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@Cerbrus Each
@BenFortune Lame
if you like physical books
all a penny
well, not all
but a LOT of them
About 50%
their storefront shows 330,000 items
so that is a lot of cheap books
@rlemon For the mod and tank it's like £90 here, got anything cheaper? :P
@BenFortune just order from fasttech
books are for nerds
he says, at his computer, logged into a programming chat.
gdm or lightdm ??
someone decide for me
Gnome is too clunky
so what DE should I use ? :P
(minimal > anything else for this application)
all I need a de for is opening a browser... unless I don't?
@rlemon openbox
EMACS (just ask @Zirak)
@MadaraUchiha no, it's me who ran emacs as DE :D
Oo, forgot about fluxbox
openbox is basically the successor of fluxbox
Used to use fluxbox/blackbox when I ran game servers
okay, let me lay out my requirements.
I have to run Ubuntu
I have to launch an Electron application as the GUI and full screen it
I have to have touch support (dont' think that is a concern unless it is a really shitty DE?)
obviously I don't need Unity
3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@rlemon openbox
why do you constantly ignore me?
but the device is powerful enough that keeping it isn't a concern other than I don't want too
is it because I'm french?
@FlorianMargaine I'm not, I'm just making sure you understand the requirements
yeah ok, that's because I'm french
eff you, fake french wannabe
My favorite DE so far is XFCE
bro, I'm native. We don't like the french that are here
those jerks were not kind to us
De quoi parlez-vous?
@JacqueGoupil de connards
@FlorianMargaine ^^
someone give me a quick heads up in history, did France conquer and colonize Canada at some point?
New France (French: Nouvelle-France) was the area colonized by France in North America during a period beginning with the exploration of the Saint Lawrence River by Jacques Cartier in 1534 and ending with the cession of New France to Spain and Great Britain in 1763. At its peak in 1712 (before the Treaty of Utrecht), the territory of New France, also sometimes known as the French North American Empire or Royal New France, extended from Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains and from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. The territory was divided into colonies, each with its own administration: Canada...
Q: XKCD integration broken in new mobile chat

Florian MargaineSince the interface is not beta anymore, let's open a bug that's bothered me for a while :-) The xkcd onebox isn't responsive at all. Half of the comic will be too far on the right. Probably a small css fix! Cheers,

