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Interesting, I've never seen a web server that gave a reason for an error code before
> 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity
already informed him
you reddit like 10 hours after the rest of us
yo I wanna ask a question about one of my get calls to an api not working but I don't think my api is secure... is it a good idea to ask on stack overflow/
I haven't gotten to reddit today :(
you haven't pooped?
@monners but we don't need to test eating shit five times before we give up
Speak for yourself
the request works on postman but not my front end :(
@rlemon That's nice
such a nice knife
yeah that is really cool
yea would love to have one
learn to smith 😃
it's fun
you've got land now
i wish he talked more during the videos
explaining what he was doing
what do you want to know?
i mean you can kinda figure it out by tracking what the layers are doing
how to do the pattern welding or how to smith a knife?
but at the start i wasn't sure if he was doing the stars or the stripes
lots of more in depth videos on both
the pattern one
linked in the description
just youtube "how to pattern weld steel"
well i get what he's doing
it's just hard to follow which part he is working on
yea, it looks simple enough. but after a few hundred hours of videos you'll see how many things can go right or wrong
simple but not easy?
which I do recommend. smithing videos are a great background video
@david it's an art. anyone can learn to draw a flower. it takes a lot of time and effort to draw one really well
do you do smithing?
Anyone willing to debug my javascript code, it is for tic-tac-toe.
Because I told you guys about Neverwinter Nights....
@KendallFrey Our apache server gives a similar error by default when the tomcat server isn't responding
Assassins Creed III is free on Ubi30, not sure for how long
@Abhishrek you're not this guy are you? github.com/abhishekthorat-tudip
someone fix my api call
I'm dying.
ah, thanks @rlemon
@qaispak it's lupus
@david can you help me with a react get request? :(
react shouldn't be making get requests
it's jquery
okay basically I'm not sure.... I made the api in node
and my partner isn't able to get it working but it definitely works on postamn
sounds easy enough
what isn't working?
why isn't it working
well I have the code.... can I copy paste it here?
it reaches the page
but it returns error (for the get or post)
so it's not a 404
what is the error?
like it just says "failure" on his console
I pass failure if there were maybe wrong parameters or some err
form my back end
you should pass the actual error
so you can fix problems like these more easily
I did try passing that in the json he wont get it
i think you're making this more difficult than it has to be... i can't see what you're doing so you need to give me as much information as possible
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you use mobx in strict mode? Just curious.
@rlemon I have had the occassional odd error in webpack, but I think it's always been due to file rename or delete.
@Loktar I'm starting to hate UPS :( No movement since 12:30AM, and they pushed the arrival out to Friday :(
So far the package has moved about an hour's drive
Since Monday
With any luck it'll spend two days in customs too
wtf :(
that sucks man
I just want to shoot you in the balls is that too much to ask?!
gahh that's the second time I've gone to answer a slightly more ambitious question and the person has removed there post before I could finish my answer :-(
@lix they're doing it just to torment you
I just want some internet points so I can feel accomplished in life.
what should I watch?
@david no, I'm github.com/darkyen
why were you asking?
@Shmiddty your blood pressure
@david no, he's github.com/darkyen
@KendallFrey how high do I have to get it before I die?
@Abhishrek ah, that other Abhishek contributed to an npm module we are using that had a bug, so was hoping you could fast track a pull request :D
@Shmiddty 9000 feet
Chances are if you share the details here
people would probably suggest you fix
@david what module?
to all devs who appreciated my js sorting simulation: I thank you guys..
direct or indirect dependency?
though I wasn't able to reply to all of you..
@SonnyRecio dear lord its spinny
also try with 16 - 1 with pot, thats a different place!
@KendallFrey It's already at ~5280ft
@KendallFrey its its over 9000?
	function reset(){
		document.body.innerHTML = "";
^ Nope
@Abhishrek well spotted
@Julix why
I'm slightly concerned about memory leak here, my setupHTML() does a lot of stuff with HTML fragments etc. -- when I overwrite the content of the body, does that lead to memory leak because the variables would be redeclared, violating singleton that they're supposed to be?
a black hole is formed.
You're still alive, consider yourself lucky.
@Julix nope JavaScript and the Browser have a very powerful thing
I call the seupHTML() function onload; do I need a different version for the reset, or is it fine to just do the same thing again?
its called a Garbage Collector
unless you reference the variable somewhere
which is still acessible from somewhere else
there won't be a memory leak
@Abhishrek haha..sorry bout that. :p
@Abhishrek nope, pretty sure they're all wrapped in a function scope... so not accessible
I'm not returning anything in the setupHTML function.
Chances are high that you don't have a memory leak
Although how are you creating the HTML ?
Just show us the function's source.
@ssube I just realized that I'm applying to where you work
> Oh, and I really want to get BioShock Infinite, and it came out in March, so they can definitely find a used copy at GameStop, which is fine. A new controller would be great too, but honestly, the one I have isn’t that bad once you’re used to how the ‘A’ button kind of sticks.”
I actually donate to toys for tots during christmas and usually a family in need
I've wanted to start a charity forever though
one that gives computers to kids
Not quite sure where to start on that one though
like in reality I'd love to give a computer to a budding programmer or someone with an affinity for computers
it's long, do I have to make a pen for it, or can I post it here? (does it auto-collapse when long?)
yeah after it's finished
	//Really dislike not having jQuery...

