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I was using it heavily for config stuff, but switched to immutable and I'm much happier.
const [,,...args] = process.argv;
it gets the first file's path from a multifile picker
@NathanJones how are you doing it right now? Are you checking to see if a string matches a route every time you want to know where you are?
It seems like you guys already know everything there is to know about js (or programming)...what's up with that.
@rlemon I doubt youll be missing any
@Waxi we don't, but some of us have been doing this for 10+ years.
@Loktar apparently lots of people are missing BF3
I for sure had BF3 in there
will check when I get home
@Waxi if you hang around long enough you get to pick up some a few things
sucks for them @rlemon
I have all my games still
I think it's just a random witch hunt. "wait guys!!! I had battlefront ultimate edition, I know I did!"
@Loktar did you read the conversation between dude and the EA reps? insane
Well I hope to be as good as some of you one day. My last job they had a few javascript developers and I can safely say yall would have blew them out of the water.
To a noob like me, it feels like the 1% has converged on this room.
@Waxi it's the chicken and the egg :p
@Waxi but join me though, i'm a fresh spawn and we can learn together
Learn we shall, water those big ole brains of ours.
> Your Game Library is Empty
lol, mhm. fuck off Origin
@Waxi most of us didn't start as JS developers.
and/or aren't primarily JS developers even today
I started off on ColdFusion
I started as a JS dev here, but I was thrown into python, arduino and some PHP
@rlemon why is throwing error "intermediate not defined"?
yeah we also do real programming
like CSS
I will try entering the codes again, but all of those were redeemed at one point and activated on Origin
this dudes case isn't even like that though
his is the case of servers being shut down
I had that with Darkspore
still was in my library but unplayable
it is illegal for them to just remove the games tho
he can still play offline
@Loktar so... how it shipped?
I dont think it is
at all @rlemon
its in all their TOSs
that's the risk/shitty thing about digital services
@ssube lol
I mean it's not right! haha
but I don't think it's illegal
What are some of the security risks of mongodb? I haven't used it before but I was just now working on implementing a new "settings" setting in one of our apps, saw that the settings were updated via a db call, and was asking my lead if we could change the schema. He goes "oh no worries, it's mongodb, just update the object clientside and it will carry-through." Isn't that kinda... risky? I feel like anybody could just upload, like, whatever, to our mongodb server
@Loktar people put illegal shit in TOS all the time, IANAL but just because something is in a TOS doesn't mean it is legally binding
if all of my origin games are actually gone I'll probably be pretty pissed. that's a decent chunk of change for some of those games.
@rlemon if it were illegal I think a lot of companies would have been in deep shit already
like Amazon
@Loktar you'd think that
they've gone and removed books retroactively from kindles
you know those signs "we are not responsible for your car" in parking garages.
they are, those signs mean jack shit in court
I haven't read a book in over a year now
@rlemon different thing entirely though
yes, but it is a good example of people putting detouring things to not have you even attempt to lay blame.
@rlemon "I do not own this video"
> By downloading and buying this game, you agree not to sue if we just take it away from you
Yeah, seems flimsy. You bought it, you own it
except you don't
it does, but that's the way it is
you don't own it at all
you own a license to play it
which they can revoke at any time
So can I revoke my money from them at anytime?
when digital store fronts shut down why dont they get sued?
they dont allow you to just download everything for free
dunno if I set this jsfiddle up right, but if I did maybe someone can help me figure out why I'm getting this TypeError when I run (an admittedly far less barebones version) this:

It claims that 'BreakOutGame.GameSettings is not a constructor' ...
@SterlingArcher Did you give them your money, or a license to use your money?
you just lose access to all the licenses
I'm gonna start giving out licenses to money from now on
That's called credit
I'm taking it back
Once you go red you never go black
lol I'm playing poker at work
poker? I only just met 'er
How do you meet people from an attic
Don't answer that
@SterlingArcher I met you, didn't I?
> New treasures from old attics.
@SterlingArcher I don't actually meet real people, I only get loftcore porn
@Jhawins I'm using withRouter now
> omg, higher, oh yes, give me that attic
@NathanJones I think needing to access the router at all is the XY issue
You should never need to except in maybe some weirder uses
@SterlingArcher it's why I advocate for gog
if it's on gog you should buy it there.
No DRM, download copy, do whatever
upload to cloud storage somewhere.
share with your friends!
like hubiC
gog is the best digital gaming platform by far, it's only drawback are people who love steam drm I guess
@Jhawins i'm using it to check if the to prop is the active link
const isActive = this.props.router.isActive(to);
@Loktar GoG's interface and stuff sucks compared to Steam.
@ssube oh yeah client wise steam beats it for sure
Selection, buying, playing, the lot
@NathanJones Oh lol well yea that's totally valid.....
