell Canada Limited (French: Shell Canada Limitée) is the subsidiary of Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell and one of Canada's largest integrated oil companies. Exploration and production of oil, natural gas and sulphur is a major part of its business, as well as the marketing of gasoline and related products through the company's approximately 1,800 stations across Canada. After a global reorganization by the European parent, Shell's North American operations are controlled by Shell Energy North America, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas. Shell Energy North America's Canadian operational unit...
To manage gas security?
database management for gas?
gas stations and stuff
I like ethanol
corn is good
love the corn
What inspired @SterlingArcher
seriously. you can basically turn corn into anything
corn is amazing
corn sux
US is wasting money on corn
finding bad uses as excuses to gro wmore bad corn
no way
Anybody here who is just doing free lancing work on jquery?
corn pays my bills
Or java script?
<3 the corn
@Learning Here
@rlemon @littlepootis shhhhh
@Learning What do you need?
@Learning Aso dont use query. Its annoying. i just spent the last hour trying to de-query github.com/thepiercingarrow2/space-grapple and i still havent
@littlepootis could you try somethhing out? I want to see if it works...
wakeup call: no.jpg
There you are!
!! /java script/JavaScript/
@Mr_Green That didn't make much sense. Did you mean C#?
I am trying to achieve something like this:
But this takes up alot of memory and animation is not smooth and hang the browser after 10-20 minutes
What is that supposed to do? Its not working on my browser..
So 1 guy suggested me to use canvas but then I am totally blank about canvas and I need ti rewrite my whole code and I have to deliver this by tomorrow
What are you trying to do?
@thepiercingarrow try in chrome because your browser might be old
Sorry I dont have access... could you just explain?
I have lots of users store in my database and connection vetween this user
I see... its an animation?
Sorry, its really late for me :( good night :)
lol :)
After running this for 10-20 minutes
morning guys can we do JavaScript OAuth sign in with Twitter?
I'm trying to find/create a javascript drag and drop manual reordering/sorting widget
with accessibility
any one have any idea about it?
@Tarun yep
@doug65536 No definition found for BTBTAFTTOYMARAD
yay! I stumped it!
"Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
So appropriate sometimes... Sometimes a question appears fine, then at the very end they reveal an extreme lack of knowledge
morning :)
@Luggage I kinda wish
I'm still drunk from yesterday...
I swear it can't get weirder
@littlepootis You made me look at at least 50 promising startups...
@towc Is that a challenge?
FFFFFUUUUU, Mod flag a post for plagiarism, then it gets edited....
Damn grace period.

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