	//Helper function from here jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/qncEz

	function $$(elem) {
	    if (!(this instanceof $$)) {
	        return(new $$(elem));
	    } else {
	        this.elem = elem;

	$$.prototype = {
	    set: function(prop, value) {
	        this.elem[prop] = value;

	function setupHTML(){

		//variables (supposedly despite hoisting it's better to have them up top, right?)
		let h1, h2, t, button,
			makeImg, createImages, imgFragment,
> /Really dislike not having jQuery...
.... why?
because assignment
I mean why do you dislike that lol
fuck jQuery
it's really not necessary anymore
because then I wouldn't have to write a helper function :P
Whats the issue though?
jQuery is the worst library I have ever used
with jQuery you'll need to write helper functions to check if there was an error ;)
jQuery is really terrible, and it makes me want to kill myself
I killed myself twice over it
@Abhishrek then you don't experiment much. any dickhead can make a library if they want to, I'm sure there's many worse out there
@Julix actually @Abhishrek is one of the top guys in the room easily
the dude is wiked smart.
@Loktar and you resurructed after 3 days?
@Loktar I can believe that, but I don't believe jQuery is the worst he's used then. unless he doesn't experiment with sketchy stuff
@Abhishrek :P
The pic and all, just couldn't resist the urge !
@Abhishrek keep in mind that I'm quite new and thus would be making errors anyway. for example feature detection for older browsers; I've done that once manually, and it was no fun. - jQuery does that without me having to see that it does, thus increasing cross browser compatibility. I'm not just a javascript developer (in development), I'm trying to learn web dev, and that includes to a degree accommodating shit browsers and occasionally archaeological artifacts...
If you are new you should focus on Chrome Only for dev and use Shims
My problem with jQuery is its terrible way of doing things and leading you towards a sinkhole without even bothering to notify you. $('.foo').somePlugin(); doesn't work, doesn't even throw an error. Until you realize, oh whoops! You don't have .foo.
@Abhishrek Is babeljs a shim?
No, its a transpiler. It transpiles ES 6 / 7 / Whatever code to ES 5 (for the most part) or ES 6 (if you are lucky enough to be ffox/chrome only)
I'm planning to learn typescript and sass, and babel to use it on any browser
TypeScript has its own compiler, Afaik yu won't need babel with it.
Types in JS is an unforgivable sin
@Abhishrek Even if also want to use ES2015 features with that?
kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6 Holy wow, Safari 10 at 100%!
@Abhishrek yup, that's the one that I used to decide for babel (because so much green)
@manga171 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
no weeaboos allowed
I look forward to a time when I can do async await in console. Oh wait I can :D
@Abhishrek so was it webpack then that had to do with shims?
Shim is just a library which will polyfill, provide the standard API to achieve stuff across a ton of browsers
Babel is in the compiler/polyfill category, on the link that you posted.

Acoording to here http://stackoverflow.com/a/31721437/2848941
polyfills are specialized shims.

"So while shims are used for covering up old sins, polyfills are used for bringing future enhancements back in time."
ok, good
Don't get us wrong, we don't religiously hate jQuery, its just that we all used it while learning and burnt our hands. Once you try out something like React / Angular (which you should after you are through with JS), you'll see what we mean.
@Loktar Do yu play League of Legends / Dota ?
I'm get very annoyed with something, hoping yall could help
with CSS there was a bit of targeting specific web browsers (or technologies at least); if I understand correctly SASS can do that for me, right? -- or rather when it's transpiled to css, it'll be interpreted in such a way that webkit(? was it?) stuff gets filled in automatically, right?
Been running this for around a week or two, worked fine
started it up today, and now it won't work
did you forget to fire up the backend ohhh yeah?
/*Before Production Check the Following
    -Node Security Project
    -TLS or SLL
    -Add CSRF Protection Once Forms added
    -Login Rate Limiting

