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I'm laughing more than I should at that video frey.
How can I serialize an object to a JS statement? So it would result in a string containing { a: 1 } instead of { 'a': 1 }?
i don't understand
That's a pretty old meme
@OliverSalzburg they're equivalent
@phenomnomnominal I know, but that doesn't answer my question :P
@OliverSalzburg JSON.stringify(obj);
@Waxi That would result in the "instead of" case
@OliverSalzburg Oh sorry, my reading comprehension is terrible.
@OliverSalzburg you iterate the object and recursively build your string
No better way AFAIK
@MadaraUchiha :(
Oh well
@OliverSalzburg Couldn't you do JSON.stringify(obj) then go through the string removing '' or is that too ghetto?
I wish false.toString() was ''
@Waxi That probably also works
@KevinB That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
But then you need to parse it.
wait, what?
This is a bad idea
Which is probably a very bad idea
you'll end up removing the quotation marks for actual strings, then
@Waxi Yeah, well, some of the properties could contain - and then I wouldn't want to remove the quotes. Dunno. I'm actually trying to solve a non-issue and if there isn't a trivial solution, then I won't touch it
@KevinB nah
Just don't do this. Why are you trying to do this?
I love Lisp
Just building it correctly from the ground up would probably be better
you live losp
I'm calling C functions from Lisp.
@FlorianMargaine why are there so many different language variants of lisp? Clojure, racket, other nonsense, etc
@ndugger they have wildly different features
@ndugger I have a configuration file that is basically module.exports = { foo: "bar" };. That file is loaded, modified and then written back with JSON.stringify and then all the properties are wrapped in quotes (boo)
But they're all lisp, right?
Because Common Lisp is a spec, not a language
@ndugger the syntax is the same, but that stops there. The concepts, the functions, everything is different
In case that question was directed at me :P
they're lisp dialects
what lisp dialect do you generally use?
if we say "Lisp", it's usually "Common Lisp", aka a specific one
@OliverSalzburg at least it's still valid javascript, :p sounds like what you really want is a .json file rather than a .js module.
Differences between different lisp implementations are like the differences between JavaScript and ActionScript
@ndugger me? Common Lisp
@MadaraUchiha no
but Madara just said that common lisp is a spec
I need help
@ndugger it is
It's a spec and an implimentation?
there are many implementations of ES2015, right?
I'm a beginner at lisp, don't listen to me
v8, spidermonkey, chakracore
I'm making most of it up as I go along
@KevinB Yeah, but the template has comments in it and JSON doesn't allow comments. I don't care about the comments in the resulting config, I just think it would "nicer" if the output was more similar to the input
So, Common Lisp is its own implementation of the Common Lisp language spec?
@ndugger no, Common Lisp is a language specification.
the implementation I'm most often using is sbcl
No, Common Lisp is a specification for a dialect of Lisp
Ohhhhh.... that was confusing
but really, I could be using ccl or abcl or cmucl or ecl...
Fuckers gonna make me look up Lisp and add one more to my list of things I'll never fully understand.
@FlorianMargaine wouldn't you say that clojure is to common lisp what ActionScript is to JavaScript?
@MadaraUchiha no, because ActionScript is an implementation of the ES3 spec too
Look up Lisp, stuck on Polish notation...thanks guys!
I've been considering looking into Clojure
@ndugger Do you know any functional language?
@MadaraUchiha Nope
@ndugger Look into one
suggestions? Or is Clojure as good as any?
@ndugger I'd start with a functional library in JavaScript (because you know the syntax and reading the examples would be easier)
that's fair
But after that, it's up to you. @BenjaminGruenbaum would tell you that Clojure is nice, @FlorianMargaine will tell you that Common Lisp is, and BartekBanachewicz would tell you that Haskell is.
I kinda wanna play with Clojurescript, see how that works out
You can also try Scala
@ndugger Rambda looks interesting
Haskell is supposedly hard
(Functional library for JS)
Haskell is to functional what Java is to OO
It's pure.
@ndugger Only because programming is hard
your mum is hard
@ton.yeung Yeah, yeah
rambda? jesus is that like a double arrow function or something lol
@ndugger what
Programming is easy as shit, don't confuse the children
@SterlingArcher No, that's a lambda expression.
@SterlingArcher just what they use in China
Rambda is a JS library that gives you currying and stuff
Rambda is that muslim holiday where they go to the big black box
@ndugger That's Ramadan
same thing
@ndugger that's a pretty racist thing to say. Please avoid.
It is not
Muslim isn't a race, first of all
@ndugger It kinda is. And please please let's not start this argument.
What? Muslim is not a race.
You're using the word wrong
I don't think it means what you think means
This conversation went places
Are you able to pass additional arguments to commands within a package.json?
@corvid such as "foobar": "node foo bar 123"?
@ndugger it is bigoted and possibly xenophobic
you don't need to split hairs because someone told you it was offensive for the wrong reason
@corvid Yes
@ndugger it's also just straight up ignorant
I thought xenophobic referred to aliens
With -- before any custom elements
npm test -- my arguments here
Everyone needs to settle down, it was a joke
yea I don't care about the joke
I do care that people misuse racist like it is going out of style
When xenomorphs prove to be real, we're really gonna have to talk about the definition of xenophobia
@rlemon It wasn't me, I was arguing that what I said wasn't racist
yea I was just pointing out what it was
TIL religion === race.
it seemed wrong to reply to the others tho
I am of the Christian race from the great country of Jesus-stan
TIL idgaf :D
@Loktar in at least one case that is true with a ==
plis don't offend me
Jew is a people and a religion
I win
We've been throwing around the term 'cross reference' when we connect records that share a common value. Is that correct usage of the term?