@MadaraUchiha Finally! I like it.
@FlorianMargaine +1
damn, too bad they never did anything
@FlorianMargaine Congrats on your meta 1k
so I'll forever be the guy that pushed Florian over 1k, hooray
now do me
after dinner
I'm pretty close to 1337 rep, finally
on main
@ndugger I'll make sure to graciously upvote you when it happens <3
@ndugger ಠ_ಠ
I'll keep the mom joke to myself
No, I want to stay at 1337
@ndugger I know~ <3
I'll have to downvote a lot of people to stay at 1337
!!afk standup
@ndugger I'l award you a 500 bounty :D
you bastard
oh god, my abs are freaking killing me
@FlorianMargaine "Probably a small css fix!" So it'll only take a couple of years until it's implemented
so I installed xfce (don't get your panties in a twist Florian, I'm just checking them out) and all I get after a reboot is a blank desktop
nothing else.
@rlemon no menu bars at all?
can you run the XFCE config tool?
@Maurice Yeah it crashed my Chrome too lol
@ssube how?
can't even seem to figure out how to launch a terminal
ctrl + alt + t does nothing
@rlemon Right click?
does nothing
Sounds like something's wrong.
I can move the mouse and change tty's
!!nudge 14
@MadaraUchiha Nudge #1 registered.
it sounds like xfce didn't actually load
@rlemon ctrl+alt+f1
$ sudo apt-get install kdm
$ sudo apt-get install xfce4
new login screen
lol just leave the whole GUI
how does that fix the gui?
I mentioned I can switch tty's
You said can't get to the terminal
I was like here just abandon the whole GUI lol
@rlemon "new" login screen? not the normal one?
@ssube nope
looked all xfce like
xfce shouldn't replace your login screen
@rlemon Ohh didn't see this
well, it did :/
or kdm did?
at least, I've never had that happen on centos
fuck. I don't even know if this thing will boot from the USB
kdm seems more likely for that.
damn industrial embedded shit
Does the login screen give you an option for the WMs?
@rlemon can you just switch ttys then do a startx
Or what are you even trying to do. Sorry I have no context
@jhawins that appears to start up unity
or ??
I need a minimal DE for Ubuntu
ALL I need to do is open a terminal and run an Electron application
it sounds like KDM didn't select the right WM
@ssube maybe
or just screwed up everything
I'm going to just start from a fresh image
KDM without KDE seems a bit odd
@rlemon What's the command for xfce
I heard a box running Windows 7 has a limit of 20 users accessing it. Any truth to that?
aaaaand screw it I'm downloading xubuntu
My web server is running on a Windows 7, and the IT told me this limitation might prevent people from accessing my pages and shit.
@Waxi That's for the network sharing stuff
Not webservers
> My web server is running on a Windows 7
@rlemon yp
@Loktar read like the 5-6 messages under that ping
then fix my code
@rlemon uninstall all the display managers
@Waxi windows 7 does not run a server network stack
running a web server from a home OS is going to do some weird stuff, firewall or open connection or file handle-wise
@rlemon and put this in your bashrc
[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx
you'll just have the tty at boot
2 mins ago, by rlemon
aaaaand screw it I'm downloading xubuntu
login, and X will start
@BenFortune the 'a' is annoying me:D
!!should I make another coffee
@rlemon Yes, absolutely
good girl
!!should @rlemon also make me a coffee?
@BenFortune No
What a skank
My computer is Windows 7, where I originally had WampServer running. I expressed my concern to IT that if my computer dies, so does everything else. They provided me a virtual machine that is running Windows 7. I installed WampServer on there and moved my files. They mentioned this 20 user limit thing and how it might affect me. They want to give a proper server OS, but not until I run into connectivity issues. Thoughts?
!!should all the guys give me some bucks?
@Maurice Probably
@MadaraUchiha nudge
@Waxi is this an internal application, or an external client application like a website
@KevinB Everything is internal
Ah. well, then I'd be a little less concerned about it than if it were some outwardly facing app
@Waxi is there a question?
I wasn't concerned at all until they tried scaring me with their 20 users max. I don't even know how that applies to what I'm doing, but ok...I'll keep using 7 then.
@FlorianMargaine The question was is it true that this "20 user limit" for Windows 7 would affect my serving of pages...
I would think they meant more along the lines of traffic, but putting a number on users seems a bit odd for that metric. unless they meant user accounts on the machine.
@rlemon idk man
I need a runnable example
I'm at work working :p
@KevinB it's related to open TCP connections
Ah, that makes more sense then.
not sure if it's just outgoing or includes incoming, but it would make sense, because windows 7's network stack is not set up for servers
yeah, microsoft voluntarily puts a limit on the number of connections a server can receive, so that you buy windows server if you need a server
@FlorianMargaine also so you don't run a server off of the super-secure, super-stable 7 home...
@ssube it's an internal thing he's talking about, nobody cares about secure/stable
Nobody here is familiar with web servers so they don't really know how to handle my special needs. They already expressed their concern that I'm a rogue developer not under their IT umbrella. @BenFortune Thank you.
!!xkcd goto
@FlorianMargaine if our internal tools are any indication, having them go down is pretty bad
yay @balpha :)
we have a super janky implementation (data load) "server" running and people freak when it crashes
@Waxi Nobody here is familiar with web servers - No, I'm hosting my stuff on a stone
"Nobody here is familiar with web servers" We had that issue when i first started here, within a year I moved all of our web stuff off the network.

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