I misunderstood, ignore me
idk selection/playing/buying is fine to me personally
Steam is better for AAA stuff and GoG is better for old stuff, IMO
playing is dead simple, I dont need some stupid DRM client to allow me to play :p
I just install and run a shortcut
@ssube eh there are plennty of new AAA games on gog
@Loktar most Steam games use the classic DRM, which is two env vars :P
Dying light is an example
Witcher 1-3
they used to, last I worked with anything related to their stuff, have two DRM schemes
one was very simple and meant to be easily broken, which most games use, and one was somewhat more secure for AAA titles (Portal 2 and Skyrim used it first)
yeah on gog you dont need to break anything
because it's yours
when you see those universal steam loaders that take an INI file with the game ID and some secret value, that's all you need to load up the simpler type, which is pretty nice
Kinda embarrassed how poorly I write my code.
I mean it's easy to steal games too, but I'd rather not have to deal with any of that
they built in a workaround for when Steam goes away
@Loktar I don't necessarily agree with DRM, I just really appreciate that they made it easy to work around.
@ssube I doubt its easy for any steamworks game
since they are heavily integrated
if steam goes away those will be dead
not sure. The second type is broken, afaik, it's just not as trivial to do.
Took me more than 2 hours to come up with something that works for me, jsfiddle.net/vngk8tny , I should just throw in the towel on my career lol.
@ssube you see the valve announcements?
like the DS4 becoming a steam controller
pretty cool stuff
@Loktar nah, I don't follow much of that anymore.
ah, yeah it was their yearly conference this week
oh gross, the PS controller?
samsung tvs will have steam link built in
those are the worst controllers ever made
the ps4 controller is fantastic
touchpad, gyro
the thumbsticks are too short, the whole thing is far too small, and the buttons are much harder to hit
the touchpad and gyro are used in like 4 games and are a horribly immersion-breaking gimmick
for steam it's perfect
Until Dawn was almost unplayable because of the touchpad sequences
you can control the mouse, and the touchpad has location aware button presses
I already use mine that way for my windows tablet
@Loktar but with gog can i message my steam friends from within the game? 🎤💧
plus all the PS controllers are so small that my fingers overlap on the bottom, so that ruins it for me 100%
@KendallFrey sure add it as a non steam game
they're so small you can't even get a good grip
@ssube "giant problems"
I heard you're almost 7 ft
lol, not even
6'4", tops
I'm 5'7"
controller is perfect for me lol
Sony making controllers for their Asian hands. Clearly you should be playing Xbone.
I'm just a few bits taller than Adam
@ssube phrasing
the xbox controller is nice too though, I don't have a real preference
huh, @rlemon and @Loktar, GMG just sent out their flyer. Buy Civ 6 and get BF1 or Dishonored 2 for $37.43
@Loktar it's larger, heavier, and has longer sticks.
damn, that's pretty badass
He's got an inch on me
I've played Overwatch on both and do so much better on the xbone.
I want dishonored 2
I think the xbone elite controller is pretty awesome
but that price..,....
I want the elite controller. Just have the blue/black gradient semi-nice one now, with the different trigger weights.
@ssube Peasant
I wish the steam controller had interchangable pads like that
I want a gamecube controller to use for xbox
The light/full-pull right trigger and hard/long-pull left trigger is super nice.
@komali_2 my PC is in the basement and too far away.
yeah the customization options are pretty sweet
Worst controller of all-time has to be the N64.
@Loktar oh, the normal nice controllers have better triggers already.
I just can't justify $150 on it, thats the price of a decent flight stickl
@Waxi that was my favorite for sure.
better than the stock controller (heavier, different sticks and triggers), not as expensive as the elite
nice didn't realize
I assumed they were the same just fancy colors
me too, then it showed up
@Loktar You crazy man...that thing never felt good in the hands. The middle handle always threw me off.
although I want to get a wheel for Forza now
@Waxi yeah idk it was the most comfortable controller I ever used lol
Those shadow controllers are dope.
the virtual boy controller is really comfortable as well
not just saying that to look hipster
the grips were really nice
That doesn't look comfortable at all.
@SterlingArcher yours and a friends actually!
It's the only way to beat level 21
Alright we gotta get back to back, now inseeeerrrrttttt
> Grab a friend and WHAT?!
:33494173 is that a thing you do often?
Only on tuesdays
@Loktar I'm tempted to get one of these.