Let's not have this discussion, please.
@MadaraUchiha why? we've moved on from racism and are now talking about religions that are also a people
@ton.yeung "Jew" isn't anything afaik, besides a short form
so it could denote both?
@Waxi I understand cross reference as an object a that holds a reference to object b that in turn holds a reference to object a.
Similar to a parent-child DOM nodes that have references to each other.
(via .firstChild and .parentNode)
@MadaraUchiha Ok you worded it better than I did, but yeah that's what we're doing. Just wanted to make sure we're not saying the wrong shit.
@ton.yeung I understood that you could be Jewish (follow Judaism) or you could be Jewish (born from Jewish parents)
you don't call a christian a christianity-ian
@ton.yeung Muslim refers to someone who follows the religion of Islam. Jewish doesn't necessarily mean they follow the religion
Can confirm
Am none religious Jew.
like someone can be a Pakistani Muslim, or a Pakistani Christian :p
@MadaraUchiha I've always understood "jew" to be a derogatory term until I heard you/benji/ben say it
how does that work?
it is pure tonality?
It's really a matter of how you define yourself.
@rlemon Just a shorthand for Jewish
@MadaraUchiha good to know. Over here (thanks Hollywood) it is "rude" to call a Jewish person a "Jew" to his face
it's like that other n word.. nark
A Jew is someone that's Jewish
@rlemon Really depends on the tone
"Go away, Jew" implies that I'm being driven away because I'm Jewish
@rlemon it's like the word "gay". Not offensive until you make it so.
you can't very well say "Go away, Jewish" now can you?
@ton.yeung Oriental is the derogatory term, everything else is shorthand imo.
@KendallFrey that's so gay.
@Loktar that's so SEAL
quite homosexual
I understand tonality, I'm just pointing out that it is shunned upon here (maybe very local to my peers?)
@FlorianMargaine SEAL?
oooh nm
the comic right?
@rlemon vOv there's no real shorthand in Hebrew, so we don't really have this problem here :D
@ton.yeung The more I know, thank you sir.
As for your question about being a Buddhist Jew
such a thing exists?
It depends on who you're asking.
My father would say that his brother is Jewish, because he was born to a Jewish mother, and was circumcised.
> My word, Jane! The garden's looking very homosexual this morning.
My uncle would never identify as Jewish (they're "closer to nature" or some bullshit like that).
@MadaraUchiha as in don't wear clothes? XD
I guess to each their own, I don't really care.
Jews are special because they fall under ethnoreligious...quite interesting stuff.
@KendallFrey No, not that close
or dolphin-assisted water birthing?
fukn lol
The entire community is vegetarian, they're all really laidback, work the land, etc.
It's a nice fullfilling life that would drive me insane within 0.03 days.
But that's beside the point.
@Loktar yeah, and the army unit in USA
@ton.yeung Very close to that, yes.
Only, from what I can observe, minus the child and women abuse.
So there's that.
@MadaraUchiha are we talking about the Amish?
Ah I wasn't sure if it was that or some other religion
!!youtube amish paradise
seems pretty fucked up to talk about one religion in that way
than say another which practices honor killings, and has a horrible track record with womens rights.
Spiritual != Religious
I mean if we can't be offensive to one, lets try not to be to any?
oh the hue manatee
@Loktar Religion is some genius invention by someone who wanted an easy way to control a bunch of people
@Loktar seems pretty fucked up to talk about one religion in that way shun away talk about muslims but be okay with everyone else.
@MadaraUchiha then lets not get butt hurt when someone says something about Islam.
@rlemon thank you! :P
exactly my point
I always thought religion to be a guidebook for how to have good morals...but how twisted that has become.
@Loktar Oh, I'm not butthurt over anything.
cept last night
well I don't mean you in particular
@rlemon Your mom says hi
but people seemed to dog pile on @ndugger a bit
@MadaraUchiha you still got pegged.
I win
it means i love you
@Waxi Yeah, I mean, look at Jesus
Disregarding everything that happened in Christianity down the line
Jesus was a simple guy, with lots of myths around him, he was kind to the homeless and the whores, he preached for love and kindness
@Loktar I did, and I would've done it for every other religion too, but everyone has gone in a clusterfuck like every time someone mentions religion, so fuck it
@Loktar people just love to pile on me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but also, time to go home
His ideas caught on, and then people with less pure intentions took it into their own hands
Jesus was a friend of mine :claps: hey hey hey Jesus was a friend of mine
@FlorianMargaine there is just a double standard
aaaaaand now Sherly from community is stuck in my head
Even the Quran agrees Jesus was a pretty good guy
My point here being: Religion isn't necessarily bad, and people like to be part of a herd (it's a survival instinct)
!!youtube community jesus was a friend of mine
It's when you justify you being an asshole to others based on your religion that's the problem.
I don't know if I identify with anything yet, but my girlfriend has asked me to go with her to church a few times and they are Christian and I can honestly say what they preach is really good. They just want people to be loving and understanding. It's a shame bad apples ruin it for everyone else.
jesus christ is my not even gonna go there
who does?
Who is perfect in here?
@Loktar no, I'm saying I have the same standard for everyone
@Waxi I have serious problems with blindly believing anything that has absolutely zero basis in observable evidence.
I can't get behind religion, I can however get behind spirituality. the fuck does it matter to me what you think?*
@rlemon Exactly
It's like that homosexuality discussion
*assuming you don't do shitty things to me on behalf of your belief system
Why the hell do you care where another grown man puts their penis in?
@MadaraUchiha Including P != NP?
@MadaraUchiha Doesn't their bible count for something? It didn't manifest itself.

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