//Express Setup
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var router = express.Router();
var path = require('path');

//SLL Options and Setup
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
var https = require('https');
var options = {
    key: fs.readFileSync('./certificates/key.pem'),
    cert: fs.readFileSync('./certificates/cert.pem'),
Localhost just wont stop loading
And it should work, it had been working for a while before and now isn't
@Abhishrek been doing Angular (and Angular2) but only since a few weeks, and sofar the only cool thing I've done is routing child view -- the form validation was unimpressive compared with the easy to setup jQuery plugin that I tried.
does https work on localhost? i've never actually tried it
it does
i had that working for a while
jQuery does seem super impressive because of the .pluginBoom. However, try mantaining a huge application purely with jQuery vs Angular 1 (Aside: React-Redux are a total bliss here).
@Loktar any feedback on the code besides "don't be sad you can't use jQuery"?
@Abhishrek Totally understand that, once the application gets any amount of size, and especially for single page apps, which seem to be all the rage nowadays -- but not having to write document.getElementBy..... seemed awesome (until I learned about the importance of not accessing the DOM too much, and variable cashing to reduce DOM access)
jQuery is probably the best thing that happened to JS.
Any feedback on my dilema?
It's a well-written library. Something that has been worked on for years.
@littlepootis well tested. like really well. because so damn many people use it.
But the current obsession with SPAs (abbr for unusable, slow, inaccessible apps) makes it seem unnecessary.
It still has its place.
For.. you know.. usable websites.
Although there are better alternatives..
If you're using jQuery for highly interactive applications, you're doing it wrong. jQuery wasn't made for that.
@Julix yep
@littlepootis wouldn't that depend on the problem you want to solve?
of course
@littlepootis right, absolutely.
@littlepootis haha, sorry, got a bit out of sync there. :) -- yeah many problems would better be solved with something else -- while many simple problems may be solved just as well without, but not necessarily better. -- I'm not even talking jQuery plugins necessarily. just jQuery is nice and convenient and likely to be already cashed...
@littlepootis do you call facebook / gmail slow, unusable, inaccessible?
they're exceptions
right, or tipranks.com ?
@Abhishrek I think Single Page Applications have their place for sure. It's awesome not to have to reload the page everytime you just want to use a different aspect of the same page. That much Angular I have done. I enjoyed that a lot. Also promises (i.e. not having to have everything already stored in the page, like if you were using jQuery to just hide and move objects to pretend to be a SPA...) are amazing.
and those other things, what are they called again? the stream one? Observable?
> Also promises (i.e. not having to have everything already stored in the page, like if you were using jQuery to just hide and move objects to pretend to be a SPA...) are amazing.