I've been playing FH3 with the clutch and really need a wheel to make it better.
hah that looks badass, I've thought about it but I never play racing games... although with that I bet I would lol
I was looking at the logitech one, g27
most of them only come with two pedals, like you're some kind of casual North American Toyota driver
oh, that g27 has all three and a shifter
@Loktar This is how controllers should be designed:
@KendallFrey you get one yet?
hah, yeah I'm excited for those
@Loktar one what
a driving wheel
I have a DFGT
fuck I am being chat throttled so hard, I need to calm down I guess lol
supposedly the noob option, but I find it great
ooh nice, didn't realize, I should have though since I know you love racing sims
oh my god, @rlemon go to 40 seconds now
Having buttons on the wheel is so nice, I don't think I could get a g27
Wait for the bench press
the first video!!@!!!
Wait what
no shit, no joke at all, thats Jacob haha this happened like idk, 4 years ago
that was my sister in laws wedding, my wife is in it too
I remember this
The one who fell?
it's been posted on reddit before
lol omg
my wife is in the very back left
and my son is the little dude in front
wth happened
@Loktar you're semi-famous
^ lol yep I posted it a while bcak because it's hilarious
no really what was he doing
did he pass out?
boo, @KendallFrey yea
he locked his knees, it happens all the time in the military
my nephew fainted at my cousins wedding. wedding fainting is a fairly common thing
locking your knees makes you pass out?
heat + locked knees + heavy suit
@BenCraig yep
wtf @SterlingArcher watching your random video and seeing my family
fucking stalker m8 :p
@Loktar does he know he's a meme now?
you should send him the fail vid
yeah I just posted it on FB tagged a bunch of people
Jacob has already been the top of reddit so he is like meh
hes like, dad it's boring being internet famous now for real
^ joking, he doesnt know yet
@Loktar I just wanted to show @rlemon the crazy bench press guy lol
he doesn't care about reddit, hes a voat kid
> son, I went through your browser history.. we need to talk.
"dad, I swear, that porn was a virus"
> ohh I don't care about the porn, we need to talk about this 9chan shit....
a virus that makes your pants fall down
no, the virus made him scared
and that is what made his pants fall off. GOD MOM!
I love that video so much, or that sound clip rather
sometimes Viruses just scare the pants off you
the moms voice does it for me
@BenCraig I was always told that the blood can't come back up and pools in your feet, but I'm pretty sure that's not entirely true.
she sounds like a cartoon character
plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7337 can you guys get this thing to work? (requirejs webstorm plugin)
also evenings all \o
fun fact, in space they sometimes wear suspenders on their feet to prevent their pants from falling up
> Dad i'd rather just confess to the porn
@Wes since both require and webstorm are pretty obsolete, I wouldn't hold out hope.
@Loktar awww the fb shoutout <3
also the IDEA family of editors just don't work properly, period
@SterlingArcher yeah dude I gotta give credit
@Loktar is it bad that when you pointed out your kid I saw your wife in the background and knew it was her?
It's like we're fam, fam.
webstorm isn't obsolete at all
but I dislike it too
hahah you for real recognized her?
@ssube webstorm obsolete?
I mean that's not bad, but they did her hair so damn weird for that wedding
Yeah dude you post all the time on facebook :P
I hardly recognized her lol
I seen't it
yea, webstorm can't edit modern text files. :)
I am trying to find a hyperlink with a class of rcpColorBox but with a data-colorhex value: var colorCode = $('.rcpColorBox').data("colorhex"); how do i look for #FFFFFF for example?
once you called it out I could recognize cat
I wouldn't tell her that though LOL
@Mosho it's broken and they don't fix it
the JS hinting has always been broken, though
don't matter, not obsolete
I've turned her face into JB, so I should be able to spot her in a crowd.
JS hinting is pretty flawless in vscode
i tried literally everything, webstorm has the best js autocomplete. it's not perfect, but the best
@JoJo and you're getting rgba?
the IDEA family has awful autocomplete
i just want to get the other data element on that link called data-customcolorid
but I need to find the link first by data-colorhex
@ssube tell me one that is better than that. tried atom, sublime, vscode already
.className[data-colorhex] ?
you want an attribute selector?
Atom, Sublime, and VScode all work better than webstorm (and crash less).
yes on a data-element
also you probably didn't set it correctly - i didn't set it correctly too, at first
your right
even netbeans or eclipse is better than IDEA or webstorm
@JoJo so viola! you're set then
@ssube what's last webstorm version you tried?
I use MS Expression Blend.
i dunno Im confused still lol
@Wes not the one that came out this week, the one before that. We have site licenses.
@JoJo make a demo then
I need to select data-colorid: <a class="rcpColorBox" href="#" title="MintGreen" data-colorhex="#15ac6c" data-colorid="5" data-defaultcolor="false" style="background-color:#15ac6c; width:19px;height:19px;" tabindex="-1"><span style="width:12px;height:12px;">#15ac6c</span></a>

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