WHat ?
I mean if you hide elements that aren't currently "in view" you could accomplish something that looks like an SPA. Like you're never navigating away -- except it would suck crazy amounts of resources having things just sitting around
@Abhishrek it's a SPA?
Inspect :P
@Abhishrek I'm not sure you want to get involved in this conversation, just leave those 2 to it :S
@littlepootis I'm going to guess that this was a hyperbole, right? like an exaggeration? obviously well written Angular2 or VueJS or React can be damn fast (i.e. not using more resources than needed to show what's currently in view, and not reloading stuff that would have to be on every page if it wasn't SPA.
React is relatively slow compared to alternatives
but I still love it
@ndugger hehe, nice. - yeah, I mean slow/fast is all quite relative. of course the measures are absolute, but the perception of slow or fast is relative.
@ndugger What would you say is the biggest difference to alternatives? why do you like it better than say Angular?
because Angular is cancer
@ndugger Angular2 then? Vue?
Slightly less cancerous
Vue is a joke
What alternative do you like then?
I don't
@ndugger ever tried preact ?
what about elm? i'm still not actually sure what elm is...
@ndugger hahaha - so it's slower... but better because the other ones suck. - beggs the question why doesn't react suck. what makes it not sucky
Tried it, but it wasn't a drop in replacement for react like they advertise so it didn't work for us
:D, same :P
stateofjs.com/2016/flavors - elm is in there, but not that popular
"both TypeScript and Elm might be having a hard time articulating their advantages to the average JavaScript developer" -- so elm is like TS?
Elm is haskellish
@littlepootis I was gonna say eeks, but then I guess TypeScript is also still a bit strange to me. JS being my first language all the others seem so weird to me still -- although having a tiny bit of TS made many of the others more accessible to me (i.e. the type stuff explicitly mattering)
@Abhishrek that's neat
But why is that a SPA?
Used lynx to browse. Click on an analytics page. Was greeted with:
> Hello, I am a java script test analytics page
> java script
@towc LOL
@Julix just wondering have you tried html input validation?
@Abhishrek you mean just HTML5 stuff? -- absolutely. I liked it, but it was a bit ugly
Cool :)
@Abhishrek I was having trouble getting the modifications that I made to the way the error messages are displayed to be consistent across browsers without jQuery -- I put a lot of work into it. So when a couple weeks later I set up jQuery with the right plugin in less than 5 minutes I was a bit upset :D
Just assuming, jQuery plugin probably disabled the API and started throwing error messages in gutters that it created.
I didn't have jQuery back then. only clean js -- was for my intro to web dev class
I think in the end I gave up on trying to modify the way it was being displayed and went with the defaults. bcitcomp.ca/students/hsloman/Comp1850/H5/form
oh no! just inspected this: it's in a table! hahaha - lol, been a while since I used a table for any kind of layout
Hi.. small computing problem
if a headphone gives 12 hour battery life when the volume is 75%. How much it could give for 100% volume?
my solution coming up as 16 hours which is wrong, obviously.
oh I think I should consider 75% as (100 + (100 - 75)) then I am getting 9.6 battery life for 100% volume.
@abhishrek what are you up to man
@Mr_Green how do you know it's linear (i.e. the more volume the more electricity in 1:1 ratio)? -- or is that simply an assumption for the sake of the calculation?
@Mr_Green 9, probably
@Julix ofcourse more volume means more energy
@littlepootis assumption or calculation?
@Mr_Green of course, but not necessarily linearly. for example heat is lost faster when a room is warmer, but the increase isn't linear, I think
hello all
how can i know whether the user clicked cancel or close button of a confirm box
@Julix not expecting that deep.. just simple calculation 75% -> 12 hours, 100% -> ?
@SRJ handle them differently?
@Mr_Green just saying: 0 % != infinite on-time. -- how much the other aspects of the machine consume matters... it's probably much more than the volume component.
0% is infinite for simple calculation
if I consider everything in detail, I should sit along with multimeter and headphone :P
and disassemble a expensive headphone..
was confused by the math for a bit too, but it's easy: 12 / (4/3) = 9 h
12/(100 / 75) How?
i'm new to the technology & struck with an issue where i built my application with Akveo's- BlurAdmin theme and whatever the request is being done in one browser automatically reflects to other systems browser where the url have been open. For example its working like Teamviewer. I have to recover this curious issue and hope you can help me in any ways.
I thing its issue with angular gulp
well, it depends on how much of the drain is due to the volume rather than everything else
how long does it last at 0?
!!afk 😴
I went like this:
battery (power) * consumption (time/power) = time;
3 pow * 10 h /1pow = 30h; /// i.e. hour per powerunit
3 pow * 10 h/1pow / 0.75 = 40 h; /// this is at 75 %
40/30 = 1.3333 -- so that's the ratio between the result and the starting point, no matter what battery is. I think the first time I did this I said 1 pow and had 13.33h/10h as a result. anyways. dividing by 0.75 is the same as multiplying by 4/3 or 1.3333 if you'd rather
@KevinB infinitely long. he said so above...
@Julix KevinB is afk: 😴
I still don't get it :(
!!afk idkw :|
good morning o/
good afternoon \o
@Mr_Green speculation
@littlepootis how'd you even find that?
@HatterisMad talking xD
sudo apt-get install magic?
$ man magic

magic -- you can't pretend to understand how it works, noone does. When you use the command, all of your problems are fixed,
somehow including hardware. How the package knows what your problems are has been the debate of many scientists
over the years. If you have no problems, you're a liar.
@Mr_Green the discharge isn't linear
check peukart effect
good morning o/
@FilipDupanović where is it morning?
umm, it's morning around Zulu
@FilipDupanović is that where you are? good morning to you then :)
@FilipDupanović I see your top tag is Django - what do you like most about it?
@Luggage yes
@david wait for 8
@Julix I was a bit heartbroken around years ago because I couldn't reuse work between projects, so I looked at what was hot at the time and it was either Rails or Django; I went with Django because they had a spec for application modules that you can independently redistribute and that's still my favorite thing about Django
uh oh
martin.kleppmann.com/2012/06/18/… - Java's hashCode is not safe for distributed (fuck that link parsing)
@FilipDupanović is it still useful?
Django? yes, I think it gets you to the chopper really fast if you have to ship to production by Friday
That's tomorrow..
@KarelG problem?
@FilipDupanović but nowadays there's more ways to achieve modularity within js, right? I have some minor experience with that in angular, but I think with ES2015 it's supposed to be quite easy